Isotherm at 1km Depth (1)
Isotherm at 2km Depth (2)
Isotherm at 3km Depth (3)
Isotherm at 4km Depth (4)
Heat Flow Isotherms (5)
Basement Depth Contours (6)
Elevation of granite surface (masl) (7)
Contours On Granite (8)
Shallow wells (10)
Intermediate wells (11)
Deep wells (12)
FORGE Proposed Points (14)
| <all other values> |
| Facility |
| Test Well |
FORGE Section of Salt Cove Road (15)
FORGE Site (16)
WellPads (17)
Water Levels (19)
| <all other values> |
| Glenn and Hulen (1979); UGS (unpublished); USGS (2015); Vautaz and Goff (1987) |
| Spring |
Water Chemistry (20)
| 229.210000 - 500.000000 |
| 500.000001 - 1000.000000 |
| 1000.000001 - 2000.000000 |
| 2000.000001 - 3000.000000 |
| 3000.000001 - 4000.000000 |
| 4000.000001 - 5000.000000 |
| 5000.000001 - 7843.580000 |
Potentiometric Contours (21)
Seismometers (23)
Seismicity 1850 to 2016 (24)
PLSS Sections With Labels (25)
PLSS Sections No Labels (26)
GeologicSymbols (29)
| Fumerole |
| Drill hole, geothermal well |
| Drill hole, thermal gradient |
| Adit |
| Arrow |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized |
| Bedding, overturned, map digitized |
| Bedding, vertical, map digitized |
| Fault, dip |
| Foliation, inclined, map digitized |
| Foliation, vertical, map digitized |
| Gravel pit |
| Joint, inclined |
| Joint, vertical |
| Mine or quarry |
| Prospect |
| Shaft |
GeologicLines (30)
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, concealed |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, intruded by microdiorite dike, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, mapped from linear features, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, mapped from linear features, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, thrust, type1, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, type1, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, intruded by microdiorite dike, well located |
| Fault, unknown, mapped from linear features, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Scarp, landslide, approximately located |
AlterationAreas (31)
| Albitized rock and other altered areas |
| Breccia zones |
GeologicUnits (32)
| 1_Qls_Landslide |
| 2_Qs_Opaline and chalcedonic sinter |
| 3_Qcal_Silica-cemented alluvium |
| 4_Qh_Hematite-cemented alluvium |
| 5_Qm_Manganese oxide-cemented alluvium |
| 6_Qal_Alluvium |
| 7_Qb_Basalt |
| 8_Qrd_Rhyolite domes |
| 9_Qra_Pyroclastics |
| 10_Qrf_Rhyolite flows |
| 11_Tlf_Lava flows |
| 12_Tpr_Porphyritc rhyolite dikes |
| 13_Trd_Rhyolite dikes |
| 14_Tds_Diabase dikes |
| 15_Tmd_Microdiorite dikes |
| 16_Tgr_Granite dikes |
| 17_Tgr?_Granite dikes? |
| 18_Tg_Granite |
| 19_Ts_Syenite |
| 20_Tbg_Biotite granite |
| 21_Ti_Porphyritic quartz monzonite |
| 22_Tqm_Quartz monzonite |
| 23_Tdb_Diorite breccia |
| 24_Td_Diorite |
| 25_Tv_Porphyritic andesite flow |
| 26_hd_Hornblende granodiorite |
| 27_gd_Biotite granodiorite |
| 28_hgn_Hornblende gneiss |
| 29_qtzt_Quartzite |
| 30_phl_Phyllite |
| 31_dol_Dolomite |
| 32_ls_Limestone |
| 33_dm_Dolomitic marble |
| 34_mbl_Marble |
| 35_Mrd_Redwall Limestone, dolomitic unit |
| 36_Mrls_Redwall Limestone |
| 37_Cmb_Marble |
| 38_Xs_Sillimanite schist |
| 39_Xq_Quartzite |
| 40_Xbg_Banded gneiss |
Geologic Lines (34)
| Bedding, inclined, well located |
| Bedding, overturned, well located |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, attenuation, well located |
| Fault, dextral, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, thrust, type 1, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Leader lines |
| Shoreline, Bonneville, concealed |
| Shoreline, Bonneville, well located |
Geologic Symbols (35)
| fault symbol-normal |
Geologic Units (36)
| Dcs |
| IPc |
| Mr |
| PCg |
| PPpc |
| Pk |
| Pp |
| Pq |
| Pt |
| Pta |
| Pto |
| Pzc |
| Pzu |
| QTaf |
| QTs |
| Qac |
| Qaf1 |
| Qaf2 |
| Qal1 |
| Qal2 |
| Qat |
| Qat1 |
| Qat2 |
| Qbc |
| Qbk |
| Qcf |
| Qcg |
| Qck |
| Qdg |
| Qea |
| Qes/Qla |
| Qla |
| Qla/Qaf2 |
| Qlf |
| Qlg |
| Qll |
| Qls |
| Qms |
| Qrk |
| Qrl |
| Qst |
| Qvb4 |
| Qvrd |
| Qvrt |
| TRm |
| Tac |
| Tbc |
| Tbci |
| Tbct |
| Tbr |
| Tdd |
| Tdm |
| Tgd |
| Tgm |
| Ths |
| Tic |
| Ticc |
| Tig |
| Tir |
| Tisg |
| Tm |
| TpCg |
| Tqm |
| Tqmr |
| Trd |
| Trg |
| Try |
| Tsm |
| Tw |
| Tzt |
| Rule_72 |
Landownership (37)
| BLM |
| DNR |
| Private |
| UDOT |
| USFS |