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accessInformation: Program Manager: Grant C. Willis (UGS) Project Manager: Jon K. King (UGS) GIS and Cartography: Adam P. McKean and Lori J. Steadman (UGS) Geology review: Greg McDonald, Jon K. King, Grant Willis, Stephanie Carney, Kimm Harty, and Mike Hylland (UGS) GIS and Cartographic review: Kent D. Brown (UGS) Funding: U.S. Geological Survey, STATEMAP award number G16AC00191 (2016)
maxScale: 0
typeKeywords: []
description: The Salt Lake City South 7.5' quadrangle is near the center of Salt Lake Valley and only late Quaternary (late Pleistocene and Holocene) unconsolidated surficial deposits are exposed in the quadrangle. These deposits are mostly stream deposits related to the Jordan River and its tributaries, alluvial-fan deposits related to filling of Salt Lake Valley, and lacustrine and deltaic deposits. Lacustrine and deltaic sediments were deposited in late Pleistocene-age Lake Bonneville (30 to 13 ka), the Gilbert-episode lake (~11.5 ka), and Holocene Great Salt Lake (since ~11 ka). No bedrock is exposed in the quadrangle; the nearest exposures are northeast of the quadrangle in the Salt Lake salient (east of Beck Street) and east of the Holocene-active Wasatch fault zone. The major mappable geologic hazards in the quadrangle are related to the West Valley and Wasatch fault zones, flooding, and localized landslides. Scarps along the southern parts of the Granger and Taylorsville faults of the West Valley fault zone cut young surficial deposits. The Wasatch fault zone projects beneath the quadrangle.
title: MapName_GeologicUnits_leaders
tags: []
culture: en-US
minScale: 0