{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "This geologic map covers the southern half of the Rill Creek quadrangle and the northern half of the Kane Springs quadrangle, Grand and San Juan Counties, Utah, and provides basic geologic data in digital format for government, academic, private industry, and public users. This split quadrangle area was selected to cover the southeastern half of the Moab-Spanish Valley graben, and is part of a student thesis project to study mechanisms and timing of salt-dissolution collapse of the valley.", "description": "

The southern half of the Rill Creek quadrangle and the northern half of the Kane Springs quadrangle, Grand and San Juan Counties, Utah, cover the southeastern half of the Moab-Spanish Valley salt graben and the neighboring bedrock plateaus to the southwest and northeast. The graben is the largest of several northwest-trending collapse structures over a deformed salt mass in the Pennsylvanian Paradox Basin of southeastern Utah and southwestern Colorado. The northwestern part of the graben is covered by the Moab 7.5\u2019 quadrangle (Utah Geological Survey Map 181, published in 2002). Mapping of this quadrangle-sized area is part of a broader effort to understand active salt deformation and the associated landscape evolution and geologic hazards in the ancestral Paradox Basin. Strata from Late Triassic to Late Cretaceous age are exposed in the map area, and Quaternary units include alluvial, colluvial, eolian, mass-wasting, and fluvial terrace deposits. Graben subsidence is accommodated by systems of shallowly seated, near-vertical, gravitational faults along the margins of Spanish Valley. The two graben-margin fault zones display contrasting deformation styles and fault geometries. Ongoing Quaternary subsidence in Spanish Valley is documented in the spatial and temporal distribution of terrace deposits along Mill and Pack Creeks, which confirms previous hypotheses of active salt deformation. The hazard of active, aseismic, salt-dissolution collapse and faulting appears to be modest, with greater concern relating to attendant mass-wasting processes along the valley margins.\u2003<\/SPAN><\/SPAN><\/P>

<\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "summary": "This geologic map covers the southern half of the Rill Creek quadrangle and the northern half of the Kane Springs quadrangle, Grand and San Juan Counties, Utah, and provides basic geologic data in digital format for government, academic, private industry, and public users. This split quadrangle area was selected to cover the southeastern half of the Moab-Spanish Valley graben, and is part of a student thesis project to study mechanisms and timing of salt-dissolution collapse of the valley.", "title": "Geologic map of the southern half of the Rill Creek and northern half of the Kane Springs quadrangles, Grand and San Juan Counties, Utah", "tags": [ "geology", "contacts", "faults", "geologic formations", "geologic units", "Moab Valley", "Spanish Valley", "Paradox Basin", "salt diapir", "salt collapse", "graben" ], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 150000000, "maxScale": 5000, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "Program Manager: Stefan M. Kirby (UGS)\nProject Manager: Grant C. Willis (UGS)\nGIS and Cartography: James P. Mauch (Utah State University Geology Department, thesis project; now Wyoming State Geological Survey), Kent D. Brown, Lori J. Steadman (UGS)\nGeology review: Susanne Janecke (USU); Grant Willis, Stephanie Carney, Mike Hylland (UGS)\nGIS and Cartographic review: Keilee A. Higgs (UGS)\nFunding: U.S. Geological Survey, EDMAP award number G16AC00205 (2016) and Utah State University and Utah Geological Survey", "licenseInfo": "

The Miscellaneous Publication series provides non-UGS authors with a high-quality format for documents concerning Utah geology. Although review comments have been incorporated, this document does not necessarily conform to UGS technical, editorial, or policy standards. The Utah Department of Natural Resources, Utah Geological Survey, makes no warranty, expressed or implied, regarding the suitability of this product for a particular use. The Utah Department of Natural Resources, Utah Geological Survey, shall not be liable under any circumstances for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages with respect to claims by users of this product. For use at 1:24,000 scale.<\/SPAN><\/P>

<\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV><\/DIV>" }