LoaWest_GeologicSymbols_reprojected (5870)
| Adit |
| Bedding, horizontal, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized |
| Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured |
| Bedding, vertical, approximate, field measured |
| Bedding, vertical, field measured |
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, monocline |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Foliation, inclined, field measured |
| Foliation, inclined, map digitized |
| Foliation, vertical, map digitized |
| Gravel pit |
| Joint, vertical |
| Lineation, horizontal |
| Mine or quarry |
| Mine or quarry, abandoned |
| Prospect |
| Sample, geochemistry |
| Sample, palynology |
| Sample, radiometric age |
| Sinkhole |
| Spring |
| Trench, exploration |
| Trench, paleoseismic, well located |
| Volcanic cone, cinder |
LoaWest_ExplorationWells_reprojected (5872)
| Drill hole, abandoned |
LoaWest_GeologicUnits_leaders_reprojected (5874)
| Leader line |
LoaWest_GeologicStructureLines_reprojected (5876)
| Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, monocline, approximately located |
| Fold, monocline, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
LoaWest_GeologicLines_reprojected (5868)
| Free Representation |
| Free Representation |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Cirque, headwall, well located |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, queried |
| Contact, scratch, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, moraine, asymmetrical |
| Crest, moraine, symmetrical |
| Dike, clastic, well located |
| Dike, igneous, well located |
| Dike, mafic, well located |
| Dike, unknown, well located |
| Extent, glacier ice, approximately located |
| Fault, caldera margin, approximately located |
| Fault, caldera margin, concealed |
| Fault, caldera margin, well located |
| Fault, gravity slide, approximately located |
| Fault, gravity slide, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, gravity slide, concealed |
| Fault, gravity slide, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, reverse, concealed |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, concealed, queried |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Lineament |
| Scarp, landslide, approximately located |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
| Scarp, tensional, well located |
| Surface edge, geomorphic, undefined, well located |
| Contact, approximately located, queried |
LoaWest_CrossSectionLines_reprojected (5878)
| Cross section, A-A' |
| Cross section, B-B' |
Geologic Units (5867)
| Free Representation |
| Free Representation |
| 2—Qhd—Disturbed land |
| 3—Qal1—Modern stream alluvium |
| 4—Qat—Stream-terrace alluvium |
| 5—Qat2—Stream-terrace alluvium, level 2 |
| 6—Qat3—Stream-terrace alluvium, level 3 |
| 7—Qat4—Stream-terrace alluvium, level 4 |
| 8—Qat5—Stream-terrace alluvium, level 5 |
| 9—Qat6—Stream-terrace alluvium, level 6 |
| 10—Qam—Alluvial marsh deposits |
| 11—Qaly—Young stream alluvium |
| 12—Qalo—Old stream alluvium |
| 13—Qao—Old alluvial deposits |
| 14—Qaf1—Young fan alluvium |
| 15—Qaf2—Middle fan alluvium |
| 16—Qafy—Young and middle fan alluvium, undivided |
| 17—Qafo—Old fan alluvium |
| 18—Qafo2—Older fan alluvium |
| 19—Qafb—Oldest fan alluvium |
| 20—Qc—Colluvium |
| 21—Qco—Older colluvium |
| 22—Qes—Eolian sand deposits |
| 23—Qgr—Relict rock glaciers |
| 24—Qgmp—Glacial till of Pinedale age |
| 25—Qmsh—Landslide deposits, historical |
| 26—Qms—Landslide deposits |
| 27—Qms?—Landslide deposits? |
| 28—Qmso—Older landslide deposits |
| 29—Qmso(Ts)—Older landslide blocks of Tertiary sedimentary strata |
| 30—Qmsv—Landslide of Rabbit Valley |
| 31—Qmsv(Je)—Landslide of Rabbit Valley (Entrada Sandstone component) |
| 32—Qmsv(Jcw)—Landslide of Rabbit Valley (Winsor Member of the Carmel Formation component) |
| 33—Qmsv(ls)—Landslide of Rabbit Valley (limestone component) |
| 34—Qms(To)—Landslide blocks of Osiris Tuff |
| 35—Qms(Tla)—Landslide blocks of volcanic rocks of Langdon Mountain |
| 36—Qms(Tlc)—Landslide blocks of trachyte lava flows of Lake Creek |
| 37—Qms1(Tsp)—Landslide blocks of volcanic rocks of Signal Peak |
| 38—Qms2(Tsp)—Highly fractured landslide blocks of volcanic rocks of Signal Peak |
| 39—Qms(Tbh)—Landslide block of Brian Head Formation |
| 40—Qmt—Talus |
| 41—Qac—Alluvium and colluvium |
| 42—Qaco—Older alluvium and colluvium |
| 43—Qafc—Fan alluvium and colluvium |
| 44—Qafco—Older fan alluvium and colluvium |
| 45—Qae—Alluvium and eolian sand |
| 46—Qaeo—Older alluvium and eolian sand |
| 47—Qea—Eolian sand and alluvium |
| 48—Qgm—Glacial till and mass movement deposits, undivided |
| 49—Qlc—Lacustrine and colluvial deposits |
| 50—Qla—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits |
| 51—Qmc—Landslides and colluvium |
| 52—Qmtc—Talus and colluvium |
| 53—Qmtco—Older talus and colluvium |
| 54—Qr—Residual deposits |
| 55—Qc/To—Colluvium over Osiris Tuff |
| 56—Qc/Tsp—Colluvium over volcanic rocks of Signal Peak |
| 57—Qac/Tsp—Mixed alluvium and colluvium over volcanic rocks of Signal Peak |
| 58—Qgmp/Tsp—Glacial till of Pinedale age over volcanic rocks of Signal Peak |
| 59—Qgmp/QTls—Glacial till of Pinedale age over limestone |
| 60—Qgmp/Tbbl—Glacial till of Pinedale age over basaltic lava flows of Bluebell Knoll |
| 61—Qgmp/Tbblc—Glacial till of Pinedale age over basaltic cinders of Bluebell Knoll |
| 62—QTms(Tsdb)—Older landslide deposits of Tertiary sedimentary strata, Dipping Vat Formation, and Three Creeks Tuff Member of Bullion Canyon Volcanics |
| 63—QTms/Jc—Older landslide deposits over Carmel Formation |
| 64—Tb—Basaltic lava flows, undivided |
| 65—Tba—Basaltic andesite lava flow |
| 66—Tbak—Basaltic lava flows of Abes Knoll |
| 67—Tban—Basaltic lava flows of Antimony |
| 68—Tbbak—Basaltic lava flows of Bald Knoll |
| 69—Tbbp—Basaltic lava flows of Big Point |
| 70—Tbbk—Basaltic lava flows of Burnt Knoll |
| 71—Tbbl—Basaltic lava flows of Bluebell Knoll |
| 72—Tbbu—Basaltic lava flows of The Buttes |
| 73—Tbcp—Basaltic lava flows of Cedar Peak |
| 74—Tben—Basaltic lava flows of Elsies Nipple |
| 75—Tbfl—Basaltic lava flows of Fish Lake |
| 76—Tbfk—Basaltic lava flows of Flossie Knoll |
| 77—Tbif—Basaltic lava flows of Indian Flat |
| 78—Tbl—Basaltic lava flows of Loa |
| 79—Tblslk—Basaltic lava flows of Lost Spring Knoll and Lost Knoll |
| 80—Tbnp—Basaltic lava flows of Nicks Point |
| 81—Tbpk—Basaltic lava flows of Parker Knoll |
| 82—Tbpp—Basaltic lava flows of Pine Peaks |
| 83—Tbpp?—Basaltic lava flows of Pine Peaks? |
| 84—Tbpl—Basaltic lava flows of Pollywog Lake |
| 85—Tbrk—Basaltic lava flows of Red Knoll |
| 86—Tbsk—Basaltic lava flows of Smooth Knoll |
| 87—Tbtk—Basaltic lava flows of Timbered Knoll |
| 88—Tsr—Sevier River Formation |
| 89—Tsr?—Sevier River Formation? |
| 90—Tsrb—Basaltic lava flows in the Sevier River Formation |
| 91—Tum—Upper moat sediments |
| 92—Tdl—Dacite of Lower Box Creek Reservoir |
| 93—Tim—Intrusive rocks of the Monroe Peak caldera |
| 94—Tif—Lava flows of Indian Flat |
| 95—Tifh—Lava flows of Indian Flat, hydrothermally altered |
| 96—Tsf—Volcanic rocks of Sage Flat |
| 97—Tsfh—Volcanic rocks of Sage Flat, hydrothermally altered |
| 98—Tgc—Volcanic rocks of Greenwich Creek |
| 99—Tub—Volcanic rocks of Upper Box Creek Reservoir |
| 100—Tubh—Volcanic rocks of Upper Box Creek Reservoir, hydrothermally altered |
| 101—Toi—Osiris Tuff, intracaldera facies |
| 102—Toih—Osiris Tuff, intracaldera facies, hydrothermally altered |
| 103—To—Osiris Tuff, outflow facies |
| 104—Tos—Sandstone and conglomerate associated with the Osiris Tuff |
| 105—Tlmu—Trachyte lava flows of Lake Creek, alluvial, lacustrine, and mass-movement strata related to Sevier gravity slide, breccia of Big Point, and Sevier River Formation, undivided |
| 106—qtz—Quartz |
| 107—Tiu—Breccia of Pine Canyon |
| 108—Tlbp—Breccia of Big Point |
| 109—Tsmx—Alluvial, lacustrine, and mass-movement strata eroded from Sevier gravity slide |
| 110—Tsm—Sevier megabreccia, undivided |
| 111—Tsm?—Sevier megabreccia, undivided? |
| 112—Ts(Tll)—Sevier megabreccia, volcanic rocks of Langdon Mountain, lava flow facies component |
| 113—Ts(Tlah)—Sevier megabreccia, volcanic rocks of Langdon Mountain, alluvial facies hydrothermally altered component |
| 114—Ts(Tla)—Sevier megabreccia, volcanic rocks of Langdon Mountain, alluvial facies component |
| 115—Ts(Twl)—Sevier megabreccia, volcanic rocks of Willow Spring, lava flow facies component |
| 116—Ts(Twa)—Sevier megabreccia, volcanic rocks of Willow Spring, alluvial facies component |
| 117—Ts(Tlt)—Sevier megabreccia, volcanic rocks of Little Table component |
| 118—Ts(Tlc)—Sevier megabreccia, trachyte lava flows of Lake Creek component |
| 119—Ts(Tsp?)—Sevier megabreccia, volcanic rocks of Signal Peak component? |
| 120—Ts(Tnw)—Sevier megabreccia, Wah Wah Springs Formation component |
| 121—Ts(Tbh)—Sevier megabreccia, Brian Head Formation component |
| 122—Tll—Volcanic rocks of Langdon Mountain, lava flow facies |
| 123—Tla—Volcanic rocks of Langdon Mountain, alluvial facies |
| 124—Tlc—Trachyte lava flows of Lake Creek |
| 125—Tda—Mount Dutton Formation, alluvial facies |
| 126—Tdlt—Mount Dutton Formation, local ash-flow tuff |
| 127—Tsps—Volcanic rocks of Signal Peak, sedimentary strata |
| 128—Tsp—Volcanic rocks of Signal Peak |
| 129—Tbb—Buckskin Breccia |
| 130—Tbb?—Buckskin Breccia? |
| 131—Tbu—Bullion Canyon Volcanics, undivided |
| 132—Tsu—Tertiary sedimentary strata, upper unit |
| 133—Tsu?—Tertiary sedimentary strata, upper unit? |
| 134—Tnw—Wah Wah Springs Formation of Needles Range Group |
| 135—Tnw?—Wah Wah Springs Formation of Needles Range Group? |
| 136—Tmm—Volcanic rocks of Mill Meadow Reservoir |
| 137—Tmm?—Volcanic rocks of Mill Meadow Reservoir? |
| 138—Tdv—Dipping Vat Formation |
| 139—Tsl—Tertiary sedimentary strata, lower unit |
| 140—Tu—Fluvial and lacustrine strata of Antimony Canyon |
| 141—TKu—Cretaceous-Tertiary strata, undivided |
| 142—TKg—Conglomerate unit |
| 143—TK2—Sandstone and conglomerate unit |
| 144—TK1—Lower unit |
| 145—Je—Entrada Sandstone |
| 146—Jc—Carmel Formation |
| 147—Jcu—Carmel Formation, Winsor and Paria River Members, undivided |
| 148—Jcw—Carmel Formation, Winsor Member |
| 149—Jcwb—Carmel Formation, banded subunit |
| 150—Jcwg—Carmel Formation, gypsiferous subunit |
| 151—Jcp—Carmel Formation, Paria River Member |
| 152—Jcl—Carmel Formation, Crystal Creek and Co-op Creek Limestone Members, undivided |
| 153—Jcx—Carmel Formation, Crystal Creek Member |
| 154—Jcc—Carmel Formation, Co-op Creek Limestone Member |
| 155—Jtc—Thousand Pockets and Judd Hollow Members of Carmel Formation and Temple Cap Formation, undivided |
| 156—Jtm—Temple Cap Formation, Manganese Wash Member |
| 157—Jn—Navajo Sandstone |
| 158—Jk—Kayenta Formation |
| 159—JTRw—Wingate Sandstone |
| 160—TRu—Chinle and Moenkopi Formations, undivided |
| 161—TRc—Chinle Formation, undivided |
| 162—TRcu—Chinle Formation, upper slope former (Owl Rock Member and upper part of the Petrified Forest Member) |
| 163—TRcl—Chinle Formation, lower slope former (lower Petrified Forest Member and Mossback Member) |
| 164—TRcm—Chinle Formation, Monitor Butte Member |
| 165—TRcs—Chinle Formation, Shinarump Member |
| 166—TRmm—Moenkopi Formation, Moody Canyon Member |
| 167—water—Reservoirs |
PromontoryPoint_Year1_GeologicSymbols (7)
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B |
| Bedding, inclined, photo-interpreted |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned, map digitized |
| Bedding, vertical, field measured |
| Bedding, vertical, map digitized |
| Causeway breach |
| Drill hole, abandoned |
| Drill hole, dry hole |
| Drill hole, oil show |
| Drill hole, water well |
| Fold, minor syncline |
| Gravel pit |
| Mine or quarry |
| Sample, fossil |
| Sample, geochemistry |
| Sample, tephrochronology |
| Sediment pit |
| Spring |
PromontoryPoint_Y1_BathymetryContours (6)
| Rule_1 |
PromontoryPoint_Year1_GeologicLines (4)
| Accommodation zone |
| Behrens trench |
| Boundary, map |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, geophysical, gravity |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, concealed, queried |
| Fault, thrust, well located |
| Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, concealed, queried |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, concealed, queried |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Lineament |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, Great Salt Lake, 4200 ft |
| Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, well located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located |
| Water intake ditch |
PromontoryPoint_Year1_GeologicStructureLines (3)
| <all other values> |
| Fold, anticline, overturned, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
PromontoryPoint_Year1_GeologicUnits_leaders (2)
| Rule_1 |
UTTR_PromontoryPoint_line (1)
| Rule_1 |
Geologic Units (0)
| 1—Qafy—Younger fan alluvium, post-Lake Bonneville |
| 2—Qam—Alluvial mud |
| 3—Qes—Eolian sand |
| 4—Qes?—Eolian sand? |
| 5—Qei—Eolian silt |
| 6—Qly—Younger lacustrine deposits, undivided, Great Salt Lake |
| 7—Qlk—Younger lacustrine carbonate-chip sand and gravel, Great Salt Lake |
| 8—Qlg—Lacustrine gravel, Lake Bonneville and Great Salt Lake |
| 9—Qlg?—Lacustrine gravel, Lake Bonneville and Great Salt Lake |
| 10—Qlf—Lacustrine fine-grained deposits, Lake Bonneville and Great Salt Lake |
| 11—Qlgf—Lacustrine gravel to fine-grained deposits, Lake Bonneville and pre-Lake Bonneville |
| 12—Qlpm—Great Salt Lake and playa mud |
| 13—Qt—Holocene? and/or Pleistocene? |
| 14—Qt (1)—Tufa deposits |
| 15—Qt (2)—Tufa deposits |
| 16—Qt (3)—Tufa deposits |
| 17—Qt (4)—Tufa deposits |
| 18—Qt (5)—Tufa deposits |
| 19—Qt (6)—Tufa deposits |
| 20—Qla—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided |
| 21—Qla?—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided? |
| 22—Qh—Human disturbance |
| 23—Qhe—Evaporation ponds |
| 24—Qei/Qlgf?—Eolian silt over lacustrine gravel to fine grained deposits? |
| 25—Qei/Qla—Eolian silt over lacustrine and alluvial deposits |
| 26—Qei/Qla?—Eolian silt over lacustrine and alluvial deposits? |
| 27—Qes/Qlk—Eolian sand over younger lacustrine carbonate-chip sand and gravel |
| 28—Qes/Qlg—Eolian sand over lacustrine gravel |
| 29—Qes/Qlf—Eolian sand over lacustrine fine-grained deposits |
| 30—Qes/Qla—Eolian sand over lacustrine and alluvial deposits |
| 31—Qes/Qla?—Eolian sand over lacustrine and alluvial deposits |
| 32—Qlk/Qlg—Younger lacustrine carbonate-chip sand and gravel over lacustrine gravel |
| 33—Qlk/Qlg?—Younger lacustrine carbonate-chip sand and gravel over lacustrine gravel |
| 34—Qlg/Mu?—Lacustrine gravel over Mississippian? bedrock |
| 35—Tib—Basaltic intrusions |
| 36—PIPo—Oquirrh Group, undivided (Calcite thrust sheet) |
| 37—PIPos—Oquirrh Group, sandstone and limestone unit (Calcite thrust sheet) |
| 38—IPosi—Oquirrh Group, sandstone and siltstone unit (Calcite thrust sheet) |
| 39—IPosi?—Oquirrh Group, sandstone and siltstone unit (Calcite thrust sheet)? |
| 40—IPol—Oquirrh Group, limestone unit (Calcite thrust sheet) |
| 41—Mgb—Great Blue Limestone |
| 42—Mgb?—Great Blue Limestone? |
| 43—Mhw—Humbug Formation and Woodman Formation, undivided |
| 44—Mh—Humbug Formation |
| 45—Mh?—Humbug Formation? |
| 46—MDgp—Gardison Limestone, Fitchville Formation, and Pinyon Peak Limestone, undivided |
| 47—Dgs—Guilmette Formation and Simonson Dolomite, undivided |
| 48—Dg—Guilmette Formation |
| 49—Dss—Simonson Dolomite and Sevy Dolomite, undivided |
| 50—Dss?—Simonson Dolomite and Sevy Dolomite, undivided? |
| 51—Dsy—Sevy Dolomite |
| 52—SOu—Laketown Dolomite and Ely Springs Dolomite, undivided |
| 53—Oes—Ely Springs Dolomite |
| 54—Oe—Eureka Quartzite |
| 55—Op—Pogonip Group, undivided |
| 56—Cu—Notch Peak Formation, Orr Formation, and Lamb Dolomite?, undivided |
| 57—Cnp—Notch Peak Formation |
| 58—water—Great Salt Lake |
Thermo_GeologicUnits_leaders (3824)
| <all other values> |
| Leader line |
Thermo_GeologicLines (3819)
| <all other values> |
| Boundary, map |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
Thermo_GeologicSymbols (3820)
| <all other values> |
| Bedding, horizontal, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, vertical, field measured |
| Sample |
| Volcanic cone, spatter |
Geologic Units (3821)
| <all other values> |
| QTb |
| QTs |
| Qa |
| Qe |
| Qf |
| Qh |
| Qv |
| Tcb |
| Tce |
| Thh |
| Thm |
| Thv |
| Tib |
| Tl |
| Tlc |
| Tm |
| Tn |
| Trd |
| Trt |
| Tvs |
| ha |
Tooele_OilGasWells (3810)
| Drill hole, dry hole |
Tooele_GeologicSymbols (3801)
| <all other values> |
| Adit |
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, map digitized |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured, not displayed |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized, not displayed |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured, not displayed |
| Bedding, overturned, map digitized |
| Bedding, overturned, map digitized, not displayed |
| Bedding, vertical, field measured |
| Bedding, vertical, map digitized |
| Bedding, vertical, map digitized, not displayed |
| Drill hole, sediment core |
| Drill hole, water well |
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Fault, ball and bar, H |
| Fault, ball and bar, pH |
| Fault, ball and bar, preH |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral |
| Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral |
| Fold, anticline, overturned |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, minor anticline |
| Fold, minor syncline |
| Fold, monocline |
| Fold, plunge arrow |
| Fold, syncline, overturned |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Foliation, inclined, field measured |
| Foliation, inclined, map digitized |
| Foliation, inclined, map digitized, not displayed |
| Foliation, vertical, map digitized |
| Foliation, vertical, map digitized, not displayed |
| Gravel pit |
| Mine or quarry |
| Sample, U-Pb zircon geochronology |
| Sample, fossil |
| Sample, geochemical |
| Sample, radiometric geochronology |
| Sample, tephrochronology |
| Shaft |
| Spring |
| Trench, paleoseismic |
Tooele_PhotoPoints (3811)
Tooele_CrossSectionLines (3789)
| Cross section, A-A' |
| Cross section, B-B' |
| Cross section, C-C' |
Tooele_GeologicStructureLines (3800)
| <all other values> |
| Fold, anticline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, overturned, well located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, monocline, concealed |
| Fold, monocline, well located |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
Tooele_leaders (3808)
| Leader line |
Tooele_GeologicLines (3799)
| <all other values> |
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Cirque, headwall, well located |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Dike, igneous, well located |
| Extent, disturbed area in Great Salt Lake |
| Extent, pit or quarry, well located |
| Fault, attenuation, concealed |
| Fault, attenuation, exposed |
| Fault, geophysical, gravity |
| Fault, geophysical, seismic, Holocene |
| Fault, geophysical, seismic, main, Holocene |
| Fault, geophysical, seismic, main, Post-Holocene |
| Fault, geophysical, seismic, Post-Holocene |
| Fault, geophysical, seismic, Pre-Holocene |
| Fault, low-angle normal, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, well located |
| Fault, reverse, approximately located |
| Fault, reverse, well located |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, well located |
| Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, well located |
| Fault, thrust, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, concealed, queried |
| Fault, thrust, well located |
| Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, concealed, queried |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, concealed, queried |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Lineament |
| Nivation hollow headwall |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
| Scarp, undefined, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville, constructional, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, well located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located |
| Vein, mineralized, well located |
Tooele_BathymetryContours (3785)
| Bathymetric contour |
Tooele_SeismicReflectionTracklines (3812)
| Seismic reflection trackline |
Tooele_CompleteBouguerGravityAnomalyPoints (3788)
| Complete Bouguer Gravity Anomaly |
Tooele_GravityContours (3805)
| Gravity contour. 1 mgal |
Tooele_ShearZones (3813)
Tooele_MineWasteRockAreas (3809)
| Mine waste rock |
CedarMountains_WildernessArea_boundary (3784)
| Rule_1 |
TooeleArmyDepot_boundary (3814)
| Rule_1 |
Geologic Units (3802)
| 1—Qa—Alluvium, undivided |
| 2—Qal—Stream alluvium |
| 3—Qam—Alluvial mud |
| 4—Qafy—Younger fan alluvium, post-Lake Bonneville |
| 5—Qafo—Older fan alluvium, pre-Lake Bonneville |
| 6—Qafo?—Older fan alluvium, pre-Lake Bonneville? |
| 7—QTaf—Oldest fan alluvium |
| 8—QTaf?—Oldest fan alluvium? |
| 9—Qsm—Spring and marsh deposits |
| 10—Qes—Eolian sand |
| 11—Qes?—Eolian sand? |
| 12—Qeo—Eolian oolitic sand |
| 13—Qei—Eolian silt |
| 14—Qly—Younger lacustrine deposits, Great Salt Lake |
| 15—Qdy—Younger deltaic deposits, Great Salt Lake |
| 16—Qlk—Younger lacustrine carbonate-chip sand and gravel, Great Salt Lake |
| 17—Qlmy—Younger lacustrine mud, Great Salt Lake |
| 18—Qldy—Younger lacustrine and deltaic deposits, Great Salt Lake |
| 19—Qlb—Lacustrine boulders, Great Salt Lake and Lake Bonneville |
| 20—Qlg—Lacustrine gravel, Great Salt Lake and Lake Bonneville |
| 21—Qlg?—Lacustrine gravel, Great Salt Lake and Lake Bonneville? |
| 22—Qls—Lacustrine sand, Lake Bonneville |
| 23—Qls?—Lacustrine sand, Lake Bonneville? |
| 24—Qlf—Lacustrine fine-grained deposits, Lake Bonneville |
| 25—Qlf?—Lacustrine fine-grained deposits, Lake Bonneville? |
| 26—Qlt—Lacustrine tufa, Lake Bonneville |
| 27—Qgt—Glacial till |
| 28—Qmct—Colluvium and talus |
| 29—Qms—Landslide deposits |
| 30—Qms?—Landslide deposits? |
| 31—Qlpm—Great Salt Lake and playa mud |
| 32—Qla—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided |
| 33—Qla?—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided? |
| 34—Qac—Alluvial and colluvial deposits |
| 35—Qh—Human disturbance |
| 36—Qhm—Mine dumps |
| 37—Qht—Tailings impoundment |
| 38—Qhe—Evaporation ponds |
| 39—Qh/Tsl—Human disturbance over Salt Lake Formation, undivided |
| 40—Qh/Tnf?—Human disturbance over Norwood Formation and Fowkes Formation, undivided? |
| 41—Qh/Tw?—Human disturbance over Wasatch Formation? |
| 42—Qei/Qlgf?—Eolian silt over lacustrine gravel to fined grained deposits? |
| 43—Qes/Qafy—Eolian sand over younger fan alluvium |
| 44—Qes/Qla—Eolian sand over lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided |
| 45—Qes/Qlg—Eolian sand over lacustrine gravel |
| 46—Qes/Qlf—Eolian sand over lacustrine fine-grained deposits |
| 47—Qes/Qafo—Eolian sand over older fan alluvium |
| 48—Qes/Ks—Eolian sand over Cretaceous strata |
| 49—Qlf/Posc?—Lacustrine fine-grained deposits over Oquirrh Group, sandstone and limestone unit (Cedar thrust sheet?) |
| 50—QTaf/Tslc—Oldest fan alluvium over Salt Lake Formation, conglomerate lithosome |
| 51—Tsl—Salt Lake Formation |
| 52—Tsl?—Salt Lake Formation? |
| 53—Tslc—Salt Lake Formation, conglomerate lithosome |
| 54—Tslf—Salt Lake Formation, fine-grained lithosome |
| 55—Tslg—Salt Lake Formation, gravel lithosome |
| 56—Tcu—Tertiary conglomerate, undivided |
| 57—Tcu?—Tertiary conglomerate, undivided? |
| 58—Tw?—Wasatch Formation? |
| 59—Tso—Older Tertiary strata, undivided |
| 60—Tso?—Older Tertiary strata, undivided? |
| 61—Tb—Trachybasalt and basalt |
| 62—Tsh—Shoshonite |
| 63—Tm—Olivine melanephelinite |
| 64—Tvs—Rhyolitic to andesitic volcanic rocks of Stansbury Mountains |
| 65—Tvsl—Rhyolitic to andesitic volcanic rocks of Stansbury Mountains, lacustrine limestone |
| 66—Tirs—Rhyolite and trachydacite porphyry intrusions of Stansbury Mountains |
| 67—Tbx—Breccia pipes and bodies |
| 68—Tvu—Volcanic rocks, undivided |
| 69—Tir—Rhyolitic intrusion |
| 70—Tvfou—Older intermediate lava flows |
| 71—Tvlo—Older lahars and debris avalanches |
| 72—Tvlo?—Older lahars and debris avalanches? |
| 73—Tipqm—Porphyritic quartz monzonite intrusions |
| 74—Tiqmp—Quartz monzonite porphyry intrusion |
| 75—Tim—Monzonite intrusions |
| 76—Tilp—Latite to dacite porphyry sills and dikes |
| 77—Tiqlp—Quartz latite porphyry dikes and sills |
| 78—Ks—Cretaceous strata |
| 79—Ks?—Cretaceous strata? |
| 80—TRd?—Dinwoody Formation? |
| 81—Pgp—Gerster Formation and Plympton Formation, undivided |
| 82—Pgp?—Gerster Formation and Plympton Formation, undivided? |
| 83—Ppp—Park City Formation and Phosphoria Formation, undivided |
| 84—Ppp?—Park City Formation and Phosphoria Formation, undivided? |
| 85—Ppm—Phosphoria Formation, Meade Peak Member |
| 86—Ppg—Park City Formation, Grandeur Member |
| 87—Psl—Permian sandstone, limestone and dolomite |
| 88—Psl?—Permian sandstone, limestone and dolomite? |
| 89—Pu—Permian strata, undivided |
| 90—Pdk—Diamond Creek Sandstone and Kirkman Formation, undivided |
| 91—PIPos—Oquirrh Group, sandstone and limestone unit (Grassy Mountains) |
| 92—IPosi—Oquirrh Group, sandstone and siltstone unit (Grassy Mountains) |
| 93—IPosi?—Oquirrh Group, sandstone and siltstone unit (Grassy Mountains)? |
| 94—IPol—Oquirrh Group, limestone unit (Grassy Mountains) |
| 95—Posc?—Oquirrh Group, sandstone and limestone unit (Cedar thrust sheet?) |
| 96—IPosc—Oquirrh Group, sandstone and siltstone unit (Cedar thrust sheet) |
| 97—IPolc—Oquirrh Group, limestone unit (Cedar thrust sheet) |
| 98—IPolc?—Oquirrh Group, limestone unit (Cedar thrust sheet)? |
| 99—Pofc—Oquirrh Group, Freeman Peak Formation and Curry Peak Formation, undivided |
| 100—Pofp—Oquirrh Group, Freeman Peak Formation |
| 101—Pocp—Oquirrh Group, Curry Peak Formation |
| 102—IPo—Oquirrh Group, Pennsylvanian formations, undivided |
| 103—IPo?—Oquirrh Group, Pennsylvanian formations, undivided? |
| 104—IPobm—Oquirrh Group, Bingham Mine Formation |
| 105—IPobm?—Oquirrh Group, Bingham Mine Formation? |
| 106—IPobmu—Oquirrh Group, Bingham Mine Formation, upper member |
| 107—IPobmu?—Oquirrh Group, Bingham Mine Formation, upper member? |
| 108—IPobml—Oquirrh Group, Bingham Mine Formation, lower member |
| 109—IPobml?—Oquirrh Group, Bingham Mine Formation, lower member? |
| 110—IPobw—Oquirrh Group, Butterfield Peaks Formation and West Canyon Limestone, undivided |
| 111—IPobp—Oquirrh Group, Butterfield Peaks Formation |
| 112—IPobp?—Oquirrh Group, Butterfield Peaks Formation? |
| 113—IPMwm—Oquirrh Group, West Canyon Limestone and Manning Canyon Formation, undivided |
| 114—IPowc—Oquirrh Group, West Canyon Limestone |
| 115—Mmc—Manning Canyon Formation |
| 116—Mmc?—Manning Canyon Formation? |
| 117—Mgb—Great Blue Limestone |
| 118—Mgb?—Great Blue Limestone? |
| 119—Mh—Humbug Formation |
| 120—Mh?—Humbug Formation? |
| 121—MDdp—Deseret Limestone, Gardison Limestone, Fitchville Formation, Pinyon Peak Limestone, undivided |
| 122—Md—Deseret Limestone |
| 123—Md?—Deseret Limestone? |
| 124—Mw—Woodman Formation |
| 125—MDgp—Gardison Limestone, Fitchville Formation, Pinyon Peak Limestone, undivided |
| 126—MDgp?—Gardison Limestone, Fitchville Formation, Pinyon Peak Limestone, undivided? |
| 127—Dst—Stansbury Formation |
| 128—Dst(SOu)—Stansbury Formation, slide blocks of Laketown and Ely Springs Dolomite |
| 129—Dgs—Guilmette Formation and Simonson Dolomite, undivided |
| 130—Dss—Simonson Dolomite and Sevy Dolomite, undivided |
| 131—Dss?—Simonson Dolomite and Sevy Dolomite, undivided? |
| 132—Dsy—Sevy Dolomite |
| 133—SOu—Laketown Dolomite, Ely Springs Dolomite, Eureka Quartzite, undivided |
| 134—Op—Pogonip Group, undivided |
| 135—Op?—Pogonip Group, undivided? |
| 136—Opk—Pogonip Group, Kanosh Shale |
| 137—Cum—Upper and Middle Cambrian strata, undivided |
| 138—Cnp—Notch Peak Formation |
| 139—Cnp?—Notch Peak Formation? |
| 140—Co—Orr Formation |
| 141—Co?—Orr Formation? |
| 142—Clt—Lamb Dolomite and Trippe Limestone, undivided |
| 143—Cl—Lamb Dolomite |
| 144—Cl?—Lamb Dolomite? |
| 145—Ctp—Trippe Limestone and Pierson Cove Formation, undivided |
| 146—Cpc—Pierson Cove Formation |
| 147—Cpc?—Pierson Cove Formation? |
| 148—Cww—Wheeler Formation, Swasey Limestone, Whirlwind Formation, undivided |
| 149—Cwh—Wheeler Formation |
| 150—Csw—Swasey Limestone |
| 151—Cwl—Whirlwind Formation |
| 152—Cdh—Dome Limestone, Chisholm Formation, Howell Limestone, undivided |
| 153—Cdh?—Dome Limestone, Chisholm Formation, Howell Limestone, undivided? |
| 154—Cp—Pioche Formation |
| 155—Cp?—Pioche Formation? |
| 156—Cpm—Prospect Mountain Quartzite |
| 157—Cpm?—Prospect Mountain Quartzite? |
| 158—Zm—Mutual Formation |
| 159—Zm?—Mutual Formation? |
| 160—Zi—Inkom Formation |
| 161—Zcc—Caddy Canyon Quartzite |
| 162—Zp—Perry Canyon Formation |
| 163—KXa—Altered and deformed rocks |
| 164—Ct—Tintic Quartzite |
| 165—Zsm—Slate and dolomite unit and Mineral Fork Formation, undivided |
| 166—Zsd—Slate and dolomite |
| 167—Zmf—Mineral Fork Formation |
| 168—Xfcp—Farmington Canyon Complex, granite and pegmatite |
| 169—Xfcgr—Farmington Canyon Complex, granitic gneiss, red |
| 170—Xfcg—Farmington Canyon Complex, granitic gneiss, migmatitic |
| 171—Xfcb—Farmington Canyon Complex, banded gneiss |
| 172—Xfch—Farmington Canyon Complex, hornblende-plagioclase gneiss |
| 173—Xfcu—Farmington Canyon Complex, metamorphosed ultramafic rock |
| 174—Xfcq—Farmington Canyon Complex, quartz-rich gneiss |
| 175—Xfcl—Farmington Canyon Complex, layered gneiss |
| 176—water—water |
NewfoundlandMtns_OilAndGasWells (3773)
| Drill hole – Oil/gas exploration |
NewfoundlandMtns_WaterWells (3776)
| Ground water well |
NewfoundlandMtns_CrossSectionLines (4753)
| Cross section, A-A' |
| Cross section, B-B' |
NewfoundlandMtns_GeologicFeatures_leaders (3764)
| Leader line |
NewfoundlandMtns_GeologicLines (3765)
| Accommodation zone |
| Boundary, map |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, concealed |
| Contact, inferred |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, bedding plane, approximately located |
| Fault, bedding plane, concealed |
| Fault, bedding plane, well located |
| Fault, geophysical, concealed |
| Fault, gravity slide, well located |
| Fault, low-angle normal, type1, approximately located |
| Fault, low-angle normal, type1, concealed |
| Fault, low-angle normal, type1, well located |
| Fault, low-angle normal, overturned, concealed |
| Fault, low-angle normal, overturned, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, inferred |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, thrust, type1, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, type1, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, Gilbert level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Gilbert level, well located |
| Shoreline, Pilot Valley level, inferred |
| Shoreline, Pilot Valley level, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, well located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located |
NewfoundlandMtns_GeologicStructureLines (3766)
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
NewfoundlandMtns_GeologicSymbols (3767)
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, map digitized |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized |
| Bedding, overturned, map digitized |
| Bedding, vertical, map digitized |
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Fault, low-angle, overturned |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Foliation, horizontal, map digitized |
| Foliation, inclined, field measured |
| Foliation, inclined, map digitized |
| Foliation, vertical, field measured |
| Foliation, vertical, map digitized |
UtahTestAndTrainingRange_NorthBoundary_clip (3779)
| Rule_1 |
GreatSaltLake_NorthArm_bathymetry (5752)
| Rule_1 |
Geologic Units (3770)
| 1 - Qu - Surficial deposits, undivided |
| 2 - Qam - Alluvial mud |
| 3 - Qal - Stream alluvium |
| 4 - Qafy - Young alluvial-fan deposits |
| 5 - Qafo - Older alluvial-fan deposits |
| 6 - QTaf - Oldest alluvial-fan deposits |
| 7 - Qpm - Playa mud |
| 8 - Qsm - Spring mud |
| 9 - Qlm - Lacustrine marl |
| 10 - Qli - Lacustrine silt |
| 11 - Qls - Lacustrine sand |
| 12 - Qlg - Lacustrine gravel |
| 13 - Qla - Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided |
| 14 - Qei - Eolian silt |
| 15 - Qes - Eolian sand and silt |
| 16 - Qeo - Eolian ooid sand |
| 17 - Qem - Eolian mud |
| 18 - Qmc - Colluvium and talus |
| 19 - Qms - Landslide deposits |
| 20 - Qb - Basalt of Sheep Mountain |
| 21 - Tby - Younger basaltic lava flows |
| 22 - Tby? - Younger basaltic lava flows? |
| 23 - Ts - Salt Lake Formation, undivided |
| 24 - Tsc - Salt Lake Formation, Conglomerate |
| 25 - Tt - Tuff and tuff breccia |
| 26 - Tr - Rhyolite |
| 27 - Td - Dacite |
| 28 - Tbi - Intermediate-age basaltic lava flows |
| 29 - Tbi? - Intermediate-age basaltic lava flows? |
| 30 - Tdb - Diabase |
| 31 - Ttc - Rhyolitic tuff and sedimentary rocks |
| 32 - Ttc? - Rhyolitic tuff and sedimentary rocks? |
| 33 - Trd - Rhyodacite |
| 34 - Tg - Granodiorite dikes |
| 35 - Tbc - Bettridge Creek Granodiorite |
| 36 - Tm - McGinty Monzogranite |
| 37 - Teg - Emigrant Pass intrusion of Compton and others (1977) |
| 38 - Jms - Miners Spring Granite |
| 39 - Jgd - Granodiorite |
| 40 - Jpm - Porphyritic monzogranite |
| 41 - Jc - Crater Island Quartz Monzonite |
| 42 - Jn - Newfoundland Stock of Caroon (1977) |
| 43 - TRd - Dinwoody Formation |
| 44 - Pg - Gerster Formation |
| 45 - Pm - Murdock Mountain Formation |
| 46 - Ppm - Phosphoria Formation, Meade Peak Phosphatic Shale Tongue |
| 47 - Pgr - Grandeur Formation of the Park City Group |
| 48 - Pgr? - Grandeur Formation of the Park City Group? |
| 49 - Ptc - Trapper Creek Formation |
| 50 - Pbg - Badger Gulch Formation |
| 51 - Pp - Pequop Formation |
| 52 - Pu - Unnamed sandstone unit |
| 53 - Ptf - Third Fork(?) Formation |
| 54 - Pr - Riepetown Sandstone |
| 55 - Posl - Oquirrh Group, Interbedded sandstone and limestone unit |
| 56 - IPos - Oquirrh Group, Sandstone unit |
| 57 - IPos? - Oquirrh Group, Sandstone unit? |
| 58 - IPol - Oquirrh Group, Limestone unit |
| 59 - PIPs - Strathearn Formation |
| 60 - IPe - Ely Limestone |
| 61 - IPMdc - Diamond Peak Formation and Chainman Shale, undivided |
| 62 - Mtp - Tripon Pass Limestone |
| 63 - Mj - Joana Limestone |
| 64 - Dp - Pilot Shale |
| 65 - Dg - Guilmette Formation |
| 66 - Ds - Simonson Dolomite |
| 67 - DSd - Thick–bedded dolomite, undivided |
| 68 - DSlm - Lone Mountain Dolomite |
| 69 - DSu - Undivided dolomite and limestone |
| 70 - Sl - Laketown Dolomite |
| 71 - Oes - Ely Springs Dolomite |
| 72 - Oe - Eureka Quartzite |
| 73 - Ocw - Crystal Peak Dolomite and Watson Ranch Quartzite |
| 74 - Ol - Lehman Formation |
| 75 - Ok - Kanosh Shale |
| 76 - Ok? - Kanosh Shale? |
| 77 - Opl - Lower Pogonip Group |
| 78 - OCn - Notch Peak Formation |
| 79 - Ccs - Corset Spring Shale Member of the Orr Formation |
| 80 - Cj - Johns Wash Limestone Member of the Orr Formation |
| 81 - Cc - Candland Shale Member of the Orr Formation |
| 82 - Csd - Sandstone and dolomite |
| 83 - Cb - Big Horse Limestone Member of the Orr Formation |
| 84 - Cl - Lamb Dolomite |
| 85 - Cl? - Lamb Dolomite? |
| 86 - Ctr - Trippe Limestone |
| 87 - Cto - Toano Limestone |
| 88 - Cks - Killian Springs Formation |
| 89 - CZpm - Prospect Mountain Quartzite |
| 90 - CZpm? - Prospect Mountain Quartzite? |
| 91 - Zmg - McCoy Creek Group of Misch and Hazzard (1962), Unit G |
| 92 - Zmf - McCoy Creek Group of Misch and Hazzard (1962), Unit F |
| 93 - Zmf? - McCoy Creek Group of Misch and Hazzard (1962), Unit F? |
| 94 - Zme - McCoy Creek Group of Misch and Hazzard (1962), Unit E |
| 95 - Zmd - McCoy Creek Group of Misch and Hazzard (1962), Unit D |
| 96 - Zmb - McCoy Creek Group of Misch and Hazzard (1962), Unit B(?) |
| 97 - Zma - McCoy Creek Group of Misch and Hazzard (1962), Unit A(?) |
| 98 - water - Great Salt Lake |
WhiteCanyonArea_GeologicSymbols (2745)
| Arrow |
| Mine or quarry |
| Prospect |
WhiteCanyonArea_PaleoChannelFill (2746)
| Paleo-channel fill, approximately located |
| Paleo-channel fill, well located |
WhiteCanyonArea_GeologicStructureLines (2747)
| Structure contour, datum boundary 1 |
| Structure contour, datum 2 |
| Structure contour, datum 2, projected above ground |
| Structure contour, datum 1 |
| Structure contour, datum 1, projected above ground |
WhiteCanyonArea_GeologicLines (2748)
| Boundary, map |
| Boundary, water, intermittent |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
Geologic Units (2749)
| 1, Qst, Spring tufa |
| 2, Qms, Mass movement landslides |
| 3, Ql, Lacustrine deposits |
| 4, Qal, Alluvium |
| 5, Qatg, Terrace gravel |
| 6, Qmt, Mass movement talus deposits |
| 7, Qc, Colluvium |
| 8, Qed, Eolian dune sand |
| 9, Jtcc, Temple Cap Formation (former Page Ss) and Carmel Formation |
| 10, Jn, Navajo Sandstone |
| 11, Jk, Kayenta Formation |
| 12, JTRw, Wingate Sandstone |
| 13, TRcc, Church Rock Member of Chinle Formation |
| 14, TRcop, Owl Rock and Petrified Forest Members of Chinle Formation |
| 15, TRcms, Moss Back Member of Chinle Formation |
| 16, TRcmn, Monitor Butte Member of Chinle Formation |
| 17, TRcs, Shinarump Conglomerate Member of Chinle Formation |
| 18, TRmu, Upper member of Moenkopi Formation |
| 19, TRmh, Hoskinini Member of Moenkopi Formation |
| 20, Pwr, White Rim Sandstone |
| 21, Po, Organ Rock Formation |
| 22, Pcm, Cedar Mesa Sandstone |
| 23, PIPcl, lower Cutler beds (Halgaito Formation) |
| 24, IPht, Honaker Trail Formation |
| 25, water, water |
BonnevilleSaltFlats3060_Year3_GeologicSymbols (2728)
| Drill hole, dry hole |
| Mine or quarry |
| Fold, minor anticline |
| Fold, minor syncline, overturned |
| Drill hole, injection well |
| Bedding, inclined, photo-interpreted |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned, map digitized |
| Bedding, vertical, field measured |
| Bedding, vertical, map digitized |
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Fold, plunge arrow |
| Gravel pit |
| Sample 4 |
| Sample 5 |
| Sample 6 |
| Sample, fossil |
BonnevilleSaltFlats3060_Year3_GeologicLines (2727)
| Bed, marker A, approximately located |
| Bed, marker B, well located |
| Bed, marker C, approximately located |
| Boundary, map |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Dike, igneous, well located |
| Fault, geophysical, gravity |
| Fault, low-angle normal, approximately located |
| Fault, low-angle normal, concealed |
| Fault, low-angle normal, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, thrust, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, concealed, queried |
| Fault, thrust, well located |
| Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, concealed, queried |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Lineament |
| Lineament, geophysical, gravity |
| Old River Bed delta channel |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville, constructional, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo, erosional, well located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located |
OFR702_BonnevilleSaltFlats3060_Year2_GeologicStructureLines (2720)
| Fold, anticline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, overturned, concealed, queried |
| Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed, queried |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
Geologic Units (2729)
| Cnp |
| Cou |
| DSu |
| Dg |
| Dg? |
| Dsi |
| IPMdc |
| IPe |
| IPe? |
| IPol |
| IPol? |
| IPolc |
| IPosc |
| IPosc? |
| IPosi |
| IPosi? |
| Mj |
| Oe |
| Oes |
| PIPo? |
| PIPos |
| PIPos? |
| PIPps |
| Pge |
| Pm |
| Pm? |
| Pofc |
| Polf |
| Polk |
| Ppg |
| Ppg? |
| Ppm |
| Ppm? |
| Ppy |
| Ppy? |
| Psd |
| Psd? |
| Qafo |
| Qafy |
| Qai |
| Qal |
| Qeas/Qpl |
| Qei |
| Qei/Qla |
| Qei/Qlf |
| Qei/Qlg |
| Qei/Qlk |
| Qei? |
| Qel/IPol |
| Qel/IPolc |
| Qel/IPosc |
| Qes |
| Qes/IPosc |
| Qes/Qafo |
| Qes/Qafy |
| Qes/Qla |
| Qes/Qla? |
| Qes/Qlf |
| Qes/Qlg |
| Qes/Qlgf |
| Qes? |
| Qh |
| Qhe |
| Qhw |
| Qla |
| Qla? |
| Qlf |
| Qlg |
| Qlg/Tl |
| Qlg? |
| Qlgf |
| Qls |
| Qms |
| Qmtc |
| Qpl |
| Qps |
| Qsm |
| Sl |
| TRt |
| Tid |
| Til |
| Tl |
| Tls |
| Tra(Dg) |
| Tsd |
| Tsl |
| Tsl? |
| water |
BeaverNW_GeologicUnits_leaders (2710)
| Leader line |
BeaverNW_GeologicSymbols (2715)
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured |
| Drill hole, water well |
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral |
| Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral |
| Volcanic cone, cinder |
BeaverNW_GeologicLines (3717)
| Boundary, map |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, caldera margin, approximately located |
| Fault, caldera margin, concealed |
| Fault, caldera margin, well located |
| Fault, gravity slide, concealed |
| Fault, gravity slide, well located |
| Fault, low-angle normal, approximately located |
| Fault, low-angle normal, concealed |
| Fault, low-angle normal, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville, erosional, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville, erosional, well located |
Geologic Units (2734)
| 1—Qal1—Alluvium |
| 2—Qal2—Alluvium |
| 3—Qat1—Younger stream-terrace deposits |
| 4—Qat2—Older stream-terrace deposits |
| 5—Qat3—Oldest stream-terrace deposits |
| 6—Qaf1—Young alluvial-fan deposits |
| 7—Qaf2—Middle alluvial-fan deposits |
| 8—Qaf3—Middle alluvial-fan deposits |
| 9—Qaf4—Middle alluvial-fan deposits |
| 10—Qafy—Young and middle fan alluvium, undivided |
| 11—Qafo—Old fan alluvium |
| 12—Qms—Landslide deposits |
| 13—Qes—Eolian sand deposits |
| 14—Qs—Spring deposits |
| 15—Qlae—Mixed lacustrine, alluvial, and eolian deposits |
| 16—Qlg—Lacustrine gravel |
| 17—Qll—Lacustrine lagoon deposits |
| 18—Qrd—Rhyolite of Mineral Mountains, volcanic dome |
| 19—Qrt—Rhyolite of Mineral Mountains, tuff |
| 20—Qrl—Rhyolite of Mineral Mountains, lava flows |
| 21—Qbr—Basaltic andesite of Red Knoll |
| 22—Qbk—Basaltic andesite of Crater Knoll |
| 23—Qbc—Basalt of Cunningham Hill |
| 24—QTs—Basin-fill sedimentary rocks |
| 25—Tb—Basalt lava flows |
| 26—Try—Young rhyolite lava flows |
| 27—Trg—Rhyolite of Gillies Hill |
| 28—Tir—Rhyolite porphyry |
| 29—Tig—Granitic intrusive rocks |
| 30—Tbm(Ticl)—Black Mountains Megabreccia, Lincoln Stock component |
| 31—Tbm(Tdv)—Black Mountains Megabreccia, Mount Dutton Formation, vent facies component |
| 32—Tbm(Tda)—Black Mountains Megabreccia, Mount Dutton Formation, alluvial facies component |
| 33—Tbm(Tin)—Black Mountains Megabreccia, Isom Formation and the Needles Range Group component |
| 34—Tbm(Tcg)—Black Mountains Megabreccia, conglomerate component |
| 35—Tbm(Jc)—Black Mountains Megabreccia, Carmel Formation component |
| 36—Tbm(Jn)—Black Mountains Megabreccia, Navajo Sandstone component |
| 37—Tmj—Mount Belknap Volcanics, Joe Lott Tuff Member |
| 38—Tmm—Mount Belknap Volcanics, middle tuff member and lower tuff member |
| 39—Tmb—Mount Belknap Volcanics, Mount Baldy Rhyolite Member |
| 40—Tmv—Mount Belknap Volcanics, volcaniclastic rocks |
| 41—Tmbl—Mount Belknap Volcanics, Blue Lake Rhyolite Member |
| 42—Tkl—Potassium-rich mafic lava flows |
| 43—Tm(Tic)—Markagunt Megabreccia, calc-alkaline intrusive rocks component |
| 44—Tm(Tbc)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Bullion Canyon Volcanics component |
| 45—Tm(Tbcd)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Bullion Canyon Volcanics, Delano Peak Tuff Member component |
| 46—Tm(Tbct)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Bullion Canyon Volcanics, Three Creeks Tuff Member component |
| 47—Tm(Tdv)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Mount Dutton Formation, vent facies component |
| 48—Tm(Tdb)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Mount Dutton Formation, Beaver Member |
| 49—Tm(Tlb)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Mafic lava flows of Birch Creek Mountain component |
| 50—Tm(Tlj)—Markagunt Megabreccia, volcanic rocks of Lousy Jim component |
| 51—Tm(Tlf)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Tuff of Lion Flat component |
| 52—Tm(To)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Osiris Tuff outflow facies component |
| 53—Tic—Calc-alkaline intrusive rock |
| 54—Ticl—Lincoln Stock |
| 55—Tbc—Bullion Canyon Volcanics |
| 56—Tbct—Bullion Canyon Volcanics, Three Creeks Tuff Member |
| 57—To—Osiris Tuff, outflow facies |
| 58—TRcm—Chinle Formation and Moenkopi Formation, undivided |
| 59—TRcs—Shinarump Member |
| 60—TRm—Moenkopi Formation, undivided |
| 61—Ppt—Plympton, Kaibab, and Toroweap Formations, undivided |
| 62—Ppk—Plympton and Kaibab Formations, undivided |
| 63—Pk—Kaibab Formation |
| 64—Pt—Toroweap Formation |
| 65—PIPc—Queantoweap Sandstone, Pakoon Dolomite, and Callville Limestone, undivided |
| 66—Pq—Queantoweap Sandstone |
| 67—Pzc—Paleozoic carbonate rocks |
| 68—Pp—Pakoon Dolomite |
| 69—IPc—Callville Limestone |
| 70—Mr—Redwall Limestone, undivided |
| 71—Dcs—Crystal Pass Formation, Simonson Dolomite, and Sevy Dolomite, undivided |
| 72—Xg—Banded gneiss |
| 73—water— |
DeepCreekMtnsWSA_GeologicUnits_leaders (2677)
| Rule_1 |
DeepCreekMtnsWSA_GeologicSymbols (2662)
| Adit |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured |
DeepCreekMtnsWSA_CrossSectionLines (2675)
| Cross section, A-A' |
DeepCreekMtnsWSA_GeologicLines (2664)
| Boundary, map |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, concealed |
| Contact, scratch, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Dike, intermediate, well located |
| Dike, silicic, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, thrust, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, concealed, queried |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Wilderness study area boundary |
DeepCreekMtnsWSA_GeologicStructureLines (2663)
| Fold, anticline, overturned, well located |
Geologic Units (2661)
| <all other values> |
| <Null>, Unmapped, <Null> |
| 1, QTal, Alluvium |
| 2, Tv, Volcanic rocks |
| 3, IPe, Ely Limestone |
| 4, Mw, Woodman Formation |
| 5, Dg, Guilmette Formation |
| 6, Dsi, Simonson Dolostone |
| 7, Dse, Sevy Dolostone |
| 8, SOlf, Laketown Dolostone and Fish Haven Dolostone |
| 9, OCc, Chokecherry Dolomite |
| 10, Col, Orr Formation and Lamb Dolomite |
| 11, Ctp, Trippe Limestone and Pierson Cove Formation |
| 12, Cwh, Wheeler Shale, Swasey Limestone, Whirlwind Fm, Dome Limestone, Chisholm Shale, and Howell Fm |
| 13, Cb, Busby Quartzite |
| 14, Cc, Cabin Shale |
| 15, Cp, Prospect Mountain Quartzite |
| 16, Zmg, McCoy Creek Group, Unit G |
| 17, Zmf, McCoy Creek Group, Unit F |
| 18, Zme, McCoy Creek Group, Unit E |
| 19, Zmd, McCoy Creek Group, Unit D |
| 20, Zmc, McCoy Creek Group, Unit C |
| 21, Zmb, McCoy Creek Group, Unit B |
| 22, CZu, Prospect Mtn Quartzite and McCoy Creek Group, undivided |
| 23, Zt7, Trout Creek sequence, Unit 7 |
| 24, Zt6, Trout Creek sequence, Unit 6 |
| 25, Zt5, Trout Creek sequence, Unit 5 |
| 26, Zt4, Trout Creek sequence, Unit 4 |
| 27, Zt3, Trout Creek sequence, Unit 3 |
| 28, Zt2, Trout Creek sequence, Unit 2 |
| 29, Zt1, Trout Creek sequence, Unit 1 |
| 30, Tdi, Diabase |
| 31, Ti, Ibapah stock |
| 32, TKt, Trout Creek stock |
| 33, TJgr, Granite |
| 34, am, Amphibolite |
OFR716DM_GrouseCreek30x60_GeologicSymbols (2627)
| Adit |
| Arrow, filled |
| Bedding, horizontal, field measured |
| Bedding, horizontal, map digitized |
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized |
| Bedding, overturned, map digitized |
| Bedding, vertical, map digitized |
| Drill hole, abandoned |
| Fold, minor anticline, bearing and plunge |
| Fold, minor syncline, bearing and plunge |
| Fold, plunge arrow |
| Foliation, horizontal |
| Foliation, inclined, approximate, field measured |
| Foliation, inclined, field measured |
| Foliation, vertical, field measured |
| Foliation, vertical, map digitized |
| Gravel pit |
| Mine or quarry |
| Sample, fossil |
| Sample, geochemistry |
| Sample, geochronology |
| Sample, tephrochronology |
| Shaft |
| Volcanic vent |
OFR716DM_GrouseCreek30x60_GeologicLines (2629)
| Bed, marker A, well located |
| Boundary, map |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Cirque, headwall, well located |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, detachment, approximately located |
| Fault, detachment, concealed |
| Fault, detachment, option 2, approximately located |
| Fault, detachment, option 2, concealed |
| Fault, detachment, option 2, well located |
| Fault, detachment, option 3, concealed |
| Fault, detachment, option 3, well located |
| Fault, detachment, well located |
| Fault, low-angle normal, approximately located |
| Fault, low-angle normal, concealed |
| Fault, low-angle normal, option 2, concealed |
| Fault, low-angle normal, option 2, well located |
| Fault, low-angle normal, option 3, concealed |
| Fault, low-angle normal, option 3, well located |
| Fault, low-angle normal, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, well located |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, well located |
| Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, well located |
| Fault, thrust, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Lineament |
| Nivation hollow, headwall, double sided, well located |
| Nivation hollow, headwall, single sided, well located |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, concealed |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville, constructional, well located |
| Shoreline, Gilbert level, concealed |
| Shoreline, Gilbert level, lower shorezone, concealed |
| Shoreline, Gilbert level, lower shorezone, well located |
| Shoreline, Gilbert level, upper shorezone, concealed |
| Shoreline, Gilbert level, upper shorezone, well located |
| Shoreline, Gilbert level, well located |
| Shoreline, Great Salt Lake highstand, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, concealed |
| Shoreline, Provo level, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo, constructional, well located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, lower shorezone, concealed |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, lower shorezone, well located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, upper shorezone, concealed |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, upper shorezone, well located |
OFR716DM_GrouseCreek30x60_GeologicStructureLines (2628)
| Fold, anticline, overturned, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, overturned, well located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
Geologic Units (2658)
| 1—Qay—Younger alluvium |
| 2—Qam—Alluvial mud |
| 3—Qao—Older alluvium |
| 4—QTag—Alluvial gravel |
| 5—QTag?—Alluvial gravel? |
| 6—Qe—Eolian deposits, undivided |
| 7—Qlk—Lacustrine carbonate-chip gravel, Great Salt Lake |
| 8—Qlg—Lacustrine gravel, Lake Bonneville |
| 9—Qls—Lacustrine sand, Lake Bonneville |
| 10—Qgt—Glacial till |
| 11—Qms—Landslide deposits |
| 12—Qms?—Landslide deposits? |
| 13—Qms (Trt)—Landslide deposits (involves rhyolites of Twin Peaks) |
| 14—Qms (Ze)—Landslide deposits (involves Elba Quartzite) |
| 15—Qms? (Ze)—Landslide deposits? (involves Elba Quartzite) |
| 16—Qmct—Colluvium and talus |
| 17—Qpm—Playa mud |
| 18—Qla—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided |
| 19—Qlag—Lacustrine and alluvial coarse-grained deposits |
| 20—Qlaf—Lacustrine and alluvial fine-grained deposits |
| 21—Qla/rx—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided over undivided basin fill and bedrock |
| 22—Qla/Tby—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided over younger basaltic lava flows |
| 23—Qla/Ts—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided over Salt Lake Formation, undivided |
| 24—Qla/Tepg—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided over granite, granodiorite, and diorite of Emigrant Pass |
| 25—Qla/Ttc—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided over rhyolitic tuff and conglomerate |
| 26—Qla/Pm—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided over Park City Group, Murdock Mountain Formation |
| 27—Qla/Ptbt—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided over Trapper Creek, Badger Gulch, Third Fork Formations, undivided |
| 28—Qla/Ptbt?—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided over Trapper Creek, Badger Gulch, Third Fork Formations, undivided? |
| 29—Qla/Psd—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided over sandstone and dolomite |
| 30—Qla/PIPo—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided over Oquirrh Group, undivided |
| 31—Qla/PIPo?—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided over Oquirrh Group, undivided? |
| 32—Qla/Poi—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided over Oquirrh Group, interbedded sandstone and limestone unit |
| 33—Qla/IPos—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided over Oquirrh Group, sandstone unit |
| 34—Qlaf/Ttc—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided over rhyolitic tuff and conglomerate |
| 35—Qlg/Poi—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided over Oquirrh Group, interbedded sandstone and limestone unit |
| 36—Qb—Basalt |
| 37—Qrw—Rhyolite of the Wildcat Hills |
| 38—Trd—Rhyodacite of the Wildcat Hills |
| 39—Tby—Younger basaltic lava flows |
| 40—Ts—Salt Lake Formation, undivided |
| 41—Ts?—Salt Lake Formation, undivided? |
| 42—Tsc—Salt Lake Formation, conglomerate lithosome |
| 43—Tsc?—Salt Lake Formation, conglomerate lithosome? |
| 44—Ta—Salt Lake Formation, avalanche breccia |
| 45—Ta(Pg)—Salt Lake Formation, avalanche breccia (involves Park City Group, Gerster Formation) |
| 46—Ta(Pgr)—Salt Lake Formation, avalanche breccia (involves Park City Group, Grandeur Formation) |
| 47—Ta(PIPo)—Salt Lake Formation, avalanche breccia (involves Oquirrh Group, undivided) |
| 48—Ta(Pm)—Salt Lake Formation, avalanche breccia (involves Park City Group, Murdock Mountain Formation) |
| 49—Ta(Ppm)—Salt Lake Formation, avalanche breccia (involves Phosphoria Formation, Meade Peak Tongue) |
| 50—Ta(Poi)—Salt Lake Formation, avalanche breccia (involves Oquirrh Group, interbedded sandstone and limestone unit) |
| 51—Ta(IPol)—Salt Lake Formation, avalanche breccia (involves Oquirrh Group, limestone unit) |
| 52—Ta(IPos)—Salt Lake Formation, avalanche breccia (involves Oquirrh Group, sandstone unit) |
| 53—Ta(Ptbt)—Salt Lake Formation, avalanche breccia (involves Trapper Creek, Third Fork, Badger Gulch Formations, undivided) |
| 54—Ta(TRd)—Salt Lake Formation, avalanche breccia (involves Dinwoody Formation) |
| 55—Tsl—Salt Lake Formation, limestone lithosome |
| 56—Tsl?—Salt Lake Formation, limestone lithosome? |
| 57—Tmo—Minette of Onemile Creek |
| 58—Tdh—Dacite of Holt Creek |
| 59—Trb—Rhyolitic welded tuffs of Goose Creek basin |
| 60—Trb?—Rhyolitic welded tuffs of Goose Creek basin? |
| 61—Tdi—Diabase of Indian Creek |
| 62—Trl—Rhyolitic welded tuff of Lynn Creek |
| 63—Tr—Rhyolites of Grouse Creek Valley |
| 64—Tr?—Rhyolites of Grouse Creek Valley? |
| 65—Td—Dacites of Grouse Creek Valley |
| 66—Td?—Dacites of Grouse Creek Valley? |
| 67—Trt—Rhyolites of Twin Peaks |
| 68—Trt?—Rhyolites of Twin Peaks? |
| 69—Trg—Rhyolite of Granite Creek |
| 70—Trg?—Rhyolite of Granite Creek? |
| 71—Tbi—Intermediate-age basaltic lava flows |
| 72—Tbi?—Intermediate-age basaltic lava flows? |
| 73—Trcg—Granite of Road Canyon |
| 74—Trbg—Granite of Red Butte |
| 75—Tvg—Granite of Vipont |
| 76—Tepg—Granite, granodiorite, and diorite of Emigrant Pass |
| 77—Ttc—Rhyolitic tuff and conglomerate |
| 78—Tbo—Older trachybasaltic lava flows |
| 79—TRd—Dinwoody Formation |
| 80—Pg—Park City Group, Gerster Formation |
| 81—Pm—Park City Group, Murdock Mountain Formation |
| 82—Pm?—Park City Group, Murdock Mountain Formation |
| 83—Ppm—Phosphoria Formation, Meade Peak Tongue |
| 84—Pgr—Park City Group, Grandeur Formation |
| 85—Ptbt—Trapper Creek, Badger Gulch, Third Fork Formations, undivided |
| 86—Ptbt?—Trapper Creek, Badger Gulch, Third Fork Formations, undivided |
| 87—Psd—Sandstone and dolomite |
| 88—PIPo—Oquirrh Group, undivided |
| 89—PIPo?—Oquirrh Group, undivided? |
| 90—Poi—Oquirrh Group, interbedded sandstone and limestone unit |
| 91—Poi?—Oquirrh Group, interbedded sandstone and limestone unit? |
| 92—IPos—Oquirrh Group, sandstone unit |
| 93—IPos?—Oquirrh Group, sandstone unit? |
| 94—IPol—Oquirrh Group, limestone unit |
| 95—IPMx—Marble tectonite |
| 96—IPMdc—Diamond Peak Formation and Chainman Shale, undivided (metamorphosed) |
| 97—Dg—Guilmette Formation (metamorphosed) |
| 98—Dsi—Simonson Dolomite (metamorphosed) |
| 99—OZu—Ordovician-Neoproterozoic rocks, undivided |
| 100—OZu?—Ordovician-Neoproterozoic rocks, undivided? |
| 101—Oee—Ely Springs Dolomite and Eureka Quartzite, undivided (metamorphosed) |
| 102—Oes—Ely Springs Dolomite, undivided (metamorphosed) |
| 103—Oe—Eureka Quartzite (metamorphosed) |
| 104—Op—Pogonip Group (metamorphosed) |
| 105—Op?—Pogonip Group (metamorphosed)? |
| 106—Zmc—Schist of Mahogany Peaks and Quartzite of Clarks Basin, undivided |
| 107—Zmp—Schist of Mahogany Peaks |
| 108—Zcb—Quartzite of Clarks Basin |
| 109—Zss—Schist of Stevens Spring |
| 110—Zss?—Schist of Stevens Spring? |
| 111—Zy—Quartzite of Yost |
| 112—Zy?—Quartzite of Yost? |
| 113—Zu—Schist of Upper Narrows |
| 114—Zus—Schist of Upper Narrows, muscovite-quartz schist member |
| 115—Ze—Elba Quartzite |
| 116—Zes—Elba Quartzite, schist member |
| 117—Wgg—Green Creek Complex, granite and granite gneiss |
| 118—Wgg?—Green Creek Complex, granite and granite gneiss? |
| 119—Wgt—Green Creek Complex, metamorphosed trondhjemite and pegmatite |
| 120—Wgms—Green Creek Complex, metamorphosed mafic igneous rocks and older schist |
| 121—Wgm—Green Creek Complex, metamorphosed mafic igneous rocks |
| 122—Wgs—Green Creek Complex, older schist |
| 123—water—Great Salt Lake |
DirtyDFrenchSHappyCHorseshoeWSA_GeologicSymbols (2560)
| Arrow, filled |
| Bedding, horizontal, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Joint, vertical |
DirtyDFrenchSHappyCHorseshoeWSA_GeologicLines (2559)
| Boundary, map |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
DirtyDFrenchSHappyCHorseshoeWSA_GeologicStructureLines (2558)
| Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
Geologic Units (2557)
| 1—Qal—Alluvium |
| 2—Qc—Colluvium |
| 3—Je—Entrada Sandstone |
| 4—Jc—Carmel Formation |
| 5—Jtc—Temple Cap Formation |
| 6—Jn—Navajo Sandstone |
| 7—Jk—Kayenta Formation |
| 8—TRw—Wingate Sandstone |
| 9—TRcu—Chinle Formation, upper part, undivided |
| 10—TRcl—Chinle Formation, lower part, undivided |
| 11—TRm—Moenkopi Formation |
| 12—Pwr—White Rim Sandstone |
CedarMesaBndryButte_GeologicSymbols (2590)
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Drill hole, dry hole |
| Drill hole, gas well |
| Drill hole, oil well |
| Fault, bar and ball |
CedarMesaBndryButte_GeologicLines (2592)
| Bed, marker A, approximatly located |
| Bed, marker A, well located |
| Boundary, map |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, scratch, approximatley located |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, normal. approximately located |
| Measured section line |
CedarMesaBndryButte_GeologicStructureLines (2591)
| Datum boundary |
| Structure contour, datum 1 |
| Structure contour, datum 1, projected above ground |
CedarMesaBndryButte_GeologicUnits_leaders (2606)
| Rule_1 |
GeologicUnits (2589)
| <Null>_<Null>_water |
| 1_Qal_Alluvium |
| 2_Qes_Dune sand |
| 3_Qag_Terrace gravel |
| 4_Qaeo_Older alluvial and eolian deposits |
| 5_Ti_Intrusive rocks |
| 6_Jmb_Brushy Basin Member of Morrison Formation |
| 7_Jmw_Westwater Canyon Member of Morrison Formation |
| 8_Jmr_Recapture Member of Morrison Formation |
| 9_Jms_Salt Wash Member of Morrison Formation |
| 10_Jmbl_Bluff Sandstone Member of Morrison Formation |
| 11_Jw_Wanakah Formation |
| 12_Je_Entrada Sandstone |
| 13_Jc_Carmel Formation |
| 14_Jn_Navajo Sandstone |
| 15_Jk_Kayenta Formation |
| 16_JTRw_Wingate Sandstone |
| 17_TRcu_Undifferentiated upper members of Chinle Formation |
| 18_TRcs_Shinarump Member of Chinle Formation |
| 19_TRm_Moenkopi Formation |
| 20_Pd_De Chelly Sandstone |
| 21_Po_Organ Rock Formation |
| 22_Pcm_Cedar Mesa Sandstone |
| 23_Ph_Halgaito Formation |
| 24_PlPhta_limestone A of Honaker Trail or Halgaito Formation |
| 25_PlPhtu_upper part of Honaker Trail or lower part of Halgaito Formation |
| 26_PlPht_Honaker Trail Formation |
| 27_lPp_Paradox Formation |
MtEllenBlueHills_GeologicSymbols (2570)
| Arrow |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, vertical, field measured |
MtEllenBlueHills_GeologicLines (2569)
| Boundary, map |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, concealed |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
MtEllenBlueHills_GeologicStructureLines (2586)
| Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
Geologic Units (2587)
| 1—Qal—Alluvium |
| 2—Qc—Colluvium |
| 3—Qag—Alluvial gravel deposits |
| 4—Tips—Porphyritic intrusive rocks of the Mt. Ellen stock |
| 5—Tipl—Diorite porphyry |
| 6—Tipsh—Diorite porphyry, shattered |
| 7—Ktm—Tarantula Mesa Sandstone |
| 8—Kmk—Masuk Formation |
| 9—Kmc—Muley Canyon Sandstone |
| 10—Kmb—Mancos Shale, Blue Gate Member |
| 11—Kmf—Mancos Shale, Ferron Sandstone Member |
| 12—Kmt—Mancos Shale, Tununk Member |
| 13—Kn—Naturita (former Dakota) Formation |
| 14—Kn?—Naturita (former Dakota) Formation? |
| 15—Kcm—Cedar Mountain Formation |
| 16—Jmb—Morrison Formation, Brushy Basin Member |
| 17—Jmst—Morrison Formation, Salt Wash and Tidwell Members |
| 18—Js—Summerville Formation |
| 19—Jct—Curtis Formation |
| 20—Je—Entrada Sandstone |
| 21—Jc—Carmel Formation |
| 22—Jn—Navajo Sandstone (includes Temple Cap Formation) |
BSFYear2_GeologicSymbols (2488)
| Mine or quarry |
| Fold, minor anticline |
| Fold, minor syncline, overturned |
| Drill hole, injection well |
| Bedding, inclined, photo-interpreted |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned, map digitized |
| Bedding, vertical, field measured |
| Bedding, vertical, map digitized |
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Fold, plunge arrow |
| Gravel pit |
| Sample 4 |
| Sample 5 |
| Sample 6 |
| Sample, fossil |
BSFYear2_GeologicStructureLines (2489)
| Fold, anticline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, overturned, concealed, queried |
| Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed, queried |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
BSFYear2_GeologicLines (2490)
| Bed, marker B, well located |
| Boundary, map |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Dike, igneous, well located |
| Fault, geophysical, gravity |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, thrust, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, concealed, queried |
| Fault, thrust, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, concealed, queried |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Lineament |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville, constructional, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo, erosional, well located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located |
Geologic Units (2491)
| IPol |
| IPol? |
| IPolc |
| IPosc |
| IPosc? |
| IPosi |
| IPosi? |
| PIPo? |
| PIPos |
| PIPos? |
| Pge |
| Pm |
| Pm? |
| Pofc |
| Polf |
| Polk |
| Ppg |
| Ppg? |
| Ppm |
| Ppm? |
| Ppy |
| Ppy? |
| Psd |
| Psd? |
| Qafy |
| Qai |
| Qal |
| Qei |
| Qei/Qla |
| Qei/Qlf |
| Qei/Qlg |
| Qei/Qlk |
| Qei? |
| Qel/IPol |
| Qel/IPolc |
| Qel/IPosc |
| Qes |
| Qes/IPosc |
| Qes/Qafo |
| Qes/Qafy |
| Qes/Qla |
| Qes/Qla? |
| Qes/Qlf |
| Qes/Qlg |
| Qes/Qlgf |
| Qes? |
| Qh |
| Qhe |
| Qhw |
| Qla |
| Qla? |
| Qlf |
| Qlg |
| Qlg/Tl |
| Qlg? |
| Qlgf |
| Qls |
| Qms |
| Qpm/Qlf |
| TRt |
| Tid |
| Til |
| Tl |
| Tls |
| Tsd |
| Tsl |
| Tsl? |
PromontoryMnts_CrossSectionLines (2537)
| Cross section, A-A' |
| Cross section, B-B' |
| Cross section, C-C' |
| Cross section, D-D' |
PromontoryMnts_GeologicSymbols (2538)
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured |
| Bedding, vertical, map digitized |
PromontoryMtn_GeologicStructureLines (2539)
| Fold, anticline, overturned, well located |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, well located |
PromontoryMnts_GeologicLines (2540)
| Bed, marker A, approximately located |
| Bed, marker A, well located |
| Bed, marker B, well located |
| Bed, marker C, well located |
| Boundary, map |
| Boundary, not mapped |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, approximately located, queried |
| Contact, concealed |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, detachment, approximately located |
| Fault, detachment, concealed |
| Fault, detachment, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, thrust, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
Geologic Units (2541)
| <all other values> |
| 1—QTu—Quaternary-Tertiary deposits, undivided |
| 2—PIPosy—Oquirrh Formation, sandy member |
| 3—IPoly—Oquirrh Formation, limy member |
| 4—IPoly?—Oquirrh Formation, limy member? |
| 5—MIPmc—Manning Canyon Shale |
| 6—Mgb—Great Blue Limestone |
| 7—Mgb?—Great Blue Limestone? |
| 8—Mh—Humbug Formation |
| 9—Mh?—Humbug Formation? |
| 10—Mdg—Deseret Limestone and Gardison Limestone, undivided |
| 11—Mdg?—Deseret Limestone and Gardison Limestone, undivided? |
| 12—Dj?—Jefferson Formation? |
| 13—Dwc—Water Canyon Formation |
| 14—Dwc?—Water Canyon Formation? |
| 15—Sl—Laketown Dolomite |
| 16—Ofh—Fish Haven Dolomite |
| 17—Osp—Swan Peak Quartzite |
| 18—Ogc—Garden City Formation |
| 19—Ogc?—Garden City Formation? |
| 20—Csn—St. Charles Dolomite and Nounan Dolomite, undivided |
| 21—Csc—St. Charles Dolomite |
| 22—Cn—Nounan Dolomite |
| 23—Cn?—Nounan Dolomite? |
| 24—Cbc—Bloomington Formation, Calls Fort Shale Member |
| 25—Cls—Limestone and shale |
| 26—Cls?—Limestone and shale? |
| 27—Cgc—Geertsen Canyon Quartzite |
| 28—Cgc?—Geertsen Canyon Quartzite? |
| 29—Zbh—Browns Hole Formation |
| 30—Zm—Mutual Formation |
| 31—Zi—Inkom Formation |
| 32—Zcc—Caddy Canyon Quartzite |
| 33—Zpc—Papoose Creek Formation |
| 34—Zkc—Kelley Canyon Formation |
| 35—Zmc?—Maple Canyon Formation? |
| 36—water—Great Salt Lake |
| 37—Not Mapped—areas with geology not mapped |
Beaver30x60SW_GeologicSymbols (2519)
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Volcanic cone, cinder |
Beaver30x60SW_GeologicLines (2520)
| Boundary, map |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, gravity slide, approximately located |
| Fault, gravity slide, concealed |
| Fault, gravity slide, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, well located |
Geologic Units (2521)
| 1—Qf—Artificial-fill deposits |
| 2—Qal1—Alluvium |
| 3—Qal2—Alluvium |
| 4—Qat1—Younger stream-terrace deposits |
| 5—Qat2—Older stream-terrace deposits |
| 6—Qaf1—Young alluvial-fan deposits |
| 7—Qaf2—Middle alluvial-fan deposits |
| 8—Qaf3—Middle alluvial-fan deposits |
| 9—Qaf4—Middle alluvial-fan deposits |
| 10—Qms—Landslide deposits |
| 11—QTs—Basin-fill sedimentary rocks |
| 12—Tb—Basalt lava flows |
| 13—Try—Young rhyolite lava flows |
| 14—Tmj—Joe Lott Tuff Member of the Mount Belknap Volcanics |
| 15—Tm (Tbmb)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Conglomerate of Big Wash component |
| 16—Tm (Tbmm)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Conglomerate of Muddy Hill component |
| 17—Tm (Ticc)—Markagunt Megabreccia, concordant intrusions component |
| 18—Tm (Ticl)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Lincoln Stock component |
| 19—Tm (Tdv)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Mount Dutton Formation, vent facies component |
| 20—Tm (Tda)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Mount Dutton Formation, alluvial facies component |
| 21—Tm (Tdb)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Mount Dutton Formation, Beaver Member component |
| 22—Tm (Tdp)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Mount Dutton Formation, Plugs and dikes component |
| 23—Tm (Tqcb)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Bauers Tuff Member of the Condor Canyon Formation component |
| 24—Tm (Tql)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Leach Canyon Formation component |
| 25—Tm (Tlf)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Tuff of Lion Flat component |
| 26—Tm (To)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Osiris Tuff outflow facies component |
| 27—Tm (Tlb)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Mafic lava flows of Birch Creek Mountain component |
| 28—Tm (Tbc)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Bullion Canyon Volcanics component |
| 29—Tm (Tbv)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Bear Valley Formation component |
| 30—Tm (Tlk)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Lava flows of Kents Lake component |
| 31—Tm (Tbb)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Buckskin Breccia component |
| 32—Tm (Tin)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Isom Formation and the Needles Range Group component |
| 33—Tm (Tiw)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Isom Formation and the Wah Wah Springs Formation component |
| 34—Tm (Tnw)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Wah Wah Springs Formation component |
| 35—Tm (Tbhu)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Brian Head Formation, upper volcanic unit component |
| 36—Tm (Tcg)— Markagunt Megabreccia, Conglomerate component |
| 37—Tm (Tc)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Claron Formation component |
| 38—Tm (Jn)—Markagunt Megabreccia, Navajo Sandstone component |
| 39—Tmi (Tql)—Rocks of the Minersville gravity slide, Leach Canyon Formation component |
| 40—Tmi (Tbm)—Rocks of the Minersville gravity slide, Leach Canyon Formation and conglomerate of Muddy Hill component |
| 41—Tda—Mount Dutton Formation, alluvial facies |
| 42—Tql—Leach Canyon Formation |
| 43—Tlb—Mafic lava flows of Birch Creek Mountain |
| 44—Tbv—Bear Valley Formation |
| 45—Tsh (Tbb)—Rocks of the Showalter Mountain gravity slide, Buckskin Breccia component |
| 46—Tsh (Tin)—Rocks of the Showalter Mountain gravity slide, Isom Formation and needles Range Group component |
| 47—Tsh (Tnw)—Rocks of the Showalter Mountain gravity slide, Wah Wah Springs Formation component |
| 48—Tsh (Tiw)—Rocks of the Showalter Mountain gravity slide, Isom Formation and the Wah Wah Springs Formation component |
| 49—Tsh (Tbhu)—Rocks of the Showalter Mountain gravity slide, Brian Head Formation, upper volcanic unit component |
| 50—Tsh (Tc)—Rocks of the Showalter Mountain gravity slide, Claron Formation component |
| 51—Tin—Isom Formation and the Needles Range Group, undivided |
| 52—TRcm—Chinle Formation and Moenkopi Formation, undivided |
| 53—TRm—Moenkopi Formation |
| 54—Ppk—Plympton and Kaibab Formations, undivided |
| 55—Pt—Toroweap Formation |
| 56—Pq—Queantoweap Sandstone |
| 57—Pp—Pakoon Dolomite |
| 58—IPc—Callville Limestone |
| 59—Mr—Redwall Limestone |
| 60—water—water |
GeologicSymbols (2473)
| Bedding, horizontal, field measured |
| Bedding, horizontal, photogrammetric (3-point) |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) |
| Fault, dip, field measured |
| Paleocurrent, field measured |
| Sample, isotopic |
GilsoniteVeins (2480)
| Gilsonite, concealed |
| Gilsonite, well located |
Folds (2477)
| Anticline, upright, concealed |
| Anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, monocline, concealed |
| Fold, monocline, well located |
| Syncline, asymmetrical, concealed, queried |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
GeologicLines (2479)
| Bed, marker, Gartra Member, approximately located |
| Bed, marker, Gartra Member, well located |
| Bed, marker, Horse Bench Sandstone, well located |
| Bed, marker, Mahogany oil-shale bed, well located |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, gradational, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, moraine, symmetrical |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, well located |
| Fault, thrust, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, thrust, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, concealed, queried |
| Fault, thrust, well located |
| Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, well located |
| Fault, offset unknown, well located |
| Ice-margin channel |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
| Boundary, map |
Geologic Units (2476)
| Qh – Human disturbances, undivided |
| Qhd – Earthen dams |
| Qhg – Gravel pit |
| Qal – River and stream alluvium |
| Qat1 – Stream-terrace alluvium, level 1 |
| Qat2 – Stream-terrace alluvium, level 2 |
| Qat3 – Stream-terrace alluvium, level 3 |
| Qat4 – Stream-terrace alluvium, level 4 |
| Qat5 – Stream-terrace alluvium, level 5 |
| Qap2 – Piedmont alluvium, level 2 |
| Qap3 – Piedmont alluvium, level 3 |
| Qap4 – Piedmont alluvium, level 4 |
| Qap5 – Piedmont alluvium, level 5 |
| Qap6 – Piedmont alluvium, level 6 |
| Qafy – Alluvial-fan deposits |
| Qafo – Older alluvial-fan deposits |
| Qags – Glacial outwash of Smiths Fork age |
| Qagb – Glacial outwash of Blacks Fork age |
| Qagb? – Glacial outwash of Blacks Fork age, queried |
| Qago – Glacial outwash of pre-Blacks Fork age |
| Qago? – Glacial outwash of pre-Blacks Fork age, queried |
| Qc – Colluvium |
| Qe – Eolian deposits |
| Qmf – Debris-flow deposits |
| Qms – Landslide deposits |
| Qms(?) – Landslide deposits, queried |
| Qmt – Talus deposits |
| 29 – Qgu – Glacial, periglacial, and mass-movement deposits |
| 30 – Qgs – Smiths Fork till |
| 31 – Qgb – Blacks Fork till |
| 32 – Qgb? – Blacks Forkl till, queried |
| 33 – Qgo – Pre-Blacks Fork till |
| Qac – Mixed alluvium and colluvium |
| Qae – Mixed alluvium and eolian deposits |
| Qace – Mixed alluvium, colluvium, and eolian deposits |
| Qlam – Lacustrine, alluvial, and marsh deposits |
| Qmg – Mixed landslide and glacial deposits |
| Qac/Tds – Alluvium and colluvium on Duchesne River Formation, Starr Flat Member |
| Qac/Tdl – Mixed alluvium and colluvium on Duchesne River Formation, Lapoint Member |
| Qac/Tdd – Mixed alluvium and colluvium on Duchesne River Formation, Dry Gulch Creek Member |
| Qac/Tuc – Mixed alluvium and colluvium on UInta Formation, member C |
| Qae/Tdd – Mixed alluvium and eolian on Duchesne River Formation, Dry Gulch Creek Member |
| Qae/Tdb – Mixed alluvium and eolian on Duchesne River Formation, Brennan Basin Member |
| Qae/Tuc – Mixed alluvium and eolian on Uinta Formation, member C |
| Qags/Tds – Glacial outwash of Smiths Fork age on Duchesne River Formation, Starr Flat Member |
| Qc/Tds – Colluvium on Duchesne River Formation, Starr Flat Member |
| Qc/Tdl – Colluvium on Duchesne River Formation, Lapoint Member |
| Qc/Tdd – Colluvium on Duchesne River Formation, Dry Gulch Creek Member |
| Qc/Tdb – Colluvium on Duchesne River Formation, Brennan Basin Member |
| Qc/Tuc – Colluvium on Uinta Formation, member C |
| Qc/Tub – Colluvium on Uinta Formation, member B |
| Tb – Bishop Conglomerate |
| Tk – Keetley Volcanics |
| Tds – Duchesne River Formation, Starr Flat Member |
| Tds? – Duchesne River Formation, Starr Flat Member, queried |
| Tdl – Duchesne River Formation, Lapoint Member |
| Tdd – Duchesne River Formation, Dry Gulch Creek Member |
| Tdb – Duchesne River Formation, Brennan Basin Member |
| Tuc – Uinta Formation, member C |
| Tub – Uinta Formation, member B |
| Tgsl – Green River Formation, sandstone and limestone facies |
| Tgss – Green River Formation, sandstone facies |
| Tgs – Green River Formation, saline facies |
| Tgu – Green River Formation, upper member |
| Tgm – Green River Formation, middle member |
| TKc – Currant Creek Formation |
| 68 – Kmv – Mesaverde Group |
| Km – Mancos Shale |
| Kf – Frontier Formation and other units |
| Kms – Mowry Shale |
| Kd – Dakota Formation |
| KJcm – Cedar Mountain and Morrison Formations |
| Js – Stump Formation |
| Jp – Preuss Formation |
| Ja – Arapien Formation |
| JTRn – Nugget Sandstone |
| TRau – Ankareh Formation, upper member |
| TRal – Ankareh Formation, lower member |
| TRt – Thaynes Formation |
| TRw – Woodside Formation |
| Ppu – Park City-Phosphoria Formations, upper unit (Franson and Meade Peak Members, Mackentire Tongue) |
| Ppg – Park City-Phosphoria Formations, lower unit (Grandeur Member) |
| PlPw – Weber Sandstone |
| lPm – Morgan Formation |
| lPr – Round Valley Limestone |
| Mdo – Doughnut Formation |
| Mh – Humbug Formation |
| Md – Deseret Limestone |
| Mg – Gardison Limestone |
| Ct – Tintic Quartzite |
| W – Reservoirs, lakes, and ponds |
BlueMtnLundArea_GeologicSymbols (2442)
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Foliation, inclined, field measured |
BlueMtnLundArea_CrossSectionLines (2443)
| Cross section, A-A' |
| Cross section, B-B' |
| Cross section, C-C' |
| Cross section, D-D' |
BlueMtnLundArea_GeologicLines (2444)
| Boundary, map |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, low-angle normal, type1, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, thrust, type1, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, type1, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Lineament |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
Geologic Units (2445)
| 1_Qal_Alluvial deposits of intermittent stream channels and flood plains |
| 2_Qc_Colluvium |
| 3_Qac_Alluvium and colluvium |
| 4_Qac/Ts_Alluvium and colluvium over sandstone and conglomerate |
| 5_Qac/Clu_Alluvium and colluvium over lower units, undivided |
| 6_Qfy_Alluvial-fan deposits of youngest age |
| 7_Qfi_Alluvial-fan deposits of intermediate age |
| 8_Qfo_Oldest alluvial-fan deposits |
| 9_Qty_Younger terrace deposits |
| 10_Qto_Older terrace deposits |
| 11_Qap_Alluvial deposits on pediment |
| 12_Ql_Lacustrine deposits of Lake Bonneville age |
| 13_Qla_Lacustrine and alluvial deposits of Lake Bonneville age |
| 14_Qlg_Gravel deposits of Lake Bonneville age |
| 15_Qll_Lacustrine lagoonal deposits of Lake Bonneville age |
| 16_Qe_Eolian deposits |
| 17_Qe/Qac_Eolian deposits over alluvium and colluvium |
| 18_Qe/Qeb/Ql_Eolian deposits over blowout deposits over lacustrine deposits of Lake Bonneville age |
| 19_Qe/Qty_Eolian deposits over younger terrace deposits |
| 20_Qe/QTa_Eolian deposits over older deposits |
| 21_Qea_Eolian and alluvial deposits, undivided |
| 22_Qed_Eolian dune deposits |
| 23_Qeb_Blowout deposits |
| 24_Qeb/QTa_Blowout deposits over older alluvium |
| 25_Qpy_Younger playa clay and silt |
| 26_Qpo_Older playa clay and silt |
| 27_QTa_Older alluvium |
| 28_QTal_Alluvial channel-fill deposits |
| 29_Ts_Sandstone and conglomerate |
| 30_Tsb_Basaltic flow member of Steamboat Mountain Formation |
| 31_Thm_Mafic member of Horse Valley Formation |
| 32_Tbr_Rhyolite member of Blawn Formation |
| 33_Tbt_Tuff member of Blawn Formation |
| 34_Tbm_Mafic lava flow member of Blawn Formation |
| 35_Tcb_Bauers Tuff Member of Condor Canyon Formation |
| 36_Tha_Hornblende andesite |
| 37_Ti_Isom Formation |
| 38_Tl_Lund Formation |
| 39_Tw_Wah Wah Springs Formation |
| 40_Tc_Cottonwood Wash Tuff |
| 41_Ter_Rhyolite lava flow member of Escalante Desert Formation |
| 42_Tel_Lamerdorf Tuff Member of Escalante Desert Formation |
| 43_Tea_Andesite member of Escalante Desert Formation |
| 44_Tem_Marsden Tuff Member of Escalante Desert Formation |
| 45_Tabc_Andesitic breccia and conglomerate |
| 46_Tt_Tuff of Tower Point |
| 47_Tvd_Volcanic debris-flow deposits |
| 48_Tsh_Andesite of Shauntie Hills |
| 49_Tcl_Claron(?) Formation |
| 50_Jt_Temple Cap Formation |
| 51_Jn_Navajo Sandstone |
| 52_TRcu_Upper member of the Chinle Formation |
| 53_TRcs_Shinarump Member of the Chinle Formation |
| 54_TRm_Moenokopi Formation |
| 55_OCn_Notch Peak Formation |
| 56_OCn?_Notch Peak Formation, queried |
| 57_Co_Orr Formation |
| 58_Co?_Orr Formation, queried |
| 59_Ctr_Trippe Limestone |
| 60_Cpc_Pierson Cove Formation |
| 61_Cs_Swasey Limestone |
| 62_Cw_Whirlwind Formation |
| 63_Cd_Dome Limestone |
| 64_Cc_Chisholm Formation |
| 65_Cmu_Middle units, undivided |
| 66_Clu_Lower units, undivided |
Symbols (1750)
| geologic unit symbol, geologic unit |
| geologic unit symbol, leader line |
| contact symbol, intrusive sedimentary con |
| fault symbol, normal fault |
| fault symbol, thrust fault |
| fault symbol, Holocene fault scarp |
| fault symbol, high-angle reverse fault |
| marker bed symbol, label |
| marker bed symbol, leader line |
| scarp symbol, erosional escarpment |
| fold symbol, anticline |
| fold symbol, label |
| strike and dip of bedding, dip label |
| strike and dip of bedding, horizontal |
| strike and dip of bedding, inclined |
| strike and dip of bedding, overturned |
| strike and dip of bedding, vertical |
| mine symbol, quarry |
| mine symbol, prospect |
| mine symbol, abandoned quarry or mine |
| mine symbol, label |
| cross section line symbol, tic |
| cross section line symbol, label |
XSections (1751)
Folds (1752)
| anticline, , approximately located |
| anticline, , well located |
Geologic_Lines (1753)
| contact, well located |
| contact, gradational |
| contact/marker bed, |
| marker bed, |
| fault, well located |
| fault, approximately located |
| fault, concealed |
| scarp, |
| dike, Ti |
| dike, Tmp |
| vein, calcite |
| water boundary, |
| map boundary, |
Geologic Units (1754)
| water |
| Qal |
| Qcl |
| Qd |
| Qf |
| Qcf |
| Qvf |
| Qg |
| Qs |
| Qsw |
| Qt |
| Qtu |
| Qb |
| Qe |
| Ql |
| Qmw |
| Qm |
| Qao |
| Qao? |
| Ql(Tg) |
| Qbn |
| Qbo |
| Qbs |
| QTcf |
| QTvf |
| QTpm |
| T(Ja) |
| T(Ja)? |
| Tls |
| Tlsv |
| Tgr |
| Tm |
| Tsp |
| Tlm |
| Tmp |
| Ti |
| Tg |
| Tgu |
| Tgm |
| Tgl |
| Tc |
| Tf |
| Tcf |
| TKn |
| TKn? |
| TKfn |
| Kpr |
| Kc |
| Ki |
| Ki? |
| Kbh |
| Ksp |
| Kmub |
| Kme |
| Kcm |
| Jtg |
| Jtc |
| JTRn |
| TRa |
| TRt |
| TRw |
| Ppc |
| Pdc |
| Pk |
| Pdk |
| PIPo |
| IP Mmc |
| Mgb |
| Mh |
| Md |
| Mg |
| MDf |
| MDu |
| Du |
| DO |
| Cu |
| Cmu |
| Co |
| Cdf |
| Ct |
| Cot |
| Ybc |
| XAf |
| DAu |
Symbols (1744)
| cross section |
| dike |
| fault |
| fold |
| geologic unit |
| palynomorph locality |
| strike and dip |
Folds (1745)
| syncline, upright, well located |
| syncline, upright, approximately located |
| syncline, upright, concealed |
| syncline, overturned, well located |
| syncline, overturned, concealed |
| anticline, upright, well located |
| anticline, upright, approximately located |
| anticline, upright, concealed |
| anticline, overturned, well located |
Geologic_Lines (1746)
| contact, , well located |
| contact, , gradational |
| dike, Tld, |
| dike, Tsd, |
| dike, Tlp, |
| dike, Tid, |
| fault, , well located |
| fault, , approximately located |
| fault, , concealed |
| map boundary, , |
| water boundary, , |
XSections (1747)
Geologic Units (1748)
| water |
| a |
| Qr |
| Qt |
| Qcs |
| Qc |
| Qes |
| Qal |
| Qtu |
| Qf |
| Ql |
| Qtg1 |
| Qtg2 |
| Qtg3 |
| Qtg4 |
| Qtg |
| Qoa |
| Qpc |
| Qpg |
| Qbc |
| Qbg |
| Quc |
| Qug |
| Qtp |
| Qop |
| Qto |
| Qgo |
| Qof |
| Qgp |
| QTg |
| Th |
| Tc |
| Tlam |
| Tlq |
| Tqm |
| Tg |
| Tlp |
| Tkb |
| Tki |
| Tkf |
| Tkt |
| Tn |
| Toc |
| Tgp |
| Tm |
| Tlae |
| Tfb |
| Tw |
| Twc |
| Keh |
| Kdi |
| Kah |
| Ke |
| Khe |
| Kfu |
| Kfo |
| Kfl |
| Kfcg |
| Ksj |
| Kc |
| Ktf |
| Ka |
| Kk |
| Kkp |
| Jms |
| Jp |
| Jt |
| JTRn |
| TRau |
| TRag |
| TRam |
| TRt |
| TRw |
| Ppc |
| IPw |
| IPo |
| IPm |
| IPr |
| Mdo |
| Mgb |
| Mh |
| Md |
| Mg |
| Mdg |
| MDmu |
| MDf |
| Dp |
| Ds |
| Cm |
| Co |
| Ct |
| Zm |
| Zmf |
| Yb |
| Ybq |
| Ybs |
| Yur |
| Yuh |
| s |
| Yuw |
| Xlg |
| Xla |
| XAp |
| Afs |
| Afsq |
Symbols_Arc (1736)
| caldera margin |
| caldera margin label |
| deep exploration well |
| detachment |
| escarpment at head of slump/slide area |
| label |
| sinkhole |
| strike and dip of bedding-horizontal |
| strike and dip of bedding-inclined |
| strike and dip of bedding-overturned |
| strike and dip of bedding-vertical |
| strike and dip of planar features in ash-flow tuff |
| volcanic vent/cinder cone |
Annotation_Leaders (1737)
| Bonneville shoreline |
| Provo shoreline |
| cross-section label |
| dip label |
| fault label |
| geounit label |
| leader line |
Symbols_Poly (1738)
| fault symbol-normal |
| fault symbol-thrust |
| fault symbol-tear |
| fault symbol-attenuation |
| syncline |
| anticline |
| overturned anticline |
| strike and dip of planar features in ash-flow tuff |
XSections (1739)
Folds (1740)
| concealed |
| well located |
Geologic_Lines (1741)
| contact, , well located |
| contact, , approximately located |
| fault, normal, well located |
| fault, normal, approximately located |
| fault, normal, concealed |
| fault, normal, queried well located |
| fault, normal, queried approximately located |
| fault, thrust, well located |
| fault, thrust, approximately located |
| fault, thrust, concealed |
| fault, attenuation, well located |
| fault, dextral, well located |
| fault, dextral, approximately located |
| fault, dextral, concealed |
| fault, sinistral, well located |
| fault, unknown, well located |
| fault, unknown, approximately located |
| fault, unknown, concealed |
| fault, , geophysical |
| detachment, , well located |
| detachment, , inferred |
| caldera margin, , well located |
| caldera margin, , approximately located |
| caldera margin, , concealed |
| headscarp, , |
| lineament, , |
| shoreline, Bonneville, well located |
| shoreline, Bonneville, inferred |
| shoreline, Bonneville, concealed |
| shoreline, Provo, well located |
| shoreline, Provo, inferred |
| shoreline, Provo, queried inferred |
| shoreline, Provo, concealed |
| water boundary, , |
| map boundary, , |
Geologic Units (1742)
| Qal1 |
| Qal2 |
| Qal3 |
| Qaf1 |
| Qaf2 |
| Qac |
| Qmu |
| Qmu? |
| Qmt |
| Qms |
| Qms (Ttl) |
| Qms (Tcc,Ttl) |
| Qms (Tac) |
| Qms (Tbct) |
| Qms (Tac,Tbct) |
| Qms (Tdv) |
| Qms (Tch) |
| Qms (Tg) |
| Qms (Jn) |
| Qms (TR) |
| Qms (TRcu) |
| Qms (Jn,TRcu) |
| Qed |
| Qea |
| Qpm |
| Qst |
| Qsa |
| Qgt |
| Qdf |
| Qdg |
| Qed/Qdg |
| Qlg |
| Qed/Qlg |
| Qls |
| Qlf |
| Qed/Qlf |
| Qll |
| Qed/Qll |
| Qlm |
| Qla |
| Qvb1 |
| Qed/Qvb1 |
| Qvb2 |
| Qlf/Qvb2 |
| Qed/Qvb3 |
| Qcg |
| Qvr4 |
| Qcf |
| Qvrd |
| Qvrt |
| Qvb4 |
| Qlf/Qvb4 |
| Qed/Qlf/Qvb4 |
| Qrk |
| Qck |
| Qvb5 |
| Qal2/Qvb5 |
| Qaf2/Qvb5 |
| Qlf/Qvb5 |
| Qla/Qvb5 |
| Qlf/Qva5 |
| Qed/Qlf/Qva5 |
| QTlf |
| QTaf |
| Tbm |
| Trt |
| Tcc |
| Ttl |
| Tlr |
| Tcr |
| Toc |
| Toc? |
| Qlg/Toc |
| Qla/Toc |
| Tse |
| Trg |
| Tb |
| Tht |
| TpCg |
| Trd |
| Tdd |
| Tgd |
| Tsm |
| Tmd |
| Tqm |
| Tmr |
| Tmj |
| Tmb |
| Tmm |
| Tmh |
| Tmi |
| Tmf |
| Tdm |
| Tmpu |
| Tmps |
| Tci |
| Tmpi |
| Tmpf |
| Tmpl |
| Tmpa |
| Tmpb |
| Tisg |
| Toi |
| To |
| Tzt |
| Tbc |
| Taa |
| Tba |
| Tsg |
| Tm |
| Tbci |
| Tigp |
| Tac |
| Tda |
| Tcp |
| Tgm |
| Tw |
| Tql |
| Tbct |
| Tdv |
| Tdv? |
| Tdt |
| Tdvt |
| Tov |
| Tau |
| Tch |
| Tch? |
| Tg |
| Tf |
| Tfuw |
| Tfur |
| Tfmw |
| Tfmr |
| Tflw |
| Tflr |
| Tbr |
| TKn |
| Kcg |
| Kc |
| Ktm |
| Jn |
| TRcu |
| TRcs |
| TRm |
| Pk |
| Pq |
| Ppk |
| IPc |
| Mr |
| Dc |
| Dg |
| Ds |
| Dsy |
| SOu |
| Oe |
| Op |
| OCn |
| Ca |
| Cum |
| Cou |
| Cox |
| Cob |
| Cwt |
| Cwt? |
| Ccm |
| Cw |
| Cop |
| Cdh |
| Cp |
| Ct |
| Cpm |
| pCg |
| water |
Symbols (1732)
| fault |
| geologic unit |
| marker bed |
Geologic_Lines (1733)
| contact, , gradational |
| contact, , scratch |
| contact, , well located |
| contact/marker bed, m, |
| fault, normal, approximately located |
| fault, normal, concealed |
| fault, normal, well located |
| fault, unknown, approximately located |
| fault, unknown, well located |
| map boundary, , |
| marker bed, hb, |
| water boundary, , |
Geologic Units (1734)
| water |
| Qal |
| Ql |
| Qsw |
| Qf |
| QTpm |
| Tul |
| Tgsl |
| Tgs |
| Tgu |
| Tgm |
| Tgl |
| Tc |
| Tw |
| TKfn |
| Kpr |
| Kc |
| Kbh |
| Ksp |
| Kmub |
| Kme |
| Kmbg |
| Kmgc |
| Kmf |
| Kmt |
| Kcm |
Annotation (1718)
| Structure contour labels |
| fold axes labels |
| graben text |
| strike/dip labels |
| unit symbol labels |
Symbols_Dip (1719)
Symbols_Fault_Lines (1720)
Symbols_Fault_Polys (1721)
Symbols_Fold_Lines (1722)
Symbols_Fold_Polys (1723)
Label_Leaders (1724)
Structure (1725)
| Divide, |
| structural contour, |
| structural contour, depression |
| structural contour, depression \ projected |
| structural contour, projected above ground surface |
XSections (1726)
Folds (1727)
| concealed |
| dashed |
| well located |
Faults (1728)
| concealed |
| inferred |
| well located |
Geologic_Lines (1729)
| contact, |
| contact, gradational |
| map border, |
Geologic Units (1730)
| Qal |
| Qagy |
| Qago |
| Qap |
| Qat |
| Qea |
| Qes |
| Qms |
| Qcb |
| Qmt |
| Qmr |
| Qmb |
| Qgt |
| bx |
| Tg |
| Ti |
| Km |
| Kms |
| Kd |
| Kbc |
| Jmb |
| Jms |
| Jsmt |
| Jsms |
| Jctm |
| Jes |
| Ject |
| Jcd |
| Jcec |
| Jn |
| Jk |
| Jw |
| TRc |
| TRm |
| Pca |
| Pwr |
| Po |
| Pcm |
| Pcl |
| IPh |
| IPhu |
| IPhl |
| IPp |
| Water |
Annotation_Lines (1710)
| attenuation fault |
| closed depression |
| cross section line label |
| dip label |
| exploration well |
| exploration well label |
| mass movement scarp |
| normal fault |
| overturned syncline |
| plunge direction |
| strike and dip in volcanic rocks, inclined |
| strike and dip in volcanic rocks, vertical |
| strike and dip of bedding, horizontal |
| strike and dip of bedding, inclined |
| strike and dip of bedding, overturned |
| strike and dip of bedding, vertical |
| syncline |
| tear fault |
| thrust fault |
| topographic escarpment |
| volcanic vent |
Annotation_Polys (1711)
| Bonneville shoreline of Lake Bonneville |
| Lake Gunnison shoreline |
| Provo shoreline of Lake Bonneville |
| Provo shoreline of Lake Bonneville, queried |
| attenuation fault |
| normal fault |
| thrust fault |
Leader_Lines (1712)
Geologic_Lines (1713)
| contact, , well located |
| contact, , approximately located |
| fault, normal, well located |
| fault, normal, approximately located |
| fault, normal, concealed |
| fault, normal, geophysical |
| fault, thrust, well located |
| fault, thrust, concealed |
| fault, attenuation, well located |
| fault, attenuation, concealed |
| fault, dextral, well located |
| fault, sinistral, well located |
| fault, sinistral, concealed |
| fault, unknown, well located |
| fault, unknown, approximately located |
| fault, unknown, concealed |
| lineament, , |
| headscarp, , |
| scarp, , |
| closed depression, , |
| shoreline, bonneville, well located |
| shoreline, bonneville, concealed |
| shoreline, gunnison, well located |
| shoreline, gunnison, concealed |
| shoreline, provo, well located |
| shoreline, provo, concealed |
| water boundary, , |
| map boundary, , |
Folds (1714)
| syncline, upright, well located |
| syncline, upright, concealed |
| syncline, overturned, well located |
XSections (1715)
Geologic Units (1716)
| Qal1 |
| Qal2 |
| Qlf/Qal3/QTlf |
| Qaf1 |
| Qaf2 |
| Qms |
| Qac |
| Qes |
| Qed |
| Qpm |
| Qsm |
| Qgt |
| Qdm |
| Qdg/Qdf |
| Qdf |
| Qed/Qlf/Qdg |
| Qlf/Qdg |
| Qdg |
| Qds |
| Qlg |
| Qls |
| Qlk |
| Qed/Qlf |
| Qed/Qlf/Qvb3 |
| Qpm/Qlf |
| Qlf |
| Qll |
| Qla |
| Qlm |
| Qvb1 |
| Qlf/Qvb3 |
| Qvb3 |
| Qvb5 |
| Qed/Qva |
| Qva |
| Qvt |
| Qvc |
| QTlf |
| QTln |
| QTas |
| QTaf |
| QTt |
| Toc |
| Tqb |
| Tcb |
| Tr |
| Tse |
| Tbsk |
| Tht |
| Tfc |
| Trk |
| Tdc |
| Tld |
| Tdi |
| Tdr |
| Tg |
| Tf |
| TKn |
| Kc |
| Pc |
| Dc |
| Dgu |
| Dss |
| Sl |
| Ofh |
| Oe |
| Op |
| Cum |
| Ca |
| Cox |
| Ccb |
| Cht |
| Cop |
| Ct |
| Cmp |
| Cww |
| Cdh |
| Cp |
| Cpm |
| pCm |
| pCi |
| pCc |
| pCb |
| pCp |
| water |
Symbols_Faults (1696)
| attenuation fault |
| normal fault |
| queried fault |
| tear fault |
| thrust fault |
| <all other values> |
Symbols_Folds (1697)
Annotation_Dip (1698)
Symbols_Dip (1699)
| strike and dip of bedding-inclined |
| strike and dip of bedding-overturned |
| strike and dip of bedding-vertical |
| strike and dip of planar features in volcanic rock |
Symbols_Shoreline (1700)
| Bonneville shoreline of Bonneville Lake |
| Lake Gunnison shoreline |
| Pine Valley Lake shoreline |
| Provo shoreline of Lake Bonneville |
Symbols_Wells (1701)
Annotation_XSections (1702)
Annotation_GeoUnits (1703)
| geologic unit label |
| geologic unit leader line |
Geologic_Lines (1704)
| contact, , well located |
| contact, , approximately located |
| fault, normal, well located |
| fault, normal, approximately located |
| fault, normal, concealed |
| fault, normal, queried concealed |
| fault, thrust, well located |
| fault, thrust, approximately located |
| fault, thrust, concealed |
| fault, attenuation, well located |
| fault, attenuation, concealed |
| fault, dextral, well located |
| fault, dextral, approximately located |
| fault, dextral, concealed |
| fault, sinistral, well located |
| fault, sinistral, approximately located |
| fault, sinistral, concealed |
| fault, steeply dipping, well located |
| fault, unknown, well located |
| fault, unknown, approximately located |
| fault, unknown, concealed |
| shoreline, bonneville, well located |
| shoreline, bonneville, inferred |
| shoreline, bonneville, concealed |
| shoreline, gunnison, well located |
| shoreline, gunnison, inferred |
| shoreline, gunnison, concealed |
| shoreline, pine valley, well located |
| shoreline, pine valley, inferred |
| shoreline, pine valley, concealed |
| shoreline, provo, well located |
| shoreline, provo, inferred |
| shoreline, provo, concealed |
| map boundary, , |
Faults (1705)
Folds (1706)
| anticline, upright, well located |
| anticline, upright, concealed |
| syncline, upright, well located |
| syncline, upright, concealed |
XSections (1707)
Geologic Units (1708)
| Qlf |
| Qll |
| Qlm |
| Qlm/QTlf |
| Qls |
| Qlg |
| Qla |
| Qla/Qaf2 |
| Qal1 |
| Qaf1 |
| Qaf1/Qla |
| Qaf2 |
| Qac |
| Qpm |
| Qpm/Qlf/QTlf |
| Qes |
| Qes/Qaf1 |
| Qes/Qla |
| Qed |
| Qms |
| QTlf |
| QTln |
| Thb |
| Ts |
| Tc |
| Tcs |
| Tccb |
| Ti |
| Tig |
| Tigd |
| Tm |
| Tj |
| Tnu |
| Tnb |
| Tnc |
| Tnl |
| Twb |
| Tsr |
| Tsv |
| Twp |
| Tdw |
| Tkp |
| Trw |
| Tsp |
| Twc |
| Ths |
| Thr |
| Tir |
| Tt |
| Tf |
| TKbr |
| Jd |
| Pa |
| PIPMe |
| Mc |
| Mj |
| Mr |
| MDp |
| Dg |
| Dgw |
| Dgm |
| Dgb |
| Ds |
| Dsy |
| Sl |
| Oes |
| Oew |
| Opu |
| Of |
| Oh |
| OCn |
| Cou |
| Cob |
| Cwt |
| Cmp |
| Ccm |
| Cew |
| Cw |
| Cdh |
| Cp |
| Cpm |
| pCm |
| pCi |
| pCc |
| pCb |
| pCp |
| water |
Symbols (1692)
| geologic unit - label |
| geologic unit - leader line |
| fault symbol - thrust |
| shoreline symbol - Bonneville |
| shoreline symbol - Provo |
| hatchures on downside of lineament |
Geologic_Lines (1693)
| contact, , well located |
| contact/shoreline, bonneville, well located |
| shoreline, bonneville, well located |
| shoreline, provo, well located |
| shoreline, standlines of Pleistocene, well located |
| fault, unknown, well located |
| fault, unknown, concealed |
| fault, thrust, well located |
| fault, thrust, concealed |
| fissure, , |
| lineament, , |
| caldera margin, , inferred |
| map boundary, , |
Geologic Units (1694)
| Qa |
| Qf |
| Qs |
| Qsa |
| Qso |
| Qp |
| Qls |
| Qaf |
| Qt |
| Qh |
| Qlb |
| Qlb? |
| Qg |
| Qg? |
| Qoa |
| Qof |
| Qof? |
| Tsl |
| Tfl |
| TKc |
| TKn |
| Qcb |
| Qcc |
| Th |
| Tc |
| Tth |
| Ttk2 |
| Ttk1 |
| Teb |
| Tss |
| Tpc |
| j |
| Tjc |
| Tjc? |
| Tdu |
| Twe |
| Tls |
| Ttm |
| Tgra |
| Tgra? |
| Tgrs |
| Tp |
| Tf |
| Tdra |
| Tj |
| Ts |
| Tda |
| Tkl |
| Tkla |
| Tib |
| Tki |
| Tsg |
| Tkq |
| Tdl |
| Tsi |
| Tdg |
| Twa |
| Twm |
| Tsc |
| Tsps |
| Tsps? |
| Tspg |
| Tsw |
| Tgs |
| Tkg |
| Dsi |
| Dsi? |
| Dse |
| Sl |
| Of |
| Os |
| Op |
| Op? |
| Ccs |
| Ccs? |
| Cpm |
| Cpm? |
| Zmi |
| Zmi? |
| Zcc |
| Zcc? |
| Zkc |
| Zkc? |
| Zdp |
| Zdp? |
| Ysl |
| Ysl? |
| PIPo |
| Mu |
| Mu? |
| MDu |
| Dp |
| Cc |
| Pzc |
| Pp |
| Pdc |
| Dpv |
| DOb |
| Oo |
| Cao |
| Ct |
| Ybc |
Symbols (1688)
| geologic unit |
| intrusive contact |
| fault |
| young fault scarp |
| mine, prospect, and quarry |
Geologic_Lines (1689)
| contact, , well located |
| contact, , gradational |
| contact, intrusive, approximately located |
| dike, , |
| fault, detachment, well located |
| fault, normal, well located |
| fault, normal, approximately located |
| fault, normal, concealed |
| fault, normal, young scarp |
| fault, unknown, well located |
| fault, unknown, approximately located |
| fault, unknown, concealed |
| water boundary, , |
| map boundary, , |
Geologic Units (1690)
| Qal |
| Qao |
| Qcl |
| Qsw |
| Qd |
| Qf |
| Qf? |
| Ql |
| Qe |
| Qe? |
| Qrs |
| Qmw |
| Qt |
| Qof |
| QTr |
| QTcf |
| QTpm |
| T(Ja) |
| T(Tch) |
| T(Tg) |
| Tob |
| Tbk |
| Tlm |
| Tmp |
| Thmp |
| Td |
| Tvg |
| Tch |
| Tg |
| Tg? |
| Tc |
| Tf |
| TKn |
| Kpr |
| Kc |
| Ki |
| Kbh |
| Ksp |
| Kmm |
| Kmeu |
| Kmem |
| Kmel |
| Kmbg |
| Kmfu |
| Kmfm |
| Kmfl |
| Kmt |
| Kdc |
| KJu |
| Jmbb |
| Jtg |
| Jtc? |
| water |
Symbols (1681)
| Arch, , |
| Lake Powell, labels, |
| boundary, county and state, |
| cross section, labels, |
| fault, bar and ball, |
| fault, right strike-slip, |
| fold symbols, , |
| fols axis, labels, |
| geographic feature, labels, |
| geologic unit, labels, |
| geologic unit, leader lines, |
| mine symbols, , |
| structure contour, labels, |
| test well, oil and/or gas, dry |
| test well, oil and/or gas, oil show |
XSections (1682)
Structure (1683)
| anticline, , |
| monocline, , |
| structural contour, , |
| structural contour, , dashed |
| syncline, , |
Geologic_Lines (1684)
| Contact, , |
| Lake boundary, , |
| Fault, Normal, Approximately located |
| Fault, Normal, Concealed |
| Fault, Normal, Well located |
| Fault, Oblique stiike-slip, Approximately located |
| Fault, Oblique stiike-slip, Well located |
| Map boundary, , |
Geologic Units (1685)
| Alluvium |
| Alluvial river terrace deposits of the Colorado River |
| Eolian sand deposits |
| Mixed eolian and alluvial sand deposits |
| Alluvial gravel (local sources) |
| Landslides, slumps, and talus |
| Kaiparowits Formation |
| Wahweap Formation, upper member |
| Wahweap Formation, lower member |
| Straight Cliffs Formation, Drip Tank Member |
| Straight Cliffs Formation, John Henry Member |
| Straight Cliffs Formation, lower unit |
| Tropic Shale |
| Dakota Formation |
| Morrison Formation |
| Henrieville Sandstone |
| Romana Sandstone |
| Summerville Formation and/or Tidwell Member of Morrison Formation |
| Entrada Sandstone |
| Carmel Formation, upper unit |
| Carmel Formation, Windsor Member |
| Carmel Formation, Paria River Member |
| Page Sandstone |
| Thousand Pockets Tongue of the Page Sandstone |
| Judd Hollow Tongue of the Carmel Formation |
| Navajo Sandstone |
| Kayenta Formation |
| Moenave Formation |
| Wingate Sandstone |
| Chinle Formation, upper unit (Church Rock, Owl Rock, Petrified Forest Mbrs) |
| Chinle Formation, lower unit (Monitor Butte and Shinarump Members) |
| Moenkopi Formation, undivided |
| Moenkopi Formation, upper red member |
| Moenkopi Formation, Shnabkaib Member |
| Moenkopi Formation, middle red member |
| Moenkopi Formation, lower red member |
| Moenkopi Formation, Timpoweap Member |
| Kiabab Formation |
| Lake Powell |
Lake (1686)
| island |
| water |
Annotation_Dip (1668)
Annotation_GeoUnits (1669)
| geologic unit label |
| geologic unit leader line |
Annotation_XSections (1670)
Folds (1671)
| well located |
| concealed |
Geologic_Lines (1672)
| contact, , well located |
| contact, , approximately located |
| fault, normal, well located |
| fault, normal, approximately located |
| fault, normal, concealed |
| fault, thrust, well located |
| fault, thrust, approximately located |
| fault, thrust, concealed |
| fault, , geophysical |
| fault, attenuation, well located |
| fault, attenuation, approximately located |
| fault, attenuation, concealed |
| fault, dextral, well located |
| fault, dextral, concealed |
| fault, reverse, well located |
| fault, reverse, concealed |
| fault, sinistral, well located |
| fault, sinistral, concealed |
| fault, unknown, well located |
| fault, unknown, approximately located |
| fault, unknown, concealed |
| lineament, , |
| shoreline, bonneville, well located |
| shoreline, bonneville, inferred |
| shoreline, bonneville, concealed |
| shoreline, gunnison, well located |
| shoreline, gunnison, inferred |
| shoreline, gunnison, concealed |
| shoreline, provo, well located |
| shoreline, provo, inferred |
| shoreline, provo, concealed |
| map boundary, , |
XSections (1673)
Symbols_Faults (1674)
| |
| attenuation fault |
| normal fault |
| reverse fault |
| tear fault |
| thrust fault |
| <all other values> |
Symbols_Folds (1675)
| syncline symbol |
| antycline symbol |
| overturned syncline symbol |
| plunge direction symbol |
Symbols_Sinkholes (1676)
| |
| sinkhole |
Symbols_Strike (1677)
| |
| inclined |
| overturned |
| strike and dip of planar features |
Symbols_Wells (1678)
| |
| deep exploration well number |
| well symbol |
Geologic Units (1679)
| Qlf |
| Qll |
| Qlt |
| Qlm |
| Qlf/Qlm |
| Qlt/Qlm |
| Qls/Qlm |
| Qpm/Qlm |
| Qla |
| Qlf/Qla |
| Qes/Qla |
| Qeg/Qla |
| Qes/Qeg/Qla |
| Qlg |
| Qlt/Qlg |
| Qes/Qlg |
| Qeg/Qlg |
| Qes/Qeg/Qlg |
| Qlk |
| Qls |
| Qal1 |
| Qaf1 |
| Qeg/Qaf1 |
| Qes/Qeg/Qaf1 |
| Qes/Qaf1 |
| Qaf2 |
| Qac |
| Qes |
| Qed |
| Qeg |
| Qdm |
| Qms |
| Qmt |
| Qsm |
| QTlf |
| Qpm/Qlf/QTlf |
| QTln |
| Qlf/Qll |
| Qlt/Qlf |
| Qla/Qlf |
| Qeg/Qlf |
| Tr |
| Tcs |
| Tct |
| Tnu |
| Tsr |
| Qla/Tsr |
| Qlg/Tsr |
| Qla/Trk |
| Qlg/Trk |
| Tl |
| Twb |
| Tt |
| Trk |
| Tdc |
| Qla/Tdc |
| Ta |
| Tdi |
| Tid |
| Timl |
| Tld |
| Tdr |
| Tgt |
| Kbm |
| Jg |
| TRt |
| Pg |
| Pp |
| Pk |
| Pa |
| PIPMe |
| Mc |
| Mj |
| MDp |
| Dg |
| Dg? |
| Ds |
| Dsy |
| SOu |
| SOu? |
| Sl |
| Oes |
| Oew |
| Opu |
| Of |
| Oh |
| OCn |
| Cou |
| Cob |
| Clw |
| Cmp |
| Cww |
| Cdh |
| Cp |
| Cpm |
Leader_Lines (1650)
Symbols_Map (1661)
| arrow_open |
| bedding_inclined_field_measured |
| bedding_inclined_map_digitized |
| bedding_overturned |
| fault_ball&bar |
| fault_oblique-slip_left-lateral |
| fault_oblique-slip_right-lateral |
| fold_anticline_upright |
| fold_monocline |
| fold_plunge_arrow |
| fold_syncline_overturned |
| fold_syncline_upright |
| foliation_inclined_1 |
| volcanic_cone_cinder |
Symbols_DrillHoles (1662)
XSections (1663)
Structure (1664)
| anticline, upright, approximately located |
| anticline, upright, concealed |
| anticline, upright, well located |
| monocline, concealed |
| monocline, well located |
| syncline, overturned, well located |
| syncline, upright, approximately located |
| syncline, upright, concealed |
| syncline, upright, well located |
Geologic_Lines (1665)
| contact, approximately located |
| contact, well located |
| fault, gravity slide, approximately located |
| fault, gravity slide, concealed |
| fault, gravity slide, well located |
| fault, low-angle normal, type1, approximately located |
| fault, low-angle normal, type1, concealed |
| fault, low-angle normal, type1, well located |
| fault, normal, approximately located |
| fault, normal, concealed |
| fault, normal, well located |
| fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, approximately located |
| fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed |
| fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located |
| fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, approximately located |
| fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, concealed |
| fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, well located |
| fault, reverse, approximately located |
| fault, reverse, concealed |
| fault, reverse, well located |
| fault, thrust, type1, concealed |
| fault, thrust, type1, well located |
| fault, unknown, approximately located |
| fault, unknown, concealed |
| fault, unknown, well located |
| map boundary, other |
| marker bed, well located |
| water boundary |
Geologic Units (1666)
| Qf |
| Qa |
| Qat |
| Qap |
| Qaf1 |
| Qaf2 |
| Qafy |
| Qafo |
| Qc |
| Qes |
| Qeo |
| Ql |
| Qmt |
| Qms |
| Qmp |
| Qac |
| Qaco |
| Qea |
| Qeao |
| Qae |
| Qaeo |
| Qca |
| Qeac |
| Qer |
| Qmr |
| QTaf |
| QTac |
| QTms(Ki) |
| QTms(Tcl) |
| QTms(Tipv) |
| QTms |
| Qb |
| Qbc |
| Qbs |
| Qbsc |
| Qbdv |
| Qbdvc |
| Qbcc |
| Qbrt |
| Qbrtc |
| Qbcp |
| Qbcpc |
| Qbg |
| Qbgc |
| Qber |
| Qberc |
| Qbv |
| Qbvc |
| Qblc |
| Qblcc |
| Qbgw |
| Qbgwc |
| Qbd |
| Qbdc |
| Qvb |
| Qvbc |
| Qbsm |
| Qbsmc |
| Qbde |
| Qbdec |
| Qbla |
| Qblac |
| Qbmk |
| Qbmkc |
| Qbrk |
| Qbrkc |
| Qbtb |
| Qbtbc |
| Qbbd |
| Qbpv |
| Qbpvc |
| Qbve |
| Qbvec |
| Qbhp |
| Qbhpc |
| Qbca |
| Qbcac |
| Qbck |
| Qbckc |
| Qbgf |
| Qbgfc |
| Qbce |
| Qbcec |
| Qbf |
| Qbfc |
| Qbp |
| Qbpc |
| Qbgk |
| Qbgkc |
| Qbw |
| Qbwc |
| Qvcw |
| Qbi |
| Qbic |
| Qbmc |
| Qbmcc |
| Qbgvr |
| Qbgvrc |
| Qbgv |
| Qbgvc |
| Qbr |
| Qblp |
| Qblpc |
| Qbhr |
| Qbkp |
| Qbkpc |
| Qbb |
| Qbbc |
| Qbcb |
| Qbcbc |
| Qbl |
| Qbli |
| Qbdg |
| Tbgw |
| Tbah |
| Tbt |
| Tbtc |
| Tb |
| Ts |
| Trdy |
| Tag |
| Tmc |
| Tmcb |
| Tmc(Mr) |
| Trdm |
| Tim |
| To |
| Tkw |
| Ta |
| Tr |
| Tpr |
| Tpv |
| Tgb |
| Tcv |
| Tre |
| Tpa |
| Tipv |
| Tid |
| Tib |
| Tih |
| Tibm |
| Tq |
| Tqh |
| Tqcl |
| Tqci |
| Tqcw |
| Tqc |
| Tql |
| Tiw |
| Ti |
| Tw |
| Tc |
| Tcu |
| Tcl |
| TKg |
| TKcp |
| KJu |
| Ktm |
| Ki |
| Ksu |
| Kst |
| Kdt |
| Kcm |
| Jc |
| Jcw |
| Jcp |
| Jcx |
| Jcc |
| Jtw |
| Jts |
| Jn |
| Jk |
| Jkt |
| Jks |
| JTRkm |
| JTRmc |
| JTRm |
| TRu |
| TRcp |
| TRcs |
| TRm |
| TRmu |
| TRms |
| TRmm |
| TRmv |
| TRml |
| TRmtr |
| TRmt |
| TRmr |
| TRcPk |
| TRmPk |
| TRmPt |
| Pkq |
| Pkt |
| Pk |
| Pkh |
| Pkf |
| Pt |
| Ptw |
| Ptbs |
| Ptb |
| Pts |
| Pq |
| Pp |
| PIPpc |
| PIPbs |
| IPc |
| MCu |
| Msc |
| Mr |
| Mm |
| Dm |
| Dm? |
| Cn |
| Cbk |
| Cba |
| Ct |
| Xu |
| water |
SanRafaelDesert_GeologicSymbols (1639)
| Arch |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) |
| Drill hole, abandoned |
| Drill hole, dry hole |
| Drill hole, gas well, abandoned |
| Drill hole, gas well, shut-in |
| Drill hole, oil well |
| Drill hole, oil well, abandoned |
| Drill hole, oil well, shut-in |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, plunge arrow |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Gravel pit |
| Mine or quarry |
| Sinkhole |
SanRafaelDesert_GeologicUnits_leaders (1640)
| Leader line |
SanRafaelDesert_GeologicLines (1641)
| Bed, marker A, well located |
| Bed, marker B, well located |
| Bed, marker C, well located |
| Boundary, map |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, well located |
| Dike, type1, unknown, approximately located |
| Dike, type1, unknown, concealed |
| Dike, type1, unknown, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Lineament |
SanRafaelDesert_GeologicStructureLines (1642)
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
| Structure contour, datum 1 |
| Structure contour, datum 2 |
SanRafaelDesert_CrossSectionLines (1643)
| Cross-Section, A-A' |
| Cross-Section, B-B' |
| Cross-Section, C-C' |
Geologic Units (1644)
| 1_Qh_Artifical fill and disturbed areas |
| 2_Qalh_Historical alluvial river channel deposits |
| 3_Qa_Alluvial stream and wash deposits |
| 4_Qa2_Alluvial stream and wash deposits, level 2 |
| 5_Qa3_Alluvial stream and wash deposits, level 3 |
| 6_Qaf_Alluvial-fan deposits |
| 7_Qap_Pediment-mantle deposits |
| 8_Qat_Alluvial river or stream terrace deposits |
| 9_Qes_Eolian sand deposits |
| 10_Qed_Eolian sand dune deposits |
| 11_Ql_Lacustrine deposits |
| 12_Qms_Mass-movement landslide and slump deposits |
| 13_Qmtc_Mass-movement talus and colluvial deposits |
| 14_Qst_Spring tufa deposits |
| 15_Qea_Eolian and alluvial deposits |
| 16_Qae_Alluvial and eolian deposits |
| 17_Qate_Mixed alluvial terrace and eolian deposits |
| 18_Qste_Spring tufa deposits, partially covered by eolian sand deposits |
| 19_bmb_Collapsed and bleached Mossback Member of Chinle Formation |
| 20_bs_Collapsed and bleached sandstone |
| 21_Ts_Tephritic sills |
| 22_Kmb_Blue Gate Shale Member of Mancos Shale |
| 23_Kmbs_Sandstone bed in Blue Gate Shale Member of Mancos Shale |
| 24_Kmju_upper Juana Lopez Member of Mancos Shale |
| 25_Kmjl_lower Juana Lopez Member of Mancos Shale |
| 26_Kmj_Juana Lopez Member of Mancos Shale, undivided |
| 27_Kmf_Ferron Sandstone Member of Mancos Shale |
| 28_Kmt_Tununk Shale Memberof Mancos Shale |
| 29_Kd_Dakota Formation |
| 30_Kcmu_Cedar Mountain Formation |
| 31_Kcmb_Buckhorn Conglomerate Member of Cedar Mountain Formation |
| 32_Jmb_Brushy Basin Member of Morrison Formation |
| 33_Jms_Salt Wash Member of Morrison Formation |
| 34_Jmt_Tidwell Member of Morrison Formation |
| 35_Js_Summerville Formation |
| 36_Jct_Curtis Formation |
| 37_Je_Entrada Formation |
| 38_Jee_Earthy member of Entrada Formation |
| 39_Jes_Slick Rock Member of Entrada Formation |
| 40_Jc_Carmel Formation |
| 41_Jcu_upper member of Carmel Formation |
| 42_Jcl_lower member of Carmel Formation |
| 43_Jn_Navajo Sandstone |
| 44_Jnl_Limestone beds in Navajo Sandstone |
| 45_Jk_Kayenta Formation |
| 46_JTRw_Wingate Sandstone |
| 47_TRc_Chinle Formation, undivided |
| 48_TRcu_upper members of Chinle Formation (Church Rock, Owl Rock, and Petrified Forest Members) |
| 49_TRcl_lower members of Chinle Formation (Moss Back, Monitor Butte, and Temple Mountain Members) |
| 50_TRm_Moenkopi Formation, undivided |
| 51_TRmu_upper members of Moenkopi Formation (Moody Canyon and Torrey Members) |
| 52_TRmm_Moody Canyon Member of Moenkopi Formation |
| 53_TRmt_Torrey Member of Moenkopi Formation |
| 54_TRms_Sinbad Limestone Member of Moenkopi Formation |
| 55_TRmb_Black Dragon Member of Moenkopi Formation |
| 56_Pk_Kaibab Formation |
| 57_Pwr_White Rim Sandstone |
| 58_Pec_Elephant Canyon Formation |
| 59_Mr_Redwall Limestone |
| 900_water_Perennial water body |
| 901_water_Intermittent water body |
Annotation_Dip (1756)
Wells (1757)
Annotation_XSection (1758)
Strike (1759)
Symbol_Fold2 (1760)
Symbol_Fault2 (1761)
Symbol_Fault (1762)
Symbol_Fold (1763)
XSections (1764)
Folds (1765)
| approximately located |
| concealed |
| well located |
Faults (1766)
| approximately located |
| concealed |
| well located |
Geologic_Contacts (1767)
| border |
| contact |
| fault/contact |
| marker bed |
| water boundary |
Geologic Units (1768)
| Qf |
| Qal |
| Qam |
| Qap |
| Qaf |
| Qat |
| Qag |
| Qab |
| Qst |
| Qea |
| Qes |
| Qed |
| Qgt |
| Qmt |
| Qms |
| Qcb |
| QTaf |
| Tg |
| Ti |
| Kf |
| Kn |
| Ks |
| Kmb |
| Kc |
| Kb |
| Kmu |
| Kms |
| Kmf |
| Kmt |
| Km |
| Kd |
| Kdcm |
| Kdbc |
| Kcm |
| Kbc |
| Jmb |
| Jms |
| Jsmt |
| Jmt |
| Jsm |
| Js |
| Jsc |
| Jct |
| Jctm |
| Jcec |
| Ject |
| Jee |
| Jes |
| Jese |
| Jec |
| Jcd |
| Jcu |
| Jcl |
| Jn |
| Jnl |
| Jk |
| Jw |
| Jgc |
| TRc |
| TRm |
| Pc |
| IP |
| IPh |
| IPpc |
| Yq |
| Yl |
| Yap |
| Yg |
| Ybg |
| Xd |
| Xg |
| Xb |
| Xa |
| Xf |
| Water |
| <all other values> |
Panguitch_GeologicSymbols (1622)
| Arrow |
| Bedding, horizontal, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) |
| Bedding, vertical, field measured |
| Drill hole, dry hole |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, minor syncline |
| Fold, plunge arrow |
| Fold, syncline, overturned |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Gravel pit |
| Mine or quarry |
| Sample 2 |
| Sample 4 |
| Sample, fossil |
| Sedimentary pipe |
| Sinkhole |
| Spring |
| Volcanic cone, cinder |
Panguitch_CrossSectionLines (1623)
Panguitch_GeologicLines (1624)
| Bed, marker A, approximately located |
| Bed, marker A, well located |
| Boundary, map |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, moraine, type1, symmetrical |
| Dike, igneous, well located |
| Dike, intermediate, approximately located |
| Dike, intermediate, well located |
| Dike, mafic, concealed |
| Dike, mafic, well located |
| Fault, gravity slide, approximately located |
| Fault, gravity slide, concealed |
| Fault, gravity slide, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located |
| Fault, reverse, approximately located |
| Fault, reverse, concealed |
| Fault, reverse, well located |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, well located |
| Fault, thrust, type1, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, type1, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, thrust, type1, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, type1, concealed, queried |
| Fault, thrust, type1, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, concealed, queried |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Fissure, Earth, well located |
| Lineament |
| <all other values> |
Panguitch_StructureLines (1625)
| Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located, queried |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed, queried |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
Panguitch_GeologicUnits_leaders (1626)
Geologic Units (1627)
| 1|water|water |
| 2|Qal|Stream alluvium |
| 3|Qat|Stream-terrace alluvium |
| 4|Qaly|Young stream alluvium |
| 5|Qalo|Old stream alluvium |
| 6|Qao|Oldest stream alluvium |
| 7|Qam|Marsh alluvium |
| 8|Qap|Pediment alluvium |
| 9|Qaf<SUB>1</SUB>|Young fan alluvium |
| 10|Qaf<SUB>2</SUB>|Middle fan alluvium |
| 11|Qafy|Young and middle fan alluvium, undivided |
| 12|Qafc|Coalesced fan alluvium of Parowan Valley |
| 13|Qafo|Older fan alluvium |
| 14|Qafo?|Older fan alluvium, queried |
| 15|Qafo<SUB>2</SUB>|Oldest fan alluvium |
| 16|Qc|Colluvium |
| 17|Qco|Older colluvium |
| 18|Qed|Eolian dune sand |
| 19|Qes|Eolian sand |
| 20|Qgtp|Glacial till of Pinedale age |
| 21|Qgop|Glacial outwash of Pinedale age |
| 22|Qgtu|Older glacial till of uncertain pre-Pinedale age |
| 23|Qgtou|Older glacial till and outwash, undivided |
| 24|Qh|Artificial fill |
| 25|Qhd|Disturbed land |
| 26|Qlp|Little Salt Lake playa deposits |
| 27|Qlm|Little Salt Lake playa-margin deposits |
| 28|Qlg|Coarse-grained lacustrine sediment |
| 29|Qms|Landslide deposits |
| 30|Qmsh|Landslide deposits, historical |
| 31|Qms(Ktd)|Landslide deposits in Dakota Formation and Tropic Shale, undivided |
| 32|Qms(Ti)|Landslide deposits in Isom Formation |
| 33|Qms(Tql)|Landslide deposits in Leach Canyon Formation |
| 34|Qms(Tm)|Landslide deposits in Markagunt Megabreccia |
| 35|Qms?|Landslide deposits, queried |
| 36|Qmt|Talus |
| 37|Qac|Alluvium and colluvium |
| 38|Qaco|Older alluvium and colluvium |
| 39|Qacf|Alluvium, colluvium, and fan alluvium |
| 40|Qacfo|Older colluvium, and fan alluvium |
| 41|Qae|Alluvium and eolian sand |
| 42|Qea|Eolian sand and alluvium |
| 43|Qaec|Alluvium, eolian sand, colluvium |
| 44|Qca|Colluvium and alluvium |
| 45|Qce|Colluvium and eolian sand |
| 46|Qmtc|Talus and colluvium |
| 47|Qmtco|Older talus and colluvium |
| 48|Qmsc|Landslides and colluvium |
| 49|Qmsco|Older landslides and colluvium |
| 50|Qla|Lacustrine sediment and alluvium |
| 51|Qlao|Older lacustrine sediment and alluvium |
| 52|Qr|Relict Houston Mountain and Blue Spring Mountain lava flows |
| 53|Qlao/Qbmk<SUB>3</SUB>|Older lacustrine sediment and alluvium over the Miller Knoll lava flow |
| 54|Qc/Tbh|Colluvium over the Brian Head Formation |
| 55|Qc/Tbh?|Colluvium over queried Brian Head Formation |
| 56|Qc/Tcwu|Colluvium over the upper limestone unit of the white member of the Claron Formation |
| 57|Qc/Tcw|Colluvium over the white member of the Claron Formation |
| 58|Qc/Tcp|Colluvium over the pink member of the Claron Formation |
| 59|Qc/Kws|Colluvium over the Wahweap and Straight Cliffs Formations |
| 60|QTb|Basaltic lava flow, undivided |
| 61|Qbpl<SUB>1</SUB>|Panguitch Lake lava flows |
| 62|Qbpl<SUB>2</SUB>|Panguitch Lake lava flows |
| 63|Qbpl<SUB>3</SUB>|Panguitch Lake lava flows |
| 64|Qbdv|Dry Valley lava flow |
| 65|Qbmk<SUB>2</SUB>|Miller Knoll lava flow |
| 66|Qbmk<SUB>2</SUB>|Miller Knoll lava flow |
| 67|Qbmk<SUB>3</SUB>|Miller Knoll lava flow |
| 68|Qbmkc|Miller Knoll cinder cone |
| 69|Qbnl|Navajo Lake lava flow |
| 70|Qbnlc|Navajo Lake cinder cone |
| 71|Qbrd|Red Desert lava flow |
| 72|Qbrdc|Red Desert cinder cone |
| 73|Qbhk|Henrie Knolls lava flow |
| 74|Qbhkc|Henrie Knolls cinder cone |
| 75|Qbmc|Midway Creek lava flow |
| 76|Qbmcc|Midway Creek cinder cone |
| 77|Qbde|Deer Valley lava flow |
| 78|Qbdec|Deer Valley cinder cone |
| 79|Qbho|Horse Pasture lava flow |
| 80|Qbhoc|Horse Pasture cinder cone |
| 81|Qbdc|Duck Creek lava flow |
| 82|Qbsk|Strawberry Knolls lava flow |
| 83|Qblhc|Lake Hollow cinder cone |
| 84|Qbskc|Strawberry Knolls cinder cone |
| 85|Qbef|East Fork Deep Creek lava flow |
| 86|Qbefc|East Fork Deep Creek cinder cone |
| 87|Qbw|Water Canyon lava flow |
| 88|Qbwc|Water Canyon cinder cone |
| 89|Qbbk|Bowers Knoll lava flow |
| 90|Qbbkc|Bowers Knoll cinder cone |
| 91|Qbrc|Red Canyon lava flow and cinders |
| 92|Qbak|Asay Bench lava flow |
| 93|Qbakc|Asay Bench cinder cone |
| 94|Qbck|Cooper Knoll lava flow |
| 95|Qbckc|Cooper Knoll cinder cone |
| 96|Qbpk|Pryor Knoll lava flow |
| 97|Qbwf|Webster Flat lava flow |
| 98|Qbwfc|Webster Flat cinder cone |
| 99|Qbal|Aspen Lake lava flow |
| 100|Qbalc|Aspen Lake cinder cone |
| 101|Qblf|Long Flat lava flow |
| 102|Qblfc|Long Flat cinder cone |
| 103|Qbwk|Wood Knoll lava flow |
| 104|Qbwkc|Wood Knoll cinder cone |
| 105|Qbub|Upper Bear Springs lava flow |
| 106|Qbubc|Upper Bear Springs cinder cone |
| 107|Qbbm|Black Mountain lava flow |
| 108|Qbhp<SUB>1</SUB>|Hancock Peak lava flow |
| 109|Qbhp<SUB>2</SUB>|Hancock Peak lava flow |
| 110|Qbhpc|Hancock Peak cinder cone |
| 111|Qbtp|The Pass lava flow |
| 112|Qbc|First Left Hand Canyon vent |
| 113|Qbs|Summit lava flow |
| 114|Qbsc|Summit lava cinder cone |
| 115|Qbe|Elliker Basin lava flow |
| 116|Qbrh|Red Hills lava flow |
| 117|Qbrhc|Red Hills cinder cone |
| 118|Tbbm|Blue Spring Mountain lava flow |
| 119|Tbbm?|Blue Spring Mountain lava flow, queried |
| 120|Tbbmc|Blue Spring Mountain cinder cone |
| 121|Tbfr|Fivemile Ridge lava flow |
| 122|Tbhb|Horse Bench lava flow |
| 123|Tbhm|Houston Mountain lava flow |
| 124|Tbdh|Dickinson Hill lava flow |
| 125|Tbdhc|Dickinson Hill cinder cone |
| 126|Tbrc|Rock Canyon lava flow |
| 127|Tbrc?|Rock Canyon lava flow, queried |
| 128|Tbrcc|Rock Canyon cinder cone |
| 129|Tbsp|Sidney Peaks lava flow |
| 130|QTbx|Markagunt Megabreccia residuum |
| 131|QTap|High-level pediment alluvium |
| 132|QTaf|Quaternary and Late Tertiary fan alluvium |
| 133|QTh|Basin-fill deposits of Long Hill |
| 134|QTlf|Fine-grained lacustrine sediment |
| 135|Taf|Upper Tertiary fan alluvium |
| 136|Tvf|Upper Tertiary basin fill, fine-grained strata |
| 137|Tvg|Upper Tertiary basin fill, coarse-grained strata |
| 138|Tmf|Flake Mountain megabreccia, undivided |
| 139|Tmf(Td)|Flake Mountain megabreccia, Mount Dutton Formation, alluvial facies component |
| 140|Tmf(Tbh)|Flake Mountain megabreccia, Brian Head component |
| 141|Thm|Haycock Mountain Tuff |
| 142|Tm|Markagunt Megabreccia, undivided |
| 143|Tm(Tdbv)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Mount Dutton and Bear Valley components |
| 144|Tm(Tds)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Mount Dutton Formation, local sandstone facies component |
| 145|Tm(Td?)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Mount Dutton Formation, alluvial facies, queried, component |
| 146|Tm(Td)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Mount Dutton Formation, alluvial facies component |
| 147|Tm(Tbv?)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Bear Valley Formation, queried, component |
| 148|Tm(Tbv)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Bear Valley Formation component |
| 149|Tm(Tbvv)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Bear Valley Formation, lava flows and volcanic mudflow breccia component |
| 150|Tm(Tbvb)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Bear Valley Formation, volcanic mudflow breccia component |
| 151|Tm(Tbvf)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Bear Valley Formation, lava flow component |
| 152|Tm(Tdm)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Mount Dutton Formation, mafic alluvial facies component |
| 153|Tm(Tqcb)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Condor Canyon Formation, Bauers Tuff Member component |
| 154|Tm(Ta)|Markagunt Megabreccia, middle Tertiary alluvium component |
| 155|Tm(Tdli)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Mount Dutton Formation, Leach Canyon Formation, and Isom Formation components, undivided |
| 156|Tm(Tql)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Leach Canyon Formation component |
| 157|Tm(Tbrp)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Volcanic Rocks of Bull Rush Peak component |
| 158|Tm(Tbb)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Buckskin Breccia component |
| 159|Tm(Ti)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Isom Formation component |
| 160|Tm(Tnw)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Wah Wah Springs Formation component |
| 161|Tm(Tn)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Needles Range Group, undivided component |
| 162|Tm(Tbhu<SUB>2</SUB>)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Brian Head Formation, upper volcanic unit, upper part component |
| 163|Tm(Tbhu<SUB>1</SUB>)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Brian Head Formation, upper volcanic unit, lower part component |
| 164|Tm(Tbh<SUB>3</SUB>)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Brian Head Formation, upper part of middle volcaniclastic unit component |
| 165|Tm(Tbh<SUB>2</SUB>)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Brian Head Formation, middle part of middle volcaniclastic unit component |
| 166|Tm(Tbh<SUB>1</SUB>)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Brian Head Formation, lower part of middle volcaniclastic unit component |
| 167|Tm(Tbh)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Brian Head component |
| 168|Tm(Tcp)|Markagunt Megabreccia, Claron Formation, pink member component |
| 169|Tm?|Markagunt Megabreccia, undivided, queried |
| 170|Thma|Alluvium underlying Haycock Mountain Tuff |
| 170|Ta|Miocene alluvium |
| 171|Tlbh|Limerock Canyon and Brian Head Formations, undivided |
| 172|Tl|Limerock Canyon Formation |
| 173|Tl?|Limerock Canyon Formation, queried |
| 174|Tip|Iron Peak laccolith |
| 177|Tdbrp|Mount Dutton Formation and Volcanic Rocks of Bull Rush Peak, undivided |
| 178|Td|Mount Dutton Formation |
| 181|Tdk|Mount Dutton Formation, Kingston Canyon Tuff Member |
| 182|Tdk?|Mount Dutton Formation, Kingston Canyon Tuff Member, queried |
| 183|Tbv|Bear Valley Formation, undivided |
| 185|Tqh|Harmony Hills Tuff |
| 186|Tqcb|Condor Canyon Formation, Bauers Tuff Member |
| 187|Tql|Leach Canyon Formation |
| 188|Tql?|Leach Canyon Formation, queried |
| 190|Tqin|Leach Canyon Formation, Isom Formation, and Needles Range Group, undivided |
| 191|Tbrp|Volcanic Rocks of Bull Rush Peak |
| 193|Ti|Isom Formation |
| 194|Ti?|Isom Formation, queried |
| 195|Tbt|Bullion Creek Volcanics, Three Creeks Tuff Member |
| 196|Tn|Needles Range Group, undivided |
| 197|Tnl|Lund Formation |
| 198|Tnw|Wah Wah Springs Formation |
| 199|Tbhu<SUB>1</SUB>|Brian Head Formation, upper volcanic unit, lower part |
| 200|Tbht|Brian Head Formation, rhyolitic tuff of middle volcaniclastic unit |
| 201|Tbh|Brian Head Formation, middle volcaniclastic unit, undivided |
| 202|Tbh?|Brian Head Formation, middle volcaniclastic unit, undivided, queried |
| 203|Tbh<SUB>3</SUB>|Brian Head Formation, upper part of middle volcaniclastic unit |
| 204|Tbh<SUB>2</SUB>|Brian Head Formation, middle part of middle volcaniclastic unit |
| 205|Tbh<SUB>1</SUB>|Brian Head Formation, lower part of middle volcaniclastic unit |
| 206|Tbhv|Brian Head Formation, variegated part of middle volcaniclastic unit |
| 207|Tbm|Conglomerate at Boat Mesa |
| 208|Tbm?|Conglomerate at Boat Mesa, queried |
| 209|Tbml|Conglomerate at Boat Mesa, lower unit |
| 210|Tc|Claron Formation, undivided |
| 211|Tcw|Claron Formation, white member, undivided |
| 212|Tcw?|Claron Formation, white member, undivided, queried |
| 213|Tcwt|Claron Formation, uppermost mudstone, siltstone, and sandstone unit of white member |
| 214|Tcwt?|Claron Formation, uppermost mudstone, siltstone, and sandstone unit of white member, queried |
| 215|Tcwu|Claron Formation, upper limestone unit of white member |
| 216|Tcwu?|Claron Formation, upper limestone unit of white member, queried |
| 217|Tcwml|Claron Formation, middle mudstone, siltstone, and sandstone unit and lower limestone unit of white member |
| 218|Tcwm|Claron Formation, middle mudstone, siltstone, and sandstone unit of white member |
| 219|Tcwm?|Claron Formation, middle mudstone, siltstone, and sandstone unit of white member, queried |
| 220|Tcwl|Claron Formation, lower limestone unit of white member |
| 221|Tcwl?|Claron Formation, lower limestone unit of white member, queried |
| 222|Tcp|Claron Formation, pink member |
| 223|Tcp?|Claron Formation, pink member, queried |
| 224|Tcpl|Claron Formation, pink member, limestone marker bed |
| 225|Ku|Grand Castle Formation (redefined), capping sandstone member of the Wahweap Formation, and Drip Tank Member of the Straight Cliffs Formation, undivided |
| 226|Km|Cretaceous strata on the Markagunt Plateau |
| 227|Kgc|Grand Castle Formation, redefined |
| 228|Kk|Kaiparowits Formation |
| 229|Kkl|Kaiparowits Formation, lower unit |
| 230|Kiu|Iron Springs Formation, upper unit |
| 231|Kil|Iron Springs Formation, lower unit |
| 233|Kwcsd|Wahweap Formation, capping sandstone member Straight Cliffs Formation, Drip Tank Member, undivided |
| 234|Kw|Wahweap Formation, lower, middle, and upper members, undivided |
| 235|Kw?|Wahweap Formation, lower, middle, and upper members, undivided, queried |
| 236|Kwcg|Wahweap Formation, pebbly sandstone unit |
| 237|Kwcs|Wahweap Formation, capping sandstone member |
| 238|Ksd|Straight Cliffs Formation, Drip Tank Member |
| 239|Ksjs|Straight Cliffs Formation, John Henry and Smoky Hollow Members, undivided |
| 240|Ksjs?|Straight Cliffs Formation, John Henry and Smoky Hollow Members, undivided, queried |
| 241|Ksj|Straight Cliffs Formation, John Henry Member |
| 242|Ksjc|Straight Cliffs Formation, John Henry Member, lower part |
| 243|Ksst|Straight Cliffs Formation, Smoky Hollow and Tibbet Canyon Members, undivided |
| 244|Kst|Straight Cliffs Formation, Tibbet Canyon Member |
| 245|Kst?|Straight Cliffs Formation, Tibbet Canyon Member, queried |
| 246|Ktd|Tropic Shale and Dakota Formations, undivided |
| 247|Kt|Tropic Shale |
| 248|Ktu|Tropic Shale, upper unit |
| 249|Kd|Dakota Formation |
| 250|Kcm|Cedar Mountain Formation |
| 251|Je|Entrada Formation |
| 252|Jcn|Carmel Formation (Co-op Creek Limestone Member), Temple Cap Formation, and Navajo Sandstone, undivided |
| 253|Jct|Carmel and Temple Cap Formations, undivided |
| 254|Jc|Carmel Formation, undivided |
| 255|Jcw|Carmel Formation, Winsor Member |
| 256|Jcp|Carmel Formation, Paria River Member |
| 257|Jcx|Carmel Formation, Crystal Creek Member |
| 258|Jcc|Carmel Formation, Co-op Creek Limestone Member |
| 259|Jn|Navajo Sandstone |
| 260|Jn?|Navajo Sandstone, queried |
map symbols (1607)
| contact symbol, querried, |
| cross-section symbol, label, |
| drill-hole symbol, , |
| drill-hole symbol, label, |
| fault symbol, dip direction, |
| fault symbol, dip label, |
| fault symbol, name label leader line, |
| fault symbol, name label, |
| fault symbol, normal, |
| fault symbol, querried, |
| fault symbol, thrust, |
| fold-axis symbol, anticline, overturned |
| fold-axis symbol, anticline, upright |
| fold-axis symbol, fold name, |
| fold-axis symbol, syncline, overturned |
| fold-axis symbol, syncline, upright |
| geologic unit symbol, label, |
| geologic unit symbol, leader line, |
| scarp symbol, , |
| shoreline symbol, Bonneville, |
| shoreline symbol, Provo, |
| strike and dip of bedding, dip label, |
| strike and dip of bedding, dip leader line, |
| strike and dip of bedding, horizontal, |
| strike and dip of bedding, inclined, |
| strike and dip of bedding, inclined, estimated |
| strike and dip of bedding, overturned, |
| strike and dip of bedding, overturned, estimated |
| strike and dip of bedding, vertical, |
| <all other values> |
cros-section lines (1608)
fold axes (1609)
| syncline, upright, well located |
| syncline, upright, approximately located |
| syncline, upright, concealed |
| syncline, overturned, well located |
| syncline, overturned, concealed |
| anticline, upright, well located |
| anticline, upright, approximately located |
| anticline, upright, concealed |
| anticline, overturned, well located |
geologic lines (1610)
| contact, , well located |
| contact, , approximately located |
| contact, , queried |
| contact, , scratch |
| marker bed, , |
| fault, normal, well located |
| fault, normal, approximately located |
| fault, normal, concealed |
| fault, thrust, well located |
| fault, thrust, approximately located |
| fault, thrust, concealed |
| fault, unknown, well located |
| fault, unknown, approximately located |
| fault, unknown, concealed |
| fault, gravity slide, well located |
| scarp, topographic, well located |
| shoreline, Bonneville, well located |
| shoreline, Bonneville, approximately located |
| shoreline, Provo, well located |
| water boundary, , |
| map boundary, , |
Geologic Units (1611)
| |
| af |
| af? |
| Qa |
| Qc |
| Qc? |
| Qg |
| Qg? |
| Qtg |
| Qaf |
| Ql |
| Qd |
| Qm |
| Qp |
| Qab |
| Qab? |
| Qu |
| QTd |
| QTd? |
| Tb |
| Ts |
| Ts? |
| Tsd |
| Tsf? |
| Tsc |
| Tf |
| Tf? |
| Tfb |
| Tfb? |
| Tfs? |
| Tw |
| Tw? |
| Twc? |
| Twl |
| Tg |
| Tg? |
| Te |
| Te? |
| Ter |
| Keh |
| Mzr? |
| Ksj |
| Ksj? |
| Kc |
| Kt |
| Ks |
| Kg |
| Kgl |
| Jsp |
| Jt |
| Jt? |
| Jtg |
| JTRn |
| JTRn? |
| TRa |
| TRt |
| TRt? |
| TRw |
| TRd |
| TRwd |
| Pzu |
| Pp |
| Pp? |
| Ppr |
| PIPo |
| PIPw |
| PIPw? |
| Mu |
| Mb |
| Mb? |
| Mhg |
| Mhg? |
| Mm |
| Mmu |
| Mmm |
| Mml |
| Mml? |
| Mlf |
| Mlf? |
| Ml |
| Ml? |
| MDl |
| MDl? |
| MDt |
| Dj |
| Db |
| Db? |
| Dh |
| Dh? |
| Dw |
| Dw? |
| Sl |
| Sl? |
| SOf |
| SOf? |
| Ob |
| Os |
| Os? |
| Og |
| Og? |
| OCs |
| OCs? |
| Csw |
| Csw? |
| OCsn |
| OCsn? |
| Cga |
| Cn |
| Cn? |
| Cb |
| Cb? |
| Cbl |
| Cbl? |
| Cu |
| Cu? |
| Cl |
| Cl? |
| Cg |
| Cg? |
| Cgu |
| Cgl |
| Zb |
| Zb? |
| Zm |
| water |
Leader Lines (1600)
Map Symbols (1601)
| bore hole, , dry |
| cinder cone, , |
| fault, bar and ball, |
| fold, anticline, |
| fold, monocline, |
| fold, plunge arrow, |
| fold, syncline, |
| mine, , inactive |
| quarry, , |
Cross Section (1602)
Structure Lines (1603)
| anticline, , |
| anticline, concealed, |
| anticline, , Deer Range Anticline |
| anticline, concealed, Deer Range Anticline |
| anticline, , Kaibab Anticline |
| anticline, concealed, Kaibab Anticline |
| monocline, , East Kaibab Monocline |
| monocline, concealed, East Kaibab Monocline |
| syncline, , |
| syncline, concealed, |
| syncline, , Nipple Lake Syncline |
| syncline, concealed, Nipple Lake Syncline |
| syncline, , Paria River Syncline |
| syncline, concealed, Paria River Syncline |
| syncline, , Paunsaugunt Syncline |
| syncline, concealed, Paunsaugunt Syncline |
| structural contour, well located, Top of Entrada or Carmel Formation |
| structural contour, projected, Top of Entrada or Carmel Formation |
| structural contour, well located, Top of the Navajo Sandstone |
| structural contour, projected, Top of the Navajo Sandstone |
Geologic Lines (1604)
| contact, , well located |
| fault, normal, well located |
| fault, normal, approximately located |
| fault, normal, concealed |
| marker bed, Kt, well located |
| marker bed, Jkt, well located |
| marker bed, Jnl, well located |
| map boundary, , well located |
Geologic Units (1605)
| Qa |
| Qes |
| Qea |
| Qag |
| Qls |
| Qmsc |
| Qb |
| Ta |
| Tbh |
| Tcw |
| Tcp |
| Kk |
| Kwk |
| Kw |
| Ksu |
| Ksl |
| Kt |
| Kdcm |
| Je |
| Jcw |
| Jcp |
| Jpt |
| Jcx |
| Jcc |
| Jcj |
| Jt |
| Jn |
| Jkt |
| Jnl |
| Jk |
| JTRmo |
| TRcu |
| TRcl |
| TRm |
| TRmu |
| TRms |
| TRmm |
| TRml |
| TRmt |
| Pk |
| Pt |
| Ph |
GeologicSymbols (1588)
| Bar and ball |
| Plunge arrow |
| Upright anticline |
| Upright syncline |
StructureLine (1589)
| Basin-Mountain Boundary thrust fault |
| Anticline, well located |
| Syncline, well located |
| Structural contour |
Geologic Lines (1590)
| Contact |
| Fault, well located |
| Fault, approximately located |
| Fault, concealed |
| High-angle fault, well located |
| High-angle fault, approximately located |
| High-angle fault, concealed |
| Terrace scarp |
| Oil-shale marker bed in the mahogany zone (os) |
| Gilsonite vein (Tgi) |
| Diabase dike (Cd) |
| Water boundary |
| Map boundary |
| Thrust fault, well located |
| Thrust fault, concealed |
Lakes (1591)
| 1 |
Geologic Units (1592)
| Qac, Alluvium and colluvium |
| Qr, Rock glacier |
| Qt, Talus and colluvium |
| Qa, Alluvium |
| Qe, Eolian sand |
| Ql, Landslide deposits |
| Qp, Pediment deposits |
| Qf, Alluvial- and debris-fan deposits |
| Qtg, Terrace gravels |
| Qop, Older pediment deposits |
| Qof, Older alluvial-fan and debris-fan deposits |
| Qtp, Till of Pinedale age |
| Qto, Till of pre-Pinedale age |
| Qtb, Till of Bull Lake age |
| Qtpb, Till of pre-Bull Lake age |
| Qut, Till |
| Qgp, Glacial outwash deposits of Pinedale age |
| Qgo, Glacial outwash deposits of pre-Pinedale age |
| Qgb, Glacial outwash deposits of Bull Lake age |
| Qgpb, Glacial outwash deposits of pre-Bull Lake age |
| Qug, Glacial outwash deposits |
| QTg, Gravel |
| Tbc, Bishop Conglomerate |
| Tkc, Conglomerate |
| Tds, Starr Flat Member of Duchesne River Formation |
| Tdl, Lapoint Member of Duchesne River Formation |
| Tdd, Dry Gulch Member of the Duchesne River Formation |
| Tdb, Brennan Basin Member of the Duchesne River Formation |
| Tdu, Duchesne River Formation, undivided |
| Tuu, Upper member of the Uinta Formation |
| Tul, Lower member of the Uinta Formation |
| Tgsl, Sandstone and limestone facies of the Green River Formation |
| Tgss, Sandstone facies of the Green River Formation |
| Tgs, Saline facies of the Green River Formation |
| Tgr, Main body of the Green River Formation |
| Tbr, Bridger Formation |
| Tw, Wasatch Formation |
| TKc, Currant Creek Formation |
| Kmv, Mesaverde Formation |
| Kmu, Upper member of Mancos Shale |
| Kmf, Frontier Sandstone Member of Mancos Shale |
| Kmd, Lower member of Mancos Shale and Dakota Sandstone |
| Ku, Upper and Lower Cretaceous rocks |
| KJc, Cedar Mountain Formation and Morrison Formation |
| Jsp, Stump Formation and Preuss Sandstone |
| Jtc, Twin Creek Limestone |
| JTRn, Nugget Sandstone |
| TRa, Ankareh Formation |
| TRt, Thaynes Limestone |
| TRw, Woodside Formation |
| TRtw, Thaynes Limestone and Woodside Shale |
| TRm, Moenkopi Formation |
| Pp, Park City Formation and related rocks |
| PIPw, Weber Sandstone |
| IPmr, Morgan Formation and Round Valley Limestone |
| Mh, Humbug Formation |
| Mdh, Doughnut Formation and Humbug Formation |
| Mm, Madison Limestone |
| Ct, Tintic Quartzite |
| Cu, Cambrian rocks - Northeast of Rock Creek in the Uinta Mountains |
| Yur, Red Pine Shale of the Uinta Mountain Group |
| Yuh, Hades Pass unit of the Uinta Mountain Group |
| Yuw, Mount Watson unit of the Uinta Mountain Group |
| Yud, Dead Horse Pass unit of the Uinta Mountain Group |
| Yuc, Red Castle unit of the Uinta Mountain Group |
| Yum, Moosehorn Lake unit of the Uinta Mountain Group |
| Water |
OFR_454_GeologicSymbols_points_Clip2 (3725)
| Arrow |
| Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured |
| Bedding, Overturned |
| Fault, Ball & Bar |
| Fault, Strike-Slip, Left-Lateral |
| Volcanic Cone, Cinder |
OFR_454_GeologicLines_Clip2 (3724)
| Caldera Margin Fault, Approximately Located |
| Caldera Margin Fault, Concealed |
| Caldera Margin Fault, Well Located |
| Contact, Well Located |
| Normal Fault, Approximately Located |
| Normal Fault, Concealed |
| Normal Fault, Well Located |
| Quadrangle Boundary |
| Water Boundary |
| <all other values> |
OFR_454_GeologicUnits_Clip2 (3723)
| Dcs |
| IPc |
| Ja |
| Jc |
| Jn |
| Mr |
| PIPqc |
| Pk |
| Pkt |
| Pp |
| Ppk |
| Ppt |
| Pq |
| Pt |
| Pzc |
| QTaf5 |
| QTs |
| Qaf1 |
| Qaf2 |
| Qaf3 |
| Qaf4 |
| Qal1 |
| Qal2 |
| Qat1 |
| Qat2 |
| Qat3 |
| Qbc |
| Qbk |
| Qbr |
| Qes |
| Qf |
| Qlae |
| Qlg |
| Qll |
| Qmr |
| Qms |
| Qmtc |
| Qrd |
| Qrl |
| Qrt |
| Qs |
| TRc |
| TRm |
| Tb |
| Tbb |
| Tbc |
| Tbcd |
| Tbct |
| Tbr |
| Tbv |
| Tc |
| Tcg |
| Tda |
| Tdan |
| Tdb |
| Tdk |
| Tdl |
| Tdp |
| Tdv |
| Thv |
| Tic |
| Ticc |
| Ticl |
| Ticm |
| Ticmc |
| Tig |
| Tin |
| Tir |
| Tkcn |
| Tlf |
| Tlj |
| Tlm |
| Tlt |
| Tmb |
| Tmbl |
| Tmc |
| Tmg |
| Tmgg |
| Tmh |
| Tmi |
| Tmj |
| Tml |
| Tmm |
| Tmpf |
| Tmpl |
| Tmpn |
| Tmps |
| Tmpu |
| Tmr |
| Tmv |
| To |
| Toa |
| Toi |
| Tql |
| Trd |
| Trf |
| Trg |
| Try |
| Tsr |
| Tvs |
| Tws |
| pCg |
| water |
| <all other values> |
map symbols (1580)
| geologic unit |
| strike and dip of bedding |
| fault |
| fold |
| collapse feature |
| inactive uranium mine |
| cross-section line |
cross-section line (1581)
fold axes (1582)
| anticline, upright, well located |
| anticline, upright, concealed |
| syncline, upright, well located |
| syncline, upright, concealed |
geologic contacts and faults (1583)
| contact, , well located |
| contact, , gradational |
| fault, normal, well located |
| fault, normal, approximately located |
| fault, normal, concealed |
| fault, normal, queried approximately located |
| fault, unknown, well located |
| fault, unknown, approximately located |
| fault, unknown, concealed |
| fault, unknown, queried approximately located |
| lineament, , |
| water boundary, , |
| map boundary, , |
Geologic Units (1584)
| |
| water |
| Qal |
| Qly |
| Qcl |
| Qf |
| Qcf |
| Qsw |
| QTpm |
| Qt |
| Tul |
| Tgsl |
| Tg |
| Tc |
| Tw |
| Tfn |
| Kt |
| Kfn |
| Kmbb |
| Kpru |
| Kbm |
| Kc |
| Kbh |
| Kmu |
| Kmm |
| Kme |
| Kmeu |
| Kmem |
| Kmel |
| Kmbg |
| Kmgc |
| Kmf |
| Kmt |
| Kdc |
| Jm |
| Jmbb |
| Jms |
| Js |
| Jcu |
| Je |
| Jc |
| JTRn |
| TRk |
| TRw |
| TRc |
| TRm |
| Pk |
| Pcc |
map symbols (1574)
| geologic unit |
| marker bed |
| fold |
| structural contour |
| cross section |
cross-section line (1575)
folds and structure contours (1576)
| anticline, , well located |
| anticline, , concealed |
| syncline, , well located |
| syncline, , concealed |
| dome, , well located |
| dome, , concealed |
| structural contour, , |
| structural contour, , projected above the ground |
| structural contour datum, , |
geologic contacts, marker beds, and faults (1577)
| contact, , well located |
| contact, , scratch |
| contact/marker bed, Tgdd, |
| contact/marker bed, m, |
| fault, normal, well located |
| fault, normal, approximately located |
| fault, normal, concealed |
| water boundary, , |
| map boundary, , |
Geologic Units (1578)
| |
| water |
| Qal |
| Qae |
| Qp |
| Ql |
| Qt |
| Tgpu |
| Tgpl |
| Tgda |
| Twrw |
| Tgdc |
| Twr |
| Twrx |
| Tw |
| Kt |
| Kf |
| Kn |
| Ks |
| Kmb |
| Kc |
| Kb |
| Kcb |
| Kmu |
| Kmf |
| Kml |
| Kd |
| Kbc |
| Jmb |
| Jms |
| Js |
| Je |
| TRk |
| TRw |
| TRc |
| Xb |
FeatureLabels (1563)
DipValues (1564)
MapSymbols (1565)
| Bar and ball |
| Bedding attitide, inclined |
| Bedding attitude, overturned |
| Drillhole |
| Fold plunge arrow |
| Gravel pit |
| Left lateral strike-slip |
| Mine or quarry |
| Right lateral strike-slip |
| Upright anticline |
| Upright syncline |
| Volcanic cinder cone |
BlueMtnThrust (1566)
CrossSection (1567)
StructureLine (1568)
| Anticline, concealed |
| Anticline, well located |
| Syncline, concealed |
| Syncline, well located |
GeologicLines (1569)
| Bonneville shoreline, approximately located |
| Bonneville shoreline, concealed |
| Bonneville shoreline, well located |
| Caldera margin, approximately located |
| Caldera margin, concealed |
| Caldera margin, well located |
| Contact, concealed |
| Contact, well located |
| Contact, well located, mine disturbed |
| Fault, gravity slide, approximately located |
| Fault, gravity slide, concealed |
| Fault, gravity slide, concealed, mine disturbed |
| Fault, gravity slide, well located |
| Fault, intruded thrust, approximately located |
| Fault, intruded thrust, approximately located, mine disturbed |
| Fault, intruded thrust, concealed |
| Fault, intruded thrust, concealed, mine disturbed |
| Fault, intruded thrust, well located |
| Fault, intruded thrust, well located, mine disturbed |
| Fault, low-angle normal, approximately located |
| Fault, low-angle normal, concealed |
| Fault, low-angle normal, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located, mine disturbed |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, mine disturbed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, normal, well located, mine disturbed |
| Fault, oblique-slip, approximately located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, concealed |
| Fault, oblique-slip, concealed, mine disturbed |
| Fault, oblique-slip, well located |
| Fault, reverse, approximately located |
| Fault, reverse, concealed |
| Fault, reverse, well located |
| Fault, strike-slip, approximately located |
| Fault, strike-slip, approximately located, mine disturbed |
| Fault, strike-slip, concealed |
| Fault, strike-slip, concealed, mine disturbed |
| Fault, strike-slip, well located |
| Fault, thrust, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, concealed, mine disturbed |
| Fault, thrust, well located |
| Lineament |
| Mining area boundary |
| Quadrangle boundary |
| Reservoir boundary |
WaterMask (1570)
DisturbedMiningAreas (1571)
Geologic Units (1572)
| 1, Qf |
| 2, Qal |
| 3, Qat1 |
| 4, Qat2 |
| 5, Qaf1 |
| 6, Qaf2 |
| 7, QTaf3 |
| 8, Qafp1 |
| 9, Qafp2 |
| 10, QTafp3 |
| 11, Qp |
| 12, Qm |
| 13, Qms |
| 14, Qed |
| 15, Qes |
| 16, Qear |
| 17, Qedo |
| 18, Qlae |
| 19, Qld |
| 20, Qan |
| 21, Qb |
| 22, Ts |
| 23, Trdy |
| 24, Tb |
| 25, Trdm |
| 26, Thr |
| 27, Tvn |
| 28, To |
| 29, Thc |
| 30, Tr |
| 31, Tpr |
| 32, Ta |
| 33, Trdo |
| 34, Tpv |
| 35, Tcv |
| 36, Tre |
| 37, Tpa |
| 38, Tgb |
| 39, Tiq |
| 40, Tit |
| 41, Tig |
| 42, Tis |
| 43, Tii |
| 44, Tip |
| 45, Tibm |
| 46, Tid |
| 47, Tq |
| 48, Tqh |
| 49, Tqc |
| 50, Tql |
| 51, Thv |
| 52, Tmd |
| 53, Tl |
| 54, Tm |
| 55, Tin |
| 56, Ti |
| 57, Tn |
| 58, Tc |
| 59, Kis |
| 60, Ks |
| 61, Kd |
| 62, Jct |
| 63, Jn |
| 64, Jk |
| 65, JTRm |
| 66, TRc |
| 67, TRm |
| 68, Pk |
| 500, water |
strike and dip locations (1554)
| bedding, inclined, |
| bedding, horizontal, |
| bedding, vertical, |
| bedding, overturned, |
sample locations (1555)
cross-section lines (1556)
oil wells (1557)
map symbols (1558)
| fault symbol, normal |
| fault symbol, thrust |
| fault symbol, reverse |
| fault symbol, name label |
| fold-axis symbol, syncline |
| fold-axis symbol, anticline |
| fold-axis symbol, synclinal bend |
| fold-axis symbol, anticlinal bend |
| fold-axis symbol, plunge direction |
| fold-axis symbol, name label |
| cross-section-line symbol, label |
fold axes (1559)
| anticline, symmetric, well located |
| anticline, symmetric, approximately located |
| anticline, symmetric, concealed |
| syncline, symmetric, well located |
| syncline, symmetric, approximately located |
| syncline, symmetric, concealed |
| monocline-anticlinal bend, , well located |
| monocline-anticlinal bend, , approximately located |
| monocline-anticlinal bend, , concealed |
| monocline-synclinal bend, , approximately located |
| monocline-synclinal bend, , concealed |
geologic lines (1560)
| contact, , well located |
| fault, normal, well located |
| fault, normal, approximately located |
| fault, normal, concealed |
| fault, reverse, well located |
| fault, reverse, approximately located |
| fault, reverse, concealed |
| fault, thrust, well located |
| fault, thrust, approximately located |
| fault, thrust, concealed |
| fault, unknown, well located |
| fault, unknown, approximately located |
| fault, unknown, concealed |
| dike, igneous, well located |
| water boundary, , well located |
| map boundary, , |
Geologic Units (1561)
| Qf |
| Qmf |
| Qal |
| Qaf |
| Qac |
| Qae |
| Qe |
| Qc |
| Qmt |
| Qgr |
| Qms |
| Qat |
| Qa |
| Qan1 |
| Qan2 |
| Qan3 |
| Qan4 |
| Qas1 |
| Qas2 |
| Qas3 |
| Qat1 |
| Qab1 |
| Qat2 |
| Qab2 |
| Qat3 |
| Qab3 |
| Qat4 |
| Qab4 |
| Qat5 |
| Qgp |
| Qg |
| Qga |
| Qgs |
| Qgas |
| Qgb |
| Qgab |
| Qgo |
| Tag |
| Tbp |
| Tb |
| Tds |
| Tdl |
| Tdd |
| Tdb |
| Tbr |
| Tg |
| Tw |
| Tfu |
| TKfz |
| Ke |
| Krs |
| Kbl |
| Kbx |
| Kms |
| Kfd |
| Kf |
| Kmd |
| Kmr |
| Kd |
| KJcm |
| Jsc |
| Js |
| Je |
| Jc |
| JTRn |
| TRcd |
| TRc |
| TRmd |
| TRm |
| TRd |
| Pp |
| PIPw |
| IPMu |
| IPm |
| IPrv |
| Mdh |
| Mm |
| Cl |
| Cl? |
| Zur |
| Zu |
| Zuo |
| Zuju |
| Zujl |
| YXra |
| XWrq |
| XWrm |
| XWre |
| XWrc |
| Wo |
| water |
gas and oil wells (1543)
| AGW |
| AOW |
| GSI |
| OSI |
| P+A |
| PGW |
| POW |
strike and dip locations (1544)
| horizontal |
| inclined |
| overturned |
| <all other values> |
unit labels (1545)
unit-label leaders (1546)
map symbols (1547)
| fault symbol, normal |
| fault symbol, thrust |
| fault symbol, reverse |
| fault symbol, querried |
| fault symbol, name label |
| fold-axis symbol, syncline |
| fold-axis symbol, anticline |
| fold-axis symbol, monocline |
| fold-axis symbol, overturned syncline |
| fold-axis symbol, plunge direction |
| fold-axis symbol, name label |
| cross-section-line symbol, label |
| <all other values> |
cross-section lines (1548)
fold axes (1549)
| exposed |
| approximate |
| concealed |
gilsonite veins (1550)
| well located |
| approximately located |
| concealed |
contacts, marker beds, faults (1551)
| contact, , well located |
| contact, , scratch |
| marker bed, , |
| fault, , well located |
| fault, , concealed |
| fault, normal, well located |
| fault, normal, concealed |
| fault, reverse, well located |
| fault, reverse, concealed |
| fault, thrust, well located |
| fault, thrust, concealed |
| water boundary, , |
| map boundary, , |
Geologic Units (1552)
| Qas3 |
| Qas2 |
| Qas1 |
| Qal |
| Qa |
| Qat |
| Qaf |
| Qac |
| Qae |
| Qe |
| Qc |
| Qh |
| Qmf |
| Qmt |
| Qms |
| Qag |
| Qga |
| QTa |
| Tb |
| Tds |
| Tdl |
| Tdd |
| Tdb |
| Tu |
| Tuc |
| Tub |
| Tua |
| Tgp |
| Tgd |
| Tw |
| Kmvu |
| Kmvl |
| Kms |
| Kfd |
| Kf |
| Kmd |
| Kmr |
| Kd |
| KJcm |
| Jsc |
| Js |
| Je |
| Jc |
| JTRn |
| TRcd |
| TRc |
| TRmd |
| TRm |
| TRd |
| Pp |
| PIPw |
| IPm |
| IPrv |
| Mdh |
| Mm |
| water |
Wells (1534)
| Plugged and abandoned, gas well |
| Plugged and abandoned, unknown |
| Producing, gas well |
| Shut-in, gas well |
AttitudeData (1535)
| Horizontal bedding |
| Inclined bedding, calculated |
| Inclined bedding, field measured |
MapSymbols (1536)
| Bar and ball |
StructureLines (1537)
| Upright anticline, well located |
| Upright anticline, concealed |
| Upright syncline, well located |
| Upright syncline, concealed |
CrossSectionLine (1538)
GilsoniteVeins (1539)
| Gilsonite vein, well located |
| Gilsonite vein, approximately located |
| Gilsonite vein, approximately located, queried |
| Gilsonite vein, concealed |
GeologicLines (1540)
| Contact, well located |
| Normal fault, well located |
| Normal fault, approximately located |
| Normal fault, concealed |
| Horse Bench Sandstone marker bed, well located |
| Horse Bench Sandstone marker bed, concealed |
| Mahogany oil-shale marker bed, well located |
| Mahogany oil-shale marker bed, concealed |
| Green River boundary |
| White River boundary |
| Toware Reservoir boundary |
| Quadrangle boundary |
Geologic Units (1541)
| Qa |
| Qac |
| Qae |
| Qaf |
| Qal |
| Qat |
| Qc |
| Qe |
| Qms |
| Qmt |
| Qmtb |
| Tub |
| Tua |
| Tgsl |
| Tgp |
| Tgd |
| Tg-Tw |
| Tw |
| Kmv |
| water |
MapSymbols (1522)
| Adit |
| Arrow |
| Bedding, Horizontal |
| Bedding, Inclined |
| Bedding, Overturned |
| Bedding, Overturned, Top Known |
| Bedding, Photogrammetric (3-Point) |
| Bedding, Upright, Top Known |
| Bedding, Vertical |
| Drillhole, Abandoned |
| Drillhole, Dry Hole |
| Drillhole, Oil Show |
| Fault, Ball & Bar |
| Fault, Strike-Slip, Left-Lateral |
| Fault, Strike-Slip, Right-Lateral |
| Fold, Anticline, Overturned |
| Fold, Synformal Anticline |
| Fold, Anticline, Upright |
| Fold, Monocline |
| Fold, Monocline, Synformal Bend |
| Fold, Plunge Arrow |
| Fold, Syncline, Overturned |
| Fold, Syncline, Upright |
| Gravel Pit |
| Mine Or Quarry |
| Planar Feature, Inclined |
| Sample |
| Sinkhole |
| Spring |
StructureLines (1523)
| Anticline, Overturned, Approximately Located |
| Anticline, Overturned, Concealed |
| Anticline, Overturned, Well Located |
| Anticline, Upright, Approximately Located |
| Anticline, Upright, Concealed |
| Anticline, Upright, Well Located |
| Monocline, Approximately Located |
| Monocline, Concealed |
| Monocline, Well Located |
| Syncline, Overturned, Approximately Located |
| Syncline, Overturned, Concealed |
| Syncline, Overturned, Well Located |
| Syncline, Upright, Approximately Located |
| Syncline, Upright, Concealed |
| Syncline, Upright, Well Located |
| Synformal Anticline, Approximately Located |
| Synformal Anticline, Concealed |
GeologicLines (1524)
| Contact |
| Contact, concealed |
| Landslide scarp |
| Scarp |
| Sackungen |
| Lineament |
| Tension Ridge Crest |
| Tension Graben Scarp |
| Moraine crest, symmetry unknown |
| Fault, unknown offset, well located |
| Fault, unknown offset, concealed |
| Normal fault, well located |
| Normal fault, approximately located, queried |
| Normal fault, concealed |
| Normal fault, concealed, queried |
| Low-angle normal fault, well located |
| Low-angle normal fault, concealed |
| Oblique-slip fault, right-lateral, well located |
| Oblique-slip fault, right-lateral, concealed |
| Oblique-slip fault, right-lateral, concealed, queried |
| Oblique-slip fault, left-lateral, well located |
| Oblique-slip fault, left-lateral, concealed |
| Oblique-slip fault, unknown, well located |
| Oblique-slip fault, unknown, concealed |
| Strike-slip fault, right-lateral, well located |
| Strike-slip fault, right-lateral, concealed |
| Strike-slip fault, left-lateral, well located |
| Strike-slip fault, left-lateral, concealed |
| Geophysical fault, very approximately located |
| Geophysical fault, gravity data, very approximately located |
| Thrust fault, well located |
| Thrust fault, approximately located, queried |
| Thrust fault, concealed |
| Detachment fault, well located |
| Detachment fault, concealed |
| Megabreccia bedrock contact, well located |
| Megabreccia bedrock contact, concealed |
| Reverse fault, well located |
| Reverse fault, concealed |
| Beach ridge crest, well located |
| Undetermined shoreline, well located |
| Holocene shoreline, well located |
| Utah Lake highstand shoreline, well located |
| Regressional shoreline, well located |
| Provo shoreline, well located |
| Bonneville shoreline, well located |
| Transgressional shoreline, well located |
| Water boundary |
| Map boundary |
Geologic Units (1525)
| Qh |
| Qa |
| Qay |
| Qam |
| Qam? |
| Qao |
| Qal |
| Qat |
| Qat1 |
| Qat2 |
| Qat2? |
| Qat3 |
| Qaty |
| Qaf |
| Qafy |
| Qaf3 |
| Qafp |
| Qafb |
| Qafm |
| Qafm? |
| Qafmo |
| Qafo |
| Qafo? |
| Qac |
| Qc |
| Qct |
| Qmc |
| Qmt |
| Qmd |
| Qmf |
| Qmdf |
| Qms |
| Qms?(IPobc) |
| Qms?(Mmc) |
| Qmsy |
| Qmso |
| Qml? |
| Qmg |
| Qg |
| Qg? |
| Qgm |
| Qga |
| Qgr |
| Qgy |
| Qgp |
| Qgmp |
| Qgap |
| Qgo |
| Qgo? |
| Qgmo |
| Qgao |
| Qfdp |
| Qdp |
| Qfdb |
| Qdb |
| Qlg |
| Qls |
| Qlf |
| Qll |
| Qly |
| Qla |
| Qes |
| Qst |
| Qa/Qst |
| Qsm |
| Qrc |
| QTst |
| QTa |
| QTaf |
| QTaf? |
| QTmb |
| QTmb(Pogm) |
| QTmb(PIPo) |
| QTmb(IPobc) |
| QTmb(IPobv) |
| QTmb(Mmc) |
| QTmb(Mgb) |
| Taf |
| Taf? |
| Tsl |
| Tb |
| Tic |
| Tict |
| Tvtw |
| Tsp |
| Ti |
| Tt |
| Tt? |
| Tvb |
| Tvte |
| Tm |
| Tm? |
| Tk |
| Tk? |
| Tkq |
| Tkt |
| Tvc |
| Tucb |
| Tuc |
| Tu |
| Tgu |
| Tgm |
| Tgl |
| Tc |
| Tf |
| Ts |
| Tn |
| TKnq |
| TKn |
| TKc |
| Kpc |
| Kmv |
| Km |
| Kf |
| Kmm |
| Kd |
| Kcm |
| KJcm |
| Jsv |
| Js |
| Jce |
| Jp |
| Ja |
| Jtc |
| Jtu |
| Jtgl |
| Jtwl |
| Jtw |
| Jtl |
| Jtb |
| Jtrsg |
| Jn |
| TRa |
| TRau |
| TRam |
| TRal |
| TRat |
| TRt |
| TRtu |
| TRad |
| TRtl |
| TRtla |
| TRw |
| Pp |
| Ppf |
| Ppm |
| Ppg |
| Pdc |
| Pk |
| PIPo |
| Pofc |
| PIPgw |
| Pogm |
| Pogm? |
| Pogml |
| IPobm |
| IPobm? |
| IPowr |
| IPos |
| IPobp |
| IPobl |
| IPobc |
| IPobc? |
| IPowc |
| IPobv |
| IPw |
| IPrv |
| Mmc |
| Mmc? |
| Mdo |
| Mdot |
| Mgb |
| Mgbu |
| Mgbsl |
| Mh |
| Mde |
| Mde? |
| Mgf |
| Mg |
| MDfp |
| Cote |
| Ccte? |
| Cmo |
| Cm |
| Co |
| Ct |
| Zm |
| Zmf |
| Zbc |
| water |
Ogden_CrossSectionLines (1493)
| Cross section, A-A' |
Ogden_GeologicSymbols (1504)
| Adit |
| Bedding, horizontal, field measured |
| Bedding, horizontal, map digitized |
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, map digitized |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized |
| Bedding, inclined, photo-interpreted |
| Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned, photogrammetric (3-point) |
| Bedding, overturned, top known |
| Bedding, upright, top known |
| Bedding, vertical, field measured |
| Bedding, vertical, map digitized |
| Cleavage, inclined |
| Cleavage, inclined 2 |
| Cleavage, vertical |
| Drill hole, abandoned |
| Drill hole, dry hole |
| Drill hole, gas show |
| Drill hole, gas well |
| Drill hole, gas well, abandoned |
| Drill hole, gas well, shut-in |
| Drill hole, oil & gas show |
| Drill hole, oil & gas well, shut-in |
| Drill hole, water well |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Fault, dip |
| Fault, dip, photogrammetric |
| Fold, S-fold |
| Fold, anticline, overturned |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, minor M |
| Fold, minor S |
| Fold, minor Z |
| Fold, minor anticline |
| Fold, minor anticline, overturned |
| Fold, minor antiform |
| Fold, minor syncline |
| Fold, minor syncline, overturned |
| Fold, minor synform |
| Fold, monocline |
| Fold, monocline, antiformal bend |
| Fold, monocline, overturned |
| Fold, monocline, synformal bend |
| Fold, plunge arrow |
| Fold, syncline, antiformal |
| Fold, syncline, overturned |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Foliation, inclined 2 |
| Foliation, inclined, field measured |
| Foliation, vertical 2 |
| Joint, inclined |
| Mine or quarry, abandoned |
| Planar feature, inclined |
| Prospect |
| Sample |
| Sample 2 |
| Sample 3 |
| Sample 5 |
| Sample, fossil |
| Sinkhole |
| Spring |
Ogden_GeologicStructureLine_Rep (1505)
| Bed, marker A, approximately located |
| Bed, marker A, well located |
| Bed, marker B, approximately located |
| Bed, marker B, well located |
| Bed, marker C, approximately located |
| Bed, marker C, well located |
| Fold, S-fold, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, overturned, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, overturned, well located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, monocline, antiformal bend, approximately located |
| Fold, monocline, antiformal bend, concealed |
| Fold, monocline, antiformal bend, well located |
| Fold, monocline, approximately located |
| Fold, monocline, concealed |
| Fold, monocline, overturned, approximately located |
| Fold, monocline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, monocline, overturned, well located |
| Fold, monocline, synformal bend, approximately located |
| Fold, monocline, synformal bend, concealed |
| Fold, monocline, synformal bend, well located |
| Fold, monocline, well located |
| Fold, syncline, antiformal, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, antiformal, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, antiformal, well located |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located, queried |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed, queried |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
| Lineament |
Ogden_GeologicLines_Rep (1506)
| Boundary, map |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Cirque, headwall, well located |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, approximately located, queried |
| Contact, concealed |
| Contact, concealed, queried |
| Contact, scratch, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, arete, well located |
| Crest, beach ridge, well located |
| Crest, moraine, type1, asymmetrical |
| Crest, moraine, type1, symmetry unknown |
| Crest, moraine, type2, asymmetrical |
| Crest, moraine, type2, symmetry unknown |
| Extent, sinkhole, well located |
| Fault, detachment, type1, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, detachment, type1, concealed |
| Fault, detachment, type1, well located |
| Fault, geophysical, gravity |
| Fault, gravity slide, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, gravity slide, concealed |
| Fault, gravity slide, concealed, queried |
| Fault, gravity slide, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, shear zone, concealed |
| Fault, shear zone, well located |
| Fault, thrust, type1, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, type1, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, thrust, type1, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, type1, concealed, queried |
| Fault, thrust, type1, well located |
| Fault, thrust, type2, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, type2, well located |
| Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, concealed, queried |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
| Scarp, terrace, well located |
| Scarp, undefined, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, Gilbert level, well located |
| Shoreline, Holocene highstand, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, well located |
| Shoreline, regressional, approximately located |
| Shoreline, regressional, well located |
| Shoreline, transgressional, approximately located |
| Shoreline, transgressional, well located |
| Shoreline, undetermined, well located |
Geologic Units (1507)
| Cbc |
| Cbc? |
| Cbh |
| Cbh? |
| Cbk |
| Cbk? |
| Cbm |
| Cbm? |
| Cbo |
| Cbo? |
| Cbom |
| Cbom? |
| Cgc |
| Cgc? |
| Cgcl |
| Cgcl? |
| Cgcu |
| Cgl |
| Cgu |
| Cl |
| Cl? |
| Cm |
| Cm-Com |
| Cm? |
| Cmo |
| Cmo? |
| Cn |
| Cn? |
| Co |
| Co? |
| Com-Col |
| Cou |
| Csc |
| Csc? |
| Csn |
| Csn? |
| Ct |
| Ct? |
| Cu |
| Cu-Cl |
| Cu? |
| Db |
| Dh |
| Dh? |
| Dhw |
| Dhw? |
| Dwc |
| Dwc? |
| IPm |
| IPm? |
| IPr |
| IPwl |
| Jn |
| Jp |
| Js |
| Jsp |
| Jsp? |
| Jtb |
| Jtc |
| Jtgc |
| Jtgs |
| Jtl |
| Jtr |
| Jts |
| Jtw |
| KXc |
| Ka |
| Kbr |
| Keh |
| Keh? |
| Keh?/Pp |
| Kehc |
| Kehc? |
| Kel |
| Keu |
| Kfa |
| Kfac |
| Kfc |
| Kfcc |
| Kfcc? |
| Kfd |
| Kfg |
| Kfj |
| Kfl |
| Kfm |
| Kfo |
| Kfu |
| Kfup |
| Kg |
| Khen |
| Kk |
| Kkc |
| Kku |
| Kwc |
| Kwc? |
| MDcl |
| MDcl? |
| Mde |
| Mded |
| Mdl |
| Mdl? |
| Mdu |
| Mg |
| Mg? |
| Mgb |
| Mgb? |
| Mh |
| Mhl |
| Mhu |
| Ml |
| Ml? |
| Mlf |
| Mlf-Ml |
| Mlf? |
| Mlfd |
| Mlfd? |
| Mmo |
| Mmo? |
| Ofg |
| Ofg? |
| Ofh |
| Ofh? |
| Ogc |
| Ogc? |
| Osp |
| Ospq |
| Osps |
| PIPw |
| PIPwe |
| PIPwls |
| PIPwu |
| Pp |
| Pp? |
| Ppf |
| Ppf? |
| Ppg |
| Ppg? |
| Ppm |
| Ppm? |
| QTa |
| QTa? |
| QTaf |
| QTaf/Tn |
| QTaf/Ts |
| QTaf/Tw |
| QTaf? |
| QTaf?/Jsp? |
| QTao |
| QTao/Tw |
| QTao? |
| QTay? |
| QTcg |
| QTcg? |
| QTms(ZYp) |
| QTng |
| QTng? |
| Qa |
| Qa/Tfb |
| Qa2 |
| Qa2/Qafp? |
| Qa2? |
| Qa3 |
| Qa3/Tfb |
| Qa3?/Tfb |
| Qa4 |
| Qa4-5/Tf |
| Qa4/Tf |
| Qa4/Tfb |
| Qa4? |
| Qa4?/Tfb |
| Qa5/Tfb |
| Qa6 |
| Qa? |
| Qab |
| Qab? |
| Qac |
| Qac/Qafp? |
| Qac/Tn |
| Qac/Trx |
| Qac/Tsl |
| Qac/Tsnf |
| Qadb |
| Qadb? |
| Qadp |
| Qadp? |
| Qaf |
| Qaf/Tn? |
| Qaf/Tnf |
| Qaf/Tsl |
| Qaf/Tsl? |
| Qaf/Tsnf |
| Qaf1 |
| Qaf1/Qlmf |
| Qaf1/Qml |
| Qaf2 |
| Qaf2? |
| Qaf3 |
| Qaf3? |
| Qaf3?/Tfb |
| Qaf3?/Ts |
| Qaf4 |
| Qaf4/Tfb |
| Qaf4? |
| Qaf4?/Ts |
| Qaf5 |
| Qaf5/Tfb |
| Qaf5/Ts |
| Qaf? |
| Qafb |
| Qafb? |
| Qafm/Qafo? |
| Qafo |
| Qafo/Tsl |
| Qafo? |
| Qafo?/Qafoe? |
| Qafo?/Tsnf |
| Qafoe |
| Qafoe-QTaf |
| Qafoe? |
| Qafoe?/rx |
| Qafp |
| Qafp/Qadb |
| Qafp/Qdlb |
| Qafp/Qlsb |
| Qafp? |
| Qafp?/Tsnf |
| Qafpb |
| Qafpb/Trx? |
| Qafpb? |
| Qafy |
| Qafy/Qap |
| Qafy/Qap? |
| Qafy/Qdlb |
| Qafy/Qlsb |
| Qafy/Qml |
| Qafy? |
| Qafy?/Qml |
| Qal |
| Qal1 |
| Qal2 |
| Qal2? |
| Qalp? |
| Qao |
| Qao? |
| Qaoe |
| Qaoe? |
| Qap |
| Qap/Qdlb |
| Qap/Qdlb? |
| Qap/Qlsb |
| Qap? |
| Qap?/Qdlb |
| Qap?/Qlsb |
| Qapb |
| Qapb/Qmso |
| Qat |
| Qat2 |
| Qat2-3 |
| Qat2? |
| Qat3 |
| Qat3-4 |
| Qat3/Ts |
| Qat3? |
| Qat3?/Tfb |
| Qat4 |
| Qat4? |
| Qat5 |
| Qat5? |
| Qat6 |
| Qat6? |
| Qat6?/Tf |
| Qato |
| Qatp |
| Qatp/Qlsb |
| Qatp? |
| Qatpb |
| Qaty |
| Qaty/Qlsb |
| Qay |
| Qay/Qdlb |
| Qay/Qlsb |
| Qc |
| Qc/Csn? |
| Qc/Jsp? |
| Qc/Keh? |
| Qc/Kwc? |
| Qc/Trx |
| Qcg |
| Qcg/Qmso |
| Qcg/Tsnf |
| Qcg/Tsnf? |
| Qct |
| Qdb |
| Qdlb |
| Qdlb/Zarx |
| Qdlb? |
| Qdlp |
| Qdp |
| Qg |
| Qg/Tw? |
| Qg? |
| Qg?/Mh |
| Qga |
| Qga? |
| Qgao |
| Qgao? |
| Qgap |
| Qgm |
| Qgm? |
| Qgmo |
| Qgmo? |
| Qgmp |
| Qgmp? |
| Qgmy? |
| Qgo |
| Qgo? |
| Qgo?/ZYpm |
| Qgo?/rx |
| Qgp |
| Qgy |
| Qgy? |
| Qh |
| Qh/Qac |
| Qh/Qlg |
| Qh/Qlg? |
| Qh/Qml |
| Qh/Qml? |
| Qh? |
| Qh?/Qml |
| Ql |
| Ql/Qmc |
| Ql/Qms |
| Ql/Qmso |
| Ql/Tcg |
| Ql/Tn |
| Ql/Tn? |
| Ql/Zarx |
| Ql/Zmcg? |
| Ql? |
| Qla |
| Qla? |
| Qlamh |
| Qlf |
| Qlf/Qdb |
| Qlf/Qdlb |
| Qlf/Qmso |
| Qlf/Tn |
| Qlf? |
| Qlfb |
| Qlfb/Qmso |
| Qlfb? |
| Qlg |
| Qlg? |
| Qlgb |
| Qlgb/Qmso |
| Qlgb? |
| Qlgp |
| Qlmf |
| Qls |
| Qls? |
| Qls?/Tn |
| Qlsb |
| Qlsb/Qac |
| Qlsb/Qafo? |
| Qlsb/Qmso |
| Qlsb/Qmso? |
| Qlsb/Tn |
| Qlsb/Tn? |
| Qlsb? |
| Qlsp |
| Qlsp/Qdlb |
| Qly |
| Qly? |
| Qm |
| Qmc |
| Qmc/Qatp |
| Qmc/Qlg |
| Qmc/Tn |
| Qmc/Tsnf? |
| Qmdf |
| Qmdf? |
| Qmg |
| Qmg? |
| Qml |
| Qml? |
| Qmrf |
| Qms |
| Qms(Cbm) |
| Qms(Cm) |
| Qms(Ct) |
| Qms(Ct?) |
| Qms(Dwc) |
| Qms(Keh) |
| Qms(Mg) |
| Qms(Ml) |
| Qms(QTaf) |
| Qms(QTms) |
| Qms(Sl) |
| Qms(TKJ?) |
| Qms(Tcg) |
| Qms(Tf) |
| Qms(Tn) |
| Qms(Tn/Tw) |
| Qms(Tnf) |
| Qms(Trx) |
| Qms(Ts) |
| Qms(Tsl) |
| Qms(Tu) |
| Qms(Tw) |
| Qms(Tw?) |
| Qms(Xfc) |
| Qms(Xfcg) |
| Qms(Xfcg?) |
| Qms(YXf) |
| Qms(ZYp) |
| Qms(ZYpm) |
| Qms(Zcc) |
| Qms(Zkc) |
| Qms(Zmc) |
| Qms(Zmcc) |
| Qms(Zpu) |
| Qms(Zrx) |
| Qms(rx) |
| Qms/Qml |
| Qms? |
| Qms?(Cbo) |
| Qms?(Cgc) |
| Qms?(Cm) |
| Qms?(Cn) |
| Qms?(Co) |
| Qms?(Ct) |
| Qms?(Keh) |
| Qms?(Kk) |
| Qms?(Mh) |
| Qms?(Ogc) |
| Qms?(PIPw) |
| Qms?(QTaf) |
| Qms?(QTaf/Tw) |
| Qms?(QTms) |
| Qms?(Qafoe?) |
| Qms?(Qlf) |
| Qms?(Tcg) |
| Qms?(Tcg?) |
| Qms?(Tf) |
| Qms?(Thv) |
| Qms?(Tn) |
| Qms?(Ts) |
| Qms?(Tsl) |
| Qms?(Tsnf) |
| Qms?(Tu) |
| Qms?(Tw) |
| Qms?(Xfc) |
| Qms?(Xfcg) |
| Qms?(YXf) |
| Qms?(YXfq) |
| Qms?(YXfs) |
| Qms?(ZYp) |
| Qms?(ZYpm) |
| Qms?(Zcc) |
| Qms?(Zkc) |
| Qms?(Zm) |
| Qms?(Zmc) |
| Qms?(Zmcc) |
| Qms?(Zpc) |
| Qms?(Zpd?) |
| Qms?(Zpu) |
| Qms?(Zpu?) |
| Qms?(Zrx) |
| Qms?(rx) |
| Qmso |
| Qmso(Keh) |
| Qmso(QTcg?) |
| Qmso(Tf) |
| Qmso(Tn) |
| Qmso(Ts) |
| Qmso(Xfc) |
| Qmso? |
| Qmso?(QTcg?) |
| Qmso?(Qafoe) |
| Qmso?(Tcg) |
| Qmso?(Tf) |
| Qmso?(Tn) |
| Qmso?(Ts) |
| Qmso?(Xfc) |
| Qmsy |
| Qmsy? |
| Qmt |
| Qng |
| Qng/Cgcu |
| Qng/Tfb |
| Qng/Ts |
| Qng/Tw |
| Qng/Tw? |
| Qsm |
| Qst |
| SOlf |
| Sl |
| Sl? |
| TKJ? |
| TKe |
| TRa |
| TRag |
| TRal |
| TRaw |
| TRd |
| TRdu |
| TRht |
| TRt |
| TRtll |
| TRtls |
| TRtm |
| TRtml |
| TRtms |
| TRtms? |
| TRtu |
| TRtums |
| TRw |
| TRwd |
| Tcg |
| Tcg? |
| Tcy |
| Tcy? |
| Td |
| Tf |
| Tfb |
| Tfb? |
| Tfs? |
| Tfw |
| Thv |
| Thv/Ct |
| Thv/Xfc |
| Thv? |
| Tn |
| Tn/Tw |
| Tn? |
| Tnf |
| Tnf? |
| Trx |
| Trx? |
| Ts |
| Tsl |
| Tsl/Tnf |
| Tsl? |
| Tslc |
| Tslc/Mlf |
| Tslc? |
| Tsnf |
| Tu |
| Tu? |
| Tw |
| Tw? |
| Tw?/Jsp? |
| Twa? |
| Twa?/Cgc |
| Twc |
| Twc? |
| Twd? |
| Twl |
| Twl? |
| Xa |
| Xfc |
| Xfcb |
| Xfcb? |
| Xfcg |
| Xfcgs |
| Xfcgs? |
| Xfch |
| Xfcm |
| Xfcm? |
| Xfcq |
| Xfcs |
| Xfcu |
| YXf |
| YXf? |
| YXfdi |
| YXfgn |
| YXfgn? |
| YXfq |
| YXfq? |
| YXfs |
| YXfs? |
| ZYp |
| ZYp? |
| ZYpm |
| ZYpm? |
| Zarx |
| Zb |
| Zbq |
| Zbq? |
| Zbv |
| Zbv? |
| Zcc |
| Zcc? |
| Zi |
| Zi? |
| Zkc |
| Zkc? |
| Zm |
| Zm? |
| Zm?c |
| Zmc |
| Zmc? |
| Zmcc |
| Zmcc1 |
| Zmcc1? |
| Zmcc2 |
| Zmcc2? |
| Zmcc3 |
| Zmcc3? |
| Zmcc? |
| Zmcg |
| Zmcg? |
| Zpb |
| Zpc |
| Zpc-Zcc |
| Zpc? |
| Zpd |
| Zpd? |
| Zpi |
| Zpu |
| Zpu? |
| water |
CedarMountain_WildernessArea (5778)
RushValley30x60_MineWasteRockAreas (5779)
RushValley30x60_GeologicSymbols (5761)
| Adit |
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, map digitized |
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, photo-interpreted |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned, map digitized |
| Bedding, vertical, field measured |
| Bedding, vertical, map digitized |
| Drill hole |
| Drill hole, oil and gas well, abandoned |
| Drill hole, oil and gas well, dry hole |
| Drill hole, water well |
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral |
| Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral |
| Fold, anticline, overturned |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, anticline, upright, asymmetrical |
| Fold, monocline |
| Fold, plunge arrow |
| Fold, syncline, overturned |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Foliation, inclined, map digitized |
| Gravel pit |
| Mine or quarry |
| Sample, fossil |
| Sample, rock, U-Pb zircon |
| Sample, rock, geochemistry |
| Sample, rock, geochemistry and radiometric age |
| Sample, rock, palynology |
| Sample, rock, radiometric age |
| Sample, tephra |
| Shaft |
| Spring |
RushValley30x60_GeologicUnits_leaders (5760)
RushValley30x60_GeologicStructureLines (5759)
| Fold, anticline, overturned, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, overturned, concealed, queried |
| Fold, anticline, overturned, well located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, asymmetrical, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, asymmetrical, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, asymmetrical, well located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, monocline, concealed |
| Fold, monocline, well located |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, overturned, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
RushValley30x60_GeologicLines (5758)
| Boundary, quadrangle |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Cirque, headwall, well located |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, beach ridge, well located |
| Crest, delta distributary channel, well located |
| Dike, igneous, well located |
| Dike, mafic, well located |
| Dike, silicic, well located |
| Dike, unknown, option 2, well located |
| Dike, unknown, well located |
| Fault, attenuation, concealed |
| Fault, attenuation, exposed |
| Fault, geophysical, gravity |
| Fault, low-angle normal, approximately located |
| Fault, low-angle normal, concealed |
| Fault, low-angle normal, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, well located |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, well located |
| Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, well located |
| Fault, thrust, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, concealed, queried |
| Fault, thrust, well located |
| Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, concealed, queried |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Lineament |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, Bonneville, constructional, well located |
| Shoreline, Holocene, other, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, well located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located |
| Shoreline, regressional, well located |
| Shoreline, undetermined, well located |
| Surface edge, geomorphic, undefined, well located |
RushValley30x60_CrossSectionLines (5757)
| Cross section, A-A' |
| Cross section, B-B' |
Geologic Units (5756)
| 1_Qal_Stream alluvium |
| 2_Qam_Alluvial mud |
| 3_Qafy_Younger fan alluvium, post-Lake Bonneville |
| 4_Qafb_Fan alluvium, graded to Lake Bonneville |
| 5_Qafo_Older fan alluvium, pre-Lake Bonneville |
| 6_Qafo?_Older fan alluvium, pre-Lake Bonneville? |
| 7_QTaf_High-level fan alluvium |
| 8_Taf_Tertiary fan alluvium |
| 9_Taf?_Tertiary fan alluvium? |
| 10_Qsm_Spring and marsh deposits |
| 11_Qe_Eolian deposits, undivided |
| 12_Qes_Eolian sheet sand deposits |
| 13_Qed_Eolian dune sand deposits |
| 14_Qpm_Playa mud |
| 15_Qlfy_Younger lacustrine fine-grained deposits |
| 16_Qlsy_Younger lacustrine sand deposits |
| 17_Qdg_Deltaic gravel, Lake Bonneville |
| 18_Qlg_Lacustrine gravel, Lake Bonneville |
| 19_Qls_Lacustrine sand, Lake Bonneville |
| 20_Qlf_Lacustrine fine-grained deposits, Lake Bonneville |
| 21_Qgt_Glacial till |
| 22_Qgt?_Glacial till? |
| 23_Qc_Colluvium |
| 24_Qmtc_Talus and colluvium |
| 25_Qms_Landslide deposits |
| 26_Qms?_Landslide deposits? |
| 27_Qla_Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided |
| 28_Qla?_Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided? |
| 29_Qac_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided |
| 30_Qh_Human disturbance |
| 31_Qei/Qal_Eolian silt over stream alluvium |
| 32_Qei/Qlf_Eolian silt over lacustrine fine-grained deposits |
| 33_Qes/Qafy_Eolian sheet sand over younger fan alluvium |
| 34_Qes/Qafo_Eolian sheet sand over older fan alluvium |
| 35_Qes/Qlf_Eolian sheet sand over lacustrine fine-grained deposits |
| 36_Qes/Qla_Eolian sheet sand over lacustrine and alluvial deposits |
| 37_Qed/Qlf_Eolian dune sand over lacustrine fine-grained deposits |
| 38_Qed/Qla_Eolian dune sand over lacustrine and alluvial deposits |
| 39_Qed/Tac_Eolian dune sand over andesititc and dacitic rocks of southern Cedar Mountains |
| 40_Qe/Qlf_Eolian deposits over lacustrine fine-grained deposits |
| 41_Qpm/Ql_Playa mud over undivided lacustrine deposits |
| 42_Qlf/Qls_Lacustrine fine-grained deposits over lacustrine sand deposits |
| 43_Ql/Tv_Lacustrine deposits over undivided Tertiary volcanic rocks |
| 44_Qlg/rx_Lacustrine gravel over undivided bedrock |
| 45_QTaf/Tslc_High-level fan alluvium over Salt Lake Formation, conglomerate lithosome |
| 46_Tj_Jasperoid |
| 47_Tsl_Salt Lake Formation |
| 48_Tsl?_Salt Lake Formation? |
| 49_Tso_Older Tertiary strata |
| 50_Tso?_Older Tertiary strata? |
| 51_Trdc_Rhyodacite of Cherry Springs |
| 52_Trj_Rhyolite of Judd Creek |
| 53_Trj?_Rhyolite of Judd Creek? |
| 54_Tlg_Latite of Government Creek |
| 55_Tlg?_Latite of Government Creek? |
| 56_Trr_Rhyolite of Rydalch Canyon area |
| 57_Tid_Dacitic intrusions of Little Granite Mountain and White Rock |
| 58_Tac_Andesitic and dacitic rocks of southern Cedar Mountains |
| 59_Tiac_Andesitic intrusions of southern Cedar Mountains |
| 60_Tvs_Rhyolitic to andesitic volcanic rocks of Stansbury Mountains |
| 61_Tvbs_Younger volcanic breccia |
| 62_Tvfs_Younger lava flows |
| 63_Tvfb_Intermediate lava flows of Black Ridge |
| 64_Tvbb_Block-and-ash flows and lahars of Black Ridge |
| 65_Trf_Rhyolitic lava flows of Tickville Gulch |
| 66_Tvfa_Basaltic andesite lava flow |
| 67_Tir_Rhyolitic intrusions |
| 68_Tai_Andesitic intrusion |
| 69_Tvfo_Nepheline minette and shoshonite lava flows |
| 70_Tvfou_Older intermediate lava flows |
| 71_Tvbo_Older block-and-ash flows and lahars |
| 72_Tipqm_Porphyritic quartz monzonite intrusions |
| 73_Tiqmp_Quartz monzonite porphyry intrusion |
| 74_Tim_Monzonite intrusions |
| 75_Tilp_Latite to dacite porphyry sills and dikes |
| 76_Tiqlp_Quartz latite porphyry dikes and sills |
| 77_Tib_Basalt sill |
| 78_Tbav_Basaltic andesite |
| 79_Tbav?_Basaltic andesite? |
| 80_Trv_Rhyolite |
| 81_Tdv_Dacite |
| 82_Tb_Mosida Basalt |
| 83_Tfb_Shoshonite of Broad Canyon |
| 84_Tdm_Mafic dikes |
| 85_Tvm_Minette of Black Rock Canyon |
| 86_Tpc_Pinyon Creek Conglomerate |
| 87_Tlsl_Laguna Springs Volcanic Group, lava flow unit |
| 88_Tlsa_Laguna Springs Volcanic Group, tuff unit |
| 89_Tsw_Soldiers Pass Formation, White Knoll Member |
| 90_Tsb_Soldiers Pass Formation, breccia member |
| 91_Tsa_Soldiers Pass Formation, andesite member |
| 92_Tstp_Soldiers Pass Formation, tuff of Twelvemile Pass member |
| 93_Tstp?_Soldiers Pass Formation, tuff of Twelvemile Pass member? |
| 94_Tsc_Soldiers Pass Formation, Chimney Rock Pass Tuff Member |
| 95_Ttlr_Tintic Mountain Volcanic Group, Latite Ridge Latite |
| 96_Tp_Packard Quartz Latite, undivided |
| 97_TRtw_Thaynes Formation and Woodside Formation, undivided |
| 98_Ppfm_Park City Formation, Franson Member and Phosphoria Formation, Meade Peak Member, undivided |
| 99_Ppg_Park City Formation, Grandeur Member |
| 100_Psl_Permian sandstone, limestone, and dolomite |
| 101_Pdk_Diamond Creek Sandstone and Kirkman Formation, undivided |
| 102_Pdk?_Diamond Creek Sandstone and Kirkman Formation, undivided? |
| 103_Pofc_Oquirrh Group, Freeman Peak and Curry Peak Formations, undivided |
| 104_Pofp_Oquirrh Group, Freeman Peak Formation |
| 105_Pofp?_Oquirrh Group, Freeman Peak Formation? |
| 106_Pocp_Oquirrh Group, Curry Peak Formation |
| 107_IPob_Oquirrh Group, Bingham Mine and Butterfield Peaks Formations, undivided |
| 108_IPob?_Oquirrh Group, Bingham Mine and Butterfield Peaks Formations, undivided? |
| 109_IPobm_Oquirrh Group, Bingham Mine Formation, undivided |
| 110_IPobm?_Oquirrh Group, Bingham Mine Formation, undivided? |
| 111_IPobmu_Oquirrh Group, Bingham Mine Formation, upper member |
| 112_IPobml_Oquirrh Group, Bingham Mine Formation, lower member |
| 113_IPobw_Oquirrh Group, Butterfield Peaks Formation and West Canyon Limestone, undivided |
| 114_IPobp_Oquirrh Group, Butterfield Peaks Formation |
| 115_IPobp?_Oquirrh Group, Butterfield Peaks Formation? |
| 116_IPowc_Oquirrh Group, West Canyon Limestone |
| 117_IPowc?_Oquirrh Group, West Canyon Limestone? |
| 118_IPolc_Oquirrh Group, limestone unit, Cedar thrust sheet |
| 119_Mmc_Manning Canyon Formation |
| 120_Mmc?_Manning Canyon Formation? |
| 121_Mgb_Great Blue Limestone, undivided |
| 122_Mgb?_Great Blue Limestone, undivided? |
| 123_Mgbus_Great Blue Limestone, upper limestone and shale member |
| 124_Mgbu_Great Blue Limestone, upper limestone member |
| 125_Mgbu?_Great Blue Limestone, upper limestone member? |
| 126_Mgbs_Great Blue Limestone, shale member |
| 127_Mgbs?_Great Blue Limestone, shale member? |
| 128_Mgbl_Great Blue Limestone, lower limestone member |
| 129_Mgbl?_Great Blue Limestone, lower limestone member? |
| 130_Mhd?_Humbug Formation and Deseret Limestone, undivided? |
| 131_Mh_Humbug Formation |
| 132_Mh?_Humbug Formation? |
| 133_Md_Deseret Limestone |
| 134_MDgs_Gardison Limestone, Fitchville Formation, Pinyon Peak Limestone, Stansbury Formation, undivided |
| 135_Mg_Gardison Limestone |
| 136_Mg?_Gardison Limestone? |
| 137_MDfs_Fitchville Formation, Pinyon Peak Limestone, Stansbury Formation, undivided |
| 138_MDfp_Fitchville Formation and Pinyon Peak Limestone, undivided |
| 139_Dst_Stansbury Formation |
| 140_DOu_Guilmette Formation?, Simonson, Sevy, Laketown, and Ely Springs Dolomites, undivided |
| 141_Dg_Guilmette Formation |
| 142_Dg?_Guilmette Formation? |
| 143_Dsi_Simonson Dolomite |
| 144_Dsi?_Simonson Dolomite? |
| 145_Dsy_Sevy Dolomite |
| 146_Dsy?_Sevy Dolomite? |
| 147_SOu_Laketown Dolomite and Ely Springs Dolomite, undivided |
| 148_SOu?_Laketown Dolomite and Ely Springs Dolomite, undivided? |
| 149_Sl_Laketown Dolomite |
| 150_Ou_Ordovician strata, undivided |
| 151_Oes_Ely Springs Dolomite |
| 152_Oes?_Ely Springs Dolomite? |
| 153_OCu_Lower Ordovician and Upper-Middle Cambrian strata, undivided |
| 154_Oe_Eureka Quartzite |
| 155_Opk_Pogonip Group, Kanosh Shale |
| 156_Op_Pogonip Group, undivided |
| 157_Op?_Pogonip Group, undivided? |
| 158_Cu_Upper Cambrian strata, undivided |
| 159_Cu?_Upper Cambrian strata, undivided? |
| 160_Cum_Upper and Middle Cambrian strata, undivided |
| 161_Cum?_Upper and Middle Cambrian strata, undivided? |
| 162_Cnp_Notch Peak Formation |
| 163_Cnp?_Notch Peak Formation? |
| 164_Co_Orr Formation |
| 165_Co?_Orr Formation? |
| 166_Cou_Orr Formation, upper part |
| 167_Cou?_Orr Formation, upper part? |
| 168_Cob_Orr Formation, Big Horse Limestone Member |
| 169_Cl_Lamb Dolomite |
| 170_Cm_Middle Cambrian strata, undivided |
| 171_Ctl_Trippe Limestone |
| 172_Cpc_Pierson Cove Formation |
| 173_Cpc?_Pierson Cove Formation? |
| 174_Cww_Wheeler Formation, Swasey Limestone, Whirlwind Formation, undivided |
| 175_Cdh_Dome Limestone, Chisholm Formation, Howell Limestone, undivided |
| 176_Cp_Pioche Formation |
| 177_Cp?_Pioche Formation? |
| 178_Cpm_Prospect Mountain Quartzite |
| 179_Cpm?_Prospect Mountain Quartzite? |
| 180_Zm_Mutual Formation |
| 181_Zm?_Mutual Formation? |
| 182_Zi_Inkom Formation |
| 183_Zcc_Caddy Canyon Quartzite |
| 184_Zcc?_Caddy Canyon Quartzite? |
| 185_Cly_Lynch Dolomite |
| 186_Cb_Bowman Limestone |
| 187_Ch_Hartmann Limestone |
| 188_Cop_Ophir Formation |
| 189_Ct_Tintic Quartzite |
| 190_MDf_Fitchville Formation |
| 191_Dpv_Pinyon Peak Limestone and Victoria Formation, undivided |
| 192_DOb_Bluebell Dolomite |
| 193_Od_Ordovician dolomite |
| 194_Oo_Opohonga Limestone |
| 195_Cao_Ajax Dolomite and Opex Formation, undivided |
| 196_Cc_Cole Canyon Dolomite |
| 197_Cbh_Bluebird Dolomite and Herkimer Limestone, undivided |
| 198_Cdt_Dagmar Dolomite and Teutonic Limestone, undivided |
| 199_Zbc_Big Cottonwood Formation |
| 200_water_water |
MapSymbols (1826)
| Inclined Bedding |
| Vertical Joint |
| Bar and Ball |
| Fold symbols |
StructureLines (1827)
| Fold, Unknown, Well Located |
| Fold, Unknown, Approximately Located |
| Fold, Unknown, Concealed |
GeologicLines (1828)
| Contact, Well Located |
| Contact, Approximately Located |
| Normal Fault, Well Located |
| Normal Fault, Approximately Located |
| Normal Fault, Concealed |
| Landslide Scarp, Well Located |
| Igneous Dike, Well Located |
| Mafic Dike, Well Located |
| Marker Bed A, Approximately Located |
| Marker Bed A, Well Located |
| Marker Bed B, Well Located |
| Map Boundary |
Geologic Units (1829)
| Qa |
| Qa1 |
| Qat |
| Qaf |
| Qap |
| Qapvc |
| Qea |
| Qes |
| Qmt |
| Qms |
| Qms(Tvh) |
| Qms(KJu) |
| Qms(Kd) |
| Qms(Kcm) |
| Qms(Jmb) |
| Qms(Jms) |
| Qms(Jmt) |
| Qms(Js) |
| Qms(Jct) |
| Qmr |
| Qmb |
| Qgta |
| Qlgar |
| Qla |
| Ts |
| Td |
| Tbb |
| Tbf |
| Tlb |
| Tlf |
| Tvh |
| Tc |
| Tcc |
| Ktm |
| Kmm |
| Kmcu |
| Kmcl |
| Kmb |
| Kmfu |
| Kmfl |
| Kmt |
| Kd |
| Kcm |
| Jmb |
| Jms |
| Jmt |
| Js |
| Jct |
| Je |
| Jcwb |
| Jcwg |
| Jcpr |
| Jcpc |
| Jn |
| Jnl |
| Jnl? |
| Jk |
| JTRw |
| JTRw? |
| TRcu |
| TRcl |
| TRcm |
| TRcs |
| TRmm |
| TRmt |
| TRms |
| TRmb |
| Pk |
| Pcm |
Escalante_GeologicUnits_leaders (2518)
| Leader line |
Escalante_GeologicSymbols (1839)
| Bedding, horizontal, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Drill hole, abandoned |
| Drill hole, injection well |
| Drill hole, oil and gas well |
| Drill hole, oil well, abandoned |
| Drill hole, water well |
| Fault, ball and bar |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, monocline |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
Escalante_CrossSectionLines (2505)
| Cross section, A-A' |
| Cross section, B-B' |
| Cross section, C-C' |
Escalante_GeologicStructureLines (1840)
| Boundary, structure contour datum |
| Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, monocline, concealed |
| Fold, monocline, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
| Structure contour, datum 1 |
| Structure contour, datum 1, projected above ground |
| Structure contour, datum 2 |
| Structure contour, datum 2, projected above ground |
| Structure contour, datum 3 |
| Structure contour, datum 3, projected above ground |
Escalante_GeologicLines (1841)
| Boundary, map |
| Boundary, water, perennial |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
Geologic Units (1842)
| 1, Qa, Alluvium, undifferentiated |
| 2, Qal, Stream alluvium |
| 3, Qat1, Alluvial terrace deposits, level 1 |
| 4, Qat2, Alluvial terrace deposits, level 2 |
| 5, Qat3, Alluvial terrace deposits, level 3 |
| 6, Qaf, Alluvial-fan deposits |
| 7, Qc, Colluvium |
| 8, Qcv, Volcanic colluvium |
| 9, Qes, Eolian sand deposits |
| 10, Qed, Eolian sand dune deposits |
| 11, Qem, Eolian silt deposits in mounds |
| 12, Qea, Eolian and alluvial deposits |
| 13, Qmt, Talus deposits |
| 14, Qms, Landslides and slumps, undifferentiated |
| 15, Qmsdm, Landslides, debris-slide deposits, mixed lithology |
| 16, Qmsdv, Landslides, debris-slide deposits, mostly volcanic rock |
| 17, Qmsdt, Landslides, debris-slide deposits, mostly tuffaceous sediments unit |
| 18, Qmsdb, Landslides, debris-slide deposits, mostly Brian Head Formation |
| 19, Qmsbm, Landslides, slump block deposits, mixed lithology |
| 20, Qmsbv, Landslides, slump block deposits, mostly volcanic rock |
| 21, Qmsbo, Landslides, slump block deposits, mostly Osris Tuff |
| 22, Qmsbl, Landslides, slump block deposits, mostly latite tuff unit |
| 23, Qmsbj, Landslides, slump block deposits, mostly latite of Johnson Valley |
| 24, Qmsbt, Landslides, slump block deposits, mostly tuffaceous sediments unit |
| 25, Qmsbb, Landslides, slump block deposits, mostly Brian Head Formation |
| 26, Qmslm, Landslides, lobate slide debris, mixed lithology |
| 27, Qmslv, Landslides, lobate slide debris, mostly volcanic rock |
| 28, Tb, Basalt |
| 29, Tsr, Sevier River Formation |
| 30, Tsrd, Sevier River Formation over Mount Dutton Formation |
| 31, To, Osiris Tuff |
| 32, Tlc, Trachyte of Lake Creek |
| 33, Tjv, Latite of Johnson Valley |
| 34, Tvt, Tuffaceous sediments |
| 35, Tbh, Brian Head Formation |
| 36, Tcw, Claron Formation, white member |
| 37, Tcp, Claron Formation, pink member |
| 38, Tph, Pine Hollow Formation |
| 39, Kcg, Grand Castle Formation and Canaan Peak Formation, undivided |
| 40, Kk, Kaiparowits Formation |
| 41, Kwu, Wahweap Formation, undivided, upper member |
| 42, Ktm, Tarantula Mesa Sandstone |
| 43, Kwl, Wahweap Formation, undivided, lower member |
| 44, Kmk, Mancos Shale, Masuk Member |
| 45, Ksd, Straight Cliffs Formation, Drip Tank Member |
| 46, Kmc, Mancos Shale, Muley Canyon Sandstone Member |
| 47, Ksj, Straight Cliffs Formation, John Henry Member |
| 48, Kmb, Mancos Shale, Blue Gate Shale Member |
| 49, Ksl, Straight Cliffs Formation, lower members |
| 50, Kmf, Mancos Shale, Ferron Sandstone Member |
| 51, Kt, Tropic Shale |
| 52, Kmt, Tununk Shale Member of Mancos Shale |
| 53, Kn, Naturita Formation (formerly Dakota Formation) |
| 54, Jm, Morrison Formation |
| 55, Jsce, Summerville, Curtis, and Entrada Formations, undivided |
| 56, Jeh, Henrieville bleached sandstone facies of Entrada Sandstone |
| 57, Je, Entrada Sandstone, main part |
| 58, Jcwp, Carmel Formation, Winsor and Paria River Members, undivided |
| 59, Jtc, Carmel and Temple Cap Formation, undivided |
| 60, Jcw, Carmel Formation, Winsor Member |
| 61, Jcp, Carmel Formation, Paria River Member |
| 62, Jctjt, Thousand Pocket and Judd Hollow Members of Carmel Formation and Temple Cap Formation |
| 63, Jn, Navajo Sandstone |
| 64, Jk, Kayenta Formation |
| 65, JTRw, Wingate Sandstone |
| 66, TRcu, Chinle Formation, Church Rock, Owl Rock, Petrified Forest, and Monitor Butte Members, undivided |
| 67, TRcs, Chinle Formation, Shinarump Member |
| 68, TRm, Moenkopi Formation |
| 69, P, Permian Formations |
| 70, Water, <Null> |
EastHalfOfSalina30x60_GeologicSymbols_20160627 (1849)
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Drill hole, abandoned |
| Drill hole, dry hole |
| Drill hole, gas well, abandoned |
| Drill hole, gas well, shut-in |
| Drill hole, oil well, abandoned |
| Drill hole, water well |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, monocline |
| Fold, plunge arrow |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Joint, vertical |
| Mine or quarry |
| Mine or quarry, abandoned |
| Spring |
| <all other values> |
EastHalfOfSalina30x60_GeologicLines_20160627 (1850)
| Bed, marker A, well located |
| Boundary, map |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Dike, igneous, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, monocline, concealed |
| Fold, monocline, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located, queried |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
| Joint, well located |
| Scarp, landslide, approximately located |
| Scarp, landslide, well located |
| <all other values> |
Geologic Units (1851)
| JTRw |
| Jc |
| Jcb |
| Jcg |
| Jcl |
| Jct |
| Je |
| Jk |
| Jmb |
| Jms |
| Jmst |
| Jmt |
| Jn |
| Jnb |
| Js |
| Jt |
| Kbh |
| Kc |
| Kcb |
| Kcm |
| Kcr |
| Kcs |
| Kd |
| Kmb |
| Kmbu |
| Kme |
| Kmel |
| Kmf |
| Kmt |
| Kpr |
| Ksp |
| Qa |
| Qa2 |
| Qaf |
| Qam |
| Qapc |
| Qapcv |
| Qat |
| Qea |
| Qes |
| Qh |
| Ql |
| Qmb |
| Qms |
| Qms(Jmb) |
| Qms(Jmst) |
| Qms(Js) |
| Qms(Kmb) |
| Qmt |
| TKnh |
| TRcl |
| TRcu |
| TRmm |
| Tbgp |
| Tf |
| Tfl |
| Tfu |
| Tr |
| Ts |
| Tv |
| <all other values> |
HiteXing_Leader_Lines_clip (4759)
HiteXing_Map_Symbols_clip (4760)
HiteXing_Cross_Section_clip (4761)
HiteXing_Structure_Lines_clip_1 (2768)
| Datum boundary between structural contours |
| Structural contour, top of JTRw |
| Structural contour, projected, top of JTRw |
| Structural contour, top of Pwr |
| Structural contour, projected, top of Pwr |
HiteXing_Geologic_Lines_clip_1 (4769)
| Contact, Well Located |
| Map Boundary |
| Normal Fault, Approximately Located |
| Normal Fault, Concealed |
| Normal Fault, Well Located |
| River Boundary |
| Unknown Fault, Approximately Located |
| Unknown Fault, Concealed |
| Unknown Fault, Well Located |
| Water Boundary |
Glen_Canyon_NRA_boundary_clip (2764)
UtHighway95_clip (2765)
| bridge |
| highway |
| <all other values> |
Geologic Units (2752)
| Qal |
| Qat |
| Qae |
| Qaec |
| Qaeo? |
| Qea |
| Qes |
| Qms |
| Qmt |
| Je |
| Jc |
| Jpj |
| Jn |
| Jk |
| JTRw |
| TRcc |
| TRcop |
| TRcms |
| TRcmn |
| TRcs |
| TRmu |
| Pwr |
| Po |
| Pcm |
| PIPcl |
| IPht |
| Lake Powell |
| Dirty Devil River |
DugwayProvingGround_GeologicUnits_leaders (2332)
| Leader line |
DugwayProvingGround_GeologicSymbols (2334)
| Adit |
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, approximate, map digitized |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized |
| Bedding, inclined, photo-interpreted |
| Bedding, vertical, field measured |
| Fault, ball & bar |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral |
| Fold, anticline, upright |
| Fold, plunge arrow |
| Fold, syncline, upright |
| Foliation, inclined, field measured |
| Gravel pit |
| Joint, vertical |
| Sample 3 |
| Sample 4 |
| Sample, fossil |
| Shaft |
| Spring |
DugwayProvingGround_CrossSectionLines (2335)
| Cross section, A-A' |
DugwayProvingGround_GeologicLines (2336)
| Boundary, map |
| Contact, well located |
| Crest, beach ridge, well located |
| Dike, igneous, well located |
| Dike, silicic, well located |
| Fault, geophysical, gravity |
| Fault, low-angle normal, type1, concealed |
| Fault, low-angle normal, type1, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, type1, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, type1, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, type1, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Lineament |
| Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located |
| Shoreline, Provo level, well located |
| Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located |
| Shoreline, regressional, well located |
DugwayProvingGround_GeologicStructureLines (2337)
| Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, anticline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, anticline, upright, well located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Fold, syncline, upright, concealed |
| Fold, syncline, upright, well located |
DugwayProvingGround_PaleoChannels (2339)
| eroded paleochannel |
| uneroded paleochannel |
DugwayProvingGround_MapBoundary (2340)
CedarMountain_WildernessArea (2341)
DugwayProvingGround_boundary (2342)
UtahTestAndTrainingRange_boundary (2343)
Geologic Units (2345)
| 1_Qal_Alluvial deposits |
| 2_Qai_Alluvial silt |
| 3_Qafy_Younger alluvial-fan deposits |
| 4_Qafo_Older alluvial-fan deposits |
| 6_Qagd_Alluvial gravel of Old River Bed delta |
| 7_Qsm_Spring and marsh deposits |
| 8_Qst_Spring tufa |
| 9_Qes_Eolian sheet-sand deposits |
| 10_Qed_Eolian dune-sand deposits |
| 11_Qeg?_Eolian gypsum deposits? |
| 12_Qpm_Playa mud |
| 13_Qdg_Deltaic gravel |
| 14_Qlg_Lacustrine gravel |
| 15_Qls_Lacustrine sand |
| 16_Qlf_Lacustrine fine-grained deposits |
| 17_Qlt_Lacustrine tufa deposits |
| 18_Qc_Colluvial deposits |
| 19_Qmtc_Talus and colluvial deposits |
| 20_Qla_Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided |
| 21_Qac_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided |
| 22_Qlc_Lacustrine and colluvial deposits, undivided |
| 23_Qh_Human disturbance |
| 24_Qei/Qal_Eolian silt over alluvial deposits |
| 25_Qei/Qac_Eolian silt over alluvial and colluvial deposits |
| 26_Qei/Qlf_Eolian silt over lacustrine fine-grained deposits |
| 27_Qes/Qla_Eolian sheet-sand deposits over lacustrine and alluvial deposits |
| 28_Qes/Qafy_Eolian sheet-sand deposits over younger alluvial-fan deposits |
| 29_Qes/Qlg_Eolian sheet-sand deposits over lacustrine gravel |
| 30_Qes/Qlf_Eolian sheet-sand deposits over lacustrine fine-grained deposits |
| 31_Qes/Tlw?_Eolian sheet-sand deposits over latitic rocks of Wildcat Mountain? |
| 32_Qes/Psl_Eolian sheet-sand deposits over Permian sandstone, limestone and dolomite |
| 33_Qes/Pofc_Eolian sheet-sand deposits over Oquirrh Group, Freeman Peak and Curry Peak Formations, undivided |
| 34_Qed/Qla_Eolian dune-sand deposits over lacustrine and alluvial deposits |
| 35_Qed/Qlf_Eolian dune-sand deposits over lacustrine fine-grained deposits |
| 36_Qed/Tac_Eolian dune-sand deposits over andesitic and dacitic rocks of southern Cedar Mountains |
| 37_Qlg/Tlw_Lacustrine gravel over latitic rocks of Wildcat Mountain |
| 38_Qlg/Psl_Lacustrine gravel over Permian sandstone, limestone and dolomite |
| 39_Qlg/IPobp_Lacustrine gravel over Oquirrh Group, Butterfield Peaks Formation |
| 40_Qlg/PIPo_Lacustrine gravel over Oquirrh Group, undivided |
| 41_Qlg/rx_Lacustrine gravel over undivided bedrock |
| 42_Qal/Qlf_Alluvial deposits over lacustrine fine-grained deposits |
| 43_Qafy/Qlf_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over lacustrine fine-grained deposits |
| 44_Qea/Qlf_Eolian and alluvial deposits over lacustrine fine-grained deposits |
| 45_Qes-Qea/Qlf_Eolian sand with eolian and alluvial deposits over lacustrine fine-grained deposits |
| 46_Tbx_Breccia |
| 47_Trd_Rhyolitic dikes of Granite Peak |
| 48_Trs_Rhyolite of Sapphire Mountain |
| 49_Tlw?_Latitic rocks of Wildcat Mountain? |
| 51_Tit_Trachytic intrusions of northern Dugway Range |
| 52_Trr_Rhyolite of Rydalch Canyon area |
| 53_Tid_Dacitic intrusions of White Rock and Little Granite Mountain |
| 54_Tac_Andesitic and dacitic rocks of southern Cedar Mountains |
| 55_Tiac_Andesitic intrusions of southern Cedar Mountains |
| 56_Tso_Older Tertiary strata |
| 57_Jgu_Foliated granodiorite and granite of Granite Peak, undivided |
| 58_Jgd_Foliated granodiorite of Granite Peak |
| 59_Jg_Granite of Granite Peak |
| 60_PzZm_Metasedimentary rocks of Granite Peak |
| 61_Psl_Permian sandstone, limestone, and dolomite |
| 62_PIPo_Oquirrh Group, undivided |
| 63_PIPofm_Oquirrh Group, Freeman Peak-Curry Peak and Bingham Mine Formations, undivided |
| 64_Pofc_Oquirrh Group, Freeman Peak and Curry Peak Formations, undivided |
| 65_IPobm_Oquirrh Group, Bingham Mine Formation |
| 66_IPobm?_Oquirrh Group, Bingham Mine Formation? |
| 67_IPobw_Oquirrh Group, Butterfield Peaks Formation and West Canyon Limestone, undivided |
| 68_IPobp_Oquirrh Group, Butterfield Peaks Formation |
| 69_IPobp?_Oquirrh Group, Butterfield Peaks Formation? |
| 70_IPowc_Oquirrh Group, West Canyon Limestone |
| 71_IPowc?_Oquirrh Group, West Canyon Limestone? |
| 72_Mmc_Manning Canyon Formation |
| 73_Mmc?_Manning Canyon Formation? |
| 74_Mgb_Great Blue Limestone |
| 75_Mh_Humbug Formation |
| 76_Mo_Ochre Mountain Limestone |
| 77_Mw_Woodman Formation |
| 78_Mw?_Woodman Formation? |
| 79_Mj_Joana Limestone |
| 80_DCd_Devonian-Cambrian dolomite |
| 81_DCd?_Devonian-Cambrian dolomite? |
| 82_Dg_Guilmette Formation |
| 83_Dg?_Guilmette Formation? |
| 84_Dss_Simonson Dolomite and Sevy Dolomite, undivided |
| 85_Dsi_Simonson Dolomite |
| 86_Dsi?_Simonson Dolomite? |
| 87_Dsy_Sevy Dolomite |
| 88_Sl_Laketown Dolomite |
| 89_Oes_Ely Springs Dolomite |
| 90_Oes?_Ely Springs Dolomite |
| 91_OCu_Lower Ordovician and Upper-Middle Cambrian strata, undivided |
| 92_Op_Pogonip Group, undivided |
| 93_Cnp_Notch Peak Formation |
| 94_Cnp?_Notch Peak Formation? |
| 95_Cou_Orr Formation, upper part |
| 96_Cou?_Orr Formation, upper part? |
| 97_Cob_Orr Formation, Big Horse Limestone Member |
| 98_Cl_Lamb Dolomite |
| 99_Ctl_Trippe Limestone |
| 100_Cpc_Pierson Cove Formation |
| 101_Cpc?_Pierson Cove Formation? |
| 102_Cpm_Prospect Mountain Quartzite |
SJsymbs50000 (2212)
| Layer400 |
| Layer600 |
| Layer700 |
| <all other values> |
Joints.alcove (2213)
Folds.alcove (2214)
| concealed |
| well located |
| <all other values> |
geology arc.alcove_canyon (2215)
| contact, |
| fault, Approximately located |
| fault, Concealed |
| fault, Well located |
| map boundary, |
| shoreline, |
| <all other values> |
Folds.cedar.mesa.s (2218)
| concealed |
| <all other values> |
geology arc.cedar_mesa_s (2219)
| contact, |
| fault, Approximately located |
| fault, Well located |
| map boundary, |
| shoreline, |
| <all other values> |
Joints.deep.canyon.n (2222)
geology arc.deep_canyon_n (2223)
| contact, |
| fault, Approximately located |
| fault, Concealed |
| fault, Well located |
| map boundary, |
| shoreline, |
| <all other values> |
Geologic Units (2224)
| Qag2 |
| Qeo |
| Qag6 |
| Qagm |
| Qat7 |
| Qat8 |
| Qat9 |
| Qat11 |
| Qat12 |
| Qate8 |
| Qate5 |
| Qat6 |
| Qate6 |
| Qatg11 |
| Qatg9 |
| Qatg8 |
| Qatg12 |
| Qag3 |
| Qago |
| Qatg |
| Qat |
| Qat2 |
| Qat3 |
| Qat4 |
| Qat5 |
| Qf |
| Qa |
| Qao |
| Qal1 |
| Qal2 |
| Qaf |
| Qaf1 |
| Qafe |
| Qaec |
| Qac |
| Qaco |
| Qae |
| Qae2 |
| Qae3 |
| Qaeo |
| Qms |
| Qmsh |
| Qmt |
| Qmte |
| Qe |
| Qea |
| Qate3 |
| Qate4 |
| Qec |
| TRcmn |
| TRcp |
| TRmh |
| TRmhu |
| TRmhl |
| TRm |
| TRcu |
| TRcs |
| Jk |
| Jn |
| JTRw |
| Je |
| Jel |
| Jem |
| Jnl |
| Jc |
| Jms |
| Jr |
| Jw |
| Jp |
| Po |
| Pco |
| Pcm |
| Pcc |
| Pcw |
| Pwr |
| IPhg |
| IPhgu |
| IPhgl |
| IPhtu |
| IPhtm |
| IPhtl |
| IPp |
Folds.goosenecks (2226)
| concealed |
| well located |
| <all other values> |
geology arc.gooosenecks (2227)
| contact, |
| fault, Approximately located |
| fault, Concealed |
| fault, Well located |
| map boundary, |
| shoreline, |
| <all other values> |
Folds.goulding.n.e (2230)
| well located |
| <all other values> |
geology arc.goulding_n_e (2231)
| contact, |
| fault, Approximately located |
| fault, Concealed |
| fault, Well located |
| map boundary, |
| shoreline, |
| <all other values> |
Joints.Mikes_Mesa (2234)
geology arc.mikes_mesa (2235)
| contact, |
| fault, Approximately located |
| fault, Concealed |
| fault, Well located |
| map boundary, |
| shoreline, |
| <all other values> |
Joints.Monitor_Butte (2238)
geology arc.monitor_butte (2239)
| contact, |
| fault, Approximately located |
| fault, Concealed |
| fault, Well located |
| fault, approximately located |
| fault, concealed |
| fault, well located |
| map boundary, |
| shoreline, |
| <all other values> |
Joints.Nasja_Mesa (2242)
geology arc.nasja_mesa (2243)
| contact, |
| fault, Approximately located |
| fault, Concealed |
| fault, Well located |
| fault, approximately located |
| fault, concealed |
| fault, well located |
| map boundary, |
| shoreline, |
| <all other values> |
Folds.No_Mans_Mesa (2246)
| approximately located |
| concealed |
| well located |
| <all other values> |
Joints.No_Mans_Mesa (2247)
geology arc.no_mans_mesa (2248)
| contact, |
| fault, Approximately located |
| fault, Concealed |
| fault, Well located |
| fault, approximately located |
| fault, concealed |
| fault, well located |
| map boundary, |
| shoreline, |
| <all other values> |
Folds.Nokai_Dome (2251)
| concealed |
| well located |
| <all other values> |
Joints.Nokai_Dome (2252)
geology arc.nokai_dome (2253)
| contact, |
| fault, Approximately located |
| fault, Concealed |
| fault, Well located |
| fault, approximately located |
| fault, concealed |
| fault, well located |
| map boundary, |
| shoreline, |
| <all other values> |
Joints.Rainbow_Bridge (2256)
geology arc.rainbow_bridge (2257)
| contact, |
| fault, Approximately located |
| fault, Concealed |
| fault, Well located |
| fault, approximately located |
| fault, concealed |
| fault, well located |
| map boundary, |
| shoreline, |
| <all other values> |
Joints.Slickhorn_East (2260)
Folds.Slickhorn_East (2261)
| well located |
| <all other values> |
geology arc.slickhorn_east (2262)
| contact, |
| fault, Approximately located |
| fault, Concealed |
| fault, Well located |
| fault, approximately located |
| fault, concealed |
| fault, well located |
| map boundary, |
| shoreline, |
| <all other values> |
Joints.Slickhorn_West (2265)
geology arc.slickhorn_west (2266)
| contact, |
| fault, Approximately located |
| fault, Concealed |
| fault, Well located |
| fault, approximately located |
| fault, concealed |
| fault, well located |
| map boundary, |
| shoreline, |
| <all other values> |
Folds.The_Rincon (2269)
| concealed |
| well located |
| <all other values> |
Joints.The_Rincon (2270)
geology arc.the_rincon (2271)
| contact, |
| fault, Approximately located |
| fault, Concealed |
| fault, Well located |
| fault, approximately located |
| fault, concealed |
| fault, well located |
| map boundary, |
| shoreline, |
| <all other values> |
Folds.Whirlwind_Draw (2274)
| concealed |
| well located |
| <all other values> |
Joints.Whirlwind_Draw (2275)
geology arc.whirlwind_draw (2276)
| contact, |
| fault, Approximately located |
| fault, Concealed |
| fault, Well located |
| fault, approximately located |
| fault, concealed |
| fault, well located |
| map boundary, |
| shoreline, |
| <all other values> |
Folds.WilsonCreek (2279)
| concealed |
| well located |
| <all other values> |
Joints.WilsonCreek (2280)
geology arc.wilsoncreek (2281)
| contact, |
| fault, Approximately located |
| fault, Concealed |
| fault, Well located |
| fault, approximately located |
| fault, concealed |
| fault, well located |
| map boundary, |
| shoreline, |
| <all other values> |
Geologic Units (2216)
| Qag2 |
| Qeo |
| Qag6 |
| Qagm |
| Qat7 |
| Qat8 |
| Qat9 |
| Qat11 |
| Qat12 |
| Qate8 |
| Qate5 |
| Qat6 |
| Qate6 |
| Qatg11 |
| Qatg9 |
| Qatg8 |
| Qatg12 |
| Qag3 |
| Qago |
| Qatg |
| Qat |
| Qat2 |
| Qat3 |
| Qat4 |
| Qat5 |
| Qf |
| Qa |
| Qao |
| Qal1 |
| Qal2 |
| Qaf |
| Qaf1 |
| Qafe |
| Qaec |
| Qac |
| Qaco |
| Qae |
| Qae2 |
| Qae3 |
| Qaeo |
| Qms |
| Qmsh |
| Qmt |
| Qmte |
| Qe |
| Qea |
| Qate3 |
| Qate4 |
| Qec |
| TRcmn |
| TRcp |
| TRmh |
| TRmhu |
| TRmhl |
| TRm |
| TRcu |
| TRcs |
| Jk |
| Jn |
| JTRw |
| Je |
| Jel |
| Jem |
| Jnl |
| Jc |
| Jms |
| Jr |
| Jw |
| Jp |
| Po |
| Pco |
| Pcm |
| Pcc |
| Pcw |
| Pwr |
| IPhg |
| IPhgu |
| IPhgl |
| IPhtu |
| IPhtm |
| IPhtl |
| IPp |
unitlabels (2311)
mapsymbols (2312)
| fold axes labels |
| normal fault symbol (bar and ball) |
| oil and gas explr drill hole (w\ show of oil) symbol |
| cross section label |
| fold axes symbols |
| structure contour label |
| oil and gas exploration drill hole label |
| rivers and Lake Powell labels |
cross-section line (2314)
structureline (2315)
| anticline, well located |
| syncline, well located |
| monocline, , well located |
| structure contour |
geolines (2316)
| contact, well located, |
| fault, normal, well located |
| fault, normal, approximately located |
| fault, normal, concealed |
| shoreline, Lake Powell, well located |
| map boundary, , |
Geologic Units (2317)
| |
| JTRw |
| Jc |
| Je |
| Jk |
| Jm |
| Jn |
| Jp |
| Jr |
| Kd |
| Kt |
| Qag |
| Qat |
| Qea |
| Qes |
| Qms |
| TRcu |
water mask (2318)
| water |
cross-section lines (2305)
map symbols (2306)
| adit, |
| bar and ball, |
| bedding, horizontal |
| bedding, inclined |
| bedding, vertical |
| dip angle, |
| dry hole, |
| leader line, |
| prospect, |
| quarry, |
| quarry, abandoned |
| spring, water |
| supplemental, annotation |
geologic lines (2307)
| contact, , approximately located |
| contact, , concealed |
| contact, , queried approximately located |
| contact, scratch, approximately located |
| fault, high-angle normal, approximately located |
| fault, high-angle normal, concealed |
| fault, high-angle normal, queried approximately located |
| map boundary, , |
| water body, , |
Geologic Units (2309)
| water |
| Qal |
| Qd |
| Qcl |
| Qrs |
| Qpd |
| Tsz |
| Ts |
| Tdp |
| Km |
| Kdb |
| JTRu |
| Jm |
| Jw |
| Jen |
| Je |
| Jem |
| Jel |
| Jc |
| Jn |
| Jk |
| JTRw |
| TRu |
| TRc |
| TRcu |
| TRcm |
| TRcmn |
| TRcs |
| TRm |
| Pc |
LeaderLines_clip (2761)
| Dry unit leaders |
| Wet unit leaders |
| <all other values> |
MapSymbols_clip (2762)
| Abandoned bore hole |
| Abandoned mine |
| Adit |
| Bar and ball |
| Fold plunge arrow |
| Locality |
| Spring |
| Upright anticline |
| Upright syncline |
| Uranium prospect |
CrossSection_clip (2763)
StructureLines_clip (2767)
| Anticline, approximately located |
| Syncline, well located |
| Syncline, approximately located |
| Structural contour, top of JTRw |
| Structural contour, projected, top of JTRw |
| Structural contour, top of Permian and TRmh |
| Structural contour, projected, top of Permian and TRmh |
| Datum boundary between structural contours |
GeologicLines_clip (4768)
| Contact, well located |
| Wet contact, well located |
| Normal fault, well located |
| Normal fault, approximately located |
| Normal fault, concealed |
| Lake Powell high level shoreline |
| Map boundary |
GlenCanyonNRA_Boundary_clip (4751)
LakePowellHighLevel_clip (4752)
Geologic Units (2769)
| IPht |
| JTRw |
| Jc |
| Jk |
| Jn |
| Jp |
| PIPcl |
| Pcm |
| Po |
| Pwr |
| Qace |
| Qae |
| Qal |
| Qat |
| Qes |
| Ql |
| Qmsb |
| Qmst |
| Qst |
| TRcc |
| TRcmn |
| TRcms |
| TRcop |
| TRcs |
| TRmh |
| TRmu |
| river channel |
SouthernPineValleyArea_GeologicSymbols (2205)
| Bedding, horizontal, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Foliation, horizontal |
| Foliation, inclined, field measured |
SouthernPineValleyArea_GeologicLines (2206)
| <all other values> |
| Boundary, map |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, well located |
| Cross section, A-A' |
| Cross section, B-B' |
| Cross section, C-C' |
| Cross section, D-D' |
| Cross section, E-E' |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, thrust, type1, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, type1, well located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
Geologic Units (2208)
| <all other values> |
| Cc |
| Cpc |
| Cs |
| Ct |
| Cwo |
| Cwp |
| Dcp |
| Dss |
| JTRn |
| Mc |
| Mrs |
| Ou |
| Qa |
| Sl |
| Tbm |
| Tbr |
| Tc |
| Tea |
| Tel |
| Tem |
| Ter |
| Ti |
| Tl |
| Tsr |
| Tt |
| Tv |
| Twi |
| Two |
IndianPeakRange_GeologicSymbols (2192)
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured |
| Foliation, horizontal |
| Foliation, inclined, field measured |
IndianPeakRange_GeologicLines (2193)
| Boundary, map |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, attenuation, exposed |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, thrust, type1, well located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
Geologic Units (2195)
| <all other values> |
| Ds |
| Dsi |
| Mm |
| Oe |
| Oel |
| Op |
| Pz |
| Qa |
| Sl |
| Tbm |
| Tbr |
| Tc |
| Tcb |
| Tds |
| Tha |
| Ti |
| Tla |
| Tlt |
| Tra |
| Trm |
| Trr |
| Tsp |
| Tsr |
| Tt |
| Twib |
| Twip |
| Twit |
SMountainHome_NIndianPeakRanges_GeologicSymbols (2178)
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Foliation, horizontal |
| Foliation, inclined, field measured |
SMountainHome_NIndianPeakRanges_GeologicLines (2179)
| Boundary, map |
| Contact, well located |
| Cross section, A-A' |
| Cross section, B-B' |
| Cross section, C-C' |
| Fault, attenuation, concealed |
| Fault, attenuation, exposed |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
SMountainHome_NIndianPeakRanges_HydrothermalAlteration (2181)
| ha |
Geologic Units (2182)
| Co |
| Ct |
| Cum |
| Cw |
| MDpg |
| Mj |
| OCn |
| Oec |
| Of |
| Oh |
| Ojw |
| Olk |
| Qa |
| SOle |
| Tbr |
| Tc |
| Tcb |
| Tea |
| Tel |
| Tem |
| Ter |
| Ti |
| Tl |
| Trg |
| Trm |
| Ts |
| Tsp |
| Twia |
| Twib |
| Twip |
| Twir |
| Twit |
| Two |
| j |
Milford_EastHalfFriscoQuads_GeologicSymbols (2160)
| <all other values> |
| Bedding, horizontal, field measured |
| Bedding, inclined, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned, field measured |
| Bedding, overturned, map digitized |
| Foliation, inclined, field measured |
Milford_EastHalfFriscoQuads_GeologicLines (2161)
| Boundary, map |
| Contact, well located |
| Cross section, A-A' |
| Cross section, B-B' |
| Cross section, C-C' |
| Fault, geophysical, gravity |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, concealed |
| Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, well located |
| Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, approximately located |
| Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, well located |
| Fault, thrust, type1, concealed |
| Fault, thrust, type1, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
Geologic Units (2163)
| Cob |
| Cos |
| Dc |
| Ds |
| Dsi |
| JTRn |
| Mm |
| Mrs |
| OCn |
| Ok |
| Op |
| Ow |
| PIPpc |
| Pk |
| Pta |
| Pto |
| Pzu |
| QTt |
| Qa |
| TRc |
| TRm |
| Tap |
| Tbm |
| Tbp |
| Tbr |
| Tbt |
| Tbut |
| Tc |
| Tcb |
| Td |
| Tdf |
| Tel |
| Tg |
| Tgd |
| Tgp |
| Thr |
| Ths |
| Ti |
| Tl |
| Tm |
| Tpqm |
| Tqm |
| Tqms |
| Tsb |
| Tsh |
| Tsp |
| Tsr |
| Two |
ElkRidge_Mines (1939)
ElkRidge_OilGasDrillHoles (1938)
ElkRidge_GeologicUnit_leaderlines (1940)
ElkRidge_MapSymbols (1937)
| Joint_vertical_1 |
| bedding_inclined_field_measured |
| fault_bar&ball |
| fold_anticline_upright |
| fold_monocline_antiformal_bend |
| fold_monocline_synformal_bend |
| fold_plunge_arrow |
| fold_syncline_upright |
ElkRidge_CrossSections (1936)
ElkRidge_StructureLines (1935)
| Anticline, upright, approximately located |
| Anticline, upright, concealed |
| Anticline, upright, well located |
| Monocline, antiformal bend, approximately located |
| Monocline, antiformal bend, concealed |
| Monocline, antiformal bend, well located |
| Monocline, synformal bend, approximately located |
| Monocline, synformal bend, concealed |
| Monocline, synformal bend, well located |
| Syncline, upright, approximately located |
| Syncline, upright, concealed |
| Syncline, upright, well located |
ElkRidge_GeologicLines (1999)
| contact, well located |
| fault, normal, approximately located |
| fault, normal, approximately located, queried |
| fault, normal, concealed |
| fault, normal, concealed, queried |
| fault, normal, well located |
| fault, unknown, approximately located |
| fault, unknown, approximately located, queried |
| fault, unknown, concealed |
| fault, unknown, well located |
| map boundary |
| water boundary |
Geologic Units (1998)
| Lake Powell |
| Qae |
| Qafe |
| Qafeo |
| Qeaf |
| Qeat |
| Qms |
| Jms |
| Jmbl |
| Jw |
| Je |
| Jc |
| Jn |
| Jk |
| JTRw |
| TRcu |
| TRcms |
| TRcmn |
| TRcl |
| TRcs |
| TRmu |
| TRmh |
| Po |
| Pcm |
| PIPcl |
| IPht |
| IPp |
| no mapping |