{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "", "description": "This dataset represents the geology of the Goshen Pass Quadrangle at a 1:24,000 scale.The Goshen Pass 7.5-minute quadrangle is located in the southern half of Cedar Valley in Utah County, Utah. Cedar valley is a basin-and-range graben with limited bedrock exposed on the eastern and western boundaries of the quadrangle, and includes small hills and knobs of Mississippian to Pennsylvanian limestone and sandstone, as well as Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary rocks. Surficial geologic deposits consist of alluvial, colluvial, eolian, lacustrine, and marsh deposits. Late Pleistocene-age Lake Bonneville (30 to 13 ka) lacustrine deposits are prevalent over much of the quadrangle, and include deposits from a potentially ~18 ka Cedar Valley Lake (isolated from Lake Bonneville). Holocene eolian deposits cover approximately 15 square miles (~39 km2) of the quadrangle. On the east side of the quadrangle, the East Cedar Valley fault zone is a Quaternary expression of basin-and-range normal faulting.", "summary": "", "title": "GoshenPass_GeologicStructureLines", "tags": [], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "Program Manager: Grant C. Willis (UGS)\nProject Manager: Donald L. Clark (UGS)\nGIS and Cartography: Adam P. McKean and Rosemary I. Fasselin (UGS)\nGeology review: Donald L. Clark, Grant C. Willis, Kimm Harty, Stephanie Carney, and Mike Hylland (UGS) and Eric Christiansen (Brigham Young University)\nGIS and Cartographic review: Kent D. Brown (UGS)\nFunding: U.S. Geological Survey, STATEMAP award number G17AC00266 (2017-2018)", "licenseInfo": "" }