Hurricane_CrossSectionLines (3266)
| Cross section, A-A' |
| Cross section, B-B' |
| Cross section, C-C' |
| Cross section, D-D' |
| Cross section, E-E' |
Hurricane_GeologicSymbols (55)
| Adit |
| Bedding, horizontal, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, photo-interpreted |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) |
| Drill hole, dry hole |
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Fault, dip |
| Fault, rake |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, plunge arrow |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Gravel pit |
| Joint, inclined |
| Joint, vertical |
| Mine or quarry |
| Oil seep |
| Prospect |
| Sample |
| Shaft |
| Sinkhole |
| Spring |
| Volcanic cone, cinder |
Hurricane_GeologicUnits_leaders (56)
| Leader line |
Hurricane_GeologicStructureLines (57)
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
Hurricane_GeologicLines (58)
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, thrust, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, well located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
Hurricane_Joints (59)
| Joint, well located |
Geologic Units (60)
StGeorge_CrossSectionLines (3264)
| <all other values> |
| A-A' |
| B-B' |
Virgin_SantaClara_HistoricRiverChannels (3263)
| <all other values> |
| SantaClaraRiver_1976 |
| SantaClaraRiver_1993 |
| SantaClaraRiver_2003 |
| SantaClaraRiver_2006 |
| SantaClaraRiver_2009 |
| VirginRiver_1984 |
| VirginRiver_1993 |
| VirginRiver_2000 |
| VirginRiver_2004 |
| VirginRiver_2009 |
StGeorge_GeologicUnits_leaders (44)
| <all other values> |
| Leader lines |
StGeorge_GeologicStructureLines (43)
| <all other values> |
| Anticline, Upright, Concealed |
| Anticline, Upright, Well Located |
| Syncline, Upright, Concealed |
| Syncline, Upright, Well Located |
StGeorge_GeologicSymbols (42)
| <all other values> |
| Bedding, horizontal, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, vertical, field measured |
| Dinosaur Tracks |
| Drill hole, dry hole |
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, plunge arrow |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Gravel pit |
| Joint, vertical |
| Mine or quarry |
| Pit |
| Sample, option 2 |
| Spring |
StGeorge_GeologicLines (41)
| <all other values> |
| Contact, Well Located |
| Normal Fault, Approximately Located |
| Normal Fault, Concealed |
| Normal Fault, Well Located |
| Quadrangle Boundary |
Geologic Units (40)
| <all other values> |
| 1_Qal1_Stream alluvium |
| 2_Qat2_Alluvial-terrace deposits, level 2 |
| 3_Qat3_Alluvial-terrace deposits, level 3 |
| 4_Qat4_Alluvial-terrace deposits, level 4 |
| 5_Qat5_Alluvial-terrace deposits, level 5 |
| 6_Qato_Older alluvial-terrace deposits |
| 7_Qag_Alluvial gravel beneath lava flows |
| 8_Qao_Older alluvial deposits |
| 9_Qafo_Older alluvial-fan deposits |
| 10_Qap_Pediment-mantle deposits |
| 11_Qes_Eolian sand deposits |
| 12_Qmt_Talus deposits |
| 13_Qms_Landslide deposits |
| 14_Qac_Mixed alluvial and colluvial deposits |
| 15_Qae_Mixed alluvial and eolian deposits |
| 16_Qaeo_Older mixed alluvial and eolian deposits |
| 17_Qca_Mixed colluvial and alluvial deposits |
| 18_Qea_Mixed eolian and alluvial deposits |
| 19_Qeao_Older mixed eolian and alluvial deposits |
| 20_Qeca_Eolian and alluvial deposits with thick calcic soil on lava flows |
| 21_Qbw_Washington lava flow |
| 22_Qbcb_Cedar Bench lava flow |
| 23_Qbl_Lava Ridge lava flow |
| 24_Qbt_Twin Peaks lava flow |
| 25_Jn_Navajo Sandstone |
| 26_Jkm_Kayenta Formation main body |
| 27_Jks_Springdale Sandstone Member of Kayenta Formation |
| 28_Jmw_Whitmore Point Member of Moenave Formation |
| 29_JTRmd_Dinosaur Canyon Member of Moenave Formation |
| 30_TRcp_Petrified Forest Member of Chinle Formation |
| 31_TRcs_Shinarump Conglomerate Member of Chinle Formation |
| 32_TRmu_Upper red member of Moenkopi Formation |
| 33_TRms_Shnabkaib Member of Moenkopi Formation |
| 34_TRmm_Middle red member of Moenkopi Formation |
| 35_TRmv_Virgin Limestone Member of Moenkopi Formation |
| 36_TRml_Lower red member of Moenkopi Formation |
| 37_TRmt_Timpoweap Member of Moenkopi Formation |
| 38_TRmr_Rock Canyon Conglomerate Member of Moenkopi Formation |
| 39_Pkh_Harrisburg Member of Kaibab Formation |
| 40_Pkf_Fossil Mountain Member of Kaibab Formation |
Peterson_GeologicSymbols (25)
| Adit |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized, Bryant, 1984 |
| Bedding, inclined, approximate |
| Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) |
| Cleavage, inclined, Bryant, 1984 |
| Cleavage, vertical |
| Fault, dip, Bryant, 1984 |
| Fault, dip, photogrammetric (3-point) |
| Foliation, inclined, map digitized, Bryant, 1984 |
| Foliation, vertical, map digitized, Bryant, 1984 |
| Gravel pit |
| Planar feature, inclined |
| Planar feature, inclined, map digitized, Bryant, 1984 |
| Planar feature, vertical, Bryant, 1984 |
Peterson_CrossSectionLines (20)
| Rule_1 |
Peterson_GeologicUnits_leaders (21)
| Rule_1 |
Peterson_GeologicLines (22)
| Bed, marker A, approximately located |
| Bed, marker B, approximately located |
| Bed, marker C, approximately located |
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, concealed |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, arete, well located |
| Crest, moraine, asymmetrical |
| Crest, moraine, symmetrical |
| Extent, pit or quarry, post 1986 |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Lineament |
| Scarp, landslide, approximately located |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
| Scarp, undefined, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, transgressional, well located |
| Vein, unmineralized, concealed |
| Vein, unmineralized, well located |
Geologic Units (23)
| 1—Qal—Stream alluvium and floodplain deposits |
| 2—Qa2?—Younger alluvium, level 2? |
| 3—Qay—Younger alluvium |
| 4—Qay?—Younger alluvium? |
| 5—Qapb—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium |
| 6—Qapb?—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium? |
| 7—Qap—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium, regressional |
| 8—Qap?—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium, regressional? |
| 9—Qab—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium, transgressional |
| 10—Qab?—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium, transgressional? |
| 11—Qao—Older alluvium |
| 12—Qao?—Older alluvium? |
| 13—Qaoe—Older eroded alluvium |
| 14—Qaoe?—Older eroded alluvium? |
| 15—Qat—Stream-terrace alluvium |
| 16—Qaf—Alluvial-fan deposits, undivided |
| 17—Qafy—Younger alluvial-fan deposits |
| 18—Qafy?—Younger alluvial-fan deposits? |
| 19—Qafp—Lake Bonneville-age alluvial-fan deposits, regressional |
| 20—Qafp?—Lake Bonneville-age alluvial-fan deposits, regressional? |
| 21—Qafb—Lake Bonneville-age alluvial-fan deposits, transgressional |
| 22—Qafb?—Lake Bonneville-age alluvial-fan deposits, transgressional? |
| 23—Qafpb—Lake Bonneville-age alluvial-fan deposits |
| 24—Qafpb?—Lake Bonneville-age alluvial-fan deposits? |
| 25—Qafo—Older alluvial-fan deposits |
| 26—Qafo?—Older alluvial-fan deposits? |
| 27—Qafoe—Older eroded alluvial-fan deposits |
| 28—Qafoe?—Older eroded alluvial-fan deposits? |
| 29—Qly—Young lacustrine deposits |
| 30—Ql—Lake Bonneville deposits, undivided |
| 31—Qlf—Lake Bonneville fine-grained deposits |
| 32—Qls—Lake Bonneville sand |
| 33—Qg—Glacial till and outwash, undivided age |
| 34—Qg?—Glacial till and outwash, undivided age? |
| 35—Qgm—Glacial till, undivided age |
| 36—Qga—Glacial outwash, undivided age |
| 37—Qga?—Glacial outwash, undivided age? |
| 38—Qgy—Younger glacial till and outwash |
| 39—Qgy?—Younger glacial till and outwash? |
| 40—Qgmy—Younger glacial till |
| 41—Qgmy?—Younger glacial till? |
| 42—Qgp—Pinedale glacial till and outwash |
| 43—Qgp?—Pinedale glacial till and outwash? |
| 44—Qgmp—Pinedale glacial till |
| 45—Qgmp?—Pinedale glacial till? |
| 46—Qgap—Pinedale glacial outwash |
| 47—Qgap?—Pinedale glacial outwash? |
| 48—Qgo—Older glacial till and outwash |
| 49—Qgo?—Older glacial till and outwash? |
| 50—Qgmo—Older glacial till |
| 51—Qgmo?—Older glacial till? |
| 52—Qgao—Older glacial outwash |
| 53—Qgao?—Older glacial outwash? |
| 54—Qgr—Rock glacier deposits |
| 55—Qgr?—Rock glacier deposits? |
| 56—Qmdf—Debris- and mud-flow deposits |
| 57—Qmdf?—Debris- and mud-flow deposits? |
| 58—Qmdfp—Lake Bonneville-age debris- and mud-flow deposits |
| 59—Qmdfo—Older debris- and mud-flow deposits |
| 60—Qmdfo?—Older debris- and mud-flow deposits? |
| 61—Qms—Landslide deposits |
| 62—Qms?—Landslide deposits? |
| 63—Qmsh—Landslide deposits, historical |
| 64—Qmsy—Landslide deposits, younger |
| 65—Qmso—Landslide deposits, older |
| 66—Qmso?—Landslide deposits, older? |
| 67—Qms(QTaf?)—Block landslide deposits |
| 68—Qms(QTao)—Block landslide deposits |
| 69—Qms(Ts)—Block landslide deposits |
| 70—Qms(Tn)—Block landslide deposits |
| 71—Qms(Tn?)—Block landslide deposits |
| 72—Qms(rx)—Block landslide deposits |
| 73—Qms?(QTaf)—Possible block landslide deposits |
| 74—Qms?(rx)—Possible block landslide deposits |
| 75—Qms?(Ts)—Possible block landslide deposits |
| 76—Qms?(Tn)—Possible block landslide deposits |
| 77—Qms?(Tn?)—Possible block landslide deposits |
| 78—Qms?(Tw)—Possible block landslide deposits |
| 79—Qms?(Xfc)—Possible block landslide deposits |
| 80—Qmso(Tn)—Block landslide deposits, older |
| 81—Qmso(Xfc)—Block landslide deposits, older |
| 82—Qmso?(Tn)—Possible block landslide deposits, older |
| 83—Qmso?(Xfc)—Possible block landslide deposits, older |
| 84—Qmc—Landslide and colluvial deposits, undivided |
| 85—Qmc?—Landslide and colluvial deposits, undivided? |
| 86—Qmt—Talus |
| 87—Qmt?—Talus? |
| 88—Qct—Colluvium and talus, undivided |
| 90—Qc—Colluvium |
| 91—Qc?—Colluvium? |
| 92—Qcg—Gravelly colluvial deposits |
| 93—Qcg?—Gravelly colluvial deposits? |
| 94—Qac—Alluvium and colluvium |
| 95—Qla—Lake Bonneville lacustrine deposits and post- and pre-Lake Bonneville alluvial deposits, undivided |
| 96—Qng—Gravel deposits |
| 97—Qmg—Mass-movement and glacial deposits, undivided |
| 98—Qmg?—Mass-movement and glacial deposits, undivided? |
| 99—Qadb—Lake Bonneville alluvial-fan and deltaic deposits, undivided |
| 100—Qh—Human disturbance |
| 101—QTa—High-level alluvium |
| 102—QTay?—High-level alluvium, younger? |
| 103—QTao—High-level alluvium, older |
| 104—QTao?—High-level alluvium, older? |
| 105—QTaf—High-level alluvial-fan deposits |
| 106—QTaf?—High-level alluvial-fan deposits? |
| 107—Qc/Qmso—Colluvium over landslide deposits, older |
| 108—Ql/Qmso—Lake Bonneville deposits, undivided over landslide deposits, older |
| 109—Ql/Qmso?—Lake Bonneville deposits, undivided over landslide deposits, older? |
| 110—Qlf/Qmso—Lake Bonneville fine-grained deposits over landslide deposits, older |
| 111—Qlf/Qmso?—Lake Bonneville fine-grained deposits over landslide deposits, older? |
| 112—Qapb/Qmso—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium over landslide deposits, older |
| 113—Qab/Qmso—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium, transgressional over landslide deposits, older |
| 114—Qms/Qa—Landslide deposits over alluvium, undivided |
| 115—Qmc/Qadb—Landslide and colluvial deposits, undivided over Lake Bonneville alluvial-fan and deltaic deposits, undivided |
| 116—Ql/Tn—Lake Bonneville deposits, undivided over Norwood Formation |
| 117—Qlf/Tn—Lake Bonneville fine-grained deposits over Norwood Formation |
| 118—Qlf/Tn?—Lake Bonneville fine-grained deposits over Norwood Formation? |
| 119—Qls/Tn—Lake Bonneville sand over Norwood Formation |
| 120—Qaoe?/Tn—Older eroded alluvium? over Norwood Formation |
| 121—Qafoe?/Tn—Older eroded alluvial-fan deposits? over Norwood Formation |
| 122—QTa/Tn—High-level alluvium over Norwood Formation |
| 123—QTaf/Tn—High-level alluvial-fan deposits over Norwood Formation |
| 124—QTaf/Tn?—High-level alluvial-fan deposits over Norwood Formation? |
| 125—Qafy/Qap—Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Lake Bonneville-age alluvium, regressional |
| 126—Qlf/Qdlg—Lake Bonneville fine-grained deposits over Lake Bonneville deltaic and lacustrine deposits, undivided |
| 127—Tcg—Unnamed Tertiary conglomeratic rocks |
| 128—Tn—Norwood Formation |
| 129—Tn?—Norwood Formation? |
| 130—Tw—Wasatch Formation |
| 131—Tw?—Wasatch Formation? |
| 132—KXc—Chloritic gneiss, cataclasite, mylonite, and phyllonite |
| 133—KXc?—Chloritic gneiss, cataclasite, mylonite, and phyllonite? |
| 134—Xfc?—Farmington Canyon Complex, undivided? |
| 135—Xfcm—Farmington Canyon Complex, Migmatitic gneiss |
| 136—Xfcgs—Farmington Canyon Complex, Gneiss and schist |
| 137—Xfcgs?—Farmington Canyon Complex, Gneiss and schist? |
| 138—Xfcp—Farmington Canyon Complex, Pegmatite |
| 139—Xfcp?—Farmington Canyon Complex, Pegmatite? |
| 140—water—water |
VernalNW_Samples (8)
VernalNW_OilGasWells (7)
| Dry Hole |
| Gas Well |
| Test Well |
| Unknown |
VernalNW_GeologicSymbols (6)
| Bedding, horizontal, map digitized |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) |
| <all other values> |
VernalNW__GeologicUnits_leaders (5)
VernalNW_CrossSectionLines (4)
| Cross section, A-A' |
| <all other values> |
VernalNW_GeologicStructureLines (3)
| Fold, monocline, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
VernalNW_GeologicLines (2)
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Contact, gradational, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
Geologic Units (1)
| |
| Jc |
| KJcm |
| Kd |
| Kf |
| Kmr |
| Kms |
| Kmv |
| Qa |
| Qac |
| Qaf |
| Qal1 |
| Qal2 |
| Qap |
| Qap1 |
| Qap2 |
| Qap3 |
| Qap4 |
| Qc |
| Qcg |
| Qh |
| Qhm |
| Qms |
| Tb |
| Tdb |
| Tdd |
| Tdl |
| Tds |
TickvilleSpring_GeologicUnits_leaders (3254)
TickvilleSpring_CrossSectionLines (3239)
TickvilleSpring_GeologicLines (3248)
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, queried |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, beach ridge, well located |
| Dike, igneous, well located |
| Fault, geophysical |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, thrust, concealed |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, well located |
TickvilleSpring_GeologicStructureLines (3249)
| Fold, anticline, overturned, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
TickvilleSpring_GeologicSymbols (3250)
| Bedding, horizontal, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, map digitized, source-B |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-C |
| Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned, map digitized, source-C |
| Bedding, vertical, field measured |
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral |
| Fold, anticline, overturned |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, plunge arrow |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Foliation, inclined, field measured |
| Foliation, inclined, map digitized, source-D |
| Foliation, vertical, field measured |
| Foliation, vertical, map digitized, source-D |
| Gravel pit |
| Locality |
| Mine or quarry |
| Prospect |
| Sample, option 5 |
| Spring |
Geologic Units (3256)
| <Null>_ls_Limestone marker bed in the Bingham Mine Formation |
| 1_Qal1_Modern stream deposits |
| 2_Qaly_Young alluvial deposits |
| 3_Qat1_Stream-terrace deposits (level 1) |
| 3_Qat2_Stream-terrace deposits (level 2) |
| 4_Qaf1_Modern alluvial-fan deposits |
| 5_Qafb_Level 2 alluvial-fan deposits |
| 6_Qafy_Young alluvial-fan deposits |
| 7_Qafo_Older alluvial-fan deposits |
| 8_Qap2_Pediment-mantle alluvium |
| 9_Qf_Artificial fill |
| 10_Qc_Colluvial deposits |
| 11_Qlgp_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Provo (regressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle |
| 12_Qlsp_Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Provo (regressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle |
| 13_Qlgb_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle |
| 14_Qlsb_Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle |
| 15_Qmsh_Historical landslide deposit |
| 16_Qmsy_Younger landslide deposits |
| 17_Qmso?_Older landslide deposit |
| 18_Qmfh_Debris-flow deposit |
| 19_Qmt_Talus deposits |
| 20_Qac_Alluvial and colluvial deposits |
| 21_Qaco_Older alluvial and colluvial deposits |
| 22_Qmtc_Talus and colluvial deposits |
| 23_Qlag_Lacustrine and alluvial coarse-grained deposits |
| 24_Qlu/Qafb_Undifferentiated deposits of the Bonneville lake cycle over level-2 alluvial-fan deposits |
| 25_Qlgb/Qafo_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle over older alluvial-fan deposits |
| 26_Qlgb/Tvby_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle over Tertiary block and ash flow tuff |
| 27_QTaf_Oldest alluvial-fan deposits |
| 28_Tvbs_Volcanic breccia of South Mountain |
| 29_Tvfs_Lava flows of South Mountain |
| 30_Tvfy_Younger lava flows |
| 31_Tvby_Younger block and ash-flow tuffs |
| 32_Trf_Rhyolite lava flows of Tickville Gulch |
| 33_Trb_Rhyolite flow breccia of Tickville Gulch |
| 34_Tvfa_Basaltic andesite lava flow |
| 35_Tir_Rhyolite plugs |
| 36_Tid_Dacite dikes |
| 37_Tia_Andesite plug |
| 38_Tisp_Rhyolite plug of Shaggy Peak |
| 39_Tism_Andesite plug of Step Mountain |
| 40_Til_Dacite plug of Lark |
| 41_Tvfo_Nepheline minette and shoshonite lava flows |
| 42_Ts_Lacustrine strata of Dry Canyon |
| 43_Tvfou_Older lava flows, undivided |
| 44_Tvbo_Older block and ash-flow tuffs |
| 45_Tibc_Sills of Butterfield Canyon |
| 46_TKc_Conglomerate |
| 47_IPou_Bingham Mine and Butterfield Peaks Formations, undivided |
| 48_IPobm_Bingham Mine Formation |
| 49_IPobp_Butterfield Peaks Formation |
| 50_IPMowc_West Canyon Limestone |
| 51_Mgbu_Great Blue Limestone, Upper limestone member |
| 52_Mgbs_Great Blue Limestone, Long Trail Shale Member |
| 53_Mgbl_Great Blue Limestone, Lower limestone member |
| 54_Mh_Humbug Formation |
| 55_Md_Deseret Limestone |
Lyman_GeologicUnits_leaders (3236)
| Leader line |
Lyman_CrossSectionLines (3224)
| Cross section, A-A' |
Lyman_GeologicLines (3231)
| <all other values> |
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Dike, clastic, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
Lyman_GeologicSymbols (3232)
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized |
| Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) |
| Dike, clastic, well located |
| Drill hole, abandoned |
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Gravel pit |
| Joint, vertical |
| Sample, tephrochronology |
Geologic Units (3233)
| 1_Qh_Artificial fill |
| 2_Qal1_Modern stream alluvium |
| 3_Qat3_Stream-terrace alluvium, level 3 |
| 4_Qat5_Stream-terrace alluvium, level 5 |
| 5_Qaly_Young stream alluvium |
| 6_Qalo_Old stream alluvium |
| 7_Qao_Old alluvial deposits |
| 8_Qaf1_Young fan alluvium |
| 9_Qaf2_Middle fan alluvium |
| 10_Qafy_Young and middle fan alluvium, undivided |
| 11_Qafo_Old fan alluvium |
| 12_Qaf_Fan alluvium |
| 13_Qc_Colluvium |
| 14_Qms_Landslides |
| 15_Qms?_Landslides? |
| 16_Qmsh_Landslides |
| 17_Qmsv_Landslide of Rabbit Valley |
| 18_Qmsv(Je)_Landslide of Rabbit Valley (Entrada Sandstone component) |
| 19_Qmsv(Jcw)_Landslide of Rabbit Valley (Winsor Member of Carmel Formation component) |
| 20_Qmsv(ls)_Landslide of Rabbit Valley (limestone component) |
| 21_Qmt_Talus |
| 22_Qac_Alluvium and colluvium |
| 23_Qaco_Older alluvium and colluvium |
| 24_Qafc_Fan alluvium and colluvium |
| 25_Qmc_Landslides and colluvium |
| 26_Qmtc_Talus and colluvium |
| 27_QTms(Tsdb)_Older landslide deposits of Tertiary sedimentary strata, Dipping Vat Formation, and Three Creeks Tuff Member of Bullion Canyon Volcanics |
| 28_Tsr_Sevier River Formation |
| 31_To_Osiris Tuff |
| 32_Tdan_Antimony Tuff Member of Mount Dutton Formation |
| 33_Tsp_Volcanic rocks of Signal Peak |
| 35_Tmm_Volcanic rocks of Mill Meadow Reservoir |
| 36_Tmm?_Volcanic rocks of Mill Meadow Reservoir? |
| 40_Je_Entrada Sandstone |
| 41_Jc_Carmel Formation, undivided |
| 42_Jcw_Winsor Member of Carmel Formation |
| 43_Jcwb_Banded subunit of the Winsor Member of Carmel Formation |
| 44_Jcwg_Gypsiferous subunit of the Winsor Member of Carmel Formation |
| 45_Jcp_Paria River Member of Carmel Formation |
| 46_Jcl_Crystal Creek and Co-op Creek Limestone Members of Carmel Formation, undivided |
| 49_Jtm_Manganese Wash Member of Temple Cap Formation |
| 50_Jn_Navajo Sandstone |
| 55_water_water |
Bicknell_GeologicSymbols (3217)
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) |
| Bedding, vertical, approximate, field measured |
| Drill hole, oil and gas well, abandoned |
| Fault, bar and ball |
| Fold, monocline |
| Gravel pit |
| Joint, vertical |
| Mine or quarry, abandoned |
| Sample |
| Sample, geochemical |
| Spring |
| Trench, paleoseismic |
Bicknell_CrossSectionLines (3207)
| Cross section, A-A' |
| Cross section, B-B' |
Bicknell_GeologicLines (3215)
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Dike, mafic, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, reverse, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Landslide longitudinal compressional ridge |
| Lineament |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
Bicknell_GeologicStructureLines (3216)
| Fold, monocline, approximately located |
| Fold, monocline, concealed |
Bicknell_GeologicUnits_leaders (3221)
| Leader line |
Geologic Units (3218)
| 1_Qal1_Modern stream alluvium |
| 2_Qat2_Stream-terrace alluvium, level 2 |
| 3_Qat4_Stream-terrace alluvium, level 4 |
| 4_Qat6_Stream-terrace alluvium, level 6 |
| 5_Qaly_Young stream alluvium |
| 6_Qalo_Old stream alluvium |
| 7_Qaf1_Young fan alluvium |
| 8_Qaf2_Middle fan alluvium |
| 9_Qafy_Young and middle fan alluvium, undivided |
| 10_Qafo_Old fan alluvium |
| 11_Qaf_Fan alluvium |
| 12_Qafb_Older fan alluvium |
| 13_Qc_Colluvium |
| 14_Qc/Tsp_Colluvium over volcanic rocks of Signal Peak |
| 15_Qes_Eolian sand deposits |
| 16_Qms_Landslides |
| 17_Qms?_Landslides? |
| 18_Qmso_Older landslides |
| 19_Qmt_Talus |
| 20_Qac_Alluvium and colluvium |
| 21_Qaco_Older alluvium and colluvium |
| 22_Qae_Alluvium and eolian sand |
| 23_Qaeo_Older alluvium and eolian sand |
| 24_Qea_Eolian sand and alluvium |
| 25_Qmtc_Talus and colluvium |
| 26_Qmtco_Older talus and colluvium |
| 27_QTms/Tsdb_Older landslide deposits of Tertiary sedimentary strata, Dipping Vat Formation, and Three Creeks Tuff Member of Bullion Canyon Volcanics |
| 28_QTms/Jc_Older landslide deposits over Carmel Formation |
| 29_Tben_Basaltic lava flows of Elsies Nipple |
| 30_Tsr_Sevier River Formation |
| 31_Tsrb_Basaltic lava flows in Sevier River Formation |
| 32_To_Osiris Tuff |
| 33_Tos_Sandstone and conglomerate associated with Osiris Tuff |
| 34_Tdan_Antimony Tuff Member of Mount Dutton Formation |
| 35_Tsp_Volcanic rocks of Signal Peak |
| 36_Tbu_Bullion Canyon Volcanics, undivided |
| 37_Tdv_Dipping Vat Formation |
| 38_Ts_Tertiary sedimentary strata |
| 39_Je_Entrada Sandstone |
| 40_Jc_Carmel Formation, undivided |
| 41_Jcw_Carmel Formation, Winsor Member |
| 42_Jcwb_Carmel Formation, Winsor Member, banded subunit |
| 43_Jcwg_Carmel Formation, Winsor Member, gypsiferous subunit |
| 44_Jcp_Carmel Formation, Paria River Member |
| 45_Jcl_Carmel Formation, Crystal Creek and Co-op Creek Limestone Members, undivided |
| 46_Jcx_Carmel Formation, Crystal Creek Member |
| 47_Jcc_Carmel Formation, Co-op Creek Limestone Member |
| 48_Jn_Navajo Sandstone |
| 49_Jk_Kayenta Formation |
| 50_Jtm_Temple Cap Formation, Manganese Wash Member |
| 51_JTRw_Wingate Sandstone |
| 52_TRc_Chinle Formation, undivided |
| 53_TRcu_Chinle Formation, upper slope former (Owl Rock Member and upper part of Petrified Forest Member) |
| 54_TRcl_Chinle Formation, lower slope former (lower Petrified Forest Member and Mossback Member) |
| 55_TRcm_Chinle Formation, Monitor Butte Member |
| 56_TRcs_Chinle Formation, Shinarump Member |
| 57_TRmm_Moenkopi Formation, undivided |
AllensRanch_leaders (3204)
| Rule_1 |
AllensRanch_CrossSectionLines (3188)
| Cross section, A-A' |
| Cross section, B-B' |
| Cross section, C-C' |
AllensRanch_Geochemistry (3189)
| Rule_1 |
AllensRanch_GeologicStructureLines (3199)
| Fold, anticline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, overturned, well located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
AllensRanch_GeologicLines (3198)
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, beach ridge, well located |
| Fault, attenuation, concealed |
| Fault, geophysical, gravity |
| Fault, geophysical, gravity, queried |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, well located |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, well located |
| Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, well located |
| Fault, thrust, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, well located |
| Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, concealed, queried |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, transgressional, approximately located |
AllensRanch_GeologicSymbols (3200)
| Sample, palynology |
| Fold, anticline, overturned |
| Sample, fossil |
| Spring |
| Drill hole, water well |
| Adit |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned, map digitized, source-B |
| Bedding, vertical, field measured |
| Bedding, vertical, map digitized, source-B |
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral |
| Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, syncline, overturned |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Foliation, inclined, field measured |
| Foliation, inclined, map digitized, source-B |
| Gravel pit |
| Prospect |
| Shaft |
Geologic Units (3201)
| 1—Qaly—Young stream deposits, undivided |
| 2—Qaf1—Level-1 alluvial-fan deposits |
| 3—Qaf2—Level-2 alluvial-fan deposits |
| 4—Qafy—Younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided |
| 5—Qafp—Alluvial-fan deposits, related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 6—Qafb—Alluvial-fan deposits, related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 7—Qafo—Older alluvial-fan deposits, pre-Lake Bonneville |
| 8—Qc—Colluvial deposits |
| 9—Qh—Fill and disturbed land |
| 10—Qls—Lacustrine sand and silt related to Lake Bonneville and Cedar Valley Lake |
| 11—Qlsp—Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 12—Qlgb—Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 13—Qlsb—Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 14—Qs—Spring deposit |
| 15—Qac—Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided |
| 16—Qlay—Lacustrine and younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided |
| 17—Qla—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided |
| 18—Qlsb/QTaf—Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over older alluvial-fan deposits |
| 19—Qlgb/Tpc—Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Pinyon Creek Conglomerate |
| 20—Qlsb/Tpc—Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Pinyon Creek Conglomerate |
| 21—Qlgb/Mgb—Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Great Blue Limestone, undifferentiated |
| 22—QTaf—Oldest alluvial fan deposits |
| 23—Tj—Jasperoid |
| 24—Tb—Mosida Basalt |
| 25—Tpc—Pinyon Creek Conglomerate |
| 26—Tpcb—Pinyon Creek Conglomerate, breccia member |
| 27—Tlsl—Laguna Springs Volcanic Group, lava member |
| 28—Tlsa—Laguna Springs Volcanic Group, tuff member |
| 29—Tsw—Soldiers Pass Formation, White Knoll Member |
| 30—Tstp—Soldiers Pass Formation, Tuff of Twelvemile Pass member |
| 31—Tsc—Soldiers Pass Formation, Chimney Rock Pass Tuff Member |
| 32—Tlr—Latite Ridge Latite |
| 33—Tpr—Packard Quartz Latite, tuff of Rattlesnake Pass member |
| 34—Tptd—Pachard Quartz Latite, tuff of Tintic Davis Canyon member |
| 35—Tplt—Packard Quartz Latite, lava flow and tuff member |
| 36—IPobp—Oquirrh Group, Butterfield Peaks Formation |
| 38—Mgb—Great Blue Limestone, undivided |
| 39—Mgbk—Great Blue Limestone, Poker Knoll Limestone Member |
| 40—Mgbc—Great Blue Limestone, Chiulos Member |
| 41—Mgbp—Great Blue Limestone, Paymaster Member |
| 42—Mgbt—Great Blue Limestone, Topliff Limestone Member |
| 43—Mh—Humbug Formation |
| 44—Md—Deseret Limestone |
| 45—Mg—Gardison Limestone |
| 46—Mg?—Gardison Limestone |
| 47—MDf—Fitchville Formation |
| 48—Dp—Pinyon Peak Limestone |
| 49—Dv—Victoria Formation |
| 50—DOb—Bluebell Dolomite |
| 51—Ofh—Fish Haven Dolomite |
| 52—Oo—Opohonga Limestone |
| 53—Ca—Ajax Dolomite, undivided |
| 54—Cau—Ajax Dolomite, upper member |
| 55—Cae—Ajax Dolomite, Emerald Member |
| 56—Cal—Ajax Dolomite, lower member |
| 57—Co—Opex Formation |
| 58—Cc—Cole Canyon Dolomite |
SugarHouse_CrossSectionLines (3163)
| Cross section, A-A' |
| Cross section, B-B' |
| Cross section, C-C' |
SugarHouse_GeologicUnits_overlay_1_leaders (3184)
| Leader line |
SugarHouse_GeologicUnits_leaders (3180)
| Leader line |
SugarHouse_GeologicSymbols (3176)
| Adit |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned, map digitized, source-B |
| Bedding, vertical, map digitized, source-B |
| Cleavage, inclined |
| Drill hole, water well |
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Fault, dip |
| Fold, anticline, overturned |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, syncline, overturned |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Gravel pit |
| Mine or quarry |
| Prospect |
| Sample, geochemical |
| Shaft |
| Spring |
SugarHouse_GeologicStructureLines (3175)
| Fold, anticline, overturned, well located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
SugarHouse_GeologicLines (3174)
| Bed, marker A, well located |
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, approximately located, queried |
| Contact, concealed |
| Contact, scratch, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest moraine, asymmetrical |
| Crest moraine, symmetry unknown |
| Extent, pit or quarry, well located |
| Fault, detachment, approximately located |
| Fault, detachment, concealed |
| Fault, detachment, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, thrust, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, concealed, queried |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Fold, unknown, concealed, queried |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
| Scarp, terrace, approximately located |
| Scarp, terrace, concealed |
| Scarp, terrace, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, concealed |
| Shoreline, Provo level, well located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located |
| Shoreline, regressional, approximately located |
| Shoreline, regressional, concealed |
| Shoreline, regressional, well located |
| Shoreline, transgressional, approximately located |
| Shoreline, transgressional, well located |
SugarHouse_GeologicUnits_overlay_1 (3181)
| 41_Qafy/Jtc_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Twin Creek Limestone |
| 42_Qafy/JTRn_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Nugget Sandstone |
| 43_Qafy/TRa_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Ankareh Formation |
| 44_Qafy/TRt_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Thaynes Formation |
| 45_Qafp/TRa_Alluvial-fan deposits, related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation |
| 46_Qldp/Jtc_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Springs Formation, undivided |
| 47_Qldp/JTRn_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Nugget Sandstone |
| 48_Qldp/TRa_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation |
| 49_Qldp/TRt_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Thaynes Formation |
| 50_Qlgb/Jtc_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Springs Formation, undivided |
| 51_Qlgb/JTRn_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Nugget Sandstone |
| 52_Qlgb/TRa_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation |
| 53_Qlgb/TRt_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Thaynes Formation |
| 54_Qlsb/Jtc_Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Springs Formation, undivided |
| 55_Qlsb/JTRn_Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Nugget Sandstone |
| 56_Qlsb/TRa_Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation |
| 57_Qac/Jtc_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided, over Twin Creek Limestone |
| 58_Qac/JTRn_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided, over Nugget Sandstone |
| 59_Qac/TRa_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided, over Ankareh Formation |
SugarHouse_GeologicUnits_overlay_2 (3185)
| Areas disturbed by sand and gravel operations |
Geologic Units (3177)
| 1_Qal1_Level-1 stream and floodplain deposits |
| 2_Qal2_Level-2 stream alluvium deposits |
| 3_Qaly_Young stream alluvium deposits, undivided |
| 4_Qat_Stream-terrace deposits |
| 5_Qaf1_Level-1 alluvial-fan deposits |
| 6_Qaf2_Level-2 alluvial-fan deposits |
| 7_Qafy_Younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided |
| 8_Qafp_Alluvial-fan deposits, related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 9_Qafb_Alluvial-fan deposits, related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 10_Qaf4_Level-4 alluvial-fan deposits, pre-Bonneville lake cycle |
| 11_Qaf5_Level-5 alluvial-fan deposits, pre-Little Valley and/or Pokes Point lake cycles |
| 12_Qafo_Older alluvial-fan deposits, undivided |
| 13_Qc_Colluvial deposits |
| 14_Qg_Glacial deposits, undivided |
| 15_Qgp_Glacial deposits of Pinedale age |
| 16_Qgmp_Glacial moraines of Pinedale age |
| 17_Qh_Fill and disturbed land |
| 18_Qlf_Lacustrine silt and clay, undivided |
| 19_Qldp_Deltaic deposits, related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 20_Qlgp_Lacustrine gravel and sand, related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 21_Qlsp_Lacustrine sand and silt, related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 22_Qlfp_Lacustrine silt and clay, related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 23_Qldb_Deltaic deposits, undivided, related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 24_Qldbg_Deltaic gravel and sand, related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 25_Qlgb_Lacustrine gravel and sand, related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 26_Qlsb_Lacustrine sand and silt, related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 27_Qlb_Transgressive-phase deposits, undivided |
| 28_Qmdf_Debris-flow deposits |
| 29_Qmef_Earth-flow deposits |
| 30_Qmsh_Historical landslide deposits |
| 31_Qms_Landslide deposits |
| 32_Qms?_Landslide deposits |
| 33_Qmso_Older landslide deposits |
| 34_Qml?_Lateral spread deposits? |
| 35_Qmt_Talus deposits |
| 36_Qac_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided |
| 37_Qct_Colluvial and talus deposits, undivided |
| 38_Qla_Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided |
| 39_Qlam_Lacustrine and alluvial and marsh deposits, undivided |
| 40_Qmc_Mass movement and colluvial deposits, undivided |
| 41_Qafy/Jtc_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Twin Creek Limestone |
| 42_Qafy/JTRn_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Nugget Sandstone |
| 43_Qafy/TRa_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Ankareh Formation |
| 44_Qafy/TRt_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Thaynes Formation |
| 45_Qafp/TRa_Alluvial-fan deposits, related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation |
| 46_Qldp/Jtc_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Springs Formation, undivided |
| 47_Qldp/JTRn_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Nugget Sandstone |
| 48_Qldp/TRa_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation |
| 49_Qldp/TRt_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Thaynes Formation |
| 50_Qlgb/Jtc_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Springs Formation, undivided |
| 51_Qlgb/JTRn_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Nugget Sandstone |
| 52_Qlgb/TRa_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation |
| 53_Qlgb/TRt_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Thaynes Formation |
| 54_Qlsb/Jtc_Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Springs Formation, undivided |
| 55_Qlsb/JTRn_Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Nugget Sandstone |
| 56_Qlsb/TRa_Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation |
| 57_Qac/Jtc_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided, over Twin Creek Limestone |
| 58_Qac/JTRn_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided, over Nugget Sandstone |
| 59_Qac/TRa_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided, over Ankareh Formation |
| 60_Tld_Lamprophyric dikes and sill |
| 61_Tsd_Silicic dikes |
| 62_Tind_Intermediate dikes and sills |
| 63_Jtgc_Twin Creek Limestone, Giraffe Creek Member |
| 64_Jtl_Twin Creek Limestone, Leeds Creek Member |
| 65_Jtw_Twin Creek Limestone, Watton Canyon Member |
| 66_Jtb_Twin Creek Limestone, Boundary Ridge Member |
| 67_Jtr_Twin Creek Limestone, Rich Member |
| 68_Jts_Twin Creek Limestone, Sliderock Member |
| 69_Jtc_Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Springs Formation, undivided |
| 70_Jtsg_Sliderock Member of Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Spring Formation, undivided |
| 71_Jgs_Gypsum Spring Formation |
| 72_JTRn_Nugget Sandstone |
| 74_TRau_Ankareh Formation, upper member |
| 75_TRag_Ankareh Formation, Gartra Grit Member |
| 76_TRam_Ankareh Formation, Mahogany Member |
| 77_TRt_Thaynes Formation |
| 79_TRw_Woodside Shale |
| 80_Pp_Park City and Phosphoria Formations |
| 81_PPw_Weber Sandstone |
| 82_Prv_Round Valley Limestone |
| 83_Mdo_Doughnut Formation |
| 84_Mh_Humbug Formation |
| 85_Md_Deseret Limestone |
| 86_Mg_Gardison Limestone |
| 87_MDf_Fitchville Formation |
| 88_Cm_Maxfield Limestone |
| 89_Co_Ophir Formation |
| 90_Ct_Tintic Quartzite |
| 91_Zm_Mutual Formation |
| 92_Zbcq_Big Cottonwood Formation, quartzite |
| 93_Zbcs_Big Cottonwood Formation, shale and siltsone |
| 95_Water_<Null> |
GoshenPass_GeologicSymbols (3128)
| Sample, geochemical |
| Drill hole, water well |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
GoshenPass_CrossSectionLines (3141)
| Cross section, A-A' |
GoshenPass_GeologicLines (3130)
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, scratch, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, beach ridge, well located |
| Fault, geophysical, gravity |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, transgressional, approximately located |
| Shoreline, undetermined, approximately located |
| Surface edge, geomorphic, undefined, well located |
GoshenPass_GeologicStructureLines (3129)
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
GoshenPass_GeologicUnits_leaders (3124)
| Leader line |
GeologicUnits (3127)
| 1_Qaly_Young stream deposits, undivided |
| 2_Qafy_Younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided |
| 3_Qaf3_Alluvial-fan deposits related to the transgressive and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 4_Qafo_Older alluvial-fan deposits, pre-Lake Bonneville |
| 5_Qc_Colluvial deposits |
| 6_Qe_Eolian deposits, undivided |
| 7_Qed_Eolian dune deposits |
| 8_Qh_Fill and disturbed land |
| 9_Qlg_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to Lake Bonneville and Cedar Valley Lake |
| 10_Qls_Lacustrine sand and silt related to Lake Bonneville and Cedar Valley Lake |
| 11_Qlf_Lacustrine fine-grained deposits related to Lake Bonneville and Cedar Valley Lake |
| 11a, Ql, Lacustrine deposits, undifferentiated related to Lake Bonneville and Cedar Valley Lake |
| 12_Qlgb_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 13_Qlsb_Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 14_Qac_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided |
| 15_Qam_Alluvial mud-flat and marsh deposits, undivided |
| 16_Qla_Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided |
| 17_Qlam_Lacustrine, alluvial, and marsh deposits, undivided |
| 18_Qlay_Lacustrine and younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided |
| 19_Qe/Ql_Eolian deposits over lacustrine deposits related to Lake Bonneville and Cedar Valley Lake |
| 20_Ql/Tb_Lacustrine deposits, undifferentiated over Mosida Basalt |
| 21_Ql/Tsw_Lacustrine deposits, undifferentiated over Soldiers Pass Formation, White Knoll Member |
| 22_Ql/Tv_Lacustrine deposits, undifferentiated over Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary rocks, undifferentiated |
| 23_Ql/Qafo_Lacustrine deposits, undifferentiated over older alluvial-fan deposits, pre-Lake Bonneville |
| 24_Ql/Mgbp_Lacustrine deposits, undifferentiated over Great Blue Limestone, Paymaster Member |
| 25_Qlgb/Mgb_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Great Blue Limestone, undifferentiated |
| 26_Tb_Mosida Basalt |
| 27_Tsb_Soldiers Pass Formation, breccia member |
| 28_Tsw_Soldiers Pass Formation, White Knoll Member |
| 29_Tsa_Soldiers Pass Formation, andesite member |
| 31_IPobp_Oquirrh Group, Butterfield Peaks Formation |
| 32_IPobp?_Oquirrh Group, Butterfield Peaks Formation |
| 33_Mgb_Great Blue Limestone, undivided |
| 34_Mgbp_Great Blue Limestone, Paymaster Member |
| 35_Mgbt_Great Blue Limestone, Topliff Member |
| 36_Mh_Humbug Formation |
| 37_Md_Deseret Limestone |
SwallowCanyon_GeologicSymbols (3092)
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized |
| Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) |
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Sample |
| Station, paleocurrent |
SwallowCanyon_CrossSectionLines (3101)
| Cross section, A-A' |
SwallowCanyon_GeologicLines (3094)
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, concealed |
| Contact, well located |
| Facies change |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Joint, well located |
SwallowCanyon_GeologicStructureLines (3093)
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
GeologicUnits (3091)
| 1_Qal_Alluvium |
| 2_Qatg1_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 1 |
| 3_Qatg2_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 2 |
| 4_Qatg3y_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 3, younger |
| 5_Qatg3_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 3, older |
| 6_Qatg4_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 4 |
| 7_Qatg5y_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 5, younger |
| 8_Qatg5_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 5, older |
| 9_Qatg7_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 7 |
| 10_Qatg9_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 9 |
| 11_Qapg1_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 1 |
| 12_Qapg2_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 2 |
| 13_Qapg3_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 3 |
| 14_Qapg4_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 4 |
| 15_Qapg5_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 5 |
| 16_Qapg6_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 6 |
| 17_Qapg7_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 7 |
| 18_Qapg8_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 8 |
| 19_Qc_Colluvium |
| 20_Qes_Eolian deposits |
| 21_Qms_Landslide deposits |
| 22_Qmt_Talus |
| 23_Qac_Mixed alluvium and colluvium |
| 24_Qaes_Mixed alluvium and eolian deposits |
| 25_Qal/Qapg1_Stacked river and stream alluvium on piedmont alluvium |
| 26_Qapg3/4_Stacked piedmont alluvium, level 3 on 4 |
| 27_Qapg5/6_Stacked piedmont alluvium, level 5 on 6 |
| 28_Tbp_Browns Park Formation |
| 29_Tb_Bishop Conglomerate |
| 30_Zuct_Uinta Mountain Group, formation of Crouse Canyon, thickly bedded to massive facies |
| 31_Zucl_Uinta Mountain Group, formation of Crouse Canyon, low-angle and trough cross-beds facies |
| 32_Zuof_Uinta Mountain Group, formation of Outlaw Trail |
| 33_Zudt_Uinta Mountain Group, formation of Diamond Breaks, thickly bedded to massive facies |
| 34_Zudl_Uinta Mountain Group, formation of Diamond Breaks, low-angle to trough cross-bedded facies |
| 35_Zudi_Uinta Mountain Group, formation of Diamond Breaks, interbedded facies |
| 36_water_Green River |
OFR712DM_HeberCity_GeologicSymbols (3072)
| Adit, abandoned or inaccessible |
| Adit, abandoned or inaccessible, USGS |
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized |
| Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned, map digitized |
| Bedding, vertical, field measured |
| Bedding, vertical, map digitized |
| Drill hole, water well |
| Fold, minor anticline |
| Fold, plunge arrow |
| Foliation, inclined, map digitized |
| Gravel pit, abandoned or reclaimed |
| Gravel pit, bar |
| Mine or quarry, abandoned |
| Prospect |
| Prospect, USGS |
| Sample 2 |
| Sample 4 |
| Shaft |
| Shaft, USGS |
| Shaft, abandoned or inaccessible, USGS |
| Spring |
| Trench, bar, paleoseismic |
| Trench, bar, prospect |
OFR712DM_HeberCity_CrossSectionLines (3086)
| Cross section, A-A' |
| Cross section, B-B' |
| Cross section, C-C' |
OFR712DM_HeberCity_GeologicLines (3074)
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, scratch, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, moraine, symmetrical |
| Dike, igneous, well located |
| Dike, intermediate, approximately located |
| Dike, intermediate, well located |
| Fault, detachment, approximately located |
| Fault, detachment, concealed |
| Fault, detachment, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, thrust, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Lineament |
| Scarp, landslide, approximately located |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
| Trench, paleoseismic, well located |
| Trench, prospect, well located |
OFR_712DM_HeberCity_GeologicStructureLines (3073)
| Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
OFR_712DM_HeberCity_GeologicUnits_leaders (3068)
| Leader line |
OFR712DM_HeberCity_AlteredRocks (3087)
| Rule_1 |
GeologicUnits (3071)
| 1—Qh—Artificial fill |
| 2—Qhd—Disturbed land |
| 3—Qhm—Mine dumps and waste piles |
| 4—Qal1—Modern stream alluvium |
| 5—Qaly—Young stream alluvium |
| 6—Qa2—Valley-fill deposits |
| 7—Qaf1—Young fan alluvium |
| 8—Qafy—Young and middle fan alluvium, undivided |
| 9—Qc—Colluvium |
| 10—Qmsh—Landslides |
| 11—Qms—Landslides |
| 12—Qms?—Landslides? |
| 13—Qmt—Talus |
| 14—Qac—Alluvium and colluvium |
| 15—Qmc—Landslides and colluvium |
| 16—Qmtc—Talus and colluvium |
| 17—Qst—Calcareous spring tufa deposits |
| 18—Qaf2—Middle fan alluvium |
| 19—Qafo—Old fan alluvium |
| 20—Qco—Older colluvium |
| 21—Qgmp1—Glacial till of Pinedale age |
| 22—Qgmp1?—Glacial till of Pinedale age? |
| 23—Qaco—Older alluvium and colluvium |
| 24—Qaco?—Older alluvium and colluvium? |
| 25—Qgmb—Older glacial till of likely Bull Lake age |
| 26—Qaf2/Qst—Middle fan alluvium over calcareous spring tufa deposits |
| 27—Qafo/Qst—Old fan alluvium over calcareous spring tufa deposits |
| 28—Qafo/IPPw—Old fan alluvium over Weber Quartzite |
| 29—Qmt/IPrv—Talus over Round Valley Limestone |
| 30—QTa—Old alluvial deposits |
| 31—Tkcf—Lava flows of Coyote Canyon |
| 32—Tkcc—Volcanic mudflow breccia of Coyote Canyon |
| 33—Tkcc(w)—Brecciated Weber Quartzite block in volcanic mudflow breccia of Coyote Canyon |
| 34—Tksc—Volcanic mudflow breccia of Silver Creek |
| 35—Tkf—Lava flows associated with Park Premier porphyry stocks |
| 36—Tksh—Lava flows and volcanic mudflow breccia of Sage Hen Hollow |
| 37—Tpp—Park Premier porphyry stock |
| 38—Tppb—Park Premier porphyry, intrusive breccia phase |
| 39—Tf—Flagstaff Mountain porphyry |
| 40—Tfb—Flagstaff Mountain porphyry, intrusive breccia phase |
| 41—Tpc—Pine Creek porphyry |
| 42—Tv—Valeo porphyry |
| 43—Tg—Glencoe porphyry |
| 44—Tm—Mayflower porphyry |
| 45—Tj—Jordanelle porphyry |
| 46—Tjb—Jordanelle porphyry, breccia phase |
| 47—To—Ontario porphyry |
| 48—Jtr?—Twin Creek Limestone, Rich Member? |
| 49—Jts—Twin Creek Limestone, Sliderock Member |
| 50—Jg—Gypsum Spring Formation |
| 51—JTRn—Nugget Sandstone |
| 52—TRt—Thaynes Formation, undivided |
| 53—TRtu—Thaynes Formation, upper unit |
| 54—TRtl—Thaynes Formation, lower unit |
| 55—TRw—Woodside Formation |
| 56—Ppc—Park City and Phosphoria Formations, undivided |
| 57—Ppc?—Park City and Phosphoria Formations, undivided? |
| 58—IPPw—Weber Quartzite |
| 59—IPPw?—Weber Quartzite |
| 60—IPMl—Limestone |
| 61—IPrv—Round Valley Limestone |
| 62—IPrv?—Round Valley Limestone? |
| 63—Mdo—Doughnut Formation |
| 64—Mh—Humbug Formation |
| 65—Md—Deseret Limestone |
| 66—Mg—Gardison Limestone |
| 67—Co—Ophir Formation |
| 68—Ct—Tintic Quartzite |
| 69—Zmf—Mineral Fork Formation |
| 70—water—<Null> |
OFR703DM_BountifulPeak_GeologicSymbols (3035)
| Adit, Gloyn and others, 1995 |
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured, <Null>; Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured, |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured, <Null>; Bedding, inclined, field measured, |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured, Bryant, 1984 |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured, Bryant, 1984 |
| Bedding, vertical, field measured, Bryant, 1984 |
| Cleavage, inclined, <Null>; Cleavage, inclined, |
| Fault, dip, <Null>; Fault, dip, |
| Fault, dip, photogrammetric, <Null>; Fault, dip, photogrammetric, |
| Fold, minor S, <Null>; Fold, minor S, |
| Fold, minor Z, <Null>; Fold, minor Z, |
| Foliation, inclined 2, Bryant, 1984 |
| Foliation, inclined 3, Bryant, 1984 |
| Foliation, inclined, field measured, <Null>; Foliation, inclined, field measured, |
| Foliation, inclined, field measured, Bryant, 1984 |
| Foliation, vertical, field measured, Bryant, 1984 |
| Lineation, bearing and plunge, <Null>; Lineation, bearing and plunge, |
| Lineation, bearing and plunge, Bryant, 1984 |
| Lineation, horizontal, Bryant, 1984 |
| Megascopic sillimanite, Bryant, 1984 |
| Microscopic sillimanite, Bryant, 1984 |
| Prospect, Buttler and others, 1920 |
| Prospect, Gloyn and others, 1995 |
| Sillimanite and microclilne, Bryant, 1984 |
| Sillimanite, microcline, and muscovite, Bryant, 1984 |
| Sinkhole, <Null>; Sinkhole, |
| Spring, <Null>; Spring, |
OFR703DM_BountifulPeak_CrossSectionLines (3048)
| Cross section, A-A' |
OFR703DM_BountifulPeak_GeologicLines (3037)
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Cirque, headwall, well located |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, approximately located, queried |
| Contact, concealed |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, arete, well located |
| Crest, moraine, asymmetrical |
| Crest, moraine, symmetrical |
| Crest, moraine, symmetry unknown |
| Dike, silicic, approximately located |
| Extent, pit or quarry, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, concealed, queried |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Scarp, landslide, approximately located |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
| Scarp, terrace, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, concealed |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, concealed |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, regressional, approximately located |
| Shoreline, transgressional, approximately located |
| Shoreline, transgressional, well located |
OFR703DM_BountifulPeak_GeologicStructureLines (3036)
| Lineament |
GeologicUnits (3034)
| Cbo |
| Cml |
| Cmm |
| Cmu |
| Cn |
| Co |
| Csc |
| Ct |
| QTms?(Xfcgs) |
| QTms?(Xfcp) |
| Qac |
| Qadp? |
| Qaf1 |
| Qafb? |
| Qafp |
| Qafp/Qmso |
| Qafp? |
| Qafy |
| Qal |
| Qc |
| Qct |
| Qg |
| Qg? |
| Qgb |
| Qgb? |
| Qgmb |
| Qgmb? |
| Qgmp |
| Qgmp? |
| Qgo |
| Qgp |
| Qh |
| Qla |
| Qldp |
| Qldp? |
| Qlf |
| Qlg |
| Qlg? |
| Qlgb |
| Qlgb/Qmso |
| Qlm |
| Qls |
| Qls/Qmso |
| Qlsb |
| Qlsb/Qmso? |
| Qlsb? |
| Qlsp |
| Qlsp/Qmso |
| Qmc |
| Qms |
| Qms?(Tw) |
| Qmsh |
| Qmso |
| Qmso? |
| Qmt |
| Tg |
| Tn |
| Tw |
| Tw? |
| Twc |
| Twc? |
| Water |
| Xfca |
| Xfcgs |
| Xfcp |
| Xfcq |
AngelCove_PopupLabels (3026)
MapName_GeologicUnits_leaders (3005)
| Leader line |
SaltLakeCitySouth_CrossSectionLines (2595)
| Cross section, A-A' |
SaltLakeCitySouth_GeologicSymbols (3003)
| <all other values> |
| Drill hole, water well |
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Gravel pit |
SaltLakeCitySouth_GeologicLines (3004)
| <all other values> |
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, concealed |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, beach ridge, well located |
| Extent, pit or quarry, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Scarp, terrace, approximately located |
| Scarp, terrace, well located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located |
| Shoreline, regressional, approximately located |
| Shoreline, regressional, concealed |
| Shoreline, regressional, well located |
| Shoreline, undetermined, concealed |
| Trench, paleoseismic, well located |
GeologicUnits (3006)
| <Null>_water_water |
| 1_Qal1_Active floodplain and stream deposits |
| 2_Qal2_Level-2 floodplain and stream deposits |
| 3_Qaly_Young floodplain and stream deposits, undivided |
| 4_Qalg_Stream deposits related to Gilbert-episode lake and/or Great Salt Lake |
| 5_Qaf2_Level-2 alluvial-fan deposits |
| 6_Qafy_Younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided |
| 7_Qh_Fill and disturbed land |
| 8_Qhr_Remediated land |
| 9_Qly_Young lacustrine deposits |
| 10_Qlsg_Lacustrine sand and silt related to Gilbert-episode lake |
| 11_Qlf_Lacustrine silt and clay related to Lake Bonneville |
| 12_Qls_Lacustrine sand and silt related to Lake Bonneville |
| 13_Qlg_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to Lake Bonneville |
| 14_Qlb_Transgressive-phase deposits of Lake Bonneville, undivided |
| 15_Qms_Landslide deposits |
| 16_Qalh_Historical alluvial deposits and artificial levees, undivided |
| 17_Qam_Alluvial and marsh deposits, undivided |
| 18_Qla_Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided |
| 19_Qlam_Lacustrine and alluvial and marsh deposits, undivided |
| 20_Qldy_Young lacustrine and deltaic deposits |
Gooseberry_CrossSectionLines (2580)
Gooseberry_GeologicUnits_leaders (2581)
Gooseberry_GeologicSymbols (2582)
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Drill hole, gas well |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Gravel pit |
| Mine or quarry |
| Sample 3 |
Gooseberry_GeologicLines (2583)
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Scarp, undefined, approximately located |
| Scarp, undefined, well located |
Geologic Units (2584)
| Qago |
| Qac |
| Qacl |
| Qal |
| Qacf |
| Tac |
| Qafo |
| Qmsh |
| Qatc |
| Qmcs |
| Qhd |
| Tjv |
| Kb |
| Kc1 |
| Kc2 |
| Kc3 |
| Kpr |
| Qaf |
| Qcv |
| Qmr |
| Qms |
| Qmt |
| Tc |
| Tch |
| Tf |
| Tgl |
| Tgu |
| Tkn |
AntelopeIslandSouth_GeologicUnits_leaders (2510)
| Leader line |
AntelopeIslandSouth_CrossSectionLines (2511)
| Cross section, A-A' |
| Cross section, B-B' |
AntelopeIslandSouth_ShearZones (2512)
| shear zone |
AntelopeIslandSouth_GeologicSymbols (2513)
| Cleavage, inclined |
| Cleavage, vertical |
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Fault, geophysical, seismic, Holocene |
| Fault, geophysical, seismic, Pre-Holocene |
| Fault, geophysical, seismic, main, Post-Holocene |
| Fault, unknown, concealed, queried |
| Foliation, inclined, field measured |
| Foliation, vertical, field measured |
| Gravel pit |
| Sample 2 |
| Sample 3 |
| Spring |
AntelopeIslandSouth_GeologicLines (2514)
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, beach ridge, well located |
| Extent, pit or quarry, well located |
| Fault, geophysical, seismic, Holocene |
| Fault, geophysical, seismic, Pre-Holocene |
| Fault, geophysical, seismic, main, Post-Holocene |
| Fault, unknown, concealed, queried |
| Lineament |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, Gilbert level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Great Salt Lake highstand, well located |
| Shoreline, Holocene, other, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, well located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located |
| Surface edge, geomorphic, undefined, well located |
| Vein, mineralized, well located |
Geologic Units (2515)
| 1, Qal1, Modern stream deposits |
| 2, Qafy, Younger alluvial-fan deposits |
| 3, Qdy, Younger deltaic deposits |
| 4, Qh, Fill and disturbed land |
| 5, Qht, Tailings |
| 6, Qlb, Lacustrine boulders |
| 7, Qlg, Lacustrine gravel and sand |
| 8, Qlgy, Young lacustrine gravel and sand |
| 9, Qlgb, Lacustrine gravel and sand related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 10, Qll, Lagoon-fill deposits |
| 11, Qlos, Lacustrine oolitic sand deposits |
| 12, Qlpm, Lacustrine and playa mud deposits |
| 13, Qlmy, Young lacustrine mud deposits |
| 14, Qlmk, Lacustrine mud and microbial carbonates |
| 15, Qsm, Spring and marsh deposits |
| 16, Qldy, Young lacustrine and deltaic deposits |
| 17, Qh/Tsl, Human disturbance over Salt Lake Formation, undivided |
| 18, KXa, Farmington Canyon Complex, altered and deformed rocks |
| 19, Xfcp, Farmington Canyon Complex, granite and pegmatite |
| 20, Xfcb, Farmington Canyon Complex, banded gneiss |
| 21, Xfcu, Farmington Canyon Complex, metamorphosed ultramafic rock |
| 22, Xfcq, Farmington Canyon Complex, quartz-rich gneiss |
| 23, Xfcl, Farmington Canyon Complex, layered gneiss |
| 24, water, <Null> |
BaileysLake_GeologicUnits_leaders (2491)
| Leader line |
BaileysLake_CrossSectionLines (2492)
| Cross section, B-B' |
BaileysLake_DNROilGasWells (2493)
| Oil and Gas Wells |
BaileysLake_GeologicSymbols (2494)
| Drill hole, injection well |
| Drill hole, water well |
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Fault, geophysical, gravity |
| Fault, normal, approximately located, queried
| Fault, thrust, concealed, queried |
| Fault, unknown, concealed, queried
| Spring |
BaileysLake_GeologicLines (2495)
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, concealed |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, beach ridge, well located |
| Fault, geophysical, gravity |
| Fault, geophysical, seismic |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, concealed, queried |
| Fault, unknown, concealed, queried |
| Shoreline, Great Salt Lake highstand, well located |
| Shoreline, Holocene highstand, well located |
| Shoreline, Holocene, other, well located |
| Surface edge, geomorphic, undefined, well located |
| Trench, paleoseismic, well located |
Geologic Units (2496)
| 1, Qal1, Modern stream deposits |
| 2, Qaly, Young stream deposits, undivided |
| 3, Qalg, Stream deposits related to Gilbert-episode lake and/or Great Salt Lake |
| 4, Qat, Stream terrace deposits |
| 5, Qdy, Younger deltaic deposits |
| 6, Qdd, Deltaic distributary channel-fill deposits |
| 7, Qdf, Deltaic-fan deposits |
| 8, Qdg, Deltaic deposits related to Gilbert-episode lake and/or Great Salt Lake |
| 9, Qh, Fill and disturbed land |
| 10, Qht, Tailings |
| 11, Qlos, Lacustrine oolitic sand deposits |
| 12, Qlpm, Lacustrine and playa mud deposits |
| 13, Qlmy, Young lacustrine mud deposits |
| 14, Qly, Young lacustrine deposits |
| 15, Qsm, Spring and marsh deposits |
| 16, Qldy, Young lacustrine and deltaic deposits |
| 17, Qsm/Qaly, Spring and marsh deposits over young stream deposits, undivided |
| 18, water, <Null> |
SaltairNE_GeologicUnits_leaders (2471)
| Leader line |
SaltairNE_CrossSectionLines (2474)
| Cross section, A-A' |
SaltairNE_GeologicSymbols (2475)
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Fault, thrust, concealed |
| Fault, geophysical, seismic |
SaltairNE_GeologicLines (2476)
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, geophysical, seismic |
| Fault, thrust, type1, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, concealed, queried |
Geologic Units (2477)
| 1, Qh, Fill and disturbed land |
| 2, Qlos, Lacustrine oolitic sand deposits |
| 3, Qlpm, Lacustrine and playa mud deposits |
| 4, Qlmy, Young lacustrine mud deposits |
| 5, Qsm, Spring and marsh deposits |
| 6, water, water |
ChemSamples (2447)
| <all other values> |
Burrville_CrossSectionLines (2431)
| Cross section, A-A' |
Burrville_GeologicSymbols (2432)
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized |
| Foliation, inclined, map digitized |
| Foliation, vertical, map digitized |
| Gravel pit |
| Joint, inclined |
| Lineation, bearing & plunge |
| <all other values> |
Burrville_GeologicStructureLines (2433)
| <all other values> |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
Burrville_GeologicLines (2434)
| <all other values> |
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Extent, pit or quarry, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Shoreline, undetermined, well located |
Geologic Units (2435)
| <all other values> |
| Rule_2 |
| QTs |
| Qac |
| Qaf |
| Qaf1 |
| Qaf2 |
| Qaf3 |
| Qafm |
| Qafo |
| Qafp |
| Qafy |
| Qal1 |
| Qao |
| Qc |
| Qgmb |
| Qgmp |
| Qgmpb |
| Qgr |
| Qh |
| Qhd |
| Qhl |
| Ql |
| Qla |
| Qms |
| Qmsc |
| Qmt |
| Tac |
| Tbcc |
| Tbfl |
| Tbkm |
| Tbu |
| Tjv |
| To |
| Tsrb |
| Tsv |
| water |
LakeMountain_CrossSectionLines (2416)
| Cross section, A-A' |
LakeMountain_GeologicLines (2410)
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Boundary, water |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, unkown, approximately located |
| Scarp, landslide, approximately located |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
LakeMountain_GeologicStructureLines (2409)
| Fold, monocline, approximately located |
| Fold, monocline, concealed |
LakeMountain_GeologicSymbols (2408)
| Sample |
| Dry hole |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
Geologic Units (2407)
| 1_Qhf_Farm-related disturbance |
| 2_Qal_Stream alluvium |
| 3_Qa2_Level 2 alluvium |
| 4_Qa3_Level 3 alluvium |
| 5_Qa4_Level 4 alluvium |
| 6_Qaf_Alluvial-fan deposits |
| 7_Qaf2_Older alluvial-fan deposits |
| 8_Qap2_Level 2 piedmont alluvium |
| 9_Qap3_Level 3 piedmont alluvium |
| 10_Qap4_Level 4 piedmont alluvium |
| 11_Qags_Glacial outwash of Smiths Fork Age |
| 12_Qc_Colluvium |
| 13_Qcs_Colluvium, sand rich |
| 14_Qgs_Smiths Fork till |
| 15_Qms_Landslides and slumps |
| 16_Qac_Mixed alluvium and colluvium |
| 17_Qacs_Mixed alluvium and colluvium, sand rich |
| 18_Tb_Bishop Conglomerate |
| 19_Tdb_Duchesne River Formation, Brennan Basin Member |
| 20_Kmv_Mesaverde Group |
| 21_Km_Mancos Shale |
| 22_Kf_Frontier Formation |
| 23_Kmo_Mowry Shale |
| 24_Kd_Dakota Formation |
| 25_Kc_Cedar Mountain Formation |
| 26_KJcm_Cedar Mountain and Morrison Formations, undivided |
| 27_Jm_Morrison Formation |
| 28_Jsr_Stump Formation, Redwater Member |
| 29_Jsc_Stump Formation, Curtis Member |
| 30_Je_Entrada Sandstone |
| 31_Jc_Carmel Formation |
| 32_JTRn_Nugget Sandstone |
| 33_TRb_Formation of Bell Springs |
| 34_TRcu_Chinle Formation, Upper member |
| 35_TRcg_Chinle Formation, Gartra Member |
| 36_TRm_Moenkopi Formation |
| 37_Pp_Park City Formation, Franson Member |
| 38_PIPw_Weber Sandstone |
| 39_IPm_Morgan Formation |
| 40_IPrv_Round Valley Limestone |
| 41_Mdh_Doughnut Shale and Humbug Formation, undivided |
| 42_Mm_Madison Limestone |
| 43_Zr_Red Pine Shale |
| 44_water |
Geologic Units (2382)
Geologic Units (2383)
Geologic Units (2378)
M278DM_Willard_CrossSectionLines (2335)
| Cross section, A-A' |
| Cross section, B-B' |
M278DM_Willard_GeologicUnits_leaders (2330)
M278DM_Willard_GeologicSymbols (2331)
| Adit |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B |
| Bedding, overturned, map digitized, source-B |
| Bedding, vertical, map digitized, source-B |
| Cleavage, inclined |
| Drill hole, dry hole |
| Drill hole, water well |
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Fault, dip |
| Fault, dip, map digitized, source-B |
| Fold, minor inclined, map digitized, source-B |
| Fold, syncline, overturned |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Foliation, inclined, field measured |
| Foliation, inclined, map digitized, source-B |
| Gravel pit |
| Lineation, bearing and plunge |
| Lineation, bearing and plunge, map digitized, source-B |
| Mine or quarry |
| Prospect |
| Sample 2 |
| Spring |
M278DM_Willard_GeologicLines (2332)
| Bed, marker A, well located |
| Bed, marker B, well located |
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, concealed |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, beach ridge, well located |
| Extent, pit or quarry, well located |
| Fault, attenuation, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, attenuation, exposed |
| Fault, geophysical, gravity |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, thrust, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, well located |
| Fault, thrust, option 2, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
| Measured section line |
| Scarp, landslide, approximately located |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, Gilbert level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Great Salt Lake highstand, well located |
| Shoreline, Holocene highstand, well located |
| Shoreline, Holocene, other, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, well located |
| Shoreline, regressional, well located |
| Shoreline, transgressional, well located |
| Trench, paleoseismic, well located |
| Vein, mineralized, approximately located |
| Vein, mineralized, well located |
Geologic Units (2334)
| 1_Qal1_Modern stream deposits |
| 2_Qat_Stream terrace deposits |
| 4_Qaf1_Modern alluvial-fan deposits |
| 5_Qafy_Younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided |
| 6_Qafp_Alluvial-fan deposits related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 7_Qafp?_Alluvial-fan deposits related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 8_Qafb_Alluvial-fan deposits related to transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 9_Qdh_Historical deltaic deposits |
| 10_Qdy_Deltaic deposits |
| 11_Qh_Fill and disturbed land |
| 12_Qlf_Lacustrine fine-grained deposits |
| 13_Qlg_Lacustrine gravel and sand |
| 14_Qlgp_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 15_Qlgb_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 16_Qmf1_Debris-flow deposits |
| 17_Qmf2_Older debris-flow deposits |
| 18_Qms_Landslide deposits |
| 19_Qms(Cu)_Landslide with identifiable bedrock fragments |
| 20_Qms(Zp)_Landslide with identifiable bedrock fragments |
| 22_Qms(Zpd)_Landslide with identifiable bedrock fragments |
| 23_Qms(Zpsg)_Landslide with identifiable bedrock fragments |
| 24_Qms(YXfu)_Landslide with identifiable bedrock fragments |
| 25_Qmsb(Zp)_Landslide bedrock blocks |
| 26_Qmsb(Zpd)_Landslide bedrock blocks |
| 28_Qmsb(YXfvq)_Landslide bedrock blocks |
| 29_Qmsb(YXfdi)_Landslide bedrock blocks |
| 30_Qmsb(YXfqs)_Landslide bedrock blocks |
| 31_Qmsb(YXfg)_Landslide bedrock blocks |
| 32_Qmt_Talus deposits |
| 33_Qmso(Zcc)_Older landslide, with identifiable bedrock fragments and blocks |
| 34_Qmso(Zpc)_Older landslide, with identifiable bedrock fragments and blocks |
| 35_Qmso(Zkc)_Older landslide, with identifiable bedrock fragments and blocks |
| 36_Qsm_Spring and marsh deposits |
| 37_Qad_Fan-delta deposits |
| 38_Qadg_Deltaic and alluvial gravel deposits |
| 39_Qac_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided |
| 40_Qla_Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided |
| 41_Qlam_Lacustrine, alluvial, mud-flat, and marsh deposits, undivided |
| 42_Qmc_Landslide and colluvium deposits, undivided |
| 43_Qlgp/Qms_Lacustrine gravel and sand (regressive phase) over landslide deposits |
| 44_Qlgp/Zpc_Lacustrine gravel and sand (regressive phase) over bedrock |
| 45_Qlgp/Zkc_Lacustrine gravel and sand (regressive phase) over bedrock |
| 46_Qlgp/YXfg_Lacustrine gravel and sand (regressive phase) over bedrock |
| 47_Qlgp/Xfc_Lacustrine gravel and sand (regressive phase) over bedrock |
| 48_Qlgb/Qms_Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase) over landslide deposits |
| 49_Qlgb/Zkc_Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase) over bedrock |
| 50_Qlgb/Zpd_Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase) over bedrock |
| 51_Qlgb/YXfg_Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase) over bedrock |
| 52_Qlgb/Xfc_Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase) over bedrock |
| 53_Qct/Xfc_Colluvium and talus over Farmington Canyon Complex |
| 54_Zcc_Caddy Canyon Quartzite |
| 56_Zkc_Kelley Canyon Formation |
| 57_Zmc_Maple Canyon Formation |
| 59_Zp_Perry Canyon Formation, undivided |
| 60_Zpg_Graywacke member of the Perry Canyon Formation |
| 61_Zpc_Carbonate marker unit of the Perry Canyon Formation |
| 62_Zpd_Diamictite member of the Perry Canyon Formation |
| 63_Zpsg_Greenstone and slate members, undivided, of the Perry Canyon Formation |
| 64_YXfu_Facer Formation, undivided |
| 66_YXfs_Facer Formation, schist and phyllite |
| 71_YXfg_Facer Formation, gneiss |
| 72_Cm_Maxfield Limestone |
| 73_Co_Ophir Formation |
| 73_YXfq_Facer Formation, quartzite |
| 74_Ct_Tintic Quartzite |
| 76_Xfcp_Farmington Canyon Complex, pegmatite |
| 77_Xfca_Farmington Canyon Complex, amphibolite |
| 78_Xfcg_Farmington Canyon Complex, granitic gneiss |
| 79_water_Bear River National Migratory Bird Refuge |
| 79_water_Willard Bay Reservoir |
Farmington_CrossSectionLines (2303)
Farmington_GeologicUnits_leaders (2315)
| Rule_1 |
Farmington_GeologicSymbols (2314)
| Drill hole, abandoned |
| Drill hole, water well |
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Gravel pit |
Farmington_GeologicLines (2313)
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, concealed |
| Contact, well located |
| Depression |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Hummock or hill |
| Scarp, landslide, concealed |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, Gilbert level, well located |
| Shoreline, Holocene intermediate, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, well located |
| Shoreline, intermediate regressional, well located |
Geologic Units (2316)
| 1, Qal1, Younger stream alluvium |
| 2, Qal2, Older stream alluvium |
| 3, Qalp, Stream alluvium related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 4, Qaf1, Younger alluvial-fan deposits |
| 5, Qaf2, Older alluvial-fan deposits |
| 6, Qafp, Alluvial-fan deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 7, Qfd, Fill and disturbed land |
| 8, Qc, Colluvium |
| 9, Qsm, Wetland and marsh deposits |
| 10, Qmf1, Debris-flow deposits |
| 11, Qmf2, Older debris-flow deposits |
| 12, Qml2, Liquefaction-induced landslide deposits |
| 13, Qml3, Older liquefaction-induced landslide deposits |
| 14, Qms1, Landslide deposits |
| 15, Qms2, Older landslide deposits |
| 16, Qli, Lacustrine silt and clay deposits |
| 17, Qlf, Lacustrine fine-grained deposits |
| 18, Qlsp, Lacustrine sand-bearing deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 19, Qlsbp, Lacustrine sand-bearing deposits related to transgressive and regressive phases of Lake Bonneville |
| 20, Qlgbp, Lacustrine gravel-bearing deposits related to transgressive and regressive phases of Lake Bonneville |
| 21, Qlgb, Lacustrine gravel-bearing deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 22, Qas, Mixed alluvial and marsh deposits |
| 23, Q, Quaternary unconsolidated basin fill |
| 24, Qb, Quaternary basin fill |
| 25, Tb, Tertiary basin fill |
| 26, Xfcg, Farmington Canyon Complex quartz-rich gneiss |
| 27, Xfcm, Farmington Canyon Complex pegmatitic gneiss |
| 28, Xfc, Farmington Canyon Complex, undifferentiated |
| 29, water |
OFR683DM_DraperQuad_CrossSectionLines (2256)
| <all other values> |
| Cross section, A-A' |
OFR683DM_DraperQuad_GeologicSymbols (2257)
| Adit |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned, map digitized, source-B |
| Bedding, vertical, field measured |
| Bedding, vertical, map digitized, source-B |
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Foliation, inclined, field measured |
| Foliation, inclined, map digitized, source-B |
| Gravel pit |
| Mine or quarry |
| Prospect |
| Sample 4 |
| Shaft |
| Spring |
OFR683DM_DraperQuad_GeologicLines (2258)
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Cirque, headwall, well located |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, scratch, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, arete, well located |
| Crest, beach ridge, well located |
| Crest, moraine, option 2, asymmetrical |
| Crest, moraine, option 2, symmetrical |
| Crest, moraine, option 2, symmetry unknown |
| Fault, detachment, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, thrust, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, thrust, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Joint, well located |
| Scarp, landslide, concealed |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
| Scarp, undefined, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, well located |
| Shoreline, regressional, approximately located |
| Shoreline, regressional, well located |
| Shoreline, transgressional, well located |
| Trench, paleoseismic, well located |
Geologic Units (2259)
| 1, Qa, Alluvial deposits |
| 2, Qal1, Level-1 stream and floodplain deposits |
| 3, Qal2, Level-2 stream deposits |
| 4, Qaly, Young stream deposits, undivided |
| 5, Qalp, Stream deposits, related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 6, Qat, Stream-terrace deposits |
| 7, Qat1, Stream-terrace deposits, level-1 |
| 8, Qat2, Stream-terrace deposits, level-2 |
| 9, Qat3, Stream-terrace deposits, level-3 |
| 10, Qat4, Stream-terrace deposits, level-4 |
| 11, Qat5, Stream-terrace deposits, level-5 |
| 12, Qat6, Stream-terrace deposits, level-6 |
| 13, Qat7, Stream-terrace deposits, level-7 |
| 14, Qat8, Stream-terrace deposits, level-8 |
| 15, Qat9, Stream-terrace deposits, level-9 |
| 16, Qat10, Stream-terrace deposits, level-10 |
| 17, Qat11, Stream-terrace deposits, level-11 |
| 18, Qat12, Stream-terrace deposits, level-12 |
| 19, Qat13, Stream-terrace deposits, level-13 |
| 20, Qat14, Stream-terrace deposits, level-14 |
| 21, Qat15, Stream-terrace deposits, level-15 |
| 22, Qat16, Stream-terrace deposits, level-16 |
| 23, Qat17, Stream-terrace deposits, level-17 |
| 24, Qatp, Stream-terrace deposits, related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 25, Qaf1, Level-1 alluvial-fan deposits |
| 26, Qaf2, Level-2 alluvial-fan deposits |
| 27, Qafy, Younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided |
| 28, Qafp, Alluvial-fan deposits, related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 29, Qafb, Alluvial-fan deposits, related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 30, Qafo, Older alluvial-fan deposits, undivided |
| 31, Qaf4, Level-4 alluvial-fan deposits, pre-Bonneville lake cycle |
| 32, Qaf5, Level-5 alluvial-fan deposits, pre-Little Valley and/or Pokes Point lake cycles |
| 33, Qc, Colluvial deposits |
| 34, Qg, Glacial deposits, undivided |
| 35, Qgmy, Young glacial moraines, undivided |
| 36, Qgbc, Glacial deposits of Bells Canyon age |
| 37, Qgmbc, Glacial moraines of Bells Canyon age |
| 38, Qgabc, Glacial outwash of Bells Canyon age |
| 39, Qgdc, Glacial deposits of Dry Creek age |
| 40, Qgmdc, Glacial moraines of Dry Creek age |
| 41, Qh, Fill and disturbed land |
| 42, Qldp, Deltaic deposits related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 43, Qlgp, Lacustrine gravel and sand related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 44, Qlsp, Lacustrine sand and silt related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 45, Qlfp, Lacustrine silt and clay related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 46, Qldb, Deltaic deposits, undivided, related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 47, Qldbg, Deltaic gravel and sand related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 48, Qldbs, Deltaic sand and silt related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 49, Qlgb, Lacustrine gravel and sand related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 50, Qlsb, Lacustrine sand and silt related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 51, Qlfb, Lacustrine silt and clay related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 52, Qes, Eolian sand |
| 53, Qmefy, Younger earth-flow deposits |
| 54, Qmefp, Lake Bonneville-age earth-flow deposits |
| 55, Qmdf1, Younger Holocene debris-flow deposits |
| 56, Qmdf2, Older Holocene debris-flow deposits |
| 57, Qms, Landslide deposits |
| 58, Qmt, Talus deposits |
| 59, Qac, Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided |
| 60, Qct, Colluvial and talus deposits, undivided |
| 61, Qla, Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided |
| 62, Qle, Lacustrine and eolian deposits, undivided |
| 63, Qmc, Mass movement and colluvial deposits, undivided |
| 64, Qes/Qldbs, Eolian sand over sandy deltaic deposits (related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville) |
| 65, Qg/Tlc, Glacial deposits, undivided over Little Cottonwood stock |
| 66, Tld, Lamprophyric dikes |
| 67, Tgd, Granitic dikes |
| 68, Tind, Intermediate dike |
| 69, Tlc, Little Cottonwood stock |
| 70, Tdi, Diorite |
| 71, Ml?, Limestone |
| 72, Zbc, Big Cottonwood Formation, undivided |
| 73, Zbcq, Big Cottonwood Formation, orthoquartzite and quartzite |
| 74, Zbcs, Big Cottonwood Formation, shale and siltstone |
| 75, ZYlw, Little Willow Formation |
| 76, ZYlwa, Little Willow Formation, amphibolite and chlorite schist |
| 77, Water, <Null> |
M216DM_Magna_GeologicUnits_leaders (2240)
| Rule_1 |
M216DM_Magna_GeologicSymbols (2235)
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) |
| Bedding, overturned |
| Bedding, vertical, field measured |
| Spot elevation |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Fault, thrust, approximately located, queried |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, plunge arrow |
| Fold, syncline, overturned |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Gravel pit |
| Shoreline, Bonneville, constructional, well locatedc |
| Shoreline, Bonneville, erosional, well located |
| Shoreline, Gilbert level, well located |
| Shoreline, Holocene highstand, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo, erosional, well located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located |
| Shoreline, regressional, well located |
| Spring |
M216DM_Magna_GeologicStructureLines (2239)
| Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
M216DM_Magna_CrossSectionLines (2238)
| Cross section, A-A' |
M216DM_Magna_GeologicLines (2236)
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, beach ridge, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, thrust, type1, approximately located |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville, constructional, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville, erosional, well located |
| Shoreline, Gilbert level, well located |
| Shoreline, Holocene highstand, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo, erosional, well located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located |
| Shoreline, regressional, well located |
Geologic Units (2237)
| 1, Qaly, Young alluvial deposits |
| 2, Qalb, Alluvial deposits Bonneville phase |
| 3, Qat2, Stream-terrace deposits |
| 4, Qaf1, Modern alluvial-fan deposits |
| 5, Qafy, Young alluvial-fan deposits |
| 6, Qafp, Alluvial-fan deposits Provo phase |
| 7, Qafb, Alluvial-fan deposits Bonneville phase |
| 8, Qafo, Older alluvial-fan deposits |
| 9, Qap2, Pediment-mantle alluvium |
| 10, Qf, Artificial fill |
| 11, Qfd, Disturbed land |
| 12, Qft, Tailings |
| 13, Qc, Colluvial deposits |
| 14, Qlmy, Lacustrine mud |
| 15, Qly, Young lacustrine deposits |
| 16, Qldy, Young deltaic deposits |
| 17, Qlgp, Lacustrine gravel and sand Provo phase |
| 18, Qlsp, Lacustrine sand and silt Provo phase |
| 19, Qlgb, Lacustrine gravel and sand Bonneville phase |
| 20, Qlsb, Lacustrine sand and silt Bonneville phase |
| 21, Qldb, Deltaic deposits Bonneville phase |
| 22, Qlgbp, Lacustrine gravel and sand Bonneville undivided |
| 23, Qlsbp, Lacustrine sand and silt Bonneville undivided |
| 24, Qlmbp, Lacustrine silt and clay Bonneville undivided |
| 25, Qll, Lagoon-fill deposits |
| 26, Qmsy, Younger landslide deposits |
| 27, Qmt, Talus deposits |
| 28, Qac, Alluvial and colluvial deposits |
| 29, Qlay, Young lacustrine and alluvial deposits |
| 30, Qlgb/Qafo, Lacustrine gravel and sand Bonneville over Qafo |
| 31, Qlgb/QTaf, Lacustrine gravel and sand Bonneville over QTaf |
| 32, Qlgb/Ppc, Lacustrine gravel and sand Bonneville over Ppc |
| 33, Qlgb/PIPok, Lacustrine gravel and sand Bonneville over PIPok |
| 34, QTaf, Oldest alluvial-fan deposits |
| 35, Tsl, Jordan Narrows unit of Salt Lake Formation |
| 36, TKc?, Conglomerate |
| 37, Ppc, Park City and Phosphoria Formations undivided |
| 38, PIPpk, Park City and Kessler Canyon Formations undivided |
| 39, PIPok, Kessler Canyon Formation |
OFR682dm_TroutCreekSE_GeologicUnits_leaders (2213)
| Rule_1 |
OFR682dm_TroutCreekSE_CrossSectionLines (2196)
| Cross section, A-A' |
| Cross section, B-B' |
| Cross section, C-C' |
| Cross section, D-D' |
| Cross section, E-E' |
OFR682dm_TroutCreekSE_GeologicSymbols (2209)
| Bedding, horizontal, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured |
| Bedding, vertical, field measured |
| Drill hole, dry hole |
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Spring |
OFR682dm_TroutCreekSE_GeologicStructureLines (2208)
| Fold, anticline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, overturned, well located |
| Fold, anticline, synformal, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, synformal, well located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
| Fold, unknown, well located |
OFR682dm_TroutCreekSE_GeologicLines (2207)
| Bed, marker A, concealed |
| Bed, marker A, well located |
| Bed, marker B, concealed |
| Bed, marker B, well located |
| Bed, marker D, concealed |
| Bed, marker D, well located |
| Boundary, map |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, detachment,approximately located |
| Fault, detachment, concealed |
| Fault, detachment, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Fault, thrust, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Bed, marker U, well located |
Geologic Units (2210)
| <all other values> |
| 1, Qr, Unconsolidated material of diverse origin |
| 2, Tc, Conglomerate |
| 3, Pg, Park City Group, Gerster Formation |
| 4, Pp, Park City Group, Plympton Formation |
| 5, Pk, Park City Group, Kaibab Limestone |
| 6, Pa, Arcturus formation |
| 7, PIPMe, Ely limestone of Hose and Repenning (1959) |
| 8, MD, Chainman and Pilot shales- undivided |
| 9, Dg, Guilmette formation |
| 10, Dsi, Simonson dolomite |
| 11, Ds, Sevy dolomite |
Copperton_GeologicUnits_leaders (2186)
| Rule_1 |
Copperton_GeologicSymbols (2187)
| Bedding, overturned, field measured |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Fold, anticline, overturned |
| Foliation, inclined, field measured |
| Gravel pit |
| Sample |
| Arrow |
| Bedding, approximate, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Contact, queried |
| Fold, plunge arrow |
| Foliation, vertical, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned, map digitized, source-B |
| Drill hole, water well |
Copperton_GeologicLines (2188)
| Bed, marker A, well located |
| Boundary, map |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, queried |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, beach ridge, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, thrust, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, concealed |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville, trangressional, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo, regressional, well located |
| Vein, mineralized, approximately located |
Copperton_CrossSectionLines (2189)
| Cross-section, A-A' |
| Cross-section, B-B' |
Copperton_USMinAdits (2190)
| Rule_1 |
Copperton_GeologicStructureLines (2191)
| Rule_1 |
Copperton_BinghamMineFeatures (2192)
| Bingham tunnel |
| Conveyor tunnel |
Geologic Units (2193)
| 1,Qal1,Modern stream deposits |
| 2,Qat1,Stream-terrace deposits |
| 3,Qat2,Stream-terrace deposits |
| 4,Qaly,Young alluvial deposits |
| 5,Qalb,Alluvial deposits related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle |
| 6,Qaf1,Modern alluvial-fan deposits |
| 7,Qafy,Young alluvial-fan deposits |
| 8,Qafb,Alluvial-fan deposits related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle |
| 9,Qafo,Older alluvial-fan deposits |
| 10,Qap1,Pediment-mantle alluvium |
| 11,Qap2,Pediment-mantle alluvium |
| 12,Qf,Artificial fill |
| 13,Qfd,Disturbed land |
| 14,Qfl,Landfill |
| 15,Qfm,Mine Dumps |
| 16,Qfo,Ore leach piles |
| 17,Qc,Colluvial deposits |
| 18,Qlgp,Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Provo (regressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle |
| 19,Qlsp,Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Provo (regressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle |
| 20,Qlgb,Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake c* |
| 21,Qlsb,Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cyc* |
| 22,Qlmb,Lacustrine silt and clay related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cyc* |
| 23,Qldb,Deltaic deposits related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle |
| 24,Qlgbp,Lacustrine gravel and sand of the Bonneville lake cycle - undivided |
| 25,Qlmbp,Lacustrine silt and clay of the Bonneville lake cycle - undivided |
| 26,Qll,Lagoon-fill deposits |
| 27,Qmsh,Historical landslide deposits |
| 28,Qmsy,Younger landslide deposits |
| 30,Qac,Alluvial and colluvial deposits |
| 31,Qaco,Older alluvial and colluvial deposits |
| 32,Qmtc,Talus and colluvial deposits |
| 33,Qc/Tvfou,Colluvial deposits over older lava flows - undivided |
| 34,Qc/IPobp,Colluvial deposits over the Butterfield Peaks Formation |
| 35,Qlgb/Qafo,Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase over older alluvial-fan * |
| 36,Qlgb/QTaf,Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake c* |
| 37,QTaf,Oldest alluvial-fan deposits |
| 38,Tsl,Jordan Narrows unit |
| 39,Tisp,Rhyolite plug of Shaggy Peak |
| 40,Tvbo,Older block and ash flow tuff |
| 41,Tvfou,Older lava flows - undivided |
| 42,Tiu,Undifferentiated sills and dikes |
| 43,Til,Dacite plug of Lark |
| 44,Tibc,Sills of Butterfield Canyon |
| 46,TKc,Conglomerate |
| 47,PIPok,Kessler Canyon Formation |
| 48,Pkdc,Kirkman Limestone and Diamond Creek Sandstone - undivided |
| 49,Pfp,Freeman Peak Formation |
| 50,Pcp,Curry Peak Formation |
| 51,Ipobmj,Jordan Limestone |
| 52,IPobp,Butterfield Peaks Formation |
| 53,ls,Marker beds |
| 54,IPbmc,Clipper member of Bingham Mine Formation |
| 54,Tc,Conglomerate |
| 54,Tva,Andesite |
| 54,Tvlb,Latite breccia |
| 54,lst,Limestone marker bed of Butterfield Peaks Formation |
| 54,Tvb,Latite breccia with interbedded tuff - sand - and gravel |
| 54,IPbp,Butterfield Peaks Formation |
| 54,Qal,Undifferentiated alluvial deposits |
| 54,Tvhl,Hornblende latite porphyryl |
| 54,Tilp,Latite porphyry (sill or dike) |
| 54,?,Commercial Limestone |
| 54,Tvlp,Latite |
| 54,Lake,Oquirrh Lake |
| Qmsh |
LeppyPeakArea_GeologicSymbols (2216)
| Arrow, filled |
| Arrow, open |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Fold, minor anticline, bearing_plunge |
| Fold, minor syncline, bearing_plunge |
| Foliation, inclined, field measured |
LeppyPeakArea_GeologicCrossSectionLines (2165)
| Cross section, A-A' |
| Cross section, B-B' |
| Cross section, C-C' |
LeppyPeakArea_GeologicLines (2166)
| <all other values> |
| Bed, marker A, approximately located |
| Bed, marker A, well located |
| Boundary, map |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, low-angle normal, approximately located |
| Fault, low-angle normal, concealed |
| Fault, low-angle normal, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
Geologic Units (2167)
| 1—Qal—Alluvium |
| 2—Qes—Eolian sand |
| 3—Qp—Playa deposits |
| 4—Qaf1—Younger alluvial fan deposits |
| 5—Qmc—Colluvium and talus |
| 6—Qlg—Lacustrine gravel |
| 7—Qla—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided |
| 8—Qaf2—Older alluvial fan deposits |
| 9—Tap—Andesite porphyry |
| 10—Tap?—Andesite porphyry? |
| 11—Ts—Sedimentary rocks |
| 12—Trpu—Upper rhyolite porphyry |
| 13—Trpl—Lower rhyolite porphyry |
| 14—Tgd—Granodiorite |
| 15—Td—Diabase |
| 16—bx—Silicified breccia |
| 17—Pp—Pequop Formation of Bissell (1964) |
| 18—Pp?—Pequop Formation of Bissell (1964) (?) |
| 19—PIPfs—Ferguson Mountain and Strathearn Formations, undivided |
| 20—IPe—Ely Group of Bissell (1964) |
| 21—IPe?—Ely Group of Bissell (1964) (?) |
| 22—Mcd—Chainman Shale and Diamond Peak Formation, undivided |
| 23—Mj—Joana Limestone |
| 24—MDp—Pilot Shale |
| 25—Dg—Guilmette Formation |
| 26—Ds—Simonson Dolomite |
GraniteMtn_GeologicUnitLeaders (2159)
| Rule_1 |
GraniteMtn_GeologicSymbols (2153)
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned |
| Fold, minor, anticline |
| Fold, minor, syncline |
GraniteMtn_CrossSectionLines (2155)
| Cross section, A-A' |
| Cross section, B-B' |
| Cross section, C-C' |
| Cross section, D-D' |
GraniteMtn_StructureLines (2156)
| Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
GraniteMtn_GeologicLines (2158)
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Fault, thrust, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Fault, detachment, well located |
| Fault, detachment, approximately located |
| Fault, detachment, concealed |
| Contact, concealed |
Geologic Units (2157)
| 1, Qr, Unconsolidated material of diverse origin |
| 2, Tc, Conglomerate |
| 3, Tt, Tuff |
| 4, Tw, Welded ash-flow tuff |
| 5, TRt, Thaynes formation |
| 6, Pg, Gerster formation |
| 7, Pp, Plympton formation |
| 8, Pk, Kaibab limestone |
| 9, Pa, Arcturus formation |
| 10, PIPMe, Ely limestone of Hose and Repenning (1959) |
| 11, MD, Chainman and Pilot shales - undivided |
| 12, Dg, Guilmette formation |
GraybackHills_GeologicSymbols (2121)
| Bedding, horizontal, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured |
| Bedding, vertical, field measured |
| Gravel pit |
| Sample |
GraybackHills_CrossSectionLines (2120)
| <all other values> |
| Cross section, A-A' |
GraybackHills_GeologicLines (2119)
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Extent, pit or quarry, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Shoreline, Gilbert level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Gilbert level, well located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located |
GraybackHills_GeologicStructureLines (2118)
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
Geologic Units (2117)
| 1, Qf, Artificial-fill deposits |
| 2, Qes, Silica-dune deposits |
| 3, Qeg, Gypsum-dune deposits |
| 4, Qal, Alluvial-channel and -floodplain deposits |
| 5, Qaf, Alluvial-fan deposits |
| 6, Qpm, Playa-mud deposits |
| 7, Qls, Lacustrine sand |
| 8, Qlm, Lacustrine marl |
| 9, Qll, Lacustrine lagoon deposits |
| 10, Qlg, Lacustrine gravel |
| 11, Qlg/Tt, Lacustrine gravel overlying trachyandesite lava |
| 13, Qlf, Lacustrine fine-grained deposits |
| 14, Qlc, Lacustrine clay |
| 15, Qla, Undifferentiated lacustrine and alluvial deposits |
| 16, Tt, Trachyandesite lava flows |
| 17, Tsd, Volcaniclastic rocks |
| 18, TRtu, Upper Thaynes Formation |
| 19, TRtu?, Upper Thaynes Formation? |
| 20, TRtl, Lower Thaynes Formation |
| 21, TRd, Dinwoody Formation |
| 22, Pge, Gerster Formation |
| 23, Pm, Murdock Mountain Formation |
| 24, Pg?, Grandeur? Formation |
ParkCityEast_Geochem (2079)
| Rule_1 |
ParkCityEast_GeologicSymbols (2080)
| <all other values> |
| Adit |
| Adit1 |
| Arch |
| Arrow |
| Arrow, filled |
| Arrow, open |
| Bedding, cross-Bedding |
| Bedding, cumulate |
| Bedding, graded |
| Bedding, horizontal, field measured |
| Bedding, horizontal, map digitized |
| Bedding, horizontal, map digitized, source-B |
| Bedding, horizontal, map digitized, source-C |
| Bedding, horizontal, map digitized, source-D |
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, map digitized |
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, map digitized, source-B |
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, map digitized, source-C |
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, map digitized, source-D |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-C |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-D |
| Bedding, inclined, photo-interpreted |
| Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned, map digitized |
| Bedding, overturned, map digitized, source-B |
| Bedding, overturned, map digitized, source-C |
| Bedding, overturned, map digitized, source-D |
| Bedding, overturned, photogrammetric (3-point) |
| Bedding, overturned, top known |
| Bedding, upright, top known |
| Bedding, vertical, approximate, field measured |
| Bedding, vertical, approximate, map digitized |
| Bedding, vertical, approximate, map digitized, source-B |
| Bedding, vertical, approximate, map digitized, source-C |
| Bedding, vertical, approximate, map digitized, source-D |
| Bedding, vertical, field measured |
| Bedding, vertical, map digitized |
| Bedding, vertical, map digitized, source-B |
| Bedding, vertical, map digitized, source-C |
| Bedding, vertical, map digitized, source-D |
| Cleavage, horizontal |
| Cleavage, horizontal 2 |
| Cleavage, inclined |
| Cleavage, inclined 2 |
| Cleavage, vertical |
| Cleavage, vertical 2 |
| Dinosaur tracks |
| Drill hole |
| Drill hole, abandoned |
| Drill hole, dry hole |
| Drill hole, gas show |
| Drill hole, gas well |
| Drill hole, gas well, abandoned |
| Drill hole, gas well, shut-in |
| Drill hole, injection well |
| Drill hole, oil & gas show |
| Drill hole, oil & gas well |
| Drill hole, oil & gas well, abandoned |
| Drill hole, oil & gas well, shut-in |
| Drill hole, oil show |
| Drill hole, oil well |
| Drill hole, oil well, abandoned |
| Drill hole, oil well, shut-in |
| Drill hole, water well |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Fault, dip |
| Fault, dip, photogrammetric |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral |
| Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral |
| Fold, M-fold |
| Fold, S-fold |
| Fold, Z-fold |
| Fold, anticline, overturned |
| Fold, anticline, synformal |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, anticline, upright, asymmetrical |
| Fold, minor M |
| Fold, minor S |
| Fold, minor Z |
| Fold, minor anticline |
| Fold, minor anticline, bearing & plunge |
| Fold, minor anticline, inclined |
| Fold, minor anticline, overturned |
| Fold, minor antiform |
| Fold, minor antiform, inclined |
| Fold, minor basin |
| Fold, minor boudinage |
| Fold, minor dome |
| Fold, minor horizontal |
| Fold, minor inclined |
| Fold, minor syncline |
| Fold, minor syncline, bearing & plunge |
| Fold, minor syncline, inclined |
| Fold, minor syncline, overturned |
| Fold, minor synform |
| Fold, minor synform, inclined |
| Fold, monocline |
| Fold, monocline, antiformal bend |
| Fold, monocline, overturned |
| Fold, monocline, synformal bend |
| Fold, plunge arrow |
| Fold, syncline, antiformal |
| Fold, syncline, overturned |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Fold, syncline, upright, asymmetrical |
| Foliation, horizontal |
| Foliation, horizontal 2 |
| Foliation, inclined 2 |
| Foliation, inclined 3 |
| Foliation, inclined, approximate 2 |
| Foliation, inclined, approximate, field measured |
| Foliation, inclined, approximate, map digitized |
| Foliation, inclined, approximate, map digitized, source-B |
| Foliation, inclined, approximate, map digitized, source-C |
| Foliation, inclined, approximate, map digitized, source-D |
| Foliation, inclined, field measured |
| Foliation, inclined, map digitized |
| Foliation, inclined, map digitized, source-B |
| Foliation, inclined, map digitized, source-C |
| Foliation, inclined, map digitized, source-D |
| Foliation, inclined, photogrammetric, (3-point) |
| Foliation, vertical 2 |
| Foliation, vertical, approximate 2 |
| Foliation, vertical, approximate, field measured |
| Foliation, vertical, approximate, map digitized |
| Foliation, vertical, approximate, map digitized, source-B |
| Foliation, vertical, approximate, map digitized, source-C |
| Foliation, vertical, approximate, map digitized, source-D |
| Foliation, vertical, field measured |
| Foliation, vertical, map digitized |
| Foliation, vertical, map digitized, source-B |
| Foliation, vertical, map digitized, source-C |
| Foliation, vertical, map digitized, source-D |
| Gravel pit |
| Joint, inclined |
| Joint, inclined 2 |
| Joint, vertical |
| Joint, vertical 2 |
| Lineation, bearing & plunge |
| Lineation, horizontal |
| Lineation, minor folds |
| Lineation, vertical |
| Locality |
| Mine or quarry |
| Mine or quarry, abandoned |
| Oil seep |
| Planar feature, horizontal |
| Planar feature, inclined |
| Planar feature, vertical |
| Prospect |
| Prospect1 |
| Sample |
| Sample 2 |
| Sample 3 |
| Sample 4 |
| Sample 5 |
| Sample 6 |
| Sample, fossil |
| Sedimentary pipe |
| Shaft |
| Shaft1 |
| Sinkhole |
| Spring |
| Swamp |
| Volcanic cone, cinder |
| Volcanic cone, spatter |
ParkCityEast_CrossSectionLines (2081)
| <all other values> |
| Cross section, A-A' |
| Cross section, B-B' |
| Cross section, C-C' |
ParkCityEast_GeologicLines (2082)
| <all other values> |
| Bed, coal, approximately located |
| Bed, coal, concealed |
| Bed, coal, well located |
| Bed, marker A, approximately located |
| Bed, marker A, concealed |
| Bed, marker A, well located |
| Bed, marker B, approximately located |
| Bed, marker B, concealed |
| Bed, marker B, well located |
| Bed, marker C, approximately located |
| Bed, marker C, concealed |
| Bed, marker C, well located |
| Boundary, map |
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Boundary, water, intermittent |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Cirque, headwall, well located |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, concealed |
| Contact, gradational, approximately located |
| Contact, queried |
| Contact, scratch, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, arete, well located |
| Crest, beach ridge, well located |
| Crest, moraine, type1, asymmetrical |
| Crest, moraine, type1, symmetrical |
| Crest, moraine, type1, symmetry unknown |
| Crest, moraine, type2, asymmetrical |
| Crest, moraine, type2, symmetrical |
| Crest, moraine, type2, symmetry unknown |
| Crest, tensional, well located |
| Depression, well located |
| Dike, igneous, approximately located |
| Dike, igneous, approximately located, queried |
| Dike, igneous, concealed |
| Dike, igneous, concealed, queried |
| Dike, igneous, well located |
| Dike, intermediate, approximately located |
| Dike, intermediate, approximately located, queried |
| Dike, intermediate, concealed |
| Dike, intermediate, concealed, queried |
| Dike, intermediate, well located |
| Dike, mafic, approximately located |
| Dike, mafic, approximately located, queried |
| Dike, mafic, concealed |
| Dike, mafic, concealed, queried |
| Dike, mafic, well located |
| Dike, silicic, approximately located |
| Dike, silicic, approximately located, queried |
| Dike, silicic, concealed |
| Dike, silicic, concealed, queried |
| Dike, silicic, well located |
| Dike, type1, unknown, approximately located |
| Dike, type1, unknown, approximately located, queried |
| Dike, type1, unknown, concealed |
| Dike, type1, unknown, concealed, queried |
| Dike, type1, unknown, well located |
| Dike, type2, unknown, approximately located |
| Dike, type2, unknown, approximately located, queried |
| Dike, type2, unknown, concealed |
| Dike, type2, unknown, concealed, queried |
| Dike, type2, unknown, well located |
| Extent, glacier ice, approximately located |
| Extent, pit or quarry, well located |
| Extent, sinkhole, well located |
| Fault, attenuation, concealed |
| Fault, attenuation, concealed, queried |
| Fault, attenuation, exposed |
| Fault, attenuation, exposed, queried |
| Fault, caldera margin, approximately located |
| Fault, caldera margin, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, caldera margin, concealed |
| Fault, caldera margin, concealed, queried |
| Fault, caldera margin, well located |
| Fault, detachment, type1, approximately located |
| Fault, detachment, type1, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, detachment, type1, concealed |
| Fault, detachment, type1, concealed, queried |
| Fault, detachment, type1, well located |
| Fault, detachment, type2, approximately located |
| Fault, detachment, type2, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, detachment, type2, concealed |
| Fault, detachment, type2, concealed, queried |
| Fault, detachment, type2, well located |
| Fault, geophysical |
| Fault, geophysical, aeromagnetic |
| Fault, geophysical, gravity |
| Fault, geophysical, seismic |
| Fault, gravity slide, approximately located |
| Fault, gravity slide, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, gravity slide, concealed |
| Fault, gravity slide, concealed, queried |
| Fault, gravity slide, well located |
| Fault, low-angle normal, type1, approximately located |
| Fault, low-angle normal, type1, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, low-angle normal, type1, concealed |
| Fault, low-angle normal, type1, concealed, queried |
| Fault, low-angle normal, type1, well located |
| Fault, low-angle normal, type2, approximately located |
| Fault, low-angle normal, type2, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, low-angle normal, type2, concealed |
| Fault, low-angle normal, type2, concealed, queried |
| Fault, low-angle normal, type2, well located |
| Fault, megabreccia, approximately located |
| Fault, megabreccia, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, megabreccia, concealed |
| Fault, megabreccia, concealed, queried |
| Fault, megabreccia, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed, queried |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, concealed, queried |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, well located |
| Fault, reverse, approximately located |
| Fault, reverse, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, reverse, concealed |
| Fault, reverse, concealed, queried |
| Fault, reverse, well located |
| Fault, shear zone, approximately located |
| Fault, shear zone, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, shear zone, concealed |
| Fault, shear zone, concealed, queried |
| Fault, shear zone, well located |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, concealed, queried |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, well located |
| Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, concealed, queried |
| Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, well located |
| Fault, thrust, type1, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, type1, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, thrust, type1, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, type1, concealed, queried |
| Fault, thrust, type1, well located |
| Fault, thrust, type2, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, type2, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, thrust, type2, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, type2, concealed, queried |
| Fault, thrust, type2, well located |
| Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, concealed, queried |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, concealed, queried |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Fault,normal, approximately located |
| Fracture, well located |
| Joint, approximately located |
| Joint, well located |
| Lineament |
| Measured section line |
| Scarp, landslide, approximately located |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
| Scarp, sackung, approximately located |
| Scarp, sackung, well located |
| Scarp, tensional, approximately located |
| Scarp, tensional, well located |
| Scarp, terrace, approximately located |
| Scarp, terrace, well located |
| Scarp, undefined, approximately located |
| Scarp, undefined, well located |
| Shoreline, Bear Lake, Garden City level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bear Lake, Garden City level, concealed |
| Shoreline, Bear Lake, Garden City level, well located |
| Shoreline, Bear Lake, Liberty level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bear Lake, Liberty level, concealed |
| Shoreline, Bear Lake, Liberty level, well located |
| Shoreline, Bear Lake, Lifton level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bear Lake, Lifton level, concealed |
| Shoreline, Bear Lake, Lifton level, well located |
| Shoreline, Bear Lake, Ovid level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bear Lake, Ovid level, concealed |
| Shoreline, Bear Lake, Ovid level, well located |
| Shoreline, Bear Lake, Wardboro level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bear Lake, Wardboro level, concealed |
| Shoreline, Bear Lake, Wardboro level, well located |
| Shoreline, Bear Lake, Willis Ranch level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bear Lake, Willis Ranch level, concealed |
| Shoreline, Bear Lake, Willis Ranch level, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, concealed |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville, constructional, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville, constructional, concealed |
| Shoreline, Bonneville, constructional, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville, erosional, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville, erosional, concealed |
| Shoreline, Bonneville, erosional, well located |
| Shoreline, Gilbert level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Gilbert level, concealed |
| Shoreline, Gilbert level, well located |
| Shoreline, Great Salt Lake highstand, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Great Salt Lake highstand, concealed |
| Shoreline, Great Salt Lake highstand, well located |
| Shoreline, Holocene highstand, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Holocene highstand, concealed |
| Shoreline, Holocene highstand, well located |
| Shoreline, Holocene, other, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Holocene, other, concealed |
| Shoreline, Holocene, other, well located |
| Shoreline, Lake Gunnison, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Lake Gunnison, concealed |
| Shoreline, Lake Gunnison, well located |
| Shoreline, Pine Valley Lake, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Pine Valley Lake, concealed |
| Shoreline, Pine Valley Lake, well located |
| Shoreline, Pine Valley, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Pine Valley, concealed |
| Shoreline, Pine Valley, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, concealed |
| Shoreline, Provo level, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo, constructional, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Provo, constructional, concealed |
| Shoreline, Provo, constructional, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo, erosional, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Provo, erosional, concealed |
| Shoreline, Provo, erosional, well located |
| Shoreline, Sevier Lake highstand, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Sevier Lake highstand, concealed |
| Shoreline, Sevier Lake highstand, well located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, concealed |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located |
| Shoreline, Utah Lake highstand, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Utah Lake highstand, concealed |
| Shoreline, Utah Lake highstand, well located |
| Shoreline, regressional, approximately located |
| Shoreline, regressional, concealed |
| Shoreline, regressional, well located |
| Shoreline, transgressional, approximately located |
| Shoreline, transgressional, concealed |
| Shoreline, transgressional, well located |
| Shoreline, undetermined, approximately located |
| Shoreline, undetermined, concealed |
| Shoreline, undetermined, well located |
| Surface edge, geomorphic, undefined, approximately located |
| Surface edge, geomorphic, undefined, well located |
| Trench, paleoseismic, well located |
| Vein, Gilsonite, approximately located |
| Vein, Gilsonite, approximately located, queried |
| Vein, Gilsonite, concealed |
| Vein, Gilsonite, concealed, queried |
| Vein, Gilsonite, well located |
| Vein, mineralized, approximately located |
| Vein, mineralized, approximately located, queried |
| Vein, mineralized, concealed |
| Vein, mineralized, concealed, queried |
| Vein, mineralized, well located |
| Vein, unmineralized, approximately located |
| Vein, unmineralized, approximately located, queried |
| Vein, unmineralized, concealed |
| Vein, unmineralized, concealed, queried |
| Vein, unmineralized, well located |
ParkCityEast_GeologicStructureLines (2083)
| Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
Geologic Units (2084)
| Qalo? |
| Tksh(w) |
| Qat2 |
| Qat3 |
| IPPw |
| Kfl |
| Qafco |
| Qao |
| Tksh(pc-w) |
| Tkn |
| Tksc(ag) |
| Tksc(n) |
| Tksc(n-ag) |
| water |
| JTRn |
| Jgs |
| Jtcb |
| Jtcl |
| Jtcr |
| Jtcs |
| Jtcw |
| Kma |
| Ppc |
| QTa |
| Qac |
| Qaco |
| Qaf1 |
| Qafc |
| Qafo |
| Qafy |
| Qalo |
| Qaly |
| Qat |
| Qc |
| Qgmb |
| Qh |
| Qhd |
| Qhm |
| Qhr |
| Qmc |
| Qms |
| Qms? |
| Qmsh |
| Qmtc |
| TRag |
| TRam |
| TRau |
| TRt |
| TRt? |
| TRtl |
| TRtm |
| TRtu |
| TRw |
| Ta |
| Tki |
| Tkp |
| Tkpp |
| Tkrf |
| Tksc |
| Tksc(a) |
| Tksc(w) |
| Tksh |
| Tkt |
SantaClara_CrossSection (1989)
| Cross section, A-A' |
SantaClara_GeologicUnits_leaders (1990)
SantaClara_GeologicSymbols_points (1991)
| Arch |
| Arrow, filled |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Gravel pit |
| Joint, inclined |
| Joint, vertical |
| Mine or quarry |
| Sample |
| Sample 2 |
| Sample 3 |
| Spring |
| Volcanic cone, cinder |
SantaClara_StructureLines (1992)
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
SantaClara_GeologicLines (1993)
| Boundary, map |
| Boundary, water |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Dike, mafic, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Joint, well located |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
Geologic Units (1994)
| JTRmd |
| Jkm |
| Jks |
| Jmw |
| Jn |
| Qab |
| Qabo |
| Qac |
| Qacg |
| Qae |
| Qaeo |
| Qag |
| Qal1 |
| Qap3 |
| Qap4 |
| Qap6 |
| Qapy |
| Qas |
| Qat2 |
| Qat3 |
| Qat4 |
| Qat5 |
| Qat6 |
| Qat7 |
| Qat8 |
| Qbb |
| Qbcb |
| Qbdv |
| Qbgd |
| Qbl |
| Qbs |
| Qbsc |
| Qc |
| Qea |
| Qeca |
| Qed |
| Qes |
| Qf |
| Qms |
| Qms(TRcs) |
| Qmsh |
| Qmso |
| Qmt |
| Qst |
| TRcp |
| TRcs |
| TRmm |
| TRms |
| TRmu |
| Water |
MountPowell_CrossSectionLines (1961)
MountPowell_GeologicUnits_leaders (1945)
MountPowell_GeologicSymbols (1962)
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
MountPowell_GeologicLines (1950)
| Boundary, map |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Cirque, headwall, well located |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, moraine, type1, symmetry unknown |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, reverse, approximately located |
| Fault, reverse, concealed |
| Fault, reverse, well located |
MountPowell_GeologicStructureLines (1949)
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
Geologic Units (1948)
| QTr |
| Qg |
| Qgr |
| Qgs |
| Qgu |
| Ql |
| Qmt |
| Zuci |
| Zucl |
| Zucm |
| Zucu |
| Zud |
| Zuh |
| Zuma |
| water |
AntelopeIsland_CrossSectionLinesEraseIntersection (2523)
| Cross section, A-A' |
| Cross section, B-B' |
| Cross section, C-C' |
| Cross section, D-D' |
AntelopeIsland_GeologicSymbolsEraseIntersection (2519)
| Adit |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Cleavage, inclined |
| Cleavage, vertical |
| Drill hole, abandoned |
| Drill hole, water well |
| Foliation, inclined, field measured |
| Foliation, vertical, field measured |
| Gravel pit |
| Mine or quarry |
| Prospect |
| Sample 3 |
| Shaft |
AntelopeIsland_GeologicLinesEraseIntersection (2520)
| Boundary, map |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, concealed |
| Contact, well located |
| Extent, pit or quarry, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, thrust, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, well located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, concealed, queried |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Scarp, landslide, approximately located |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, Gilbert level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Gilbert level, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, well located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located |
| Vein, mineralized, concealed |
| Vein, mineralized, well located |
AntelopeIsland_ShearZonesEraseIntersection (2521)
| shz1 |
| shz2 |
| shz3 |
| shz4 |
| shz5 |
| shz6 |
| shz7 |
Geologic Units (2522)
| 1_Qf_Artificial fill |
| 2_Qfd_Disturbed ground |
| 3_Qsm_Marsh deposits associated with springs |
| 4_Qal_Stream-channel alluvial deposits |
| 5_Qaf_Alluvial-fan deposits |
| 6_Qeo_Oolitic wind-blown sand deposits |
| 7_Qes_Siliceous wind-blown sand deposits |
| 8_Qms_Landslide deposits |
| 9_Qc_Colluvial deposits |
| 10_Qlo_Lacustrine oolitic sand deposits |
| 11_Qll_Lacustrine lagoonal deposits |
| 12_Qlg_Lacustrine sand and gravel deposits |
| 13_Qlb_Lacustrine boulder deposits |
| 14_Qlt_Lacustrine tufa and calcium carbonate-cemented gravel deposits |
| 15_Qlf_Lacustrine sand, silt, and clay deposits |
| 16_Tsl_Salt Lake Formation |
| 17_Tuu_Upper member of conglomeratic unit |
| 18_Tul_Lower member of conglomeratic unit |
| 19_Kq_Quartz veins |
| 20_XWfg_Chloritized and hematized gneiss, mylonite, and phyllonite |
| 21_XWfs_Silicified cataclastic gneiss |
| 22_Ct_Tintic Quartzite |
| 23_Zks_Slate member of the Kelley Canyon Formation |
| 24_Zkd_Dolomite member of the Kelley Canyon Formation |
| 25_Zmf_Mineral Fork Formation |
| 26_XWfp_Farmington Canyon Complex, pegmatitic granite |
| 27_XWfc_Farmington Canyon Complex, coarse-grained granite |
| 28_XWfr_Farmington Canyon Complex, red granitic gneiss |
| 29_XWfm_Farmington Canyon Complex, migmatitic granitic gneiss |
| 30_XWfa_Farmington Canyon Complex, amphibolite and gneiss |
| 31_XWfb_Farmington Canyon Complex, mixed gneiss, amphibolite, granite, and schist |
| 32_XWfl_Farmington Canyon Complex, layered gneiss |
| 33_XWfq_Farmington Canyon Complex, quartz-plagioclase gneiss |
| 34_XWfh_Farmington Canyon Complex, mixed amphibolite, gneiss, and granite |
| 35_water_Great Salt Lake |
ptsympts descriptor (1884)
foldsympts point (1885)
foldsymarcs arc (1886)
foldsymarcs polygon (1887)
ptsympts point dip labels (1888)
ptsympts point (1889)
ptsymarcs arc (1890)
| black |
| red |
| <all other values> |
ptsymarcs polygon (1891)
| 1 |
lnsympts point (1892)
lnsymarcs arc (1893)
lnsymarcs polygon (1894)
| 1 |
cross section (1895)
fold axes (1896)
| approximately located |
| concealed |
| well located |
geology arc (1897)
| contact well located |
| contact approximately located |
| Highest Bonneville Shoreline |
| Other Bonneville Shoreline |
| Highest Provo Shoreline |
| Other Provo Shoreline |
| fault contact normal well located |
| fault normal well located |
| fault normal concealed |
| fault normal queried approximately located |
| fault contact normal queried approximately located |
| fault normal queried concealed |
| fault thrust approximately located |
| fault thrust concealed |
| fault geophysical very approximately located |
| fault contact geophysical very approximately located |
| offshore bar crest Lake Bonneville well located |
| scarp river terrace well located |
| headscarp landslide well located |
| map boundary |
Geologic Units (1898)
| Qal1 |
| Qat2 |
| Qat3 |
| Qat4 |
| Qat5 |
| Qat6 |
| Qat7 |
| Qaly |
| Qalo |
| Qaf1 |
| Qaf2 |
| Qaf3 |
| Qafy |
| Qafo |
| Qf |
| Qfm |
| Qfl |
| Qfd |
| Qc |
| Qco |
| Qlgp |
| Qlgbp |
| Qlgb |
| Qlsbp |
| Qlsp |
| Qlsb |
| Qlmb |
| Qlmp |
| Qlmbp |
| Qlu |
| Qll |
| Qmsh |
| Qmsy |
| Qmt |
| Qac |
| Qesc |
| Qlay |
| Qlao |
| Qlag |
| Qmtc |
| Qlsb/Qafo |
| Qlgb/Qafo |
| Qlsp/Qafo |
| Qlu/Qafo |
| Qlgb/IPobm? |
| Qlgb/Tvy |
| Qlsb/Tvy |
| Qlgp/Tvy |
| Qlu/Tvy |
| Qlgb/Tvby |
| Qlsp/Mgb |
| Qlag/Mmc |
| Qlag/Mgb |
| QTst |
| Taf |
| Tid |
| Tslc |
| Tslj |
| Tvy |
| Tvby |
| Tvfy |
| IPobm |
| IPobm? |
| IPobm ? |
| IPobp |
| IPMowc |
| Mmc |
| Mgb |
| Water |
Map Labels (1869)
Leaders (1870)
fold point (1871)
fold polygon (1872)
Bar and ball point (1873)
Bar and ball arc (1874)
Bar and ball polygon (1875)
| 1 |
Point data point (1876)
Point data arc (1877)
| adit, black |
| bedding, black |
| bedding, red |
| foliation, black |
| gravel pit, black |
| oil well, black |
| prospect, black |
| quarry, black |
| sample locality, black |
| spring, black |
point data polygon (1878)
| 0 |
| 1 |
Cross Section Line (1879)
Fold Axis (1880)
Geology Arcs (1881)
| contact, , well located |
| contact, , approximately located |
| fault, normal, well located |
| fault, normal, approximately located |
| fault, normal, concealed |
| fault, thrust, approximately located |
| fault, geophysical, very approximately located |
| headscarp, landslide, well located |
| scarp, erosional, well located |
| moraine, glacial, well located |
| beachbars, Bonneville, well located |
| shoreline, bonneville, well located |
| shoreline, provo, well located |
| shoreline, bonneville, approximately located |
| shoreline, provo, approximately located |
| shoreline/contact, bonneville, well located |
| shoreline/contact, provo, well located |
| shoreline/contact, provo, approximately located |
| map boundary, , |
| map boundary, extended east, |
Geologic Units (1882)
| Qal1 |
| Qat2 |
| Qat3 |
| Qaly |
| Qalo |
| Qalp |
| Qalpo |
| Qalb |
| Qaf1 |
| Qaf2 |
| Qaf3 |
| Qafy |
| Qafp |
| Qafb |
| Qlgb/Qafo |
| Qlgb/IPobm? |
| Qafo |
| Qf |
| Qfl |
| Qfd |
| Qc |
| Qgob |
| Qgtb |
| Qgod |
| Qgtd |
| Qlgp |
| Qlgb |
| Qlsp |
| Qlsb |
| Qlmp |
| Qlmb |
| Qldp |
| Qldb |
| Qmf |
| Qmsh |
| Qmsy |
| Qmsy? |
| Qmso |
| Qmso? |
| Qmt |
| Qac |
| Qaco |
| Qatc |
| Qmtc |
| Qmtco |
| Qlay |
| Qlag |
| Qlsb/Qafo |
| Qc/Qmso |
| QTa |
| Taf |
| Tipd |
| Ti |
| Tia1 |
| Tia2 |
| Tv |
| Tv? |
| IPobm? |
| IPobm ? |
| Mdo |
| Mgb |
| Mh |
| Md |
| Mg |
| Mg? |
| MDf |
| Cm |
| Co |
| Ct |
| Zm |
| Zmf |
| opalite |
| quartzitebrecci |
Kanab_UnitLeaders (1845)
Kanab_CrossSection (1846)
Kanab_MapSymbols (1847)
| Adit |
| Bedding, Horizontal, Field Measured |
| Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured |
| Drillhole, Abandoned |
| Drillhole, Dry Hole |
| Fault, Ball & Bar |
| Gravel Pit |
| Joint, Vertical |
| Quarry |
| Sample |
| Spring |
Kanab_StructureLines (1848)
| Structure Contour, Datum 1 |
| Structure Contour, Datum 1, Projected Above Ground |
| Structure Contour, Datum 2 |
| Structure Contour, Datum 2, Projected Above Ground |
Kanab_GeologicLines (1849)
| Contact, Well Located |
| Normal Fault, Approximately Located |
| Normal Fault, Concealed |
| Normal Fault, Well Located |
| Quadrangle Boundary |
Geologic Units (1850)
| JTRmd |
| Jkm |
| Jks |
| Jkt |
| Jmw |
| Jn |
| Jnl |
| Qac |
| Qaco |
| Qae |
| Qafc |
| Qal1 |
| Qape |
| Qat2 |
| Qat3 |
| Qat4 |
| Qes |
| Qf |
| Qmt |
| Qmto |
| TRcp |
| TRcs |
| TRmu |
ThompsonPoint_LeaderLines (1828)
ThompsonPoint_MapSymbols (1829)
| Adit |
| Bedding, Horizontal, Field Measured |
| Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured |
| Drillhole, Abandoned |
| Drillhole, Dry Hole |
| Fault, Ball & Bar |
| Gravel Pit |
| Joint, Vertical |
| Quarry |
| Sample |
| Spring |
ThompsonPoint_CrossSection (1830)
ThompsonPoint_StructureLines (1831)
| Structure Contour, Datum 2 |
| Structure Contour, Datum 2, Projected Above Ground |
ThompsonPoint_MapBoundary (1832)
ThompsonPoint_GeologicLines (1833)
| Contact, Well Located |
| Normal Fault, Approximately Located |
| Normal Fault, Concealed |
| Normal Fault, Well Located |
| Map boundary |
Geologic Units (1834)
| Qal1 |
| Qf |
| Qes |
| Qeo |
| Qmt |
| Qac |
| Qae |
| Qape |
| Jn |
| Jkt |
| Jnl |
| Jkm |
| Jks |
| Jmw |
| JTRmd |
| TRcp |
| TRcs |
| TRmu |
| TRms |
WhiteHills_LeaderLines (1812)
WhiteHills_MapSymbols (1813)
| Adit |
| Bedding, Inclined, Map Digitized |
| Fault, Ball & Bar |
| Fold, Syncline, Upright |
| Gravel Pit |
| Mine Or Quarry |
| Sinkhole |
| Spring |
WhiteHills_CrossSection (1814)
| Rule_1 |
WhiteHills_StructureLines (1815)
| Syncline, Upright, Concealed |
| Syncline, Upright, Well Located |
WhiteHills_GeologicLines (1816)
| Contact, Well Located |
| Normal Fault, Approximately Located |
| Normal Fault, Concealed |
| Normal Fault, Well Located |
| Quadrangle Boundary |
Geologic Units (1817)
| Qal1 |
| Qat2 |
| Qat3 |
| Qat4 |
| Qat5 |
| Qat6 |
| Qat7 |
| Qato |
| Qao |
| Qc |
| Qmt |
| Qmso |
| Qac |
| Qae |
| Qaeo |
| Qacg |
| Qbs |
| Jmw |
| JTrmd |
| TRcp |
| TRcs |
| TRmu |
| TRms |
| TRmm |
| TRmv |
| TRml |
| TRmt |
| TRmr |
| Pkh |
| Pkf |
| Ptw |
| Ptbs |
| Pts |
| Pq |
HenrieKnolls_LeaderLines (1786)
HenrieKnolls_MapSymbols (1788)
| Adit |
| Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured |
| Bedding, Photogrammetric (3-Point) |
| Fault, Ball & Bar |
| Gravel Pit |
| Locality |
| Mine Or Quarry |
| Sinkhole |
| Spring |
| Volcanic Cone, Spatter |
HenrieKnolls_CrossSections (1787)
HenrieKnolls_GeologicLines (1785)
| Quadrangle Boundary |
| Contact, Well Located |
| Contact, Approximately Located |
| Scarp, Well Located |
| Lineament, Well Located |
| Normal Fault, Well Located |
| Normal Fault, Approximately Located |
| Normal Fault, Concealed |
Geologic Units (1789)
| Qal1 |
| Qat2 |
| Qat3 |
| Qat4 |
| Qaly |
| Qalo |
| Qam |
| Qaf1 |
| Qaf2 |
| Qafo |
| Qf |
| Qc |
| Qms |
| Qms? |
| Qmt |
| Qac |
| Qaco |
| Qafc |
| Qca |
| Qae |
| Qea |
| Qaec |
| Qla |
| Qac/Qbdc |
| Qc/Qbhk |
| Qalo/Qbdc |
| Qalo/Qbsk |
| Qaco/Qbhk |
| Qat4/Qbhk |
| Qc/Tbh |
| Qc/Tcwu |
| Qbnl |
| Qbrd |
| Qbrdc |
| Qbhk |
| Qbhkc |
| Qbsk |
| Qbskc |
| Qbdc |
| Qbbk |
| QTr |
| Tbhm |
| Ta |
| Tbh |
| Tcwu |
| Tcwml |
| Tcr |
PlainCity_LeaderLines (1771)
PlainCity_MapSymbols (1774)
| Paleoseismic Trench |
| Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured |
| Drill Hole, Water Well |
| Fault, Ball & Bar |
| Fold, Anticline, Upright |
| Fold, Plunge Arrow |
| Fold, Syncline, Upright |
| Foliation, Inclined 1 |
| Gravel Pit |
| Mine Or Quarry |
| Spring |
PlainCity_StructureLines (1772)
| Anticline, Upright, Concealed |
| Anticline, Upright, Well Located |
| Syncline, Upright, Approximately Located |
| Syncline, Upright, Concealed |
| Syncline, Upright, Well Located |
PlainCity_CrossSections (1773)
PlainCity_GeologicLines (1775)
| Contact, Well Located |
| Contact, Approximately Located |
| Normal Fault, Well Located |
| Normal Fault, Approximately Located |
| Normal Fault, Concealed |
| Thrust Fault, Type1, Approximately Located |
| Thrust Fault, Type1, Concealed |
| Scarp, Well Located |
| Bonneville Shoreline, Well Located |
| Bonneville Shoreline, Approximately Located |
| Provo Shoreline, Well Located |
| Provo Shoreline, Approximately Located |
| Gilbert Shoreline, Well Located |
| Transgressional Shoreline, Well Located |
| Transgressional Shoreline, Approximately Located |
| Regressional Shoreline, Well Located |
| Water Boundary |
| Regressional Shoreline, Approximately Located |
| Beach Ridge Crest, Well Located |
| Quadrangle Boundary |
Geologic Units (1776)
| Qlf |
| Qls3 |
| Qlg3 |
| Qll4 |
| Qls4 |
| Qlg4 |
| Qd2 |
| Qal1 |
| Qal2 |
| Qaf1 |
| Qaf2 |
| Qaf3 |
| Qafy |
| QTaf |
| Qml |
| Qc |
| Qsm |
| Qfd |
| Qla |
| Qlam |
| Qmtc/Xfcg |
| Cm |
| Co |
| Ct |
| Xfcg |
| Water |
Short_Canyon_MapSymbols (1752)
| Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured |
| Fold, Anticline, Upright |
| Fold, Plunge, Arrow |
| Fold, Syncline, Upright |
| Prospect |
| Fault, Ball & Bar |
Short_Canyon_StructureLines (1753)
| anticline, upright, well located |
| anticline, upright, approximatley located |
| syncline, upright, well located |
| Structure Contour, base of Kd, approximate |
| Structure Contour, base of Kd |
| Structure Contour, base of Kd, projected above ground surface |
Short_Canyon_LeaderLines (1754)
Short_Canyon_CrossSections (1755)
Short_Canyon_GeologicLines (1756)
| Contact, Approximately Located |
| Contact, Well Located |
| Map Boundary |
| Normal Fault, Approximately Located |
| Normal Fault, Well Located |
| water |
Geologic Units (1757)
| Qal |
| Qam |
| Qaf |
| Qap |
| Qms |
| Qmtc |
| Qea |
| Kmb |
| Kmf |
| Kmt |
| Kd |
| Kcm |
| Kcs |
| Kcr |
| Kcb |
| Jmbp |
| Jmbb |
| Jms |
| Jmt |
| Js |
| Jcu |
| Jcl |
| Jeu |
| Jem |
| Jel |
| Jcw |
| Water |
YellowjacketCyn_UnitLeaders (1724)
YellowjacketCyn_MapSymbols (1733)
| Adit |
| Bedding, Horizontal, Field Measured |
| Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured |
| Drillhole, Abandoned |
| Fault, Ball & Bar |
| Gravel Pit |
| Joint, Vertical |
| Quarry |
| Spring |
YellowjacketCyn_CrossSection (1734)
YellowjacketCyn_StructureLines (1735)
| Structure Contour, Datum 1 |
| Structure Contour, Datum 1, Projected Above Ground |
| Structure Contour, Datum 2 |
| Structure Contour, Datum 2, Projected Above Ground |
YellowjacketCyn_GeologicLines (1736)
| Contact, Well Located |
| Normal Fault, Approximately Located |
| Normal Fault, Concealed |
| Normal Fault, Well Located |
| Map boundary |
YellowjacketCyn_MapBoundary (1737)
Geologic Units (1738)
| Qag |
| Qf |
| Qes |
| Qess |
| Qedc |
| Qedp |
| Qedpm |
| Qeds |
| Qedt |
| Qmt |
| Qac |
| Qaco |
| Qae |
| Qea |
| Qafc |
| Qape |
| Jcc |
| Jt |
| Jn |
| Jkt |
| Jnl |
| Jkm |
| Jks |
| Jmw |
| JTRmd |
| TRcp |
Ophir_StructureLines (1715)
| Anticline, Upright, Well Located |
| Anticline, Upright, Concealed |
| Syncline, Upright, Well Located |
| Syncline, Upright, Approximately Located |
| Syncline, Upright, Concealed |
Ophir_GeologicUnits_leaders (1716)
Ophir_GeologicSymbols_points (1717)
| Adit |
| Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured |
| Bedding, Inclined, Map Digitized, Source-B |
| Bedding, Inclined, Map Digitized, Source-C |
| Drill Hole, Water Well |
| Fault, Ball & Bar |
| Fold, Anticline, Upright |
| Fold, Plunge Arrow |
| Fold, Syncline, Upright |
| Gravel Pit |
| Mine Or Quarry |
| Prospect |
| Sample 2 |
| Shaft |
| Trench |
| <all other values> |
Ophir_GeologicLines (1718)
| Trangressional Shoreline, Well Located |
| Trangressional Shoreline, Approximately Located |
| Contact, Well Located |
| Contact, Approximately Located |
| Crest, Beach Ridge, Well Located |
| Fault, Unknown, Approximately Located |
| Fault, Normal, Well Located |
| Fault, Normal, Approximately Located |
| Fault, Normal, Concealed |
| Fault, Thrust Type 1, Concealed |
| Dike, Mafic, Well Located |
| Dike, Silicic, Well Located |
| Bonneville Shoreline, Well Located |
| Bonneville Shoreline, Approximately Located |
| Bonneville Shoreline, Concealed |
| Quadrangle Boundary |
Ophir_CrossSection (1719)
Geologic Units (1720)
| Cb |
| Ch |
| Cly |
| Cop |
| Ct |
| IPMmc |
| MDfp |
| Md |
| Mg |
| Mgb |
| Mgbl |
| Mgblt |
| Mgbu |
| Mh |
| QTaf |
| Qac |
| Qaf1 |
| Qaf2 |
| Qaf3 |
| Qafh |
| Qafo |
| Qafo? |
| Qafy |
| Qal1 |
| Qaly |
| Qat |
| Qat1 |
| Qat2 |
| Qat3 |
| Qat4 |
| Qc/Mgb |
| Qdm |
| Qei |
| Qfd |
| Qla |
| Qla? |
| Qlao |
| Qlay |
| Qlf |
| Qlgb |
| Qllb |
| Qlsb |
| Qmtc |
| Qsm |
| Tre |
| Tsl |
| Tsl? |
| Tro |
KlondikeBluffs_GeologicSymbols_points (1696)
| Arch |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Drill hole, abandoned |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Joint, vertical |
| |
KlondkieBluffs_CrossSection (1697)
| Cross section, A-A' |
KlondkieBluffs_GeologicUnits_leaders (1698)
| Leader lines |
KlondikeBluffs_MapBoundary (1699)
KlondikeBluffs_NationParkBoundary (1700)
KlondikeBluffs_GeologicLine (1701)
| Boundary, map |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Scarp, undefined, well located |
| <all other values> |
Geologic Units (1702)
| Qa |
| Qa1 |
| Qa2 |
| Qa3 |
| Qat |
| Qap |
| Qaf |
| Qafb |
| Qag |
| Qes |
| Qea |
| Qeag |
| Qer |
| Qmt |
| Qms |
| Kmb |
| Kmj |
| Kmju |
| Kmjl |
| Kmt |
| Kd |
| Kcmr |
| Kcmp |
| Kcmy |
| Jmb |
| Jms |
| Jmt |
| Jsmt |
| Js |
| Jctm |
| Jes |
| Jcd |
| Jn |
| Jnl |
| Jk |
| J^w |
| ^c |
| ^cu |
| ^cl |
| ^m |
| *h |
| *p |
| water |
MollieHogans_GeologicSymbols_points (1683)
| Arch |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Joint, vertical |
| |
MollieHogans_GeologicLines (1684)
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
MollieHogans_GeologicUnits__leader (1685)
| Leader lines |
MollieHogans_MapBoundary (1686)
MollieHogans_StructureLines (1687)
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
MollieHogans_NationParkBoundary (1688)
MollieHogans_CrossSection (1689)
| Cross section, A-A' |
Geologic Units (1690)
| Qa |
| Qa1 |
| Qa2 |
| Qa3 |
| Qat |
| Qap |
| Qaf |
| Qafb |
| Qag |
| Qes |
| Qea |
| Qeag |
| Qer |
| Qmt |
| Qms |
| Kmb |
| Kmj |
| Kmjl |
| Kmt |
| Kd |
| Kcmr |
| Kcmp |
| Kcmy |
| Jmb |
| Jms |
| Jmt |
| Jsmt |
| Js |
| Jctm |
| Jes |
| Jcd |
| Jn |
| Jnl |
| Jk |
| J^w |
| ^c |
| ^cu |
| ^cl |
| ^m |
| *h |
| *p |
| water |
TheWindowsSection_GeologicSymbols_points (1670)
| Arch |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Drill hole, abandoned |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, plunge arrow |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Joint, vertical |
| <all other values> |
TheWindowsSection_CrossSect_Rep (1671)
| Cross section, A-A' |
TheWindowsSection_GeologicUnits_leaders (1672)
| Layer8 |
| <all other values> |
TheWindowsSection_GeologicLines_Rep (1673)
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Bed, marker A, well located |
TheWindowsSection_MapBoundary (1674)
TheWindowsSection_StructureLines_Rep (1675)
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
TheWindowsSection_NationalParkBoundary (1676)
Geologic Units (1677)
| Qa |
| Qa1 |
| Qa2 |
| Qa3 |
| Qat |
| Qap |
| Qaf |
| Qafb |
| Qag |
| Qes |
| Qea |
| Qeag |
| Qer |
| Qmt |
| Qms |
| Kmb |
| Kmj |
| Kmt |
| Kd |
| Kcmr |
| Kcmp |
| Kcmy |
| Jmb |
| Jms |
| Jmt |
| Jsmt |
| Js |
| Jctm |
| Jes |
| Jcd |
| Jn |
| Jnl |
| Jk |
| J^w |
| ^c |
| ^cu |
| ^cl |
| ^m |
| *h |
| *p |
| water |
JohnsonLakes_GeologicSymbols_points (1659)
| Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured |
| Fault, Ball & Bar |
| Gravel Pit |
| Joint, Vertical 1 |
| Mine Or Quarry |
| Spring |
| <all other values> |
JohnsonLakes_GeologicUnits_leaders (1662)
JohnsonLakes_CrossSection (1660)
JohnsonLakes_GeologicLines (1661)
| Contact, Well Located |
| Marker Bed A, Well Located |
| Marker Bed B, Well Located |
| Normal Fault, Approximately Located |
| Normal Fault, Concealed |
| Normal Fault, Well Located |
| Quadrangle Boundary |
| Water Boundary |
JohnsonLakes_StructureLines (1663)
| <all other values> |
| Structure Contour, Datum 1 |
| Structure Contour, Datum 1, Projected Above Ground |
Geologic Units (1664)
| TRmm |
| JTRmd |
| Jkm |
| Jks |
| Jkt |
| Jmw |
| Jn |
| Jnl |
| Qac |
| Qae |
| Qafe |
| Qal1 |
| Qape |
| Qes |
| Qf |
| Qmt |
| TRcu |
| TRcs |
| TRms |
| TRmu |
| water |
GeorgeMtn_GeologicSymbols_points (1642)
| Bedding, approximate, map digitized |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Gravel pit |
| Mine or quarry |
| Sample 2 |
| Sinkhole |
| Spring |
| <all other values> |
GeorgeMtn_GeologicUnits_leaders (1643)
GeorgeMtn_CrossSection (1644)
GeorgeMtn_GeologicLines (1645)
| Contact, Approximately Located |
| Contact, Well Located |
| Marker Bed, Approximately Located |
| Marker Bed, Well Located |
| Normal Fault, Approximately Located |
| Fault, Normal, Approximately Located, queried |
| Fault, Normal, Concealed |
| Fault, Normal, Concealed, queried |
| Normal Fault, Well Located |
| Quadrangle Boundary |
| Scarp, Landslide, Well Located |
GeorgeMtn_MapBoundary (1646)
Geologic Units (1647)
| Kkl |
| Ksd |
| Ksj |
| Kw |
| Kwcs |
| Qac |
| Qacf |
| Qacfo |
| Qaco |
| Qaf1 |
| Qaf2 |
| Qafo |
| Qafo2 |
| Qafy |
| Qal1 |
| Qaly |
| Qat2 |
| Qat3 |
| Qat4 |
| Qat5 |
| Qath |
| Qbhk |
| Qc |
| Qf |
| Qms |
| Qms? |
| Qmt |
| Qmtc |
| Qst |
| Taf |
| Tbm |
| Tcp |
| Tcwl |
| Tcwm |
| Tcwu |
| Tlbh |
BrianHead_GeologicSymbols_points (1626)
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Drill hole, water well |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral |
| Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral |
| Gravel pit |
| Locality |
| Sinkhole |
| Volcanic cone, cinder |
| <all other values> |
BrianHead_GeologicUnits_leaders (1627)
BrianHead_CrossSection (1628)
BrianHead_GeologicLines (1629)
| Bed, Kgc, well located |
| Bed, Ksd, well located |
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, moraine, type1, symmetrical |
| Cross section |
| Fault, gravity slide, approximately located |
| Fault, gravity slide, concealed |
| Fault, gravity slide, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, well located |
| <all other values> |
Geologic Units (1630)
| Kgc |
| Km |
| Ksd |
| Ksj |
| Kw |
| Kwcs |
| Kwu |
| Qac |
| Qacf |
| Qacfo |
| Qaf |
| Qafy |
| Qal |
| Qam |
| Qat2 |
| Qat4 |
| Qbhp1 |
| Qbhp2 |
| Qbhpc |
| Qblf |
| Qblfc |
| Qbrd |
| Qc |
| Qc/Tbh |
| Qc/Tbhv |
| Qes |
| Qgop |
| Qgtou |
| Qgtp |
| Qgtu |
| Qms |
| Qms(Tbh) |
| Qms(Ti) |
| Qms? |
| Qmsh |
| Qmt |
| Qmtc |
| Tbh |
| Tbh? |
| Tbsp |
| Tcp |
| Tcw |
| Tcwl |
| Tcwm |
| Tcwt |
| Tcwu |
| Td |
| Ti |
| Tm |
| Tm(Tbh) |
| Tm(Ti) |
| Tm(Tnw) |
| Tmd |
| Tnw |
| Tqcb |
| Tql |
| Water |
SaintJohn_GeologicSymbols_points (1610)
| <all other values> |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Drill hole, water well |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Gravel pit |
| Spring |
SaintJohn_GeologicUnits_leaders (1611)
SaintJohn_CrossSection (1612)
SaintJohn_GeologicLines (1613)
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Boundary, water |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, beach ridge, well located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Lineament |
| Shoreline, undetermined, approximately located |
| Shoreline, undetermined, well located |
| <all other values> |
Geologic Units (1614)
| IPobp? |
| QTaf |
| Qaf1 |
| Qaf2 |
| Qaf3 |
| Qafo |
| Qafy |
| Qaly |
| Qat |
| Qh |
| Qlao |
| Qlay |
| Qlf |
| Qlgb |
| Qlgsh |
| Qllsh |
| Qlmb |
| Qlsb |
| Qsm |
| Tsl? |
| Water |
Faust_GeologicSymbols_points (1593)
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned |
| Drill hole, water well |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Fold, anticline, overturned |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, plunge arrow |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Gravel pit |
| Mine or quarry |
| Prospect |
| Sample 4 |
| Sample 5 |
| Sample, fossil |
Faust_CrossSection (1594)
Faust_GeologicUnits_leaders (1596)
Faust_GeologicLines (1595)
| <all other values> |
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Boundary, water |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, beach ridge, well located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, transgressional, well located |
| Shoreline, undetermined, well located |
Faust_StructureLines (1597)
| Fold, anticline, overturned, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
Geologic Units (1598)
| IPobm |
| IPobp |
| QTaf |
| Qac |
| Qaf1 |
| Qaf2 |
| Qaf3 |
| Qafo |
| Qafy |
| Qal1 |
| Qaly |
| Qc/IPo |
| Qes |
| Qh |
| Qlao |
| Qlay |
| Qlgb |
| Qllb |
| Qlmb |
| Qlsb |
| Qsm |
| Tsl |
| water |
VernonNE_GeologicSymbols_points (1576)
| <all other values> |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Drill hole, dry hole |
| Drill hole, water well |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Gravel pit |
| Prospect |
| Sample 5 |
VernonNE_MapBoundary (1577)
VernonNE_CrossSection (1578)
VernonNE_GeologicLines (1579)
| <all other values> |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, beach ridge, well located |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, synformal, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, synformal, well located |
| Fold, syncline, antiformal, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, antiformal, well located |
| Shoreline, undetermined, well located |
VernonNE_GeologicUnits_leaders (1580)
Geologic Units (1581)
| Qaf1 |
| Qaf2 |
| Qaf3 |
| Qafo |
| Qafy |
| Qaly |
| Qes |
| Qh |
| Qlao |
| Qlay |
| Qlgb |
| Qlgb/Tsl |
| Qlmb |
| Qpm |
| Tsl |
PanguitchLake_GeologicSymbols_points (1560)
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, map digitized |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Gravel pit |
| Mine or quarry |
| Sample 2 |
| Sample 3 |
| Sample 4 |
| Sinkhole |
| Spring |
| Volcanic cone, cinder |
PangutichLake_GeologicUnits_leaders (1561)
PanguitchLake_CrossSection (1562)
PanguitchLake_GeologicLines (1563)
| Boundary, map |
| Boundary, water |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, moraine, type1, symmetrical |
| Dike, mafic, well located |
| Fault, gravity slide, concealed |
| Fault, gravity slide, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, thrust, type1, concealed |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
Geologic Units (1564)
| QTbx |
| Qac |
| Qacf |
| Qacfo |
| Qaco |
| Qaf1 |
| Qaf2 |
| Qafy |
| Qal1 |
| Qalo |
| Qaly |
| Qam |
| Qao |
| Qat2 |
| Qat3 |
| Qat4 |
| Qat5 |
| Qbck |
| Qbdv |
| Qbhp1 |
| Qbhp2 |
| Qblf |
| Qbmk1 |
| Qbmk2 |
| Qbmk3 |
| Qbmkc |
| Qbpl1 |
| Qbpl2 |
| Qbpl3 |
| Qbrd |
| Qc |
| Qc/Tbh |
| Qca |
| Qf |
| Qfd |
| Qgtou |
| Qgtu |
| Qh |
| Qhd |
| Qla |
| Qlao |
| Qlao/Qbmk3 |
| Qms |
| Qms? |
| Qmsh |
| Qmt |
| Qmtc |
| Qr |
| Tbbm |
| Tbbm? |
| Tbbmc |
| Tbh |
| Tbhm |
| Tcp |
| Tcw |
| Tcwl |
| Tcwm |
| Tcwml |
| Tcwt |
| Tcwu |
| Ti |
| Ti? |
| Tm |
| Tm(Tbh) |
| Tm(Tdbv) |
| Tm(Tdm) |
| Tm(Ti) |
| Tm(Tnw) |
| Tql |
| Water |
HaycockMtn_GeologicSymbols_points (1544)
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Sample 2 |
| Sample 3 |
| Sample 4 |
| Spring |
| Volcanic cone, cinder |
HaycockMtn_GeologicUnits_leaders (1547)
HaycockMtn_CrossSection (1545)
HaycockMtn_GeologicLines (1546)
| <all other values> |
| Bed, marker A, approximately located |
| Bed, marker A, well located |
| Boundary, map |
| Boundary, water |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, gravity slide, concealed |
| Fault, gravity slide, well located |
| Fault, megabreccia, approximately located |
| Fault, megabreccia, concealed |
| Fault, megabreccia, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, thrust, type1, concealed |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
Geologic Units (1548)
| QTap |
| QTbx |
| Qac |
| Qacf |
| Qacfo |
| Qaco |
| Qaf1 |
| Qaf2 |
| Qafo |
| Qafy |
| Qal1 |
| Qalo |
| Qaly |
| Qat2 |
| Qat3 |
| Qbck |
| Qbckc |
| Qblhc |
| Qbmk2 |
| Qbpl3 |
| Qbtp |
| Qc |
| Qca |
| Qms |
| Qmt |
| Qmtc |
| Ta |
| Taf |
| Tbbm |
| Tbh |
| Tcp |
| Tcwl |
| Tcwm |
| Tcwt |
| Tcwu |
| Tlbh |
| Tm |
| Tm(Ta) |
| Tm(Tbh) |
| Tm(Tbvf) |
| Tm(Tbvs) |
| Tm(Tbvt) |
| Tm(Td) |
| Tm(Tdbv) |
| Tm(Thm) |
| Tm(Ti) |
| Tm(Tnw) |
| Thm |
| Thma |
Goshen_CrossSectionLines (1517)
Goshen_GeologicUnits_leaders (1529)
Goshen_GeologicSymbols (1526)
| Adit |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured |
| Drill hole, water well |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Fold, anticline, overturned |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Foliation, inclined, field measured |
| Gravel pit |
| Spring |
Goshen_Samples (1527)
Goshen_GeologicLines (1528)
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, geophysical, gravity |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, overturned, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, well located |
| Shoreline, regressional, approximately located |
| Shoreline, regressional, well located |
| Shoreline, transgressional, well located |
| Surface edge, geomorphic, undefined, well located |
Geologic Units (1532)
| 1|Qal1|Level-1 stream alluvium deposits |
| 2|Qal2|Level-2 stream alluvium deposits |
| 3|Qaly|Young stream alluvium deposits, undivided |
| 4|Qay|Alluvial flood plain, alluvial fan, and channel deposits |
| 5|Qaf1|Level-1 alluvial-fan deposits |
| 6|Qaf2|Level-2 alluvial-fan deposits |
| 7|Qafy|Younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided |
| 8|Qafd|Distal alluvial-fan deposits |
| 9|Qafb|Alluvial-fan deposits, transgressive (Bonneville) phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 10|Qd|Deltaic deposits |
| 11|Qh|Fill and disturbed land |
| 12|Qhm|Mine waste disposal ponds |
| 13|Qlsy|Younger lacustrine sand and silt |
| 14|Qlmy|Younger lacustrine silt and clay |
| 15|Qlm|Lacustrine silt and clay, undivided Lake Bonneville |
| 16|Qlgp|Lacustrine gravel and sand, regressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 17|Qlsp|Lacustrine sand and silt, regressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 18|Qlgb|Lacustrine gravel and sand, transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 19|Qlsb|Lacustrine sand and silt, transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville |
| 20|Qes|Eolian sand and silt deposits |
| 21|Qms|Landslide deposits |
| 22|Qmt|Talus deposits |
| 23|Qsm|Spring and marsh deposits |
| 24|Qac|Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided |
| 25|Qla|Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided |
| 27|Qlgb/Tpc|Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville) over Pinyon Creek Conglomerate |
| 28|Qlgb/Tvc|Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville) over volcanic conglomerate |
| 29|Qlgb/Pz|Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville) over Paleozoic bedrock |
| 30|Qlgb/Cac|Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville) over Upper-Middle Cambrian bedr* |
| 31|Qlgb/Ct|Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville) over Tintic Quartzite |
| 32|Tj|Jasperoid |
| 34|Tvd|Volcanic rocks of Goshen Canyon, andesite dikes member |
| 35|Tvc|Volcanic rocks of Goshen Canyon, volcanic conglomerate member |
| 36|Tvp|Volcanic rocks of Goshen Canyon, pyroxene latite member |
| 37|Tvh|Volcanic rocks of Goshen Canyon, hornblende latite member |
| 38|Tvs|Volcanic rocks of Goshen Canyon, shoshonite lava member |
| 39|Tpb|Packard Quartz Latite, lava flow breccia member |
| 40|Ts|Tertiary strata |
| 41|Pz|Paleozoic strata, undivided |
| 42|Mh|Humbug Formation |
| 43|Md|Deseret Limestone |
| 44|Mg|Gardison Limestone |
| 45|MDf|Fitchville Formation |
| 47|Dp|Pinyon Peak Limestone |
| 48|Dv|Victoria Formation |
| 49|DObf|Bluebell Dolomite and Fish Haven Dolomite, undivided |
| 50|Oo|Opohonga Limestone |
| 52|Ca|Ajax Dolomite |
| 53|Coc|Opex Formation and Cole Canyon Dolomite, undivided |
| 55|Cc|Cole Canyon Dolomite |
| 56|Ct|Tintic Quartzite |
| 57|water|water |
Ephraim_GeologicUnits_leaders (1513)
| leader lines |
Ephraim_GeologicSymbols (1510)
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Fold, monocline |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Gravel pit |
Ephraim_GeologicStructureLines (1511)
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
Ephraim_CrossSectionLines (1512)
Ephraim_GeologicLines (1514)
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
Geologic Units (1515)
| <all other values> |
| 1_Qal_Floodplain alluvium |
| 2_Qac_Alluvium and colluvium |
| 3_Qafy_Younger alluvial-fan deposit |
| 4_Qafo_Older alluvial-fan deposit |
| 5_Qabc_Bouldery channel deposits |
| 6_Qmsh_Historical landslide and slumps |
| 7_Qms_Landslides and slumps |
| 8_Qms(g)_Landslide block of coherent Green River Formation |
| 9_Qms(c)_Landslide block of coherent Colton Formation |
| 10_Qms(f)_Landslide block of coherent Flagstaff Formation |
| 11_Qms(nh)_Landslide block of coherent North Horn Formation |
| 13_Qmsc_Landslide colluvium |
| 14_Qmt_Talus |
| 15_Tch_Crazy Hollow Formation |
| 16_Tg_Green River Formation |
| 17_Tgu_Upper member of Green River Formation |
| 18_Tgl_Lower member of Green River Formation |
| 19_Tc_Colton Formation |
| 20_Tcg_Green beds of Colton Formation |
| 21_Tf_Flagstaff Formation |
| 22_TKnh_North Horn Formation |
HogupBar_GeologicUnits_leaders (1497)
HogupBar_GeologicFeatureSymbols_Points (1495)
| Gravel Pit |
| Location |
| Sample |
| Well |
| <all other values> |
HogupBar_GeologicLines (1496)
| <all other values> |
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Desicration crack |
| Shoreline, Bonneville, constructional, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville, erosional, well located |
| Shoreline, Gilbert level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Provo, constructional, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Provo, constructional, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo, erosional, concealed |
| Shoreline, Provo, erosional, well located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located |
| Shoreline, regressional, approximately located |
| Shoreline, regressional, well located |
Geologic Units (1498)
| Qac |
| Qafo |
| Qafy |
| Qal |
| Qam |
| Qam/Qlm |
| Qes |
| Qhf |
| Qla |
| Qla/Qafo |
| Qla/rx |
| Qlg |
| Qlg/Qlm |
| Qlg/rx |
| Qlm |
| Qlm/Qlg |
| Qls |
| Qls/Qlm |
| Qpm |
| Tb |
| rx |
KingsPeak_GeologicUnits_leaders (1478)
| Leader line |
KingsPeak_CrossSections (1479)
| Cross section, A-A' |
KingsPeak_GeologicSymbols_points (1480)
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
KingsPeak_StructureLines (1481)
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
KingsPeak_GeologicLines (1482)
| Boundary, map |
| Cirque, headwall, well located |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Dike, type1, unknown, approximately located |
| Dike, type1, unknown, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, reverse, approximately located |
| Fault, reverse, concealed |
Geologic Units (1483)
| 1_Ql_Lacustrine deposits |
| 2_Qmt_Talus |
| 3_Qgr_Rock glacier |
| 4_Qg_Glacial till |
| 5_Qgs_Smiths Fork till |
| 6_QTr_Residual deposits |
| 7_Zuh_Formation of Hades Pass |
| 8_Zuma_Mount Agassiz Formation |
| 9_Zud_Dead Horse Pass Formation |
| 10_Zucml_Red Castle Formation, middle and lower members undivided |
| 11_Zucu_Upper member of Red Castle Formation |
| 12_Zucm_Middle member of Red Castle Formation |
| 13_Zucl_Lower member of Red Castle Formation |
wcage_igneous (1445)
wcage_misc (1446)
| Fossil sample location and number |
| Tephrochronology sample location and number |
| <all other values> |
wcatd_pt (1449)
| Inclined |
| Horizontal |
| Inclined |
| Vertical |
| Flow lineation |
| Inclined |
| Vertical |
wcDNROilGasWells (1452)
wcgeochem (1455)
wcpsol (1456)
wcvent (1457)
wcWaterWells (1460)
wcsec_arc (1465)
wcshr (1466)
wcgln_arc (1467)
| Concealed syncline - Arrow indicates direction of plunge |
| topographic lineament |
| vegetation lineament |
| <all other values> |
wcvolcanic (1468)
| flow direction |
wcglg_arc (1471)
| Contact - Dashed where approximately located |
| Concealed normal fault - Inferred from geophysical data (G) or other indirect methods; bar and ball on downthrown side; shown as dashed line with arrows on cross section |
| contact, approx |
| map boundary |
Geologic Units (1472)
| Pos |
| Qae |
| Qafy |
| Qal |
| Qam |
| Qb |
| Qb? |
| Qed |
| Qla |
| Qlf |
| Qlf/Qlg |
| Qlg |
| Qlg/Pos |
| Qlg/Tb? |
| Qlgs |
| Qlgs/Ts |
| Qlm |
| Qls |
| Qrw |
| Tb |
| Tb? |
| Tdw |
| Ts |
Kanarraville_GeologicUnits_leaders (1435)
Kanarraville_CrossSection (1436)
Kanarraville_GeologicSymbols (1437)
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B |
| Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned, photogrammetric (3-point) |
| Bedding, vertical, field measured |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral |
| Fold, anticline, overturned |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, plunge arrow |
| Fold, syncline, overturned |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Gravel pit |
| Sample |
Kanarraville_StructureLines (1438)
| Fold, anticline, overturned, well located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
Kanarraville_GeologicLines (1439)
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, scratch, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, gravity slide, concealed |
| Fault, gravity slide, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, well located |
| Fault, thrust, type1, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, type1, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, type1, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, concealed, queried |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
| Scarp, undefined, well located |
| Shoreline, Holocene, other, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Holocene, other, well located |
Colorado River Basin Boundary (1440)
| Rule_2 |
| Rule_3 |
Geologic Units (1441)
| <Null>.Water.<Null> |
| 1.Qh.Artificial fill |
| 2.Qal1.Stream alluvium |
| 3.Qat2.Stream-terrace alluvium, level-2 |
| 4.Qaf1.Young fan alluvium |
| 5.Qaf2.Middle fan alluvium |
| 6.Qafy.Younger fan alluvium |
| 7.Qafc.Coalesced fan alluvium of Cedar Valley |
| 8.Qap.Pediment alluvium |
| 9.Qafo.Older fan alluvium |
| 10.Qc.Colluvium |
| 11.Qco.Older colluvium |
| 12.Qed.Eolian dune sand |
| 13.Qms?.Landslides |
| 13.Qms.Landslides |
| 14.Qac.Alluvium and colluvium |
| 15.Qaco.Older alluvium and colluvium |
| 16.Qea.Eolian and alluvial fine-grained deposits |
| 17.Qmtc.Talus and colluvium |
| 18.Qp.Playa deposits |
| 19.Qp/Qafc.Playa deposits/coalesced fan alluvium of Cedar Valley |
| 20.Qbnh.North Hills lava flow |
| 21.QTaf.Quaternary and late Tertiary fan alluvium |
| 22.Taf.Late Tertiary fan alluvium |
| 23.Tctqh.Volcanic rocks of Comanche Canyon, ash-flow tuff member, and Harmony Hills Tuff, undivided |
| 24.Tctcp.Volcanic rocks of Comanche Canyon, ash-flow tuff member, and pink member of the Claron Formation, u* |
| 25.Tmsm.Megabreccia of the eastern Harmony Mountains |
| 26.Tct.Volcanic rocks of Comanche Canyon, ash-flow tuff member |
| 27.Tqh.Harmony Hills Tuff |
| 28.Tq.Bauers Tuff Member of Condor Canyon Formation and Leach Canyon Formation, undivided |
| 29.Tqcb.Condor Canyon Formation, Bauers Tuff Member |
| 30.Tql.Leach Canyon Formation |
| 31.Ti?.Isom Formation |
| 31.Ti.Isom Formation |
| 32.Tbh.Brian Head Formation, middle volcaniclastic unit |
| 33.Tcp.Claron Formation, pink member |
| 33.Tcp?.Claron Formation, pink member |
| 34.Kn.Dakota Formation |
| 35.Kcm.Cedar Mountain Formation |
| 36.Jcw.Carmel Formation, Winsor Member |
| 37.Jcp.Carmel Formation, Paria River Member |
| 38.Jcx.Carmel Formation, Crystal Creek Member |
| 39.Jccu.Carmel Formation, Co-op Creek Limestone Member, upper unit |
| 40.Jccl.Carmel Formation, Co-op Creek Limestone Member, lower unit |
| 41.Jtm.Temple Cap Formation, Manganese Wash Member |
| 42.Jn.Navajo Sandstone |
| 43.Jku.Upper unit of the Kayenta Formation |
| 44.Jkc.Cedar City Tongue of Kayenta Formation |
| 45.Jns.Shurtz Sandstone Tongue of the Navajo Sandstone |
| 46.Jkm.Main body of Kayenta Formation |
| 47.Jks.Springdale Sandstone Member of the Kayenta Formation |
| 48.JTRm.Moenave Formation |
| 49.TRcu.Chinle Formation, upper unit |
| 50.TRcs.Chinle Formation, Shinarump Conglomerate Member |
| 51.TRm.Moenkopi Formation, undivided |
| 52.TRmu.Moenkopi Formation, upper red member |
| 53.TRms.Moenkopi Formation, Shnabkaib Member |
| 54.TRmm.Moenkopi Formation, middle red member |
| 55.TRmv.Moenkopi Formation, Virgin Limestone Member |
| 56.TRml.Moenkopi Formation, lower red member |
| 57.TRmt.Moenkopi Formation, Timpoweap Member |
| 58.TRmr.Moenkopi Formation, Rock Canyon Conglomerate Member |
| 59.Pkh.Kaibab Formation, Harrisburg Member |
| 60.Pkf.Kaibab Formation, Fossil Mountain Member |
| <all other values> |