{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "", "description": "The Draper 7.5' quadrangle is in the southeast corner of Salt Lake Valley and includes the western margin of the adjoining Wasatch Range. Bedrock exposed in the Draper quadrangle east of Salt Lake Valley includes folded and faulted metamorphosed rocks of the likely Mesoproterozoic and/or Neoproterozoic Little Willow Formation unconformably overlain by metamorphosed sedimentary rocks of the Big Cottonwood Formation of Neoproterozoic age. The Precambrian bedrock is contact metamorphosed, intruded, deformed and sheared by Oligocene intrusion of the Little Cottonwood stock (about 30 Ma) and its associated dikes. Except for glacial deposits in the mountain peaks and valleys of the Wasatch Range, surficial deposits are mainly prevalent to the west of the Salt Lake City segment of the Wasatch fault zone in the Salt Lake Valley. Thick late Pleistocene-age Lake Bonneville (30 to 13 ka) deltaic and lacustrine deposits are present mostly west of the Wasatch fault zone. These deposits are terraced and incised by post-lake alluvial streams.", "summary": "", "title": "OFR683DM_DraperQuad_GeologicSymbols", "tags": [], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "Program Manager: Grant C. Willis (UGS)\nProject Manager: Jon K. King (UGS)\nGIS and Cartography: Jay C. Hill, Adam P. McKean, and Martha L. Jensen (UGS)\nGeology review: Jon K. King, Grant C. Willis, and Kimm M. Harty (UGS)\nGIS and Cartographic review: Kent D. Brown (UGS)\nFunding: U.S. Geological Survey, STATEMAP award number G14AC00214 (2014)", "licenseInfo": "" }