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Layer: TooeleArmyDepot_boundary (ID: 3814)

Parent Layer: Tooele M-284DM

Name: TooeleArmyDepot_boundary

Display Field: OWNER

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolyline

Description: This dataset depicts the land ownership status, formal place name designations, administrative areas of responsibility for the State of Utah, primarily consistent with 1:24,000 or finer map accuracy goals. Users are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with the ‘Data Content’ section below as there are several key fields that unlock multiple possible layers from this single layer. The key fields that users should review and understand are named: OWNER, OWNERAGENCY, ADMIN, DESIG and the two LABEL fields as values from these fields can be used to select subsets for display or analysis (see example layers below). Revisions are posted weekly to AGRC’s SGID’s database, services, and file-based download products. Maintenance of this data layer is performed by a cooperative federal and state effort. The Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA) revises this data regularly to reflect changes in State Trust Lands, other State Land and Private Land as needed. The BLM contributes updates to this data to reflect changes in Federal Land as needed. Other information is edited and updated as needed but not on a regular schedule. No warranties or certification, express or implied, are provided for the statewide Land Ownership and related GIS mapping layer. This data product has been compiled as a best effort service strictly for general purpose informational use and any interpretations made are the responsibility of the User. Updates to this layer are expected later in 2017 and forward as AGRC, SITLA and partners adopt and implement the ESRI Parcel Fabric Data Model for the Public Land Survey System. This is expected to be done county by county. Data Content: Important descriptive attribute fields listed with valid values or, a short description of features with 'name' label attributes and examples. OWNER (The physical Owner of the parcel of land) * Federal (Owned by The United States of America) * Private (Private, County, City or Town Ownership) * State (Owned by the State of Utah) * Tribal (Native American Tribal Ownership) OWNER AGENCY (The physical Agency who is responsible for the parcel ownership, OWNER AGENCY may differ from ADMIN if the agency is NOT the administrator of the parcel) * BLM (US Bureau of Land Management) * BR (US Bureau of Reclamation) * DNR (State of Utah Department of Natural Resources) * DOD (US Department of Defense) * DOE (US Department of Energy) * NPS (US National Park Service) * OS (Other State Agency, State Facilities, and others state holdings) * OF (United States Other Federal Land may include any of the following: AEC, BOM, FAA, GSA, or others) * Private (Privately held properties, including City, County and Non-Profit) * SITLA (State of Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration) * Tribal (Tribal Lands) * UDOT (State of Utah Department of Transportation) * USFS (US Forest Service) * USFWS (US Fish and Wildlife Service) ADMIN (Name of the Entity with Administrative Jurisdiction to the parcel) * BLM (US Bureau of Land Management) * BR (US Bureau of Reclamation) * DOD (US Department of Defense) * DOE (US Department of Energy) * NPS (National Park Service) * OS (State of Utah, Other holdings) * Private (Privately held properties) * SITLA (School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration) * SLandF (Utah DNR - Div. of Forestry, Fire and State Lands) * Tribal (Tribal lands) * UDWR (Utah DNR - Div. of Wildlife Resources) * UDOT (Utah Department of Transportation) * USFS (US Forest Service) * USFWS (US Fish and Wildlife Service) * USP (Utah DNR - State Parks) DESIG (the "type" of land use or designation – general land management designations) Describes the "Type" of Land Use or Designation. This field characterizes general land management designations for parcels of land and describes how, or for what use the land is to be managed (ex: Designated as Wilderness, National Park, State Park). This field can accommodate, if necessary, further withdrawals, leases, or permits designated by the ADMIN. E.g. If the USFS places a withdrawal on a parcel, i.e. for wilderness designation, the DESIG field can be used to account for this case. However, only a single designation can be addressed in the DESIG field; we cannot account for multiple withdrawals, leases, or permits on a parcel in this data standard. The data steward or editor must decide the most pertinent information to describe in the DESIG field. * Bankhead Jones (Federal lands (BLM and USFS) acquired under the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act) * Conservation Lands (Land that is being protected, through outright purchase or the purchase of development rights. Easements are held by private non-profit organizations, municipalities and fed or state agencies.) * Indian Reservation (Indian Reservations and/or Native American Tribal Lands) * Military (Military Reservations and Corps of Engineers) * N/A (No specified designation) * National Forest (US National Forest) * National Historic Site (US National Historic Site) * National Monument (US National Monument) * National Park (US National Park) * National Recreation Area (US National Recreation Area) * National Wildlife Refuge (US National Wildlife Refuge) * Other (Designation not specified in detail) * Parks and Recreation (Parks and Recreation Areas) * Primitive Area (US Primitive Area) * Public Water Reserve (US Public Water Reserve) * Reclamation Withdrawl (US Reclamation Withdrawl) * Repository (US Repository) * State Sovereign Land (Sovereign Land consists of the beds of Utah's navigable rivers and lakes) * State Trust Land (State of Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA) is an independent agency of state government. It was created in 1994 by the Utah state legislature to manage lands granted to the state of Utah by the United States for the support of public schools and other beneficiary institutions.) * Wilderness (Congressionally Designated Wilderness) * Wildlife Reserve/Management Area (Federal, State, Private or Tribal Designated Wildlife Areas) LABEL_FEDERAL (Administrative names for identifying federally designated Wilderness Areas, National Parks, Monuments, Forest Service units, Primitive Areas, Tribal Lands, etc. and the Private Lands within each proclamation boundary, where applicable). This field contains label text if the feature is a: * Federal Bird Refuge * Federal Military installation * USFS National Forest (and corresponding districts) * National Historic Site * National Monument * National Park (and corresponding units) * National Recreation Area * Federal Primitive Area * Tribal Land or Reservation * Congressionally Designated Wilderness Area Examples: Arches National Park (Klondike Bluffs), Canyonlands National Park (The Needles District), Dugway Proving Grounds US Army, Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge, Grand Gulch Primitive Area, Uinta National Forest (Mount Nebo Wilderness Area), White Mesa Ute Tribal Lands LABEL_STATE (Administrative names for identifying State Lands, including State Parks, Wildlife Areas, State Trust Lands Administrative Blocks and Sovereign Lands and the Private Lands within each proclamation boundary, where applicable). This field contains label text if the feature is a: * State Fish Hatchery * School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA) Block * State Park * State Wildlife Area Examples: 9-Mile State Wildlife Area, Dead Horse Point State Park, State Trust Lands Book Cliffs Block, Whiterocks Fish Hatchery Note: Shape_area field is in square meters.

Copyright Text:

Default Visibility: true

MaxRecordCount: 2000

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Min Scale: 288895.277144

Max Scale: 0

Supports Advanced Queries: true

Supports Statistics: true

Has Labels: false

Can Modify Layer: true

Can Scale Symbols: true

Use Standardized Queries: true

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Drawing Info: Advanced Query Capabilities:
HasZ: false

HasM: false

Has Attachments: false

HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText

Type ID Field: null

Supported Operations:   Query   Query Attachments   Query Analytic   Generate Renderer   Return Updates

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