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Legend (GeolMap/7_5_Quads)

SLCN_GeologicUnits_Leaders_reprojected (4153)
Leader line Leader line
SLCN_DNROilGasWells_reprojected (4140)
SLCN_GeologicSymbols_reprojected (4139)
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, map digitized Bedding, inclined, map digitized
Drill hole, water well Drill hole, water well
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Fault, dip Fault, dip
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Gravel pit, abandoned Gravel pit, abandoned
Lineation, bearing and plunge Lineation, bearing and plunge
Mine or quarry Mine or quarry
Mine or quarry, abandoned Mine or quarry, abandoned
Prospect Prospect
Sample, option 2 Sample, option 2
Sample, option 3 Sample, option 3
Sample, option 4 Sample, option 4
Spring Spring
SLCN_CrossSectionLines_reprojected (4138)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Cross section, B-B' Cross section, B-B'
SLCN_GeologicLines_reprojected (4134)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Boundary, water, perennial Boundary, water, perennial
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, concealed Contact, concealed
Contact, internal Contact, internal
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, beach ridge, well located Crest, beach ridge, well located
Depression, well located Depression, well located
Extent, pit or quarry, well located Extent, pit or quarry, well located
Fault, detachment, approximately located, queried Fault, detachment, approximately located, queried
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, approximately located, queried Fault, normal, approximately located, queried
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, normal, well located, queried Fault, normal, well located, queried
Fault, unknown, approximately located Fault, unknown, approximately located
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Scarp, landslide, concealed Scarp, landslide, concealed
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located
Shoreline, Gilbert level, approximately located Shoreline, Gilbert level, approximately located
Shoreline, Great Salt Lake highstand, approximately located Shoreline, Great Salt Lake highstand, approximately located
Shoreline, Holocene highstand, approximately located Shoreline, Holocene highstand, approximately located
Shoreline, Holocene highstand, concealed Shoreline, Holocene highstand, concealed
Shoreline, Holocene, other, approximately located Shoreline, Holocene, other, approximately located
Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located
Shoreline, Provo level, well located Shoreline, Provo level, well located
Shoreline, Stansbury level, approximately located Shoreline, Stansbury level, approximately located
Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located
Shoreline, regressional, well located Shoreline, regressional, well located
Shoreline, transgressional, well located Shoreline, transgressional, well located
Trench, paleoseismic, well located Trench, paleoseismic, well located
SLCN_GravelPitExtent_reprojected (4135)
SLCN_GeologicUnits_reprojected (4136)
Qac Qac
Qad Qad
Qafb Qafb
Qafp Qafp
Qafy Qafy
Qafy/Qml Qafy/Qml
Qafy/Qml3 Qafy/Qml3
Qal1 Qal1
Qalh Qalh
Qaly Qaly
Qam Qam
Qatp Qatp
Qc Qc
Qc/Tcu Qc/Tcu
Qc/Tt Qc/Tt
Qdd Qdd
Qdd? Qdd?
Qdp Qdp
Qdy Qdy
Qh Qh
Qh/Qafy Qh/Qafy
Qh/Qaly Qh/Qaly
Qh/Qla Qh/Qla
Qh/Qlam Qh/Qlam
Qh/Qldy Qh/Qldy
Qh/Qlf Qh/Qlf
Qh/Qly Qh/Qly
Qhr Qhr
Ql Ql
Qla Qla
Qlam Qlam
Qldgb Qldgb
Qldgb/Tcu Qldgb/Tcu
Qldy Qldy
Qlf Qlf
Qlgb Qlgb
Qlgb/Cu Qlgb/Cu
Qlgb/Md Qlgb/Md
Qlgb/Mdo Qlgb/Mdo
Qlgb/Mh Qlgb/Mh
Qlgb/Tcl Qlgb/Tcl
Qlgb/Tt Qlgb/Tt
Qlgp Qlgp
Qlgp/Cu Qlgp/Cu
Qlgp/Dpp Qlgp/Dpp
Qlgp/Dst Qlgp/Dst
Qlgp/Md Qlgp/Md
Qlgp/Mdo Qlgp/Mdo
Qlgp/Mdo? Qlgp/Mdo?
Qlgp/Mg Qlgp/Mg
Qlgp/Mh Qlgp/Mh
Qlgp/Tcl Qlgp/Tcl
Qlgp/Tt Qlgp/Tt
Qlgp/Tv Qlgp/Tv
Qlmy Qlmy
Qlos Qlos
Qly Qly
Qmc Qmc
Qml Qml
Qml3 Qml3
Qms Qms
Qmsh Qmsh
Qmt Qmt
Qsm Qsm
Tcl Tcl
Tcu Tcu
Tt Tt
Tv Tv
water water
OrientationPoints_reprojected (3966)
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Clevage, inclined 1 Clevage, inclined 1
Clevage, inclined 1, AY extra Clevage, inclined 1, AY extra
GeologicPoints_reprojected (3965)
Drill hole, water well Drill hole, water well
Prospect Prospect
Spring Spring
ContactsAndFaults_reprojected (3964)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, scratch, approximately located Contact, scratch, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Fault, geophysical Fault, geophysical
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Scarp, terrace, well located Scarp, terrace, well located
Shoreline, Gilbert level, well located Shoreline, Gilbert level, well located
Shoreline, Great Salt Lake highstand, approximately located Shoreline, Great Salt Lake highstand, approximately located
Shoreline, Great Salt Lake highstand, well located Shoreline, Great Salt Lake highstand, well located
Shoreline, Holocene highstand, approximately located Shoreline, Holocene highstand, approximately located
Shoreline, Holocene, other, well located Shoreline, Holocene, other, well located
Shoreline, undetermined, well located Shoreline, undetermined, well located
CartographicLines_reprojected (3963)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Leader line Leader line
Geologic Units (3962)
10_Qlmy_Young lacustrine mud deposits 10_Qlmy_Young lacustrine mud deposits
11_Qly_Young lacustrine deposits 11_Qly_Young lacustrine deposits
12_Qd_Deltaic fine-grained sand deposits 12_Qd_Deltaic fine-grained sand deposits
13_Qd4_Deltaic fine sand deposits from Lake Bonneville 13_Qd4_Deltaic fine sand deposits from Lake Bonneville
14_Qls_Lacustrine fine sand deposits 14_Qls_Lacustrine fine sand deposits
15_Qlg_Lacustrine gravel and sand 15_Qlg_Lacustrine gravel and sand
17_Qm_Marsh deposits 17_Qm_Marsh deposits
18_Qsm_Spring and marsh deposits 18_Qsm_Spring and marsh deposits
19_Qs_Spring deposits 19_Qs_Spring deposits
1_Qal1_Level-1 floodplain and modern stream deposits 1_Qal1_Level-1 floodplain and modern stream deposits
21_Qam_Alluvial and marsh deposits, undivided 21_Qam_Alluvial and marsh deposits, undivided
22_Qla_Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided 22_Qla_Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided
23_Qlam_Lacustrine, alluvial, and marsh deposits, undivided 23_Qlam_Lacustrine, alluvial, and marsh deposits, undivided
24_Qlam/Qs_Lacustrine, alluvial, and marsh deposits, undivided over Spring deposits 24_Qlam/Qs_Lacustrine, alluvial, and marsh deposits, undivided over Spring deposits
26_Zpd_Diamictite member of Perry Canyon Formation 26_Zpd_Diamictite member of Perry Canyon Formation
27_Zpg_Greenstone member of Perry Canyon Formation 27_Zpg_Greenstone member of Perry Canyon Formation
28_Zpc_Dolostone marker bed of Perry Canyon Formation 28_Zpc_Dolostone marker bed of Perry Canyon Formation
29_Zps_Slate member of Perry Canyon Formation 29_Zps_Slate member of Perry Canyon Formation
2_Qal2_Level-2 floodplain and modern stream deposits 2_Qal2_Level-2 floodplain and modern stream deposits
34_water_water 34_water_water
3_Qaly_Young floodplain and stream deposits, undivided 3_Qaly_Young floodplain and stream deposits, undivided
6_Qh_Fill and disturbed land 6_Qh_Fill and disturbed land
7_Qdy_Young deltaic deposits 7_Qdy_Young deltaic deposits
8_Qlpm_Lacustrine and playa mud deposits 8_Qlpm_Lacustrine and playa mud deposits
OrientationPoints_reprojected (4051)
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Clevage, inclined 1 Clevage, inclined 1
GeologicPoints_reprojected (4047)
Drill hole Drill hole
Drill hole, water well Drill hole, water well
Prospect Prospect
ContactsAndFaults_reprojected (4043)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, scratch, approximately located Contact, scratch, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Fault, geophysical Fault, geophysical
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Scarp, terrace, approximately located Scarp, terrace, approximately located
Scarp, terrace, well located Scarp, terrace, well located
Shoreline, Gilbert level, well located Shoreline, Gilbert level, well located
Shoreline, Great Salt Lake highstand, well located Shoreline, Great Salt Lake highstand, well located
Shoreline, Holocene highstand, well located Shoreline, Holocene highstand, well located
Shoreline, Holocene, other, well located Shoreline, Holocene, other, well located
Shoreline, regressional, well located Shoreline, regressional, well located
Shoreline, undetermined, well located Shoreline, undetermined, well located
CartographicLines_reprojected (4039)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Leader line Leader line
Geologic Units (4035)
10_Qlmy_Young lacustrine mud deposits 10_Qlmy_Young lacustrine mud deposits
11_Qly_Young lacustrine deposits 11_Qly_Young lacustrine deposits
14_Qls_Lacustrine fine sand deposits 14_Qls_Lacustrine fine sand deposits
15_Qlg_Lacustrine gravel and sand 15_Qlg_Lacustrine gravel and sand
16_Qmso_Older landslide deposits 16_Qmso_Older landslide deposits
17_Qm_Marsh deposits 17_Qm_Marsh deposits
18_Qsm_Spring and marsh deposits 18_Qsm_Spring and marsh deposits
1_Qal1_Level-1 floodplain and modern stream deposits 1_Qal1_Level-1 floodplain and modern stream deposits
20_Qac_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided 20_Qac_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided
21_Qam_Alluvial and marsh deposits, undivided 21_Qam_Alluvial and marsh deposits, undivided
22_Qla_Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided 22_Qla_Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided
23_Qlam_Lacustrine, alluvial, and marsh deposits, undivided 23_Qlam_Lacustrine, alluvial, and marsh deposits, undivided
24_Qmc_Landslide and colluvium deposits, undivided 24_Qmc_Landslide and colluvium deposits, undivided
25_Qlg/Zpd_Lacustrine gravels over diamictite member of Perry Canyon Formation 25_Qlg/Zpd_Lacustrine gravels over diamictite member of Perry Canyon Formation
26_Zpd_Diamictite member of Perry Canyon Formation 26_Zpd_Diamictite member of Perry Canyon Formation
2_Qal2_Level-2 floodplain and modern stream deposits 2_Qal2_Level-2 floodplain and modern stream deposits
34_water_water 34_water_water
3_Qaly_Young floodplain and stream deposits, undivided 3_Qaly_Young floodplain and stream deposits, undivided
4_Qafy_Young alluvial-fan deposits, undivided 4_Qafy_Young alluvial-fan deposits, undivided
5_Qc_Colluvial deposits 5_Qc_Colluvial deposits
6_Qh_Fill and disturbed land 6_Qh_Fill and disturbed land
7_Qdy_Young deltaic deposits 7_Qdy_Young deltaic deposits
8_Qlpm_Lacustrine and playa mud deposits 8_Qlpm_Lacustrine and playa mud deposits
9_Qldy_Young lacustrine and deltaic deposits 9_Qldy_Young lacustrine and deltaic deposits
FortDouglas_GeologicUnits_leaders_reprojected (3992)
FortDouglas_CrossSectionLines_reprojected (3984)
Cross Section, A-A' Cross Section, A-A'
FortDouglas_GeologicSymbols_reprojected (3973)
Adit Adit
Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, map digitized Bedding, inclined, map digitized
Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point)
Bedding, overturned, field measured Bedding, overturned, field measured
Bedding, overturned, map digitized Bedding, overturned, map digitized
Bedding, overturned, photogrammetric (3-point) Bedding, overturned, photogrammetric (3-point)
Bedding, vertical, approximate, field measured Bedding, vertical, approximate, field measured
Bedding, vertical, map digitized Bedding, vertical, map digitized
Cleavage, inclined Cleavage, inclined
Fault, ball & bar Fault, ball & bar
Fault, dip Fault, dip
Fold, Z Fold, Z
Fold, anticline, upright Fold, anticline, upright
Fold, minor M Fold, minor M
Fold, minor S Fold, minor S
Fold, minor Z Fold, minor Z
Fold, minor anticline, bearing and plunge Fold, minor anticline, bearing and plunge
Fold, minor syncline, bearing and plunge Fold, minor syncline, bearing and plunge
Fold, syncline Fold, syncline
Fold, syncline, overturned Fold, syncline, overturned
Foliation, compositional layering, inclined, map digitized Foliation, compositional layering, inclined, map digitized
Foliation, inclined, caticlastic and retrogressive, map digitized Foliation, inclined, caticlastic and retrogressive, map digitized
Foliation, inclined, field measured Foliation, inclined, field measured
Foliation, inclined, map digitized Foliation, inclined, map digitized
Gravel pit, abandoned Gravel pit, abandoned
Lineation, bearing and plunge, map digitized Lineation, bearing and plunge, map digitized
Mine or quarry, abandoned Mine or quarry, abandoned
Prospect Prospect
Query Query
Sample Sample
Sinkhole Sinkhole
Spring Spring
FortDouglas_GeologicStructureLines_reprojected (3972)
Fold, Z-fold, approximately located Fold, Z-fold, approximately located
Fold, Z-fold, concealed Fold, Z-fold, concealed
Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, anticline, upright, well located Fold, anticline, upright, well located
Fold, syncline, overturned, approximately located Fold, syncline, overturned, approximately located
Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, well located Fold, syncline, upright, well located
Lineament Lineament
FortDouglas_GeologicLines_test_reprojected (4109)
Bed, marker A, approximately located Bed, marker A, approximately located
Bed, marker A, well located Bed, marker A, well located
Bed, marker B, approximately located Bed, marker B, approximately located
Bed, marker C, approximately located Bed, marker C, approximately located
Boundary, map Boundary, map
Boundary, water, perennial Boundary, water, perennial
Cirque, headwall, well located Cirque, headwall, well located
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, approximately located, queried Contact, approximately located, queried
Contact, gradational Contact, gradational
Contact, scratch, approximately located Contact, scratch, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, arete, well located Crest, arete, well located
Crest, beach ridge, well located Crest, beach ridge, well located
Crest, moraine, asymmetrical Crest, moraine, asymmetrical
Crest, moraine, symmetrical Crest, moraine, symmetrical
Crest, moraine, symmetry unknown Crest, moraine, symmetry unknown
Extent, pit or quarry, well located Extent, pit or quarry, well located
Fault, detachment, approximately located Fault, detachment, approximately located
Fault, detachment, concealed Fault, detachment, concealed
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, approximately located, queried Fault, normal, approximately located, queried
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, thrust, approximately located Fault, thrust, approximately located
Fault, thrust, concealed Fault, thrust, concealed
Fault, thrust, well located Fault, thrust, well located
Fault, thrust, option 2, approximately located Fault, thrust, option 2, approximately located
Fault, unknown, approximately located Fault, unknown, approximately located
Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, concealed, queried Fault, unknown, concealed, queried
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Scarp, terrace, well located Scarp, terrace, well located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located
Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located
Shoreline, Provo level, concealed Shoreline, Provo level, concealed
Shoreline, Provo level, well located Shoreline, Provo level, well located
Shoreline, regressional, approximately located Shoreline, regressional, approximately located
Shoreline, regressional, well located Shoreline, regressional, well located
Shoreline, transgressional, approximately located Shoreline, transgressional, approximately located
Shoreline, transgressional, well located Shoreline, transgressional, well located
Trench, paleoseismic, well located Trench, paleoseismic, well located
Fault, thrust, option 2, concealed Fault, thrust, option 2, concealed
FortDouglas_GeologicLines_reprojected (3971)
Bed, marker A, approximately located Bed, marker A, approximately located
Bed, marker A, well located Bed, marker A, well located
Bed, marker B, approximately located Bed, marker B, approximately located
Bed, marker C, approximately located Bed, marker C, approximately located
Boundary, map Boundary, map
Boundary, water, perennial Boundary, water, perennial
Cirque, headwall, well located Cirque, headwall, well located
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, approximately located, queried Contact, approximately located, queried
Contact, gradational Contact, gradational
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, arete, well located Crest, arete, well located
Crest, beach ridge, well located Crest, beach ridge, well located
Crest, moraine, asymmetrical Crest, moraine, asymmetrical
Crest, moraine, symmetrical Crest, moraine, symmetrical
Crest, moraine, symmetry unknown Crest, moraine, symmetry unknown
Extent, pit or quarry, well located Extent, pit or quarry, well located
Fault, detachment, approximately located Fault, detachment, approximately located
Fault, detachment, concealed Fault, detachment, concealed
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, approximately located, queried Fault, normal, approximately located, queried
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, thrust, approximately located Fault, thrust, approximately located
Fault, thrust, concealed Fault, thrust, concealed
Fault, thrust, option 2, approximately located Fault, thrust, option 2, approximately located
Fault, thrust, option 2, concealed Fault, thrust, option 2, concealed
Fault, thrust, option 2, concealed Fault, thrust, option 2, concealed
Fault, unknown, approximately located Fault, unknown, approximately located
Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, concealed, queried Fault, unknown, concealed, queried
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Scarp, terrace, well located Scarp, terrace, well located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located
Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located
Shoreline, Provo level, concealed Shoreline, Provo level, concealed
Shoreline, Provo level, well located Shoreline, Provo level, well located
Shoreline, regressional, approximately located Shoreline, regressional, approximately located
Shoreline, regressional, well located Shoreline, regressional, well located
Shoreline, transgressional, approximately located Shoreline, transgressional, approximately located
Shoreline, transgressional, well located Shoreline, transgressional, well located
Trench, paleoseismic, well located Trench, paleoseismic, well located
Geologic Units (3970)
Cb Cb
Cml Cml
Cmm Cmm
Cmu Cmu
Cns Cns
Co Co
Ct Ct
Dpp Dpp
Ds Ds
IPrv IPrv
IPrv? IPrv?
Jgs Jgs
Jp Jp
Jtb Jtb
Jtb? Jtb?
Jtgc Jtgc
Jtl Jtl
Jtl? Jtl?
Jtr Jtr
Jts Jts
Jtu Jtu
Jtw Jtw
Jtw? Jtw?
Kk Kk
Kkp Kkp
Md Md
Mdo Mdo
Mdo? Mdo?
Mdos Mdos
Mg Mg
Mg? Mg?
Mh Mh
Mh? Mh?
Ppcf Ppcf
Ppcg Ppcg
Ppm Ppm
QTaf QTaf
Qa2 Qa2
Qac Qac
Qaco Qaco
Qaf1 Qaf1
Qaf2 Qaf2
Qafb Qafb
Qafb? Qafb?
Qafo Qafo
Qafo? Qafo?
Qafp Qafp
Qafp? Qafp?
Qafy Qafy
Qap Qap
Qatp? Qatp?
Qay Qay
Qc Qc
Qgmp Qgmp
Qgp Qgp
Qgp? Qgp?
Qh Qh
Ql Ql
Qla Qla
Qla/Qafo Qla/Qafo
Qlam Qlam
Qldgb Qldgb
Qldgb/Tcu Qldgb/Tcu
Qldgb? Qldgb?
Qldp Qldp
Qlf Qlf
Qlfp Qlfp
Qlgb Qlgb
Qlgp Qlgp
Qlsb Qlsb
Qlsp Qlsp
Qmc Qmc
Qml Qml
Qmr Qmr
Qms Qms
Qmsh Qmsh
Qmso(Ct) Qmso(Ct)
Qmso(Qaco) Qmso(Qaco)
Qmso(Tcu) Qmso(Tcu)
Qmso(Tt) Qmso(Tt)
Qmso(Tv) Qmso(Tv)
Qmso(Xf) Qmso(Xf)
Qmt Qmt
TKb(Pz) TKb(Pz)
TKc? TKc?
TRag TRag
TRam TRam
TRau TRau
TRwd TRwd
Tcl Tcl
Tcu Tcu
Tcu? Tcu?
Tt Tt
Tt? Tt?
Tv Tv
Tvt Tvt
Tw Tw
Xfcgs Xfcgs
Xfcp Xfcp
Xfcq Xfcq
water water
VernalNE_GeologicSymbols_reprojected (3919)
Adit Adit
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point)
Drill hole, water well Drill hole, water well
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Tar Sands Mine Tar Sands Mine
VernalNE_GeologicLines_reprojected (3915)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, concealed Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, concealed
Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, approximately located Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, approximately located
<all other values> <all other values>
VernalNE_GeologicStructureLines_reprojected (3911)
Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, well located Fold, syncline, upright, well located
VernalNE_GeologicUnits_leaders_reprojected (3907)
Leader line Leader line
VernalNE_CrossSectionLines_reprojected (3903)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Geologic Units (3899)
1_Qh_Human disturbance 1_Qh_Human disturbance
2_Qhg_Gravel quarries 2_Qhg_Gravel quarries
3_Qht_Tar sands mine 3_Qht_Tar sands mine
4_Qhd_Dam-related sediments 4_Qhd_Dam-related sediments
5_Qa_Younger stream alluvium 5_Qa_Younger stream alluvium
6_Qao_Older stream alluvium 6_Qao_Older stream alluvium
7_Qat1_Stream terrace alluvium, level 1 7_Qat1_Stream terrace alluvium, level 1
8_Qat2_Stream terrace alluvium, level 2 8_Qat2_Stream terrace alluvium, level 2
9_Qat3_Stream terrace alluvium, level 3 9_Qat3_Stream terrace alluvium, level 3
10_Qafy_Younger alluvial-fan deposits 10_Qafy_Younger alluvial-fan deposits
11_Qap1a_Youngest pediment alluvium, Ashley Creek 11_Qap1a_Youngest pediment alluvium, Ashley Creek
12_Qap2a_Middle pediment alluvium, Ashley Creek 12_Qap2a_Middle pediment alluvium, Ashley Creek
13_Qap1t_Youngest pediment alluvium, Twelvemile Wash 13_Qap1t_Youngest pediment alluvium, Twelvemile Wash
14_Qap2t_Middle pediment alluvium, Twelvemile Wash 14_Qap2t_Middle pediment alluvium, Twelvemile Wash
15_QTap_Oldest pediment alluvium 15_QTap_Oldest pediment alluvium
16_Qac_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided 16_Qac_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided
17_Qae_Alluvial and eolian deposits, undivided 17_Qae_Alluvial and eolian deposits, undivided
18_Qms_Landslide deposits 18_Qms_Landslide deposits
19_Qmso_Older landslide deposits 19_Qmso_Older landslide deposits
20_Tdb_Duchesne River Formation, Brennan Basin Member 20_Tdb_Duchesne River Formation, Brennan Basin Member
21_Kw_Williams Fork Formation 21_Kw_Williams Fork Formation
22_Krr_Rim Rock Sandstone 22_Krr_Rim Rock Sandstone
23_Kar_Asphalt Ridge Sandstone 23_Kar_Asphalt Ridge Sandstone
24_Km_Mancos Shale 24_Km_Mancos Shale
25_Kf_Frontier Formation 25_Kf_Frontier Formation
26_Kt_Tununk Shale 26_Kt_Tununk Shale
27_Kms_Mowry Shale 27_Kms_Mowry Shale
28_Kmu_Muddy Formation 28_Kmu_Muddy Formation
29_Kc_Cedar Mountain Formation 29_Kc_Cedar Mountain Formation
30_Jm_Morrison Formation 30_Jm_Morrison Formation
32_Jsr_Redwater Member 32_Jsr_Redwater Member
33_Jsc_Curtis Member 33_Jsc_Curtis Member
34_Je_Entrada Sandstone 34_Je_Entrada Sandstone
35_Jc_Carmel Formation 35_Jc_Carmel Formation
36_JTRn_Nugget Sandstone 36_JTRn_Nugget Sandstone
37_Water_Water 37_Water_Water
<all other values> <all other values>
Parowan_GeologicLines_reprojected_clipped (3842)
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Fault, gravity slide, approximately located Fault, gravity slide, approximately located
Fault, gravity slide, concealed Fault, gravity slide, concealed
Fault, gravity slide, well located Fault, gravity slide, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, approximately located, queried Fault, normal, approximately located, queried
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Marker bed; mapped where lower limestone interval of the
white member of the Claron Formation is too thin to map Marker bed; mapped where lower limestone interval of the white member of the Claron Formation is too thin to map
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Vein, mineralized, well located Vein, mineralized, well located
Parowan_GeologicSymbols_reprojected_clipped (3846)
Adit Adit
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B
Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point)
Geochemical Sample Geochemical Sample
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Mine Or Quarry Mine Or Quarry
Palynomorph Sample Palynomorph Sample
Prospect Prospect
Radiometric Age Sample Radiometric Age Sample
Sinkhole Sinkhole
Spring Spring
Volcanic Cone, Cinder Volcanic Cone, Cinder
Parowan_CrossSectionLines_reprojected_clipped (3850)
Parowan_GeologicUnits_leaders_reprojected (3809)
Geologic Units (3805)
Kgc_Grand Castle Formation Kgc_Grand Castle Formation
Ksd_Drip Tank Member Ksd_Drip Tank Member
Ksj_John Henry Member Ksj_John Henry Member
Kwcs?_Capping sandstone member of the Wahweap Formation, queried Kwcs?_Capping sandstone member of the Wahweap Formation, queried
Kwcs_Capping sandstone member of the Wahweap Formation Kwcs_Capping sandstone member of the Wahweap Formation
QTms(Tbh)_Quaternary-Tertiary landslide deposits of Brian Head Formation QTms(Tbh)_Quaternary-Tertiary landslide deposits of Brian Head Formation
QTms(Tc)_Quaternary-Tertiary landslide deposits of Claron Formation, undivided QTms(Tc)_Quaternary-Tertiary landslide deposits of Claron Formation, undivided
QTms(Tda)_Quaternary-Tertiary landslide deposits of Mount Dutton Formation QTms(Tda)_Quaternary-Tertiary landslide deposits of Mount Dutton Formation
QTms(Ti)_Quaternary-Tertiary landslide deposits of Isom Formation QTms(Ti)_Quaternary-Tertiary landslide deposits of Isom Formation
QTms(Tnw)_Quaternary-Tertiary landslide deposits of Wah Wah Springs Formation of the Needles Range Group QTms(Tnw)_Quaternary-Tertiary landslide deposits of Wah Wah Springs Formation of the Needles Range Group
QTms(Tql)_Quaternary-Tertiary landslide deposits of Leach Canyon Formation QTms(Tql)_Quaternary-Tertiary landslide deposits of Leach Canyon Formation
QTms(ib)_Quaternary-Tertiary landslide deposits of Isom and Brian Head Formations QTms(ib)_Quaternary-Tertiary landslide deposits of Isom and Brian Head Formations
QTms(ibdc)_Quaternary-Tertiary landslide deposits of Isom Formation, Brian Head Formation, Mount Dutton Formation, and Bauers Tuff Member of the Condor Formation QTms(ibdc)_Quaternary-Tertiary landslide deposits of Isom Formation, Brian Head Formation, Mount Dutton Formation, and Bauers Tuff Member of the Condor Formation
QTms(ibw)_Quaternary-Tertiary landslide deposits of Isom, Brian Head, and Wah Wah Springs Formations QTms(ibw)_Quaternary-Tertiary landslide deposits of Isom, Brian Head, and Wah Wah Springs Formations
QTms(idb)_Quaternary-Tertiary landslide deposits of Isom, Mount Dutton, and Brian Head Formations QTms(idb)_Quaternary-Tertiary landslide deposits of Isom, Mount Dutton, and Brian Head Formations
QTms(kp)_Quaternary-Tertiary landslide deposits of Cretaceous rocks (undivided) and pink member of the Claron Formation QTms(kp)_Quaternary-Tertiary landslide deposits of Cretaceous rocks (undivided) and pink member of the Claron Formation
Qa1_Stream alluvium Qa1_Stream alluvium
Qac_Alluvium and colluvium Qac_Alluvium and colluvium
Qacf_Mixed alluvial, colluvial, and alluvial-fan deposits Qacf_Mixed alluvial, colluvial, and alluvial-fan deposits
Qaf2_Level-2 fan alluvium Qaf2_Level-2 fan alluvium
Qafc_Coalesced fan alluvium Qafc_Coalesced fan alluvium
Qafo_Older fan alluvium Qafo_Older fan alluvium
Qafy_Younger fan alluvium Qafy_Younger fan alluvium
Qay_Young alluvium Qay_Young alluvium
Qbc_Second Left Hand Canyon vent breccia Qbc_Second Left Hand Canyon vent breccia
Qbw_Water Canyon lava flow Qbw_Water Canyon lava flow
Qbwc_Water Canyon cinder cone Qbwc_Water Canyon cinder cone
Qc_Colluvium Qc_Colluvium
Qco_Older colluvium Qco_Older colluvium
Qh_Artificial fill Qh_Artificial fill
Qms_Landslide deposits Qms_Landslide deposits
Qms(Ti)_Landslide deposits of Isom Formation Qms(Ti)_Landslide deposits of Isom Formation
Qms(ib)_Landslide deposits of Isom and Brian Head Formation Qms(ib)_Landslide deposits of Isom and Brian Head Formation
Qmsc_Landslides and colluvium Qmsc_Landslides and colluvium
Qmso(Tcp)_Older landslide deposits of pink member of the Claron Formation Qmso(Tcp)_Older landslide deposits of pink member of the Claron Formation
Qmso(bip)_Older landslide deposits of Brian Head Formation, Isom Formation, and pink member of the Claron Formation Qmso(bip)_Older landslide deposits of Brian Head Formation, Isom Formation, and pink member of the Claron Formation
Qmso(kpb)_Older landslide deposits of Cretaceous rocks (undivided), pink member of the Claron Formation, and Brian Head Formation Qmso(kpb)_Older landslide deposits of Cretaceous rocks (undivided), pink member of the Claron Formation, and Brian Head Formation
Qmso?(Tbh)_Older landslide deposits of Brian Head Formation, queried Qmso?(Tbh)_Older landslide deposits of Brian Head Formation, queried
Qmso_Older landslide deposits Qmso_Older landslide deposits
Qmt_Talus Qmt_Talus
Qmtc_Talus and colluvium Qmtc_Talus and colluvium
Tbh_Brian Head Formation, middle volcaniclastic unit Tbh_Brian Head Formation, middle volcaniclastic unit
Tbm_Conglomerate at Boat Mesa Tbm_Conglomerate at Boat Mesa
Tcp_Pink member of Claron Formation Tcp_Pink member of Claron Formation
Tcw?_White member, undivided, queried Tcw?_White member, undivided, queried
Tcw_White member, undivided Tcw_White member, undivided
Tcwl_Lower limestone unit of white member Tcwl_Lower limestone unit of white member
Tcwm_Middle mudstone, siltstone, and sandstone unit of white member Tcwm_Middle mudstone, siltstone, and sandstone unit of white member
Tda_Mount Dutton Formation, alluvial facies Tda_Mount Dutton Formation, alluvial facies
Ti_Isom Formation, undivided Ti_Isom Formation, undivided
Tm(Tbh)_Megabreccia deposits of Brian Head Formation Tm(Tbh)_Megabreccia deposits of Brian Head Formation
Tm(Tda)_Megabreccia deposits of Mount Dutton Formation Tm(Tda)_Megabreccia deposits of Mount Dutton Formation
Tm(Ti)?_Megabreccia deposit of Isom Formation, queried Tm(Ti)?_Megabreccia deposit of Isom Formation, queried
Tm(Ti)_Megabreccia deposits of Isom Formation Tm(Ti)_Megabreccia deposits of Isom Formation
Tm(Tql)_Megabreccia deposits of Leach Canyon Formation Tm(Tql)_Megabreccia deposits of Leach Canyon Formation
Tm(di)_Megabreccia deposits of Mount Dutton and Isom Formations Tm(di)_Megabreccia deposits of Mount Dutton and Isom Formations
Tm(ib)_Megabreccia deposits of Isom and Brian Head Formations Tm(ib)_Megabreccia deposits of Isom and Brian Head Formations
Tqcb_Bauers Tuff Member of Condor Canyon Formation Tqcb_Bauers Tuff Member of Condor Canyon Formation
Tqh_Harmony Hills Tuff Tqh_Harmony Hills Tuff
Tql_Leach Canyon Formation, undivided Tql_Leach Canyon Formation, undivided
water_ water_
CartographicPoints (3728)
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Fold, anticline, upright Fold, anticline, upright
Fold, syncline, upright Fold, syncline, upright
Queried fold Queried fold
Queried fault Queried fault
<all other values> <all other values>
CartographicLines (3724)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Leader line Leader line
OrientationPoints (3720)
Bedding, horizontal, map digitized Bedding, horizontal, map digitized
Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured
Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point)
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, map digitized Bedding, inclined, map digitized
Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B
<all other values> <all other values>
MapUnitLines (3716)
Dike, intermediate, approximately located Dike, intermediate, approximately located
Dike, intermediate, well located Dike, intermediate, well located
GeologicPoints (3712)
Spring Spring
Drill hole, oil and gas well, abandoned Drill hole, oil and gas well, abandoned
<all other values> <all other values>
GeologicLines (3708)
Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed, queried Fold, anticline, upright, concealed, queried
Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located, queried Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located, queried
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed, queried Fold, syncline, upright, concealed, queried
Lineament Lineament
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
<all other values> <all other values>
ContactsAndFaults (3704)
Boundary, map Boundary, map
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Extent, pit or quarry, well located Extent, pit or quarry, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, approximately located, queried Fault, normal, approximately located, queried
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, thrust, approximately located Fault, thrust, approximately located
Fault, thrust, concealed Fault, thrust, concealed
Fault, thrust, well located Fault, thrust, well located
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, concealed, queried Fault, unknown, concealed, queried
<all other values> <all other values>
Geologic Units (3700)
IPm? IPm?
IPrv IPrv
IPrv? IPrv?
Jg Jg
Jm Jm
Jmsp Jmsp
Jp Jp
Js Js
Jt Jt
Jtb Jtb
Jtg Jtg
Jtl Jtl
Jtr Jtr
Jts Jts
Jtw Jtw
Ka Ka
Kfl Kfl
Kk Kk
Pp Pp
Qac Qac
Qafc Qafc
Qafo Qafo
Qafy Qafy
Qay Qay
Qc Qc
Qct Qct
Qgao Qgao
Qgay Qgay
Qgay? Qgay?
Qh Qh
Qmc Qmc
Qms Qms
TRag TRag
TRam TRam
TRau TRau
Tih Tih
Tkn Tkn
Tkp Tkp
Tks Tks
Tks(a) Tks(a)
Tks(n) Tks(n)
Tks(n-t) Tks(n-t)
Toc Toc
Toc? Toc?
Tpp Tpp
CedarCity_CrossSectionLines (3687)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
CedarCity_GeologicUnits_leaders (3688)
Leader line Leader line
CedarCity_GeologicSymbols (3689)
Adit Adit
Bedding, horizontal, field measured Bedding, horizontal, field measured
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point)
Bedding, overturned, field measured Bedding, overturned, field measured
Bedding, vertical, field measured Bedding, vertical, field measured
Drill hole, abandoned Drill hole, abandoned
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Fault, oblique-slip, left lateral Fault, oblique-slip, left lateral
Fault, oblique-slip, right lateral Fault, oblique-slip, right lateral
Fault, strike-slip, left lateral Fault, strike-slip, left lateral
Fault, strike-slip, right lateral Fault, strike-slip, right lateral
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Mine or quarry Mine or quarry
Mine or quarry, abandoned Mine or quarry, abandoned
Prospect Prospect
Sample Sample
Spring Spring
Volcanic cone, cinder Volcanic cone, cinder
CedarCity_GeologicStructureLines (3690)
Fold, anticline, overturned, well located Fold, anticline, overturned, well located
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed, queried Fold, anticline, upright, concealed, queried
Fold, anticline, upright, well located Fold, anticline, upright, well located
Fold, syncline, upright, asymmetrical, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, asymmetrical, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, well located Fold, syncline, upright, well located
CedarCity_GeologicLines (3691)
Bed, marker, dolomitic limestone of the Moenave Formation Bed, marker, dolomitic limestone of the Moenave Formation
Bed, marker, red mudstone and gypsum of the Carmel Formation Bed, marker, red mudstone and gypsum of the Carmel Formation
Boundary, map Boundary, map
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, concealed Contact, concealed
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Fault, gravity slide, approximately located Fault, gravity slide, approximately located
Fault, gravity slide, concealed Fault, gravity slide, concealed
Fault, gravity slide, well located Fault, gravity slide, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed
Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located
Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, concealed Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, concealed
Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, well located Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, well located
Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, approximately located Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, approximately located
Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, concealed Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, concealed
Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, well located Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, well located
Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, approximately located Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, approximately located
Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, concealed Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, concealed
Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, well located Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, well located
Fault, thrust, approximately located Fault, thrust, approximately located
Fault, thrust, concealed Fault, thrust, concealed
Fault, thrust, well located Fault, thrust, well located
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
<all other values> <all other values>
Geologic Units (3692)
1_Qh_Artificial fill 1_Qh_Artificial fill
2_Qhm_Artificial fill, mine waste 2_Qhm_Artificial fill, mine waste
3_Qha_Artificial fill, ash waste 3_Qha_Artificial fill, ash waste
4_Qal1_Stream alluvium 4_Qal1_Stream alluvium
5_Qaly_Young alluvial deposits 5_Qaly_Young alluvial deposits
6_Qat_Younger stream-terrace deposits 6_Qat_Younger stream-terrace deposits
7_Qato_Older stream-terrace deposits 7_Qato_Older stream-terrace deposits
8_Qaf1_Level-1 fan alluvium 8_Qaf1_Level-1 fan alluvium
9_Qaf2_Level-2 fan alluvium 9_Qaf2_Level-2 fan alluvium
10_Qafy_Younger fan alluvium 10_Qafy_Younger fan alluvium
11_Qafc_Coalesced fan alluvium 11_Qafc_Coalesced fan alluvium
12_Qap_Pediment alluvium 12_Qap_Pediment alluvium
13_Qapo_Older pediment alluvium 13_Qapo_Older pediment alluvium
14_Qapf_Fine-grained pediment alluvium 14_Qapf_Fine-grained pediment alluvium
15_Qapfg_Fine-grained pediment alluvium with gypsiferous cap 15_Qapfg_Fine-grained pediment alluvium with gypsiferous cap
16_Qafo_Older alluvial-fan deposits 16_Qafo_Older alluvial-fan deposits
17_Qafo(?)_Older alluvial-fan deposits 17_Qafo(?)_Older alluvial-fan deposits
18_Qc_Colluvium 18_Qc_Colluvium
19_Qmt_Talus 19_Qmt_Talus
20_Qmtg_Talus consisting of gypsum 20_Qmtg_Talus consisting of gypsum
21_Qms_Landslides 21_Qms_Landslides
22_Qmsh_Landslides, historical 22_Qmsh_Landslides, historical
23_Qmsg_Green Hollow landslide 23_Qmsg_Green Hollow landslide
24_Qmss_Square Mountain landslide 24_Qmss_Square Mountain landslide
25_Qmss(Qb)_Square Mountain landslide, basalt component 25_Qmss(Qb)_Square Mountain landslide, basalt component
26_Qmss(Jks)_Square Mountain landslide, Springdale Sandstone component 26_Qmss(Jks)_Square Mountain landslide, Springdale Sandstone component
27_Qmsh(Ktn)_Landslides, historical, Tropic Shale and Naturita Formation component 27_Qmsh(Ktn)_Landslides, historical, Tropic Shale and Naturita Formation component
28_Qms(Qb)_Landslides, basalt component 28_Qms(Qb)_Landslides, basalt component
29_Qms(Ti)_Landslides, Isom Formation component 29_Qms(Ti)_Landslides, Isom Formation component
30_Qms(Tbh)_Landslides, Brian Head Formation component 30_Qms(Tbh)_Landslides, Brian Head Formation component
31_Qms(Tc)_Landslides, Claron Formation component 31_Qms(Tc)_Landslides, Claron Formation component
32_Qms(Kcm)_Landslides, Cedar Mountain Formation component 32_Qms(Kcm)_Landslides, Cedar Mountain Formation component
33_Qms(Ktn)_Landslides, Tropic Shale and Naturita Formation component 33_Qms(Ktn)_Landslides, Tropic Shale and Naturita Formation component
34_Qms(Kst)_Landslides, Tibbet Canyon Member of Straight Cliffs Formation component 34_Qms(Kst)_Landslides, Tibbet Canyon Member of Straight Cliffs Formation component
35_Qms(Jcw)_Landslides, Winsor Member of Claron Formation component 35_Qms(Jcw)_Landslides, Winsor Member of Claron Formation component
36_Qms(Jns)_Landslides, Shurtz Tongue of Navajo Sandstone component 36_Qms(Jns)_Landslides, Shurtz Tongue of Navajo Sandstone component
37_Qms(Jkm)_Landslides, main body of Kayenta Formation component 37_Qms(Jkm)_Landslides, main body of Kayenta Formation component
38_Qms(Jks)_Landslides, Springdale Sandstone Member of Kayenta Formation component 38_Qms(Jks)_Landslides, Springdale Sandstone Member of Kayenta Formation component
39_Qac_Alluvium and colluvium 39_Qac_Alluvium and colluvium
40_Qea_Eolian sand and alluvium 40_Qea_Eolian sand and alluvium
41_Qst_Spring tufa 41_Qst_Spring tufa
42_Qbl_Lone Tree Mountain lava flows 42_Qbl_Lone Tree Mountain lava flows
43_Qblc_Lone Tree Mountain cinder cone 43_Qblc_Lone Tree Mountain cinder cone
44_Qbs_Square Mountain lava flows 44_Qbs_Square Mountain lava flows
45_Qb_Quaternary basalt 45_Qb_Quaternary basalt
46_Qbc1_Younger Cross Hollow Hills lava flows 46_Qbc1_Younger Cross Hollow Hills lava flows
47_Qbc2_Older Cross Hollow Hills lava flows 47_Qbc2_Older Cross Hollow Hills lava flows
48_QTaf_Basin-fill deposits 48_QTaf_Basin-fill deposits
49_Tm(Ti)_Megabreccia, Isom Formation component 49_Tm(Ti)_Megabreccia, Isom Formation component
50_Tm(Tql)_Megabreccia, Leach Canyon Formation component 50_Tm(Tql)_Megabreccia, Leach Canyon Formation component
51_Tm(Tqcb)_Megabreccia, Bauers Tuff Member of Condor Canyon Formation component 51_Tm(Tqcb)_Megabreccia, Bauers Tuff Member of Condor Canyon Formation component
52_Tm(Tqh)_Megabreccia, Harmony Hills Tuff component 52_Tm(Tqh)_Megabreccia, Harmony Hills Tuff component
53_Tqcb_Bauers Tuff Member of Condor Canyon Formation 53_Tqcb_Bauers Tuff Member of Condor Canyon Formation
54_Tql_Leach Canyon Formation 54_Tql_Leach Canyon Formation
55_Ti_Isom Formation 55_Ti_Isom Formation
56_Tcp_Pink member of Claron Formation 56_Tcp_Pink member of Claron Formation
57_Kw_Wahweap Formation 57_Kw_Wahweap Formation
58_Ksd_Drip Tank Member 58_Ksd_Drip Tank Member
59_Ksj_John Henry Member 59_Ksj_John Henry Member
60_Kss_Smoky Hollow Member 60_Kss_Smoky Hollow Member
61_Kst_Tibbet Canyon Member 61_Kst_Tibbet Canyon Member
62_Ktn_Tropic Shale and Naturita Formation (formerly Dakota Formation), undivided 62_Ktn_Tropic Shale and Naturita Formation (formerly Dakota Formation), undivided
63_Kcm_Cedar Mountain Formation 63_Kcm_Cedar Mountain Formation
64_Jcw_Winsor Member 64_Jcw_Winsor Member
65_Jcp_Paria River Member, undivided 65_Jcp_Paria River Member, undivided
66_Jcpl_Paria River Member, upper limestone 66_Jcpl_Paria River Member, upper limestone
67_Jcpg_Paria River Member, lower gypsum 67_Jcpg_Paria River Member, lower gypsum
68_Jcx_Crystal Creek Member 68_Jcx_Crystal Creek Member
69_Jcc_Co-op Creek Limestone Member 69_Jcc_Co-op Creek Limestone Member
70_Jtm_Manganese Wash Member 70_Jtm_Manganese Wash Member
71_Jn_Navajo Sandstone, main body 71_Jn_Navajo Sandstone, main body
72_Jkc_Cedar City Tongue of Kayenta Formation 72_Jkc_Cedar City Tongue of Kayenta Formation
73_Jns_Shurtz Tongue of Navajo Sandstone 73_Jns_Shurtz Tongue of Navajo Sandstone
74_Jkm_Kayenta Formation, main body 74_Jkm_Kayenta Formation, main body
75_Jks_Springdale Sandstone Member 75_Jks_Springdale Sandstone Member
76_JTRmd_Dinosaur Canyon Member 76_JTRmd_Dinosaur Canyon Member
77_TRcp_Petrified Forest Member 77_TRcp_Petrified Forest Member
78_TRcs_Shinarump Conglomerate Member 78_TRcs_Shinarump Conglomerate Member
79_TRcl_lower member 79_TRcl_lower member
80_TRmu_upper red member 80_TRmu_upper red member
81_TRms_Shnabkaib Member 81_TRms_Shnabkaib Member
82_TRmm_middle red member 82_TRmm_middle red member
83_TRmv_Virgin Limestone Member 83_TRmv_Virgin Limestone Member
84_TRml_lower red member 84_TRml_lower red member
85_TRml?_lower red member, queried 85_TRml?_lower red member, queried
86_TRmt_Timpoweap Member 86_TRmt_Timpoweap Member
CartographicLines (3612)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
<all other values> <all other values>
CartographicPoints (3611)
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
ContactsAndFaults (3610)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Boundary, water, perennial Boundary, water, perennial
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, concealed Contact, concealed
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Extent, pit or quarry, well located Extent, pit or quarry, well located
Fault, geophysical Fault, geophysical
Shoreline, Provo level, well located Shoreline, Provo level, well located
Shoreline, regressional, approximately located Shoreline, regressional, approximately located
Shoreline, regressional, concealed Shoreline, regressional, concealed
Shoreline, regressional, well located Shoreline, regressional, well located
<all other values> <all other values>
GeologicPoints (3609)
Drill hole, water well Drill hole, water well
Gravel pit Gravel pit
GeologicLines (3604)
Crest, beach ridge, concealed Crest, beach ridge, concealed
Crest, beach ridge, well located Crest, beach ridge, well located
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
<all other values> <all other values>
Geologic Units (3675)
Qac Qac
Qaf1 Qaf1
Qaf2 Qaf2
Qafy Qafy
Qal1 Qal1
Qalh Qalh
Qaly Qaly
Qat2 Qat2
Qdp Qdp
Qed Qed
Qes Qes
Qes/Qls Qes/Qls
Qes/Qlsp Qes/Qlsp
Qh Qh
Qh/Qaly Qh/Qaly
Qhl Qhl
Qhr Qhr
Qhr/Qal1 Qhr/Qal1
Qla Qla
Qlb Qlb
Qldgp Qldgp
Qlf Qlf
Qlfp Qlfp
Qlg Qlg
Qlgp Qlgp
Qls Qls
Qlsp Qlsp
Qmc Qmc
Qms Qms
lPobm? lPobm?
water water
<all other values> <all other values>
GoldHill_GeologicSymbols (3590)
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Fault, dip Fault, dip
Fault, queried Fault, queried
Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral
Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral
Fold, minor anticline Fold, minor anticline
Shoreline, Bonneville level Shoreline, Bonneville level
Shoreline, Provo level Shoreline, Provo level
Shoreline, Stansbury level Shoreline, Stansbury level
GoldHill_GeologicUnits_leaders (3591)
Leader line Leader line
<all other values> <all other values>
GoldHill_CrossSectionLines (3592)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Cross section, B-B' Cross section, B-B'
Cross section, C-C' Cross section, C-C'
Cross section, D-D' Cross section, D-D'
GoldHill_GeologicStructureLines (3593)
Fold, anticline, upright, well located Fold, anticline, upright, well located
Fold, syncline, upright, well located Fold, syncline, upright, well located
GoldHill_GeologicLines (3594)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Fault, low-angle normal, approximately located, LANF-1 Fault, low-angle normal, approximately located, LANF-1
Fault, low-angle normal, approximately located, LANF-2 Fault, low-angle normal, approximately located, LANF-2
Fault, low-angle normal, older, approximately located Fault, low-angle normal, older, approximately located
Fault, low-angle normal, older, well located Fault, low-angle normal, older, well located
Fault, low-angle normal, well located, LANF-1 Fault, low-angle normal, well located, LANF-1
Fault, low-angle normal, well located, LANF-2 Fault, low-angle normal, well located, LANF-2
Fault, low-angle normal, well located, LANF-3 Fault, low-angle normal, well located, LANF-3
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, approximately located, queried Fault, normal, approximately located, queried
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed
Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located
Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, approximately located Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, approximately located
Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, concealed Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, concealed
Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, well located Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, well located
Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, approximately located Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, approximately located
Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, concealed Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, concealed
Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, well located Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, well located
Fault, thrust, approximately located Fault, thrust, approximately located
Fault, thrust, well located Fault, thrust, well located
Fault, unknown, approximately located Fault, unknown, approximately located
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located
Shoreline, Provo level, well located Shoreline, Provo level, well located
Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located
GoldHill_GeologicUnits_overlays (3595)
si si
mm mm
Geologic Units (3596)
1_Qal_Alluvium 1_Qal_Alluvium
2_Qpm_Playa mud 2_Qpm_Playa mud
3_Qaf1_Younger alluvial-fan deposits 3_Qaf1_Younger alluvial-fan deposits
4_Qlg_Lacustrine gravel 4_Qlg_Lacustrine gravel
5_Qla_Undifferentiated lacustrine and alluvial deposits 5_Qla_Undifferentiated lacustrine and alluvial deposits
6_Qc_Colluvium 6_Qc_Colluvium
7_Qaf2_Older alluvial-fan deposits 7_Qaf2_Older alluvial-fan deposits
8_Tp_Pyroclastic rocks 8_Tp_Pyroclastic rocks
9_Tb_Basalt 9_Tb_Basalt
10_Ta_Andesite and diabase dikes 10_Ta_Andesite and diabase dikes
11_Tl_Latite and Trachyte 11_Tl_Latite and Trachyte
12_Td_Quartzo-feldspathic dikes 12_Td_Quartzo-feldspathic dikes
13_Tq_Quartz Monzonite 13_Tq_Quartz Monzonite
14_TKd_Diorite 14_TKd_Diorite
15_bx_Silicified breccia 15_bx_Silicified breccia
16_Jg_Granodiorite 16_Jg_Granodiorite
17_IPe_Ely Limestone 17_IPe_Ely Limestone
18_Mc_Chainman Shale 18_Mc_Chainman Shale
19_Mo_Ochre Mountain Limestone 19_Mo_Ochre Mountain Limestone
20_Mw_Woodman Formation 20_Mw_Woodman Formation
21_Mj_Joana Limestone 21_Mj_Joana Limestone
22_Dg_Guilmette Formation 22_Dg_Guilmette Formation
23_Sl_Laketown Dolomite 23_Sl_Laketown Dolomite
24_Ofh_Fish Haven Dolomite 24_Ofh_Fish Haven Dolomite
25_Cl_Lamb Dolomite and Orr Formation, undifferentiated 25_Cl_Lamb Dolomite and Orr Formation, undifferentiated
26_Cab_Abercrombie Formation 26_Cab_Abercrombie Formation
27_Cbu_Busby Quartzite 27_Cbu_Busby Quartzite
28_Cp_Pioche Shale 28_Cp_Pioche Shale
29_Cpm_Prospect Mountain Quartzite 29_Cpm_Prospect Mountain Quartzite
OrientationPoints (3530)
Bedding, inclined, map digitized Bedding, inclined, map digitized
Bedding, overturned, map digitized Bedding, overturned, map digitized
Bedding, vertical, map digitized Bedding, vertical, map digitized
Foliation, inclined, map digitized Foliation, inclined, map digitized
GeologicPoints (3531)
Adit Adit
Prospect Prospect
Shaft Shaft
CartographicPoints (3532)
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral
Fold, plunge, arrow Fold, plunge, arrow
GeologicLines (3533)
Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located
ContactsAndFault (3534)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Fault, attenuation, approximately located Fault, attenuation, approximately located
Fault, attenuation, concealed Fault, attenuation, concealed
Fault, attenuation, well located Fault, attenuation, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, approximately located Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, approximately located
Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, well located Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, well located
Fault, thrust, well located Fault, thrust, well located
CartographicLines (3535)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Cross section, B-B' Cross section, B-B'
Cross section, C-C' Cross section, C-C'
Leader line Leader line
Geologic Units (3570)
10_QTms(TRmr)_Landslide materials (Moenkopi Formation, Rock Canyon Conglomerate Member) 10_QTms(TRmr)_Landslide materials (Moenkopi Formation, Rock Canyon Conglomerate Member)
11_QTms(Pkh)_Landslide materials (Kaibab Formation, Harrisburg Member) 11_QTms(Pkh)_Landslide materials (Kaibab Formation, Harrisburg Member)
12_QTms(Pkf)_Landslide materials (Kaibab Formation, Fossil Mountain Member) 12_QTms(Pkf)_Landslide materials (Kaibab Formation, Fossil Mountain Member)
13_QTms(Ptw)_Landslide materials (Toroweap Formation, Woods Ranch Member) 13_QTms(Ptw)_Landslide materials (Toroweap Formation, Woods Ranch Member)
14_QTms(Ptb)_Landslide materials (Toroweap Formation, Brady Canyon Member) 14_QTms(Ptb)_Landslide materials (Toroweap Formation, Brady Canyon Member)
15_QTms(Mr)_Landslide materials (Redwall Limestone) 15_QTms(Mr)_Landslide materials (Redwall Limestone)
16_QTbr_Limestone and chert breccia 16_QTbr_Limestone and chert breccia
17_TRc_Chinle Formation 17_TRc_Chinle Formation
18_TRmu_Moenkopi Formation, upper red member 18_TRmu_Moenkopi Formation, upper red member
19_TRms_Moenkopi Formation, Shnabkaib Member 19_TRms_Moenkopi Formation, Shnabkaib Member
1_Qap_Pediment alluvium 1_Qap_Pediment alluvium
20_TRmm_Moenkopi Formation, middle red member 20_TRmm_Moenkopi Formation, middle red member
21_TRmv_Moenkopi Formation, Virgin Limestone Member 21_TRmv_Moenkopi Formation, Virgin Limestone Member
22_TRml_Moenkopi Formation, lower red member 22_TRml_Moenkopi Formation, lower red member
23_TRmr_Moenkopi Formation, Rock Canyon Conglomerate Member 23_TRmr_Moenkopi Formation, Rock Canyon Conglomerate Member
24_TRm_Moenkopi Formation, undivided 24_TRm_Moenkopi Formation, undivided
25_Pkh_Kaibab Formation, Harrisburg Member 25_Pkh_Kaibab Formation, Harrisburg Member
26_Pkf_Kaibab Formation, Fossil Mountain Member 26_Pkf_Kaibab Formation, Fossil Mountain Member
27_Ptw_Toroweap Formation, Woods Ranch Member 27_Ptw_Toroweap Formation, Woods Ranch Member
28_Ptb_Toroweap Formation, Brady Canyon Member 28_Ptb_Toroweap Formation, Brady Canyon Member
29_Pts_Toroweap Formation, Seligman Member 29_Pts_Toroweap Formation, Seligman Member
2_Qag_Alluvial gravels 2_Qag_Alluvial gravels
30_Pq_Queantoweap Sandstone 30_Pq_Queantoweap Sandstone
31_Pp_Pakoon Dolomite 31_Pp_Pakoon Dolomite
32_IPc_Callville Limestone 32_IPc_Callville Limestone
33_Mr_Redwall Limestone 33_Mr_Redwall Limestone
34_Dm_Muddy Peak Dolomite, undivided 34_Dm_Muddy Peak Dolomite, undivided
35_Dmp_Muddy Peak Dolomite, pinnacle member 35_Dmp_Muddy Peak Dolomite, pinnacle member
36_Dms_Muddy Peak Dolomite, slope member 36_Dms_Muddy Peak Dolomite, slope member
37_Cn_Nopah Dolomite 37_Cn_Nopah Dolomite
38_Cbk_Bonanza King Formation 38_Cbk_Bonanza King Formation
39_Cba_Bright Angel Shale 39_Cba_Bright Angel Shale
3_Qmt_Talus 3_Qmt_Talus
40_Ct_Tapeats Quartzite 40_Ct_Tapeats Quartzite
41_pC_Precambrian Rocks 41_pC_Precambrian Rocks
4_Qcf_Fine-grained colluvium 4_Qcf_Fine-grained colluvium
5_Qcg_Gravelly colluvium 5_Qcg_Gravelly colluvium
6_Qac_Alluvium-colluvium 6_Qac_Alluvium-colluvium
7_Qal1_Younger alluvium 7_Qal1_Younger alluvium
8_Qal2_Older alluvium 8_Qal2_Older alluvium
9_QTag_High-level alluvial gravels 9_QTag_High-level alluvial gravels
Kanarraville_CrossSectionLines (3508)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Kanarraville_GeologicSymbols (3510)
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B
Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point)
Bedding, overturned, field measured Bedding, overturned, field measured
Bedding, overturned, photogrammetric (3-point) Bedding, overturned, photogrammetric (3-point)
Bedding, vertical, field measured Bedding, vertical, field measured
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Fault, ball and bar, unknown Fault, ball and bar, unknown
Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral
Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral
Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral
Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral
Fold, anticline, overturned Fold, anticline, overturned
Fold, anticline, upright Fold, anticline, upright
Fold, plunge arrow Fold, plunge arrow
Fold, syncline, overturned Fold, syncline, overturned
Fold, syncline, upright Fold, syncline, upright
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Sample Sample
Kanarraville_GeologicUnits_leaders (3509)
Kanarraville_GeologicStructureLines (3511)
Fold, anticline, overturned, well located Fold, anticline, overturned, well located
Fold, anticline, upright, well located Fold, anticline, upright, well located
Fold, syncline, overturned, approximately located Fold, syncline, overturned, approximately located
Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, well located Fold, syncline, upright, well located
Kanarraville_GeologicLines (3512)
Boundary, map Boundary, map
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Fault, gravity slide, concealed Fault, gravity slide, concealed
Fault, gravity slide, well located Fault, gravity slide, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, approximately located, queried Fault, normal, approximately located, queried
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed
Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located
Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, concealed Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, concealed
Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, well located Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, well located
Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, concealed Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, concealed
Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, well located Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, well located
Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, concealed Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, concealed
Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, well located Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, well located
Fault, thrust, approximately located Fault, thrust, approximately located
Fault, thrust, concealed Fault, thrust, concealed
Fault, thrust, well located Fault, thrust, well located
Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, concealed, queried Fault, unknown, concealed, queried
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Shoreline, Holocene, other, approximately located Shoreline, Holocene, other, approximately located
Shoreline, Holocene, other, well located Shoreline, Holocene, other, well located
Geologic Units (3513)
1_Qh_Artificial fill 1_Qh_Artificial fill
2_Qal1_Stream alluvium 2_Qal1_Stream alluvium
3_Qat2_Stream-terrace alluvium 3_Qat2_Stream-terrace alluvium
4_Qaf1_Young fan alluvium 4_Qaf1_Young fan alluvium
5_Qaf2_Middle fan alluvium 5_Qaf2_Middle fan alluvium
6_Qafy_Younger fan alluvium 6_Qafy_Younger fan alluvium
7_Qafc_Coalesced fan alluvium of Cedar Valley 7_Qafc_Coalesced fan alluvium of Cedar Valley
8_Qap_Pediment alluvium 8_Qap_Pediment alluvium
9_Qafo_Older fan alluvium 9_Qafo_Older fan alluvium
10_Qc_Colluvium 10_Qc_Colluvium
11_Qco_Older colluvium 11_Qco_Older colluvium
12_Qes_Eolian sand 12_Qes_Eolian sand
13_Qms_Landslides 13_Qms_Landslides
14_Qms?_Landslides 14_Qms?_Landslides
15_Qac_Alluvium and colluvium 15_Qac_Alluvium and colluvium
16_Qaco_Older alluvium and colluvium 16_Qaco_Older alluvium and colluvium
17_Qea_Eolian and alluvial fine-grained deposits 17_Qea_Eolian and alluvial fine-grained deposits
18_Qmtc_Talus and colluvium 18_Qmtc_Talus and colluvium
19_Qmsc_Landslides and colluvium 19_Qmsc_Landslides and colluvium
20_Qp_Playa deposits 20_Qp_Playa deposits
21_Qp/Qafc_Playa deposits/coalesced fan alluvium of Cedar Valley 21_Qp/Qafc_Playa deposits/coalesced fan alluvium of Cedar Valley
22_Qbnh_North Hills lava flow 22_Qbnh_North Hills lava flow
23_QTaf_Quaternary and late Tertiary fan alluvium 23_QTaf_Quaternary and late Tertiary fan alluvium
24_Taf_Late Tertiary fan alluvium 24_Taf_Late Tertiary fan alluvium
25_Tip_Pine Valley laccolith 25_Tip_Pine Valley laccolith
26_Tctqh_Ash-flow tuff member of the volcanic rocks of Comanche Canyon, and Harmony Hills Tuff, undivided 26_Tctqh_Ash-flow tuff member of the volcanic rocks of Comanche Canyon, and Harmony Hills Tuff, undivided
27_Tctcp_Ash-flow tuff member of the volcanic rocks of Comanche Canyon, and pink member of the Claron Formation, undivided 27_Tctcp_Ash-flow tuff member of the volcanic rocks of Comanche Canyon, and pink member of the Claron Formation, undivided
28_Tmsm_Megabreccia of the Stoddard Mountain gravity slide 28_Tmsm_Megabreccia of the Stoddard Mountain gravity slide
29_Tct_Volcanic rocks of Comanche Canyon, ash-flow tuff member 29_Tct_Volcanic rocks of Comanche Canyon, ash-flow tuff member
30_Tqh_Harmony Hills Tuff 30_Tqh_Harmony Hills Tuff
31_Tq_Bauers Tuff Member of Condor Canyon Formation and Leach Canyon Formation, undivided 31_Tq_Bauers Tuff Member of Condor Canyon Formation and Leach Canyon Formation, undivided
32_Tqcb_Bauers Tuff Member of Condor Canyon Formation 32_Tqcb_Bauers Tuff Member of Condor Canyon Formation
33_Tql_Leach Canyon Formation 33_Tql_Leach Canyon Formation
34_Ti_Isom Formation 34_Ti_Isom Formation
35_Ti?_Isom Formation 35_Ti?_Isom Formation
36_Tbh_Middle volcaniclastic unit 36_Tbh_Middle volcaniclastic unit
37_Tcp_Pink member of the Claron Formation 37_Tcp_Pink member of the Claron Formation
38_Tcp?_Pink member of the Claron Formation 38_Tcp?_Pink member of the Claron Formation
39_Kn_Naturita Formation (formerly Dakota Formation) 39_Kn_Naturita Formation (formerly Dakota Formation)
40_Kcm_Cedar Mountain Formation 40_Kcm_Cedar Mountain Formation
41_Jcw_Winsor Member of the Carmel Formation 41_Jcw_Winsor Member of the Carmel Formation
42_Jcp_Paria River Member of the Carmel Formation 42_Jcp_Paria River Member of the Carmel Formation
43_Jcx_Crystal Creek Member of the Carmel Formation 43_Jcx_Crystal Creek Member of the Carmel Formation
44_Jccu_Upper unit of the Co-op Creek Limestone Member of the Carmel Formation 44_Jccu_Upper unit of the Co-op Creek Limestone Member of the Carmel Formation
45_Jccl_Lower unit of the Co-op Creek Limestone Member of the Carmel Formation 45_Jccl_Lower unit of the Co-op Creek Limestone Member of the Carmel Formation
46_Jtm_Manganese Wash Member of the Temple Cap Formation 46_Jtm_Manganese Wash Member of the Temple Cap Formation
47_Jn_Navajo Sandstone 47_Jn_Navajo Sandstone
48_Jku_Upper unit of the Kayenta Formation 48_Jku_Upper unit of the Kayenta Formation
49_Jkc_Cedar City Tongue of Kayenta Formation 49_Jkc_Cedar City Tongue of Kayenta Formation
50_Jns_Shurtz Sandstone Tongue of the Navajo Sandstone 50_Jns_Shurtz Sandstone Tongue of the Navajo Sandstone
51_Jkm_Main body of Kayenta Formation 51_Jkm_Main body of Kayenta Formation
52_Jks_Springdale Sandstone Member of the Kayenta Formation 52_Jks_Springdale Sandstone Member of the Kayenta Formation
53_JTRm_Moenave Formation 53_JTRm_Moenave Formation
54_TRcu_Upper unit of the Chinle Formation 54_TRcu_Upper unit of the Chinle Formation
55_TRcs_Shinarump Member of the Chinle Formation 55_TRcs_Shinarump Member of the Chinle Formation
56_TRm_Moenkopi Formation, undivided 56_TRm_Moenkopi Formation, undivided
57_TRmu_Upper red member of the Moenkopi Formation 57_TRmu_Upper red member of the Moenkopi Formation
58_TRms_Shnabkaib Member of the Moenkopi Formation 58_TRms_Shnabkaib Member of the Moenkopi Formation
59_TRmm_Middle red member of the Moenkopi Formation 59_TRmm_Middle red member of the Moenkopi Formation
60_TRmv_Virgin Limestone Member of the Moenkopi Formation 60_TRmv_Virgin Limestone Member of the Moenkopi Formation
61_TRml_Lower Red Member of the Moenkopi Formation 61_TRml_Lower Red Member of the Moenkopi Formation
62_TRmt_Timpoweap Member of the Moenkopi Formation 62_TRmt_Timpoweap Member of the Moenkopi Formation
63_TRmr_Rock Canyon Conglomerate Member of the Moenkopi Formation 63_TRmr_Rock Canyon Conglomerate Member of the Moenkopi Formation
64_Pkh_Harrisburg Member of the Kaibab Formation 64_Pkh_Harrisburg Member of the Kaibab Formation
65_Pkf_Fossil Mountain Member of the Kaibab Formation 65_Pkf_Fossil Mountain Member of the Kaibab Formation
66_Pt_Toroweap Formation, Woods Ranch and Brady Canyon Members, undivided 66_Pt_Toroweap Formation, Woods Ranch and Brady Canyon Members, undivided
67_water_water 67_water_water
BrownsHoles_LeaderLines (3445)
BrownsHoleCrossSectionLines (3410)
Cross Section A-A' Cross Section A-A'
BrownsHole_GeologicSymbols (3406)
Bedding, inclined, approximate Bedding, inclined, approximate
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric
Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point)
Bedding, inclined, source A Bedding, inclined, source A
Bedding, overturned, field measured Bedding, overturned, field measured
Bedding, overturned, source A Bedding, overturned, source A
Bedding, vertical, approimate Bedding, vertical, approimate
Bedding, vertical, approimate, source A Bedding, vertical, approimate, source A
Clevage, inclined 1 Clevage, inclined 1
Clevage, inclined, source A Clevage, inclined, source A
Drill hole, water well Drill hole, water well
Fault dip Fault dip
Joint, inclined Joint, inclined
Joint, vertical Joint, vertical
M fold M fold
Querry Querry
Sample, DZ Sample, DZ
Sample, fossil Sample, fossil
Sample, other Sample, other
Sample, DZ Sample, DZ
Sample, other Sample, other
BrownsHole_GeologicStructureLines (3402)
Fold, anticline, approximately located Fold, anticline, approximately located
Fold, anticline, concealed Fold, anticline, concealed
Fold, anticline, well located Fold, anticline, well located
Fold, syncline, approximately located Fold, syncline, approximately located
Fold, syncline, concealed Fold, syncline, concealed
Lineament Lineament
Marker bed, approximately located Marker bed, approximately located
BrownsHole_GeologicLines (3448)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Cirque, headwall, well located Cirque, headwall, well located
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, concealed Contact, concealed
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, moraine, asymmetrical Crest, moraine, asymmetrical
Fault, geophysical, gravity Fault, geophysical, gravity
Fault, normal, appoximately located Fault, normal, appoximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, thrust, approximately located Fault, thrust, approximately located
Fault, thrust, concealed Fault, thrust, concealed
Fault, thrust, well located Fault, thrust, well located
Fault, unknown, approximately located Fault, unknown, approximately located
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located
Geologic Units (3394)
Cb? Cb?
Cgcl Cgcl
Cgcu Cgcu
Cl Cl
Cm Cm
Cu Cu
Qa1 Qa1
Qac Qac
Qaco Qaco
Qaf1 Qaf1
Qaf3 Qaf3
Qafo Qafo
Qafoe Qafoe
Qafy Qafy
Qat Qat
Qay Qay
Qc Qc
Qco Qco
Qct Qct
Qdlb Qdlb
Qgmp Qgmp
Qgp Qgp
Qla Qla
Qlfb Qlfb
Qlsb Qlsb
Qmc Qmc
Qms Qms
Qmsh Qmsh
Qmso Qmso
Qmsy Qmsy
Tw Tw
Tw? Tw?
Zbq Zbq
Zbv Zbv
Zcc Zcc
Zi Zi
Zkc Zkc
Zm Zm
Zmcc Zmcc
Zmcg Zmcg
Zpc Zpc
Zpc? Zpc?
Zpu Zpu
Clifton_GeologicUnits_leaders (3375)
Leader line Leader line
Clifton_GeologicSymbols (3374)
Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, map digitized Bedding, inclined, map digitized
Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B
Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-C Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-C
Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-D Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-D
Bedding, vertical, field measured Bedding, vertical, field measured
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral
Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral
Fold, anticline, overturned Fold, anticline, overturned
Fold, minor anticline Fold, minor anticline
Fold, minor syncline Fold, minor syncline
Fold, plunge arrow Fold, plunge arrow
Foliation, inclined, field measured Foliation, inclined, field measured
Sample, geochemical Sample, geochemical
Sample, geochronology Sample, geochronology
Spring Spring
Symbol, fault, queried Symbol, fault, queried
Clifton_GeologicStructureLines (3373)
Fold, anticline, overturned, well located Fold, anticline, overturned, well located
Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, anticline, upright, well located Fold, anticline, upright, well located
Clifton_GeologicLines (3372)
Bed, marker A, approximately located Bed, marker A, approximately located
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, approximately located, queried Contact, approximately located, queried
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, beach ridge, well located Crest, beach ridge, well located
Dike, igneous, approximately located Dike, igneous, approximately located
Fault, low-angle normal, approximately located Fault, low-angle normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, approximately located, queried Fault, normal, approximately located, queried
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, approximately located Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, approximately located
Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed
Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located
Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, approximately located Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, approximately located
Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, concealed Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, concealed
Fault, thrust, approximately located Fault, thrust, approximately located
Fault, thrust, concealed Fault, thrust, concealed
Fault, unknown, approximately located Fault, unknown, approximately located
Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, concealed, queried Fault, unknown, concealed, queried
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Lineament Lineament
Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located
Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located
Shoreline, Provo level, well located Shoreline, Provo level, well located
Shoreline, transgressional, well located Shoreline, transgressional, well located
Geologic Units (3371)
1_Qhm_Mining disturbances 1_Qhm_Mining disturbances
2_Qal_Stream alluvium 2_Qal_Stream alluvium
3_Qafy_Younger fan alluvium 3_Qafy_Younger fan alluvium
4_Qafo_Older fan alluvium 4_Qafo_Older fan alluvium
5_Qafo?_Older fan alluvium? 5_Qafo?_Older fan alluvium?
6_Ql_Lacustrine deposits, undivided 6_Ql_Lacustrine deposits, undivided
7_Qlg_Lacustrine gravel 7_Qlg_Lacustrine gravel
8_Qlf_Lacustrine fine-grained deposits 8_Qlf_Lacustrine fine-grained deposits
9_Qlf?_Lacustrine fine-grained deposits? 9_Qlf?_Lacustrine fine-grained deposits?
10_Qc_Colluvium 10_Qc_Colluvium
11_Qla_Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided 11_Qla_Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided
12_Qes/Ql_Eolian sand over undivided lacustrine deposits 12_Qes/Ql_Eolian sand over undivided lacustrine deposits
13_Ql/Jqm_Undivided lacustrine deposits over Jurassic quartz monzonite 13_Ql/Jqm_Undivided lacustrine deposits over Jurassic quartz monzonite
14_QTaf/Tsc_High-level fan alluvium over Salt Lake Formation conglomerate 14_QTaf/Tsc_High-level fan alluvium over Salt Lake Formation conglomerate
15_Tj_Jasperoid 15_Tj_Jasperoid
16_Tsw_Quartz vein stockwork 16_Tsw_Quartz vein stockwork
17_Tsc_Salt Lake Formation, conglomerate 17_Tsc_Salt Lake Formation, conglomerate
18_Tbx_Dolomite breccia 18_Tbx_Dolomite breccia
19_Tid_Igneous dikes, undivided 19_Tid_Igneous dikes, undivided
20_Tib_Basalt dikes 20_Tib_Basalt dikes
21_Tst_Volcaniclastic sandstone and tuff 21_Tst_Volcaniclastic sandstone and tuff
22_Tlf_Lava flows 22_Tlf_Lava flows
23_Tt_Welded tuff 23_Tt_Welded tuff
24_Jqm_Jurassic quartz monzonite 24_Jqm_Jurassic quartz monzonite
25_Jqm?_Jurassic quartz monzonite? 25_Jqm?_Jurassic quartz monzonite?
26_Pfm_Ferguson Mountain Formation 26_Pfm_Ferguson Mountain Formation
27_Pfm(Si)_Ferguson Mountain Formation(Silicified) 27_Pfm(Si)_Ferguson Mountain Formation(Silicified)
28_Pfm?_Ferguson Mountain Formation? 28_Pfm?_Ferguson Mountain Formation?
29_IPe_Ely Limestone 29_IPe_Ely Limestone
30_IPe?_Ely Limestone? 30_IPe?_Ely Limestone?
31_Mc_Chainman Formation 31_Mc_Chainman Formation
32_Mo_Ochre Mountain Limestone 32_Mo_Ochre Mountain Limestone
33_Mo?_Ochre Mountain Limestone? 33_Mo?_Ochre Mountain Limestone?
34_Mos_Ochre Mountain Limestone, shale member 34_Mos_Ochre Mountain Limestone, shale member
35_Mw_Woodman Formation 35_Mw_Woodman Formation
36_Dsi?_Simonson Dolomite? 36_Dsi?_Simonson Dolomite?
37_Sl?_Laketown Dolomite? 37_Sl?_Laketown Dolomite?
38_Cl_Lamb Dolomite 38_Cl_Lamb Dolomite
39_Cl?_Lamb Dolomite? 39_Cl?_Lamb Dolomite?
40_Ctl_Trippe Limestone 40_Ctl_Trippe Limestone
41_Cpy_"Pierson Cove" Formation, Young Peak dolomite member 41_Cpy_"Pierson Cove" Formation, Young Peak dolomite member
42_Cpy?_"Pierson Cove" Formation, Young Peak dolomite member? 42_Cpy?_"Pierson Cove" Formation, Young Peak dolomite member?
43_Cph_"Pierson Cove" through Howell Formations, undivided 43_Cph_"Pierson Cove" through Howell Formations, undivided
44_Cph?_"Pierson Cove" through Howell Formations, undivided? 44_Cph?_"Pierson Cove" through Howell Formations, undivided?
45_Cpib_Pioche Formation, Busby Quartzite Member 45_Cpib_Pioche Formation, Busby Quartzite Member
46_Cpic_Pioche Formation, Cabin Shale Member 46_Cpic_Pioche Formation, Cabin Shale Member
47_CZpm_Prospect Mountain Quartzite 47_CZpm_Prospect Mountain Quartzite
BountifulPeak_CrossSectionLines (3365)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
BountifulPeak_GeologicUnits_leaders (3370)
Leader line Leader line
BountifulPeak_GeologicSymbols (3369)
Foliation, inclined, metamorphic and compositional layering Foliation, inclined, metamorphic and compositional layering
Foliation, inclined, cataclastic and retrogressively metamorphosed Foliation, inclined, cataclastic and retrogressively metamorphosed
Fold, Z-fold Fold, Z-fold
Adit Adit
Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point)
Cleavage, inclined Cleavage, inclined
Foliation, inclined, field measured Foliation, inclined, field measured
Fault, dip Fault, dip
Fault, dip, photogrammetric (3-point) Fault, dip, photogrammetric (3-point)
Lineation, bearing and plunge Lineation, bearing and plunge
Fold, minor S Fold, minor S
Fold, minor Z Fold, minor Z
Bedding, vertical, map digitized Bedding, vertical, map digitized
Bedding, inclined, map digitized Bedding, inclined, map digitized
Bedding, overturned, map digitized Bedding, overturned, map digitized
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Foliation, inclined, map digitized Foliation, inclined, map digitized
Foliation, vertical, field measured Foliation, vertical, field measured
Lineation, bearing and plunge, map digitized Lineation, bearing and plunge, map digitized
Lineation, horizontal Lineation, horizontal
Mine or quarry, abandoned Mine or quarry, abandoned
Prospect Prospect
Sinkhole Sinkhole
Spring Spring
Megascopic sillimanite Megascopic sillimanite
Microscopic sillimanite Microscopic sillimanite
Sillimanite and microcline Sillimanite and microcline
Sillimanite, microcline, and muscovite Sillimanite, microcline, and muscovite
BountifulPeak_GeologicStructureLines (3368)
Fold, Z-fold, concealed Fold, Z-fold, concealed
Fold, Z-fold, well located Fold, Z-fold, well located
Lineament Lineament
BountifulPeak_GeologicLines (3367)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Boundary, water, perennial Boundary, water, perennial
Cirque, headwall, well located Cirque, headwall, well located
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, concealed Contact, concealed
Contact, gradational, approximately located Contact, gradational, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, arete, well located Crest, arete, well located
Crest, moraine, asymmetrical Crest, moraine, asymmetrical
Crest, moraine, symmetrical Crest, moraine, symmetrical
Crest, moraine, symmetry unknown Crest, moraine, symmetry unknown
Dike, silicic, approximately located Dike, silicic, approximately located
Extent, pit or quarry, well located Extent, pit or quarry, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, approximately located, queried Fault, normal, approximately located, queried
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Scarp, terrace, approximately located Scarp, terrace, approximately located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, concealed Shoreline, Bonneville level, concealed
Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located
Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located
Shoreline, Provo level, concealed Shoreline, Provo level, concealed
Shoreline, Provo level, well located Shoreline, Provo level, well located
Shoreline, Stansbury level, approximately located Shoreline, Stansbury level, approximately located
Shoreline, regressional, well located Shoreline, regressional, well located
Shoreline, transgressional, approximately located Shoreline, transgressional, approximately located
Shoreline, transgressional, well located Shoreline, transgressional, well located
Geologic Units (3366)
1,Qh,Fill and disturbed land 1,Qh,Fill and disturbed land
2,Qa,Stream alluvium 2,Qa,Stream alluvium
3,Qaf1,Youngest alluvial-fan deposits 3,Qaf1,Youngest alluvial-fan deposits
4,Qafy,Younger alluvial-fan deposits 4,Qafy,Younger alluvial-fan deposits
5,Qafp,Alluvial-fan deposits related to regressive phase of Bonneville lake cycle 5,Qafp,Alluvial-fan deposits related to regressive phase of Bonneville lake cycle
6,Qafp?,Alluvial-fan deposits related to regressive phase of Bonneville lake cycle, queried 6,Qafp?,Alluvial-fan deposits related to regressive phase of Bonneville lake cycle, queried
7,Qafb?,Alluvial-fan deposits related to Bonneville shoreline occupation, queried 7,Qafb?,Alluvial-fan deposits related to Bonneville shoreline occupation, queried
8,Qafo,Older alluvial-fan deposits 8,Qafo,Older alluvial-fan deposits
9,Qafo?,Older alluvial-fan deposits, queried 9,Qafo?,Older alluvial-fan deposits, queried
10,Qlsp,Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 10,Qlsp,Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
11,Qldp,Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 11,Qldp,Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
12,Qldp?,Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville, queried 12,Qldp?,Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville, queried
13,Qlsb,Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 13,Qlsb,Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
14,Qlsb?,Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville, queried 14,Qlsb?,Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville, queried
15,Qlgb,Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 15,Qlgb,Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
16,Qlf,Lacustrine silt and clay of Lake Bonneville 16,Qlf,Lacustrine silt and clay of Lake Bonneville
17,Qls,Lacustrine sand and silt of Lake Bonneville 17,Qls,Lacustrine sand and silt of Lake Bonneville
18,Qlg,Lacustrine gravel and sand of Lake Bonneville 18,Qlg,Lacustrine gravel and sand of Lake Bonneville
19,Qlg?,Lacustrine gravel and sand of Lake Bonneville, queried 19,Qlg?,Lacustrine gravel and sand of Lake Bonneville, queried
20,Qg,Glacial deposits, undivided 20,Qg,Glacial deposits, undivided
21,Qg?,Glacial deposits, undivided, queried 21,Qg?,Glacial deposits, undivided, queried
22,Qgmp,Glacial moraines, Pinedale age 22,Qgmp,Glacial moraines, Pinedale age
23,Qgmp?,Glacial moraines, Pinedale age, queried 23,Qgmp?,Glacial moraines, Pinedale age, queried
24,Qgp,Glacial deposits, undivided, Pinedale age 24,Qgp,Glacial deposits, undivided, Pinedale age
25,Qgp?,Glacial deposits, undivided, Pinedale age 25,Qgp?,Glacial deposits, undivided, Pinedale age
26,Qgmb,Glacial deposits and moraines, Bull Lake age 26,Qgmb,Glacial deposits and moraines, Bull Lake age
27,Qgmb?,Glacial deposits and moraines, Bull Lake age, queried 27,Qgmb?,Glacial deposits and moraines, Bull Lake age, queried
28,Qgb,Glacial deposits, undivided, Bull Lake age 28,Qgb,Glacial deposits, undivided, Bull Lake age
29,Qgb?,Glacial deposits, undivided, Bull Lake age, queried 29,Qgb?,Glacial deposits, undivided, Bull Lake age, queried
30,Qmsh,Landslide deposits, historical movement 30,Qmsh,Landslide deposits, historical movement
31,Qms,Landslide deposits 31,Qms,Landslide deposits
32,Qmso,Landslide deposits, older 32,Qmso,Landslide deposits, older
33,Qmt,Talus deposits 33,Qmt,Talus deposits
34,Qc,Colluvial deposits 34,Qc,Colluvial deposits
35,Qct,Colluvial and talus deposits, undivided 35,Qct,Colluvial and talus deposits, undivided
36,Qac,Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided 36,Qac,Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided
37,Qmc,Mass-movement and colluvial deposits, undivided 37,Qmc,Mass-movement and colluvial deposits, undivided
38,Qla,Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided 38,Qla,Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided
39,Qlm,Lacustrine and marsh deposits, undivided 39,Qlm,Lacustrine and marsh deposits, undivided
40,Qlsp/Qmso,Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over older landslide deposits 40,Qlsp/Qmso,Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over older landslide deposits
41,Qlgb/Qmso,Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over older landslide deposits 41,Qlgb/Qmso,Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over older landslide deposits
42,Qls/Qmso,Lacustrine sand and silt of Lake Bonneville over older landslide deposits 42,Qls/Qmso,Lacustrine sand and silt of Lake Bonneville over older landslide deposits
43,Tn,Norwood Formation 43,Tn,Norwood Formation
44,Tn?,Norwood Formation, queried 44,Tn?,Norwood Formation, queried
45,Tw,Wasatch Formation 45,Tw,Wasatch Formation
46,Tw?,Wasatch Formation, queried 46,Tw?,Wasatch Formation, queried
47,Keh,Hams Fork Member of Evanston Formation, conglomeratic facies 47,Keh,Hams Fork Member of Evanston Formation, conglomeratic facies
48,Cns,Nounan and St. Charles Formation, undivided 48,Cns,Nounan and St. Charles Formation, undivided
49,Cb,Bloomington Formation 49,Cb,Bloomington Formation
50,Cmu,Maxfield Limestone, upper limestone unit 50,Cmu,Maxfield Limestone, upper limestone unit
51,Cmm,Maxfield Limestone, middle mixed unit 51,Cmm,Maxfield Limestone, middle mixed unit
52,Cml,Maxfield Limestone, lower limestone unit 52,Cml,Maxfield Limestone, lower limestone unit
53,Co,Ophir Formation 53,Co,Ophir Formation
54,Ct,Tintic Quartzite 54,Ct,Tintic Quartzite
55,Xfcgs,Farmington Canyon Complex, gneiss and schist 55,Xfcgs,Farmington Canyon Complex, gneiss and schist
56,Xfcmr,Farmington Canyon Complex, mylonitic gneiss and schist with retrograde metamorphism 56,Xfcmr,Farmington Canyon Complex, mylonitic gneiss and schist with retrograde metamorphism
57,Xfcq,Farmington Canyon Complex, quartzite, gneiss, and schist 57,Xfcq,Farmington Canyon Complex, quartzite, gneiss, and schist
58,Xfcp,Farmington Canyon Complex, pegmatite, gneiss, and schist 58,Xfcp,Farmington Canyon Complex, pegmatite, gneiss, and schist
59,Xfca,Farmington Canyon Complex, amphibolite 59,Xfca,Farmington Canyon Complex, amphibolite
60,Water,<Null> 60,Water,<Null>
RillCreek_KaneSprings_GeologicLines (3346)
Bed, marker, limestone in Navajo Sandstone Bed, marker, limestone in Navajo Sandstone
Boundary, map Boundary, map
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, unknown, approximately located Fault, unknown, approximately located
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
RillCreek_KaneSprings_GeologicStructureLines (3345)
Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located
Fold, anticline, upright, asymmetrical, approximately located Fold, anticline, upright, asymmetrical, approximately located
Fold, anticline, upright, asymmetrical, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, asymmetrical, concealed
Fold, anticline, upright, asymmetrical, well located Fold, anticline, upright, asymmetrical, well located
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, monocline, approximately located Fold, monocline, approximately located
Fold, monocline, concealed Fold, monocline, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located
Fold, syncline, upright, asymmetrical, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, asymmetrical, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, asymmetrical, well located Fold, syncline, upright, asymmetrical, well located
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, concealed
RillCreek_KaneSprings_CrossSectionLines (3347)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
RillCreek_KaneSprings_GeologicSymbols (3344)
Adit Adit
Arch Arch
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point)
Drill hole, dry hole Drill hole, dry hole
Symbol, fault, ball and bar Symbol, fault, ball and bar
Fold, anticline, upright Fold, anticline, upright
Fold, anticline, upright, asymmetrical Fold, anticline, upright, asymmetrical
Fold, monocline Fold, monocline
Fold, syncline, upright Fold, syncline, upright
Fold, syncline, upright, asymmetrical Fold, syncline, upright, asymmetrical
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Joint, vertical Joint, vertical
Joint, vertical, secondary Joint, vertical, secondary
Spring Spring
RillCreek_KaneSprings_GeologicUnits_leaders (3332)
Leader line Leader line
Geologic Units (3343)
1_Qh_Human excavations, fill, and disturbed deposits 1_Qh_Human excavations, fill, and disturbed deposits
2_Qal_Active alluvium 2_Qal_Active alluvium
3_Qats_Low-level alluvial sand deposits of Mill and Pack Creeks 3_Qats_Low-level alluvial sand deposits of Mill and Pack Creeks
4_Qatg1_Level 1 alluvial gravel deposits of Mill and Pack Creeks 4_Qatg1_Level 1 alluvial gravel deposits of Mill and Pack Creeks
5_Qatg1y_Level 1-younger alluvial gravel deposits of Mill and Pack Creeks 5_Qatg1y_Level 1-younger alluvial gravel deposits of Mill and Pack Creeks
6_Qatg1i_Level 1-intermediate alluvial gravel deposits of Mill and Pack Creeks 6_Qatg1i_Level 1-intermediate alluvial gravel deposits of Mill and Pack Creeks
7_Qatg1o_Level 1-older alluvial gravel deposits of Mill and Pack Creeks 7_Qatg1o_Level 1-older alluvial gravel deposits of Mill and Pack Creeks
8_Qatg2_Level 2 alluvial terrace gravel deposits of Mill and Pack Creeks 8_Qatg2_Level 2 alluvial terrace gravel deposits of Mill and Pack Creeks
9_Qatg3_Level 3 alluvial terrace gravel deposits of Mill and Pack Creeks 9_Qatg3_Level 3 alluvial terrace gravel deposits of Mill and Pack Creeks
10_Qatg4_Level 4 alluvial terrace gravel deposits of Mill Creek 10_Qatg4_Level 4 alluvial terrace gravel deposits of Mill Creek
11_Qatg5_Level 5 alluvial terrace gravel deposits of Mill Creek 11_Qatg5_Level 5 alluvial terrace gravel deposits of Mill Creek
12_Qatg6_Level 6 alluvial terrace gravel deposits of Mill Creek 12_Qatg6_Level 6 alluvial terrace gravel deposits of Mill Creek
13_Qatg7_Level 7 alluvial terrace gravel deposits of Mill and Pack Creeks 13_Qatg7_Level 7 alluvial terrace gravel deposits of Mill and Pack Creeks
14_Qapg1_Level 1 alluvial piedmont gravel deposits 14_Qapg1_Level 1 alluvial piedmont gravel deposits
15_Qapg1y_Level 1-younger alluvial piedmont gravel deposits 15_Qapg1y_Level 1-younger alluvial piedmont gravel deposits
16_Qapg2_Level 2 alluvial piedmont gravel deposits 16_Qapg2_Level 2 alluvial piedmont gravel deposits
17_Qapg3_Level 3 alluvial piedmont gravel deposits 17_Qapg3_Level 3 alluvial piedmont gravel deposits
18_Qapg4_Level 4 alluvial piedmont gravel deposits 18_Qapg4_Level 4 alluvial piedmont gravel deposits
19_Qapg5_Level 5 alluvial piedmont gravel deposits 19_Qapg5_Level 5 alluvial piedmont gravel deposits
20_Qafs_Alluvial fan sand deposits 20_Qafs_Alluvial fan sand deposits
21_Qafd_Alluvial fan debris deposits 21_Qafd_Alluvial fan debris deposits
22_Qaes_Alluvial and eolian sand deposits 22_Qaes_Alluvial and eolian sand deposits
23_Qaem_Alluvial and eolian mud and sand deposits 23_Qaem_Alluvial and eolian mud and sand deposits
24_Qeas_Eolian and alluvial sand deposits 24_Qeas_Eolian and alluvial sand deposits
25_Qes_Eolian sand deposits 25_Qes_Eolian sand deposits
26_Qca_Colluvial and alluvial deposits 26_Qca_Colluvial and alluvial deposits
27_Qc_Colluvium 27_Qc_Colluvium
28_Qcy_Active (younger) colluvium 28_Qcy_Active (younger) colluvium
29_Qco_Older colluvium 29_Qco_Older colluvium
30_Qmt_Talus 30_Qmt_Talus
31_Qms_Mass movement landslide deposits 31_Qms_Mass movement landslide deposits
33_Qmbxq_Fissure-fill collapse-breccia deposits with Quaternary gravel clasts 33_Qmbxq_Fissure-fill collapse-breccia deposits with Quaternary gravel clasts
34_Qmbxk_Fissure-fill collapse-breccia deposits with Cretaceous Mancos Shale clasts 34_Qmbxk_Fissure-fill collapse-breccia deposits with Cretaceous Mancos Shale clasts
35_Qmbxj_Fissure-fill collapse-breccia deposits with Jurassic Morrison Formation clasts 35_Qmbxj_Fissure-fill collapse-breccia deposits with Jurassic Morrison Formation clasts
36_Km_Mancos Shale 36_Km_Mancos Shale
37_Kn_Naturita Formation 37_Kn_Naturita Formation
38_Kbc_Burro Canyon Formation 38_Kbc_Burro Canyon Formation
39_Jmb_Morrison Formation, Brushy Basin Member 39_Jmb_Morrison Formation, Brushy Basin Member
40_Jms_Morrison Formation, Salt Wash Member 40_Jms_Morrison Formation, Salt Wash Member
41_Jsmt_Morrison Formation, Tidwell Member, and Summerville Formation, undifferentiated 41_Jsmt_Morrison Formation, Tidwell Member, and Summerville Formation, undifferentiated
42_Jctm_Curtis Formation, Moab Member 42_Jctm_Curtis Formation, Moab Member
43_Jes_Entrada Sandstone, Slick Rock Member 43_Jes_Entrada Sandstone, Slick Rock Member
44_Jesbx_Entrada Sandstone, Slick Rock Member, brecciated 44_Jesbx_Entrada Sandstone, Slick Rock Member, brecciated
45_Jcd_Carmel Formation, Dewey Bridge Member 45_Jcd_Carmel Formation, Dewey Bridge Member
46_Jcr_Carmel Formation, Rone Bailey Member 46_Jcr_Carmel Formation, Rone Bailey Member
47_Jcrd_Carmel Formation, Rone Bailey and Dewey Bridge Members, undifferentiated 47_Jcrd_Carmel Formation, Rone Bailey and Dewey Bridge Members, undifferentiated
48_Jn_Navajo Sandstone 48_Jn_Navajo Sandstone
49_Jnbx_Navajo Sandstone, brecciated 49_Jnbx_Navajo Sandstone, brecciated
50_Jk_Kayenta Formation 50_Jk_Kayenta Formation
51_JTRw_Wingate Sandstone 51_JTRw_Wingate Sandstone
HeberCity_CrossSectionLines (3302)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Cross section, B-B' Cross section, B-B'
Cross section, C-C' Cross section, C-C'
HeberCity_GeologicUnits_leaders (3301)
HeberCity_GeologicSymbols (3300)
Adit, abandoned or inaccessible (DOGM, 2018) Adit, abandoned or inaccessible (DOGM, 2018)
Adit, abandoned or inaccessible Adit, abandoned or inaccessible
Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, map digitized (Bromfield and others, 1970) Bedding, inclined, map digitized (Bromfield and others, 1970)
Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point)
Bedding, overturned, field measured Bedding, overturned, field measured
Bedding, overturned, map digitized (Bromfield and others, 1970) Bedding, overturned, map digitized (Bromfield and others, 1970)
Bedding, vertical, field measured Bedding, vertical, field measured
Bedding, vertical, map digitized (Bromfield and others, 1970) Bedding, vertical, map digitized (Bromfield and others, 1970)
Drill hole, water well Drill hole, water well
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Fold, anticline, upright Fold, anticline, upright
Fold, minor anticline Fold, minor anticline
Fold, plunge arrow Fold, plunge arrow
Fold, syncline, upright Fold, syncline, upright
Foliation, inclined, map digitized (Bromfield and others, 1970) Foliation, inclined, map digitized (Bromfield and others, 1970)
Gravel pit, abandoned or reclaimed Gravel pit, abandoned or reclaimed
Mine or quarry, abandoned Mine or quarry, abandoned
Prospect Prospect
Prospect (DOGM, 2018) Prospect (DOGM, 2018)
Sample, geochemistry Sample, geochemistry
Sample, radiometric ages Sample, radiometric ages
Shaft, abandoned or inaccessible (DOGM, 2018) Shaft, abandoned or inaccessible (DOGM, 2018)
Shaft, abandoned or inaccessible Shaft, abandoned or inaccessible
Spring Spring
HeberCity_GeologicStructureLines (3299)
Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, concealed
HeberCity_GeologicLines (3298)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Boundary, water, perennial Boundary, water, perennial
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, scratch, approximately located Contact, scratch, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, moraine, symmetrical Crest, moraine, symmetrical
Dike, igneous, approximately located Dike, igneous, approximately located
Dike, igneous, well located Dike, igneous, well located
Fault, detachment, approximately located Fault, detachment, approximately located
Fault, detachment, concealed Fault, detachment, concealed
Fault, detachment, well located Fault, detachment, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Fault, thrust, approximately located Fault, thrust, approximately located
Fault, thrust, concealed Fault, thrust, concealed
Fault, thrust, well located Fault, thrust, well located
Fault, unknown, approximately located Fault, unknown, approximately located
Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Lineament Lineament
Scarp, landslide, approximately located Scarp, landslide, approximately located
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Trench, paleoseismic, well located Trench, paleoseismic, well located
Trench, prospect, well located Trench, prospect, well located
HeberCity_AlteredRocks (3296)
Altered Rocks Altered Rocks
Geologic Units (3295)
1_Qh_Artificial fill 1_Qh_Artificial fill
2_Qhd_Disturbed land 2_Qhd_Disturbed land
3_Qhm_Mine dumps and aggregate pit 3_Qhm_Mine dumps and aggregate pit
4_Qal1_Modern stream alluvium 4_Qal1_Modern stream alluvium
5_Qaly_Young stream alluvium 5_Qaly_Young stream alluvium
6_Qa2_Valley-fill deposits 6_Qa2_Valley-fill deposits
7_Qaf1_Young fan alluvium 7_Qaf1_Young fan alluvium
8_Qaf2_Middle fan alluvium 8_Qaf2_Middle fan alluvium
9_Qafy_Young and middle fan alluvium, undivided 9_Qafy_Young and middle fan alluvium, undivided
10_Qafo_Old fan alluvium 10_Qafo_Old fan alluvium
11_Qc_Colluvium 11_Qc_Colluvium
12_Qco_Older colluvium 12_Qco_Older colluvium
13_Qgmp1_Glacial till of Pinedale age 13_Qgmp1_Glacial till of Pinedale age
14_Qgmp1?_Glacial till of Pinedale age 14_Qgmp1?_Glacial till of Pinedale age
15_Qgmb_Older glacial till of likely Bull Lake age 15_Qgmb_Older glacial till of likely Bull Lake age
16_Qmsh_Landslide deposits 16_Qmsh_Landslide deposits
17_Qms_Landslide deposits 17_Qms_Landslide deposits
18_Qms?_Landslide deposits 18_Qms?_Landslide deposits
19_Qmt_Talus 19_Qmt_Talus
20_Qac_Alluvium and colluvium 20_Qac_Alluvium and colluvium
21_Qaco_Older alluvium and colluvium 21_Qaco_Older alluvium and colluvium
22_Qaco?_Older alluvium and colluvium 22_Qaco?_Older alluvium and colluvium
23_Qmc_Landslides and colluvium 23_Qmc_Landslides and colluvium
24_Qmtc_Talus and colluvium 24_Qmtc_Talus and colluvium
25_Qst_Calcareous spring tufa deposits 25_Qst_Calcareous spring tufa deposits
26_Qaf2/Qst_Middle fan alluvium over calcareous spring tufa deposits 26_Qaf2/Qst_Middle fan alluvium over calcareous spring tufa deposits
27_Qafo/Qst_Old fan alluvium over calcareous spring tufa deposits 27_Qafo/Qst_Old fan alluvium over calcareous spring tufa deposits
28_Qafo/PIPw_Old fan alluvium over Weber sandstone 28_Qafo/PIPw_Old fan alluvium over Weber sandstone
29_Qmt/IPrv_Talus over Round Valley Limestone 29_Qmt/IPrv_Talus over Round Valley Limestone
30_QTa_Old alluvial deposits 30_QTa_Old alluvial deposits
31_Tkcf_Lava flows of Coyote Canyon 31_Tkcf_Lava flows of Coyote Canyon
32_Tkcc_Volcanic mudflow breccia of Coyote Canyon 32_Tkcc_Volcanic mudflow breccia of Coyote Canyon
33_Tkcc(w)_Brecciated Weber Sandstone block in volcanic mudflow breccia of Coyote Canyon 33_Tkcc(w)_Brecciated Weber Sandstone block in volcanic mudflow breccia of Coyote Canyon
34_Tksc_Volcanic mudflow breccia of Silver Creek 34_Tksc_Volcanic mudflow breccia of Silver Creek
35_Tkf_Lava flows associated with Park Premier porphyry stocks 35_Tkf_Lava flows associated with Park Premier porphyry stocks
36_Tksh_Lava flows and volcanic mudflow breccia of Sage Hen Hollow 36_Tksh_Lava flows and volcanic mudflow breccia of Sage Hen Hollow
38_Tpp_Park Premier porphyry stock 38_Tpp_Park Premier porphyry stock
39_Tppb_Park Premier porphyry, intrusive breccia phase 39_Tppb_Park Premier porphyry, intrusive breccia phase
40_Tf_Flagstaff Mountain porphyry 40_Tf_Flagstaff Mountain porphyry
41_Tfb_Flagstaff Mountain porphyry, intrusive breccia phase 41_Tfb_Flagstaff Mountain porphyry, intrusive breccia phase
42_To_Ontario porphyry 42_To_Ontario porphyry
43_Tpc_Pine Creek porphyry 43_Tpc_Pine Creek porphyry
44_Tv_Valeo porphyry 44_Tv_Valeo porphyry
45_Tg_Glencoe porphyry 45_Tg_Glencoe porphyry
46_Tm_Mayflower porphyry 46_Tm_Mayflower porphyry
47_Tjb_Jordanelle porphyry, breccia phase 47_Tjb_Jordanelle porphyry, breccia phase
48_Tj_Jordanelle porphyry 48_Tj_Jordanelle porphyry
53_Jtr?_Twin Creek Limestone, Rich Member 53_Jtr?_Twin Creek Limestone, Rich Member
54_Jts_Twin Creek Limestone, Sliderock Member 54_Jts_Twin Creek Limestone, Sliderock Member
55_Jg_Gypsum Spring Formation 55_Jg_Gypsum Spring Formation
56_JTRn_Nugget Sandstone 56_JTRn_Nugget Sandstone
58_TRt_Thaynes Formation, undivided 58_TRt_Thaynes Formation, undivided
59_TRtu_Thaynes Formation, upper unit 59_TRtu_Thaynes Formation, upper unit
61_TRtl_Thaynes Formation, lower unit 61_TRtl_Thaynes Formation, lower unit
62_TRw_Woodside Formation 62_TRw_Woodside Formation
63_Ppc_Park City and Phosphoria Formations, undivided 63_Ppc_Park City and Phosphoria Formations, undivided
64_Ppc?_Park City and Phosphoria Formations, undivided 64_Ppc?_Park City and Phosphoria Formations, undivided
65_PIPw_Weber Sandstone 65_PIPw_Weber Sandstone
66_PIPw?_Weber Sandstone 66_PIPw?_Weber Sandstone
67_IPMl_Limestone 67_IPMl_Limestone
68_IPrv_Round Valley Limestone 68_IPrv_Round Valley Limestone
69_IPrv?_Round Valley Limestone 69_IPrv?_Round Valley Limestone
70_Mdo_Doughnut Formation 70_Mdo_Doughnut Formation
71_Mh_Humbug Formation 71_Mh_Humbug Formation
72_Md_Deseret Limestone 72_Md_Deseret Limestone
73_Mg_Gardison Limestone 73_Mg_Gardison Limestone
74_Co_Ophir Formation 74_Co_Ophir Formation
75_Ct_Tintic Quartzite 75_Ct_Tintic Quartzite
76_Zmf_Mineral Fork Formation 76_Zmf_Mineral Fork Formation
78_water_water 78_water_water
ParkCityEast_CrossSectionLines (3317)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Cross section, B-B' Cross section, B-B'
ParkCityEast_GeologicUnits_leaders (3316)
Leader line Leader line
ParkCityEast_GeologicSymbols (3315)
Adit, abandoned or inaccessible Adit, abandoned or inaccessible
Adit, abandoned or inaccessible, Bromfield and Crittenden, 1971 Adit, abandoned or inaccessible, Bromfield and Crittenden, 1971
Bedding, horizontal, field measured Bedding, horizontal, field measured
Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, map digitized Bedding, inclined, map digitized
Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point)
Bedding, vertical, field measured Bedding, vertical, field measured
Bedding, vertical, map digitized Bedding, vertical, map digitized
Drill hole, abandoned Drill hole, abandoned
Drill hole, water well Drill hole, water well
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Fault, dip Fault, dip
Fold, anticline, upright Fold, anticline, upright
Fold, syncline, upright Fold, syncline, upright
Foliation, inclined, field measured Foliation, inclined, field measured
Foliation, inclined, map digitized Foliation, inclined, map digitized
Foliation, vertical, map digitized Foliation, vertical, map digitized
Locality Locality
Mine or quarry Mine or quarry
Mine or quarry, abandoned Mine or quarry, abandoned
Prospect Prospect
Prospect, Bromfield and Crittenden, 1971 Prospect, Bromfield and Crittenden, 1971
Sample, geochemistry Sample, geochemistry
Shaft, Bromfield and Crittenden, 1971 Shaft, Bromfield and Crittenden, 1971
Sinkhole Sinkhole
Spring Spring
ParkCityEast_GeologicStructureLines (3314)
Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, concealed
ParkCityEast_GeologicLines (3313)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Boundary, water, perennial Boundary, water, perennial
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Dike, igneous, approximately located Dike, igneous, approximately located
Dike, igneous, well located Dike, igneous, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, approximately located, queried Fault, normal, approximately located, queried
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, thrust, approximately located Fault, thrust, approximately located
Fault, thrust, concealed Fault, thrust, concealed
Fault, thrust, concealed, queried Fault, thrust, concealed, queried
Fault, thrust, well located Fault, thrust, well located
Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, approximately located Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, approximately located
Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, concealed Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, concealed
Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, well located Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, well located
Fault, unknown, approximately located Fault, unknown, approximately located
Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, concealed, queried Fault, unknown, concealed, queried
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Lineament Lineament
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Geologic Units (3312)
1_Qh_Artificial fill 1_Qh_Artificial fill
2_Qhr_Reclaimed land 2_Qhr_Reclaimed land
3_Qhd_Disturbed land 3_Qhd_Disturbed land
4_Qhm_Aggregate and building stone pits, mine dumps, and tailings ponds 4_Qhm_Aggregate and building stone pits, mine dumps, and tailings ponds
5_Qaly_Young stream alluvium 5_Qaly_Young stream alluvium
6_Qat2_Stream-terrace alluvium 6_Qat2_Stream-terrace alluvium
7_Qat3_Stream-terrace alluvium 7_Qat3_Stream-terrace alluvium
8_Qalo_Old stream alluvium 8_Qalo_Old stream alluvium
9_Qaf1_Young fan alluvium 9_Qaf1_Young fan alluvium
10_Qafy_Young and middle fan alluvium, undivided 10_Qafy_Young and middle fan alluvium, undivided
11_Qafo_Old fan alluvium 11_Qafo_Old fan alluvium
12_Qc_Colluvium 12_Qc_Colluvium
14_Qgmb_Older glacial till of likely Bull Lake age 14_Qgmb_Older glacial till of likely Bull Lake age
15_Qmsh_Landslide deposits 15_Qmsh_Landslide deposits
16_Qms_Landslide deposits 16_Qms_Landslide deposits
17_Qms?_Landslide deposits 17_Qms?_Landslide deposits
18_Qac_Alluvium and colluvium 18_Qac_Alluvium and colluvium
19_Qaco_Older alluvium and colluvium 19_Qaco_Older alluvium and colluvium
20_Qafc_Fan alluvium and colluvium 20_Qafc_Fan alluvium and colluvium
21_Qafco_Older fan alluvium and colluvium 21_Qafco_Older fan alluvium and colluvium
22_Qmc_Landslides and colluvium 22_Qmc_Landslides and colluvium
23_Qmtc_Talus and colluvium 23_Qmtc_Talus and colluvium
24_QTa_Older alluvial deposits 24_QTa_Older alluvial deposits
26_Tkn_Lava flows of Neel Hollow 26_Tkn_Lava flows of Neel Hollow
27_Tkt_Lava flows of Todd Hollow 27_Tkt_Lava flows of Todd Hollow
28_Tkrf_Lava flows of Richardson Flat 28_Tkrf_Lava flows of Richardson Flat
29_Tksc_Volcanic mudflow breccia of Silver Creek 29_Tksc_Volcanic mudflow breccia of Silver Creek
30_Tksc(n-ag)_Silver Creek chaos - Nugget Sandstone and Gartra Grit Member of the Ankareh Formation 30_Tksc(n-ag)_Silver Creek chaos - Nugget Sandstone and Gartra Grit Member of the Ankareh Formation
31_Tksc(n)_Silver Creek chaos - Nugget Sandstone 31_Tksc(n)_Silver Creek chaos - Nugget Sandstone
32_Tksc(ag)_Silver Creek chaos - Gartra Grit Member of the Ankareh Formation 32_Tksc(ag)_Silver Creek chaos - Gartra Grit Member of the Ankareh Formation
33_Tksc(a)_Silver Creek chaos - Ankareh Formation, undivided 33_Tksc(a)_Silver Creek chaos - Ankareh Formation, undivided
34_Tksc(w)_Silver Creek chaos - Weber Sandstone 34_Tksc(w)_Silver Creek chaos - Weber Sandstone
35_Tkp_Tuffaceous unit 35_Tkp_Tuffaceous unit
36_Tksh_Lava flows and volcanic mudflow breccia of Sage Hen Hollow 36_Tksh_Lava flows and volcanic mudflow breccia of Sage Hen Hollow
37_Tksh(pc-w)_Exotic block of Park City Formation and Weber Sandstone 37_Tksh(pc-w)_Exotic block of Park City Formation and Weber Sandstone
38_Tksh(w)_Exotic blocks of Weber Sandstone 38_Tksh(w)_Exotic blocks of Weber Sandstone
40_Tpp_Park Premier porphyry stock 40_Tpp_Park Premier porphyry stock
41_Tki_Latite porphyry stock 41_Tki_Latite porphyry stock
42_Toc_Older conglomerate 42_Toc_Older conglomerate
43_Kfl_Frontier Formation, lower members, undivided 43_Kfl_Frontier Formation, lower members, undivided
44_Kma_Aspen Shale 44_Kma_Aspen Shale
49_Jtl_Twin Creek Limestone, Leeds Creek Member 49_Jtl_Twin Creek Limestone, Leeds Creek Member
50_Jtw_Twin Creek Limestone, Watton Canyon Member 50_Jtw_Twin Creek Limestone, Watton Canyon Member
51_Jtb_Twin Creek Limestone, Boundary Ridge Member 51_Jtb_Twin Creek Limestone, Boundary Ridge Member
52_Jtr_Twin Creek Limestone, Rich Member 52_Jtr_Twin Creek Limestone, Rich Member
53_Jts_Twin Creek Limestone, Sliderock Member 53_Jts_Twin Creek Limestone, Sliderock Member
54_Jg_Gypsum Spring Formation 54_Jg_Gypsum Spring Formation
55_JTRn_Nugget Sandstone 55_JTRn_Nugget Sandstone
57_TRau_Ankareh Formation, upper member 57_TRau_Ankareh Formation, upper member
58_TRag_Ankareh Formation, Gartra Grit Member 58_TRag_Ankareh Formation, Gartra Grit Member
59_TRam_Ankareh Formation, Mahogany Member 59_TRam_Ankareh Formation, Mahogany Member
61_TRtu_Thaynes Formation, upper limestone member 61_TRtu_Thaynes Formation, upper limestone member
62_TRtm_Thaynes Formation, middle shale member 62_TRtm_Thaynes Formation, middle shale member
63_TRtl_Thaynes Formation, lower limestone member 63_TRtl_Thaynes Formation, lower limestone member
64_TRw_Woodside Shale 64_TRw_Woodside Shale
65_Ppc_Park City and Phosphoria Formations, undivided 65_Ppc_Park City and Phosphoria Formations, undivided
66_PIPw_Weber Sandstone 66_PIPw_Weber Sandstone
0_water_water 0_water_water
ParkCityWest_GeologicSymbols (3286)
Adit, abandoned or inaccessible Adit, abandoned or inaccessible
Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, map digitized Bedding, inclined, map digitized
Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point)
Bedding, overturned, field measured Bedding, overturned, field measured
Bedding, overturned, map digitized Bedding, overturned, map digitized
Bedding, vertical, approximate, field measured Bedding, vertical, approximate, field measured
Bedding, vertical, field measured Bedding, vertical, field measured
Bedding, vertical, map digitized Bedding, vertical, map digitized
Drill hole, water well Drill hole, water well
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Fold, anticline, overturned Fold, anticline, overturned
Fold, anticline, upright Fold, anticline, upright
Fold, plunge arrow Fold, plunge arrow
Fold, syncline, overturned Fold, syncline, overturned
Fold, syncline, upright Fold, syncline, upright
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Mine or quarry, abandoned Mine or quarry, abandoned
Prospect Prospect
Shaft, abandoned or inaccessible Shaft, abandoned or inaccessible
Spring Spring
ParkCityWest_GeologicUnits_leaders (3285)
Rule_1 Rule_1
ParkCityWest_GeologicStructureLines (3284)
Fold, anticline, overturned, approximately located Fold, anticline, overturned, approximately located
Fold, anticline, overturned, concealed Fold, anticline, overturned, concealed
Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, anticline, upright, well located Fold, anticline, upright, well located
Fold, syncline, overturned, approximately located Fold, syncline, overturned, approximately located
Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, well located Fold, syncline, upright, well located
ParkCityWest_GeologicLines (3283)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Boundary, water, perennial Boundary, water, perennial
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, approximately located, queried Contact, approximately located, queried
Contact, scratch, approximately located Contact, scratch, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, moraine, asymmetrical Crest, moraine, asymmetrical
Crest, moraine, symmetrical Crest, moraine, symmetrical
Dike, igneous, approximately located Dike, igneous, approximately located
Dike, igneous, well located Dike, igneous, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, thrust, approximately located Fault, thrust, approximately located
Fault, thrust, concealed Fault, thrust, concealed
Fault, thrust, concealed, queried Fault, thrust, concealed, queried
Fault, thrust, well located Fault, thrust, well located
Fault, unknown, approximately located Fault, unknown, approximately located
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Trough, sackung, well located Trough, sackung, well located
ParkCityWest_CrossSectionLines (3280)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Cross section, B-B' Cross section, B-B'
Cross section, C-C' Cross section, C-C'
Geologic Units (3281)
1_Qh_Artificial fill 1_Qh_Artificial fill
2_Qhd_Disturbed land 2_Qhd_Disturbed land
3_Qhm_Mine dumps and aggregate pit 3_Qhm_Mine dumps and aggregate pit
4_Qaly_Young stream alluvium 4_Qaly_Young stream alluvium
5_Qat2_Stream-terrace alluvium, level 2 5_Qat2_Stream-terrace alluvium, level 2
6_Qat3_Stream-terrace alluvium, level 3 6_Qat3_Stream-terrace alluvium, level 3
7_Qat4_Stream-terrace alluvium, level 4 7_Qat4_Stream-terrace alluvium, level 4
8_Qat5_Stream-terrace alluvium, level 5 8_Qat5_Stream-terrace alluvium, level 5
9_Qam_Alluvial marsh deposits 9_Qam_Alluvial marsh deposits
10_Qaf1_Young fan alluvium 10_Qaf1_Young fan alluvium
11_Qaf2_Middle fan alluvium 11_Qaf2_Middle fan alluvium
12_Qafy_Young and middle fan alluvium, undivided 12_Qafy_Young and middle fan alluvium, undivided
13_Qafo_Old fan alluvium 13_Qafo_Old fan alluvium
14_Qc_Colluvium 14_Qc_Colluvium
15_Qgr_Relict rock glaciers 15_Qgr_Relict rock glaciers
16_Qgmy_Younger glacial till 16_Qgmy_Younger glacial till
17_Qgmp1_Glacial till of Pinedale age 17_Qgmp1_Glacial till of Pinedale age
18_Qgmp2_Glacial till of Pinedale age 18_Qgmp2_Glacial till of Pinedale age
19_Qgmb_Older glacial till of likely Bull Lake age 19_Qgmb_Older glacial till of likely Bull Lake age
20_Qms_Landslide deposits 20_Qms_Landslide deposits
21_Qms?_Landslide deposits, queried 21_Qms?_Landslide deposits, queried
22_Qms(TRt)_Landslide deposits 22_Qms(TRt)_Landslide deposits
23_Qmt_Talus 23_Qmt_Talus
24_Qac_Alluvium and colluvium 24_Qac_Alluvium and colluvium
25_Qaco_Older alluvium and colluvium 25_Qaco_Older alluvium and colluvium
26_Qafc_Fan alluvium and colluvium 26_Qafc_Fan alluvium and colluvium
27_Qafco_Older fan alluvium and colluvium 27_Qafco_Older fan alluvium and colluvium
28_Qmc_Landslides and colluvium 28_Qmc_Landslides and colluvium
29_Qmtc_Talus and colluvium 29_Qmtc_Talus and colluvium
30_Qc/Qgmp1_Colluvium over glacial till of Pinedale age 30_Qc/Qgmp1_Colluvium over glacial till of Pinedale age
31_Qc/Jtu_Colluvium over Twin Creek Limestone, undivided 31_Qc/Jtu_Colluvium over Twin Creek Limestone, undivided
32_Qc/TRau_Colluvium over Ankareh Formation, upper member 32_Qc/TRau_Colluvium over Ankareh Formation, upper member
33_Qmtc/TRau_Talus and colluvium over Ankareh Formation, upper member 33_Qmtc/TRau_Talus and colluvium over Ankareh Formation, upper member
34_Qgmp1/TRau_Glacial till of Pinedale age over Ankareh Formation, upper member 34_Qgmp1/TRau_Glacial till of Pinedale age over Ankareh Formation, upper member
35_Qgmp1/TRag_Glacial till of Pinedale age over Ankareh Formation, Gartra Grit Member 35_Qgmp1/TRag_Glacial till of Pinedale age over Ankareh Formation, Gartra Grit Member
36_Qgmp1/TRam_Glacial till of Pinedale age over Ankareh Formation, Mahogany Member 36_Qgmp1/TRam_Glacial till of Pinedale age over Ankareh Formation, Mahogany Member
37_Qgmp1/TRtu_Glacial till of Pinedale age over Thaynes Formation, upper limestone member 37_Qgmp1/TRtu_Glacial till of Pinedale age over Thaynes Formation, upper limestone member
38_Qgmp2/JTRn_Glacial till of Pinedale age over Nugget Sandstone 38_Qgmp2/JTRn_Glacial till of Pinedale age over Nugget Sandstone
39_Tksc_Volcanic mudflow breccia of Silver Creek 39_Tksc_Volcanic mudflow breccia of Silver Creek
40_Toc_Tertiary alluvial deposits 40_Toc_Tertiary alluvial deposits
41_Jtu_Twin Creek Limestone, undivided 41_Jtu_Twin Creek Limestone, undivided
42_Jtg_Twin Creek Limestone, Giraffe Creek Member 42_Jtg_Twin Creek Limestone, Giraffe Creek Member
43_Jtl_Twin Creek Limestone, Leeds Creek Member 43_Jtl_Twin Creek Limestone, Leeds Creek Member
44_Jtw_Twin Creek Limestone, Watton Canyon Member 44_Jtw_Twin Creek Limestone, Watton Canyon Member
45_Jtb_Twin Creek Limestone, Boundary Ridge Member 45_Jtb_Twin Creek Limestone, Boundary Ridge Member
46_Jtr_Twin Creek Limestone, Rich Member 46_Jtr_Twin Creek Limestone, Rich Member
47_Jts_Twin Creek Limestone, Sliderock Member 47_Jts_Twin Creek Limestone, Sliderock Member
48_Jg_Gypsum Spring Formation 48_Jg_Gypsum Spring Formation
49_JTRn_Nugget Sandstone 49_JTRn_Nugget Sandstone
50_TRa_Ankareh Formation, undivided 50_TRa_Ankareh Formation, undivided
51_TRau_Ankareh Formation, upper member 51_TRau_Ankareh Formation, upper member
52_TRau?_Ankareh Formation, upper member, queried 52_TRau?_Ankareh Formation, upper member, queried
53_TRag_Ankareh Formation, Gartra Grit Member 53_TRag_Ankareh Formation, Gartra Grit Member
54_TRam_Ankareh Formation, Mahogany Member 54_TRam_Ankareh Formation, Mahogany Member
55_TRam?_Ankareh Formation, Mahogany Member, queried 55_TRam?_Ankareh Formation, Mahogany Member, queried
56_TRt_Thaynes Formation, undivided 56_TRt_Thaynes Formation, undivided
57_TRtu_Thaynes Formation, upper limestone member 57_TRtu_Thaynes Formation, upper limestone member
58_TRtm_Thaynes Formation, middle shale member 58_TRtm_Thaynes Formation, middle shale member
59_TRtl_Thaynes Formation, lower limestone member 59_TRtl_Thaynes Formation, lower limestone member
60_TRw_Woodside Formation 60_TRw_Woodside Formation
61_TRw?_Woodside Formation, queried 61_TRw?_Woodside Formation, queried
62_Ppc_Park City and Phosphoria Formations, undivided 62_Ppc_Park City and Phosphoria Formations, undivided
63_Ppcf_Park City Formation, Franson Member 63_Ppcf_Park City Formation, Franson Member
64_Ppm_Phosphoria Formation, Meade Peak Phosphatic Shale Tongue 64_Ppm_Phosphoria Formation, Meade Peak Phosphatic Shale Tongue
65_Ppcg_Park City Formation, Grandeur Member 65_Ppcg_Park City Formation, Grandeur Member
66_PIPw_Weber Sandstone 66_PIPw_Weber Sandstone
67_IPrv_Round Valley Limestone 67_IPrv_Round Valley Limestone
68_Mdo_Doughnut Formation 68_Mdo_Doughnut Formation
69_Mh_Humbug Formation 69_Mh_Humbug Formation
70_Md_Deseret Limestone 70_Md_Deseret Limestone
71_Mdg_Deseret and Gardison Limestones, undivided 71_Mdg_Deseret and Gardison Limestones, undivided
72_water_water 72_water_water
Hurricane_CrossSectionLines (3266)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Cross section, B-B' Cross section, B-B'
Cross section, C-C' Cross section, C-C'
Cross section, D-D' Cross section, D-D'
Cross section, E-E' Cross section, E-E'
Hurricane_GeologicSymbols (55)
Adit Adit
Bedding, horizontal, field measured Bedding, horizontal, field measured
Bedding, inclined, approximate, photo-interpreted Bedding, inclined, approximate, photo-interpreted
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point)
Drill hole, dry hole Drill hole, dry hole
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Fault, dip Fault, dip
Fault, rake Fault, rake
Fold, anticline, upright Fold, anticline, upright
Fold, plunge arrow Fold, plunge arrow
Fold, syncline, upright Fold, syncline, upright
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Joint, inclined Joint, inclined
Joint, vertical Joint, vertical
Mine or quarry Mine or quarry
Oil seep Oil seep
Prospect Prospect
Sample Sample
Shaft Shaft
Sinkhole Sinkhole
Spring Spring
Volcanic cone, cinder Volcanic cone, cinder
Hurricane_GeologicUnits_leaders (56)
Leader line Leader line
Hurricane_GeologicStructureLines (57)
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, anticline, upright, well located Fold, anticline, upright, well located
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, well located Fold, syncline, upright, well located
Hurricane_GeologicLines (58)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Boundary, water, perennial Boundary, water, perennial
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, thrust, concealed Fault, thrust, concealed
Fault, thrust, well located Fault, thrust, well located
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Hurricane_Joints (59)
Joint, well located Joint, well located
Geologic Units (60)
StGeorge_CrossSectionLines (3264)
<all other values> <all other values>
A-A' A-A'
B-B' B-B'
Virgin_SantaClara_HistoricRiverChannels (3263)
<all other values> <all other values>
SantaClaraRiver_1976 SantaClaraRiver_1976
SantaClaraRiver_1993 SantaClaraRiver_1993
SantaClaraRiver_2003 SantaClaraRiver_2003
SantaClaraRiver_2006 SantaClaraRiver_2006
SantaClaraRiver_2009 SantaClaraRiver_2009
VirginRiver_1984 VirginRiver_1984
VirginRiver_1993 VirginRiver_1993
VirginRiver_2000 VirginRiver_2000
VirginRiver_2004 VirginRiver_2004
VirginRiver_2009 VirginRiver_2009
StGeorge_GeologicUnits_leaders (44)
<all other values> <all other values>
Leader lines Leader lines
StGeorge_GeologicStructureLines (43)
<all other values> <all other values>
Anticline, Upright, Concealed Anticline, Upright, Concealed
Anticline, Upright, Well Located Anticline, Upright, Well Located
Syncline, Upright, Concealed Syncline, Upright, Concealed
Syncline, Upright, Well Located Syncline, Upright, Well Located
StGeorge_GeologicSymbols (42)
<all other values> <all other values>
Bedding, horizontal, field measured Bedding, horizontal, field measured
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, vertical, field measured Bedding, vertical, field measured
Dinosaur Tracks Dinosaur Tracks
Drill hole, dry hole Drill hole, dry hole
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Fold, anticline, upright Fold, anticline, upright
Fold, plunge arrow Fold, plunge arrow
Fold, syncline, upright Fold, syncline, upright
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Joint, vertical Joint, vertical
Mine or quarry Mine or quarry
Pit Pit
Sample, option 2 Sample, option 2
Spring Spring
StGeorge_GeologicLines (41)
<all other values> <all other values>
Contact, Well Located Contact, Well Located
Normal Fault, Approximately Located Normal Fault, Approximately Located
Normal Fault, Concealed Normal Fault, Concealed
Normal Fault, Well Located Normal Fault, Well Located
Quadrangle Boundary Quadrangle Boundary
Geologic Units (40)
<all other values> <all other values>
1_Qal1_Stream alluvium 1_Qal1_Stream alluvium
2_Qat2_Alluvial-terrace deposits, level 2 2_Qat2_Alluvial-terrace deposits, level 2
3_Qat3_Alluvial-terrace deposits, level 3 3_Qat3_Alluvial-terrace deposits, level 3
4_Qat4_Alluvial-terrace deposits, level 4 4_Qat4_Alluvial-terrace deposits, level 4
5_Qat5_Alluvial-terrace deposits, level 5 5_Qat5_Alluvial-terrace deposits, level 5
6_Qato_Older alluvial-terrace deposits 6_Qato_Older alluvial-terrace deposits
7_Qag_Alluvial gravel beneath lava flows 7_Qag_Alluvial gravel beneath lava flows
8_Qao_Older alluvial deposits 8_Qao_Older alluvial deposits
9_Qafo_Older alluvial-fan deposits 9_Qafo_Older alluvial-fan deposits
10_Qap_Pediment-mantle deposits 10_Qap_Pediment-mantle deposits
11_Qes_Eolian sand deposits 11_Qes_Eolian sand deposits
12_Qmt_Talus deposits 12_Qmt_Talus deposits
13_Qms_Landslide deposits 13_Qms_Landslide deposits
14_Qac_Mixed alluvial and colluvial deposits 14_Qac_Mixed alluvial and colluvial deposits
15_Qae_Mixed alluvial and eolian deposits 15_Qae_Mixed alluvial and eolian deposits
16_Qaeo_Older mixed alluvial and eolian deposits 16_Qaeo_Older mixed alluvial and eolian deposits
17_Qca_Mixed colluvial and alluvial deposits 17_Qca_Mixed colluvial and alluvial deposits
18_Qea_Mixed eolian and alluvial deposits 18_Qea_Mixed eolian and alluvial deposits
19_Qeao_Older mixed eolian and alluvial deposits 19_Qeao_Older mixed eolian and alluvial deposits
20_Qeca_Eolian and alluvial deposits with thick calcic soil on lava flows 20_Qeca_Eolian and alluvial deposits with thick calcic soil on lava flows
21_Qbw_Washington lava flow 21_Qbw_Washington lava flow
22_Qbcb_Cedar Bench lava flow 22_Qbcb_Cedar Bench lava flow
23_Qbl_Lava Ridge lava flow 23_Qbl_Lava Ridge lava flow
24_Qbt_Twin Peaks lava flow 24_Qbt_Twin Peaks lava flow
25_Jn_Navajo Sandstone 25_Jn_Navajo Sandstone
26_Jkm_Kayenta Formation main body 26_Jkm_Kayenta Formation main body
27_Jks_Springdale Sandstone Member of Kayenta Formation 27_Jks_Springdale Sandstone Member of Kayenta Formation
28_Jmw_Whitmore Point Member of Moenave Formation 28_Jmw_Whitmore Point Member of Moenave Formation
29_JTRmd_Dinosaur Canyon Member of Moenave Formation 29_JTRmd_Dinosaur Canyon Member of Moenave Formation
30_TRcp_Petrified Forest Member of Chinle Formation 30_TRcp_Petrified Forest Member of Chinle Formation
31_TRcs_Shinarump Conglomerate Member of Chinle Formation 31_TRcs_Shinarump Conglomerate Member of Chinle Formation
32_TRmu_Upper red member of Moenkopi Formation 32_TRmu_Upper red member of Moenkopi Formation
33_TRms_Shnabkaib Member of Moenkopi Formation 33_TRms_Shnabkaib Member of Moenkopi Formation
34_TRmm_Middle red member of Moenkopi Formation 34_TRmm_Middle red member of Moenkopi Formation
35_TRmv_Virgin Limestone Member of Moenkopi Formation 35_TRmv_Virgin Limestone Member of Moenkopi Formation
36_TRml_Lower red member of Moenkopi Formation 36_TRml_Lower red member of Moenkopi Formation
37_TRmt_Timpoweap Member of Moenkopi Formation 37_TRmt_Timpoweap Member of Moenkopi Formation
38_TRmr_Rock Canyon Conglomerate Member of Moenkopi Formation 38_TRmr_Rock Canyon Conglomerate Member of Moenkopi Formation
39_Pkh_Harrisburg Member of Kaibab Formation 39_Pkh_Harrisburg Member of Kaibab Formation
40_Pkf_Fossil Mountain Member of Kaibab Formation 40_Pkf_Fossil Mountain Member of Kaibab Formation
Peterson_GeologicSymbols (25)
Adit Adit
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, map digitized, Bryant, 1984 Bedding, inclined, map digitized, Bryant, 1984
Bedding, inclined, approximate Bedding, inclined, approximate
Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point)
Cleavage, inclined, Bryant, 1984 Cleavage, inclined, Bryant, 1984
Cleavage, vertical Cleavage, vertical
Fault, dip, Bryant, 1984 Fault, dip, Bryant, 1984
Fault, dip, photogrammetric (3-point) Fault, dip, photogrammetric (3-point)
Foliation, inclined, map digitized, Bryant, 1984 Foliation, inclined, map digitized, Bryant, 1984
Foliation, vertical, map digitized, Bryant, 1984 Foliation, vertical, map digitized, Bryant, 1984
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Planar feature, inclined Planar feature, inclined
Planar feature, inclined, map digitized, Bryant, 1984 Planar feature, inclined, map digitized, Bryant, 1984
Planar feature, vertical, Bryant, 1984 Planar feature, vertical, Bryant, 1984
Peterson_CrossSectionLines (20)
Rule_1 Rule_1
Peterson_GeologicUnits_leaders (21)
Rule_1 Rule_1
Peterson_GeologicLines (22)
Bed, marker A, approximately located Bed, marker A, approximately located
Bed, marker B, approximately located Bed, marker B, approximately located
Bed, marker C, approximately located Bed, marker C, approximately located
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, concealed Contact, concealed
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, arete, well located Crest, arete, well located
Crest, moraine, asymmetrical Crest, moraine, asymmetrical
Crest, moraine, symmetrical Crest, moraine, symmetrical
Extent, pit or quarry, post 1986 Extent, pit or quarry, post 1986
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, unknown, approximately located Fault, unknown, approximately located
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Lineament Lineament
Scarp, landslide, approximately located Scarp, landslide, approximately located
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Scarp, undefined, well located Scarp, undefined, well located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located
Shoreline, transgressional, well located Shoreline, transgressional, well located
Vein, unmineralized, concealed Vein, unmineralized, concealed
Vein, unmineralized, well located Vein, unmineralized, well located
Geologic Units (23)
1—Qal—Stream alluvium and floodplain deposits 1—Qal—Stream alluvium and floodplain deposits
2—Qa2?—Younger alluvium, level 2? 2—Qa2?—Younger alluvium, level 2?
3—Qay—Younger alluvium 3—Qay—Younger alluvium
4—Qay?—Younger alluvium? 4—Qay?—Younger alluvium?
5—Qapb—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium 5—Qapb—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium
6—Qapb?—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium? 6—Qapb?—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium?
7—Qap—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium, regressional 7—Qap—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium, regressional
8—Qap?—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium, regressional? 8—Qap?—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium, regressional?
9—Qab—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium, transgressional 9—Qab—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium, transgressional
10—Qab?—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium, transgressional? 10—Qab?—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium, transgressional?
11—Qao—Older alluvium 11—Qao—Older alluvium
12—Qao?—Older alluvium? 12—Qao?—Older alluvium?
13—Qaoe—Older eroded alluvium 13—Qaoe—Older eroded alluvium
14—Qaoe?—Older eroded alluvium? 14—Qaoe?—Older eroded alluvium?
15—Qat—Stream-terrace alluvium 15—Qat—Stream-terrace alluvium
16—Qaf—Alluvial-fan deposits, undivided 16—Qaf—Alluvial-fan deposits, undivided
17—Qafy—Younger alluvial-fan deposits 17—Qafy—Younger alluvial-fan deposits
18—Qafy?—Younger alluvial-fan deposits? 18—Qafy?—Younger alluvial-fan deposits?
19—Qafp—Lake Bonneville-age alluvial-fan deposits, regressional 19—Qafp—Lake Bonneville-age alluvial-fan deposits, regressional
20—Qafp?—Lake Bonneville-age alluvial-fan deposits, regressional? 20—Qafp?—Lake Bonneville-age alluvial-fan deposits, regressional?
21—Qafb—Lake Bonneville-age alluvial-fan deposits, transgressional 21—Qafb—Lake Bonneville-age alluvial-fan deposits, transgressional
22—Qafb?—Lake Bonneville-age alluvial-fan deposits, transgressional? 22—Qafb?—Lake Bonneville-age alluvial-fan deposits, transgressional?
23—Qafpb—Lake Bonneville-age alluvial-fan deposits 23—Qafpb—Lake Bonneville-age alluvial-fan deposits
24—Qafpb?—Lake Bonneville-age alluvial-fan deposits? 24—Qafpb?—Lake Bonneville-age alluvial-fan deposits?
25—Qafo—Older alluvial-fan deposits 25—Qafo—Older alluvial-fan deposits
26—Qafo?—Older alluvial-fan deposits? 26—Qafo?—Older alluvial-fan deposits?
27—Qafoe—Older eroded alluvial-fan deposits 27—Qafoe—Older eroded alluvial-fan deposits
28—Qafoe?—Older eroded alluvial-fan deposits? 28—Qafoe?—Older eroded alluvial-fan deposits?
29—Qly—Young lacustrine deposits 29—Qly—Young lacustrine deposits
30—Ql—Lake Bonneville deposits, undivided 30—Ql—Lake Bonneville deposits, undivided
31—Qlf—Lake Bonneville fine-grained deposits 31—Qlf—Lake Bonneville fine-grained deposits
32—Qls—Lake Bonneville sand 32—Qls—Lake Bonneville sand
33—Qg—Glacial till and outwash, undivided age 33—Qg—Glacial till and outwash, undivided age
34—Qg?—Glacial till and outwash, undivided age? 34—Qg?—Glacial till and outwash, undivided age?
35—Qgm—Glacial till, undivided age 35—Qgm—Glacial till, undivided age
36—Qga—Glacial outwash, undivided age 36—Qga—Glacial outwash, undivided age
37—Qga?—Glacial outwash, undivided age? 37—Qga?—Glacial outwash, undivided age?
38—Qgy—Younger glacial till and outwash 38—Qgy—Younger glacial till and outwash
39—Qgy?—Younger glacial till and outwash? 39—Qgy?—Younger glacial till and outwash?
40—Qgmy—Younger glacial till 40—Qgmy—Younger glacial till
41—Qgmy?—Younger glacial till? 41—Qgmy?—Younger glacial till?
42—Qgp—Pinedale glacial till and outwash 42—Qgp—Pinedale glacial till and outwash
43—Qgp?—Pinedale glacial till and outwash? 43—Qgp?—Pinedale glacial till and outwash?
44—Qgmp—Pinedale glacial till 44—Qgmp—Pinedale glacial till
45—Qgmp?—Pinedale glacial till? 45—Qgmp?—Pinedale glacial till?
46—Qgap—Pinedale glacial outwash 46—Qgap—Pinedale glacial outwash
47—Qgap?—Pinedale glacial outwash? 47—Qgap?—Pinedale glacial outwash?
48—Qgo—Older glacial till and outwash 48—Qgo—Older glacial till and outwash
49—Qgo?—Older glacial till and outwash? 49—Qgo?—Older glacial till and outwash?
50—Qgmo—Older glacial till 50—Qgmo—Older glacial till
51—Qgmo?—Older glacial till? 51—Qgmo?—Older glacial till?
52—Qgao—Older glacial outwash 52—Qgao—Older glacial outwash
53—Qgao?—Older glacial outwash? 53—Qgao?—Older glacial outwash?
54—Qgr—Rock glacier deposits 54—Qgr—Rock glacier deposits
55—Qgr?—Rock glacier deposits? 55—Qgr?—Rock glacier deposits?
56—Qmdf—Debris- and mud-flow deposits 56—Qmdf—Debris- and mud-flow deposits
57—Qmdf?—Debris- and mud-flow deposits? 57—Qmdf?—Debris- and mud-flow deposits?
58—Qmdfp—Lake Bonneville-age debris- and mud-flow deposits 58—Qmdfp—Lake Bonneville-age debris- and mud-flow deposits
59—Qmdfo—Older debris- and mud-flow deposits 59—Qmdfo—Older debris- and mud-flow deposits
60—Qmdfo?—Older debris- and mud-flow deposits? 60—Qmdfo?—Older debris- and mud-flow deposits?
61—Qms—Landslide deposits 61—Qms—Landslide deposits
62—Qms?—Landslide deposits? 62—Qms?—Landslide deposits?
63—Qmsh—Landslide deposits, historical 63—Qmsh—Landslide deposits, historical
64—Qmsy—Landslide deposits, younger 64—Qmsy—Landslide deposits, younger
65—Qmso—Landslide deposits, older 65—Qmso—Landslide deposits, older
66—Qmso?—Landslide deposits, older? 66—Qmso?—Landslide deposits, older?
67—Qms(QTaf?)—Block landslide deposits 67—Qms(QTaf?)—Block landslide deposits
68—Qms(QTao)—Block landslide deposits 68—Qms(QTao)—Block landslide deposits
69—Qms(Ts)—Block landslide deposits 69—Qms(Ts)—Block landslide deposits
70—Qms(Tn)—Block landslide deposits 70—Qms(Tn)—Block landslide deposits
71—Qms(Tn?)—Block landslide deposits 71—Qms(Tn?)—Block landslide deposits
72—Qms(rx)—Block landslide deposits 72—Qms(rx)—Block landslide deposits
73—Qms?(QTaf)—Possible block landslide deposits 73—Qms?(QTaf)—Possible block landslide deposits
74—Qms?(rx)—Possible block landslide deposits 74—Qms?(rx)—Possible block landslide deposits
75—Qms?(Ts)—Possible block landslide deposits 75—Qms?(Ts)—Possible block landslide deposits
76—Qms?(Tn)—Possible block landslide deposits 76—Qms?(Tn)—Possible block landslide deposits
77—Qms?(Tn?)—Possible block landslide deposits 77—Qms?(Tn?)—Possible block landslide deposits
78—Qms?(Tw)—Possible block landslide deposits 78—Qms?(Tw)—Possible block landslide deposits
79—Qms?(Xfc)—Possible block landslide deposits 79—Qms?(Xfc)—Possible block landslide deposits
80—Qmso(Tn)—Block landslide deposits, older 80—Qmso(Tn)—Block landslide deposits, older
81—Qmso(Xfc)—Block landslide deposits, older 81—Qmso(Xfc)—Block landslide deposits, older
82—Qmso?(Tn)—Possible block landslide deposits, older 82—Qmso?(Tn)—Possible block landslide deposits, older
83—Qmso?(Xfc)—Possible block landslide deposits, older 83—Qmso?(Xfc)—Possible block landslide deposits, older
84—Qmc—Landslide and colluvial deposits, undivided 84—Qmc—Landslide and colluvial deposits, undivided
85—Qmc?—Landslide and colluvial deposits, undivided? 85—Qmc?—Landslide and colluvial deposits, undivided?
86—Qmt—Talus 86—Qmt—Talus
87—Qmt?—Talus? 87—Qmt?—Talus?
88—Qct—Colluvium and talus, undivided 88—Qct—Colluvium and talus, undivided
90—Qc—Colluvium 90—Qc—Colluvium
91—Qc?—Colluvium? 91—Qc?—Colluvium?
92—Qcg—Gravelly colluvial deposits 92—Qcg—Gravelly colluvial deposits
93—Qcg?—Gravelly colluvial deposits? 93—Qcg?—Gravelly colluvial deposits?
94—Qac—Alluvium and colluvium 94—Qac—Alluvium and colluvium
95—Qla—Lake Bonneville lacustrine deposits and post- and pre-Lake Bonneville alluvial deposits, undivided 95—Qla—Lake Bonneville lacustrine deposits and post- and pre-Lake Bonneville alluvial deposits, undivided
96—Qng—Gravel deposits 96—Qng—Gravel deposits
97—Qmg—Mass-movement and glacial deposits, undivided 97—Qmg—Mass-movement and glacial deposits, undivided
98—Qmg?—Mass-movement and glacial deposits, undivided? 98—Qmg?—Mass-movement and glacial deposits, undivided?
99—Qadb—Lake Bonneville alluvial-fan and deltaic deposits, undivided 99—Qadb—Lake Bonneville alluvial-fan and deltaic deposits, undivided
100—Qh—Human disturbance 100—Qh—Human disturbance
101—QTa—High-level alluvium 101—QTa—High-level alluvium
102—QTay?—High-level alluvium, younger? 102—QTay?—High-level alluvium, younger?
103—QTao—High-level alluvium, older 103—QTao—High-level alluvium, older
104—QTao?—High-level alluvium, older? 104—QTao?—High-level alluvium, older?
105—QTaf—High-level alluvial-fan deposits 105—QTaf—High-level alluvial-fan deposits
106—QTaf?—High-level alluvial-fan deposits? 106—QTaf?—High-level alluvial-fan deposits?
107—Qc/Qmso—Colluvium over landslide deposits, older 107—Qc/Qmso—Colluvium over landslide deposits, older
108—Ql/Qmso—Lake Bonneville deposits, undivided over landslide deposits, older 108—Ql/Qmso—Lake Bonneville deposits, undivided over landslide deposits, older
109—Ql/Qmso?—Lake Bonneville deposits, undivided over landslide deposits, older? 109—Ql/Qmso?—Lake Bonneville deposits, undivided over landslide deposits, older?
110—Qlf/Qmso—Lake Bonneville fine-grained deposits over landslide deposits, older 110—Qlf/Qmso—Lake Bonneville fine-grained deposits over landslide deposits, older
111—Qlf/Qmso?—Lake Bonneville fine-grained deposits over landslide deposits, older? 111—Qlf/Qmso?—Lake Bonneville fine-grained deposits over landslide deposits, older?
112—Qapb/Qmso—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium over landslide deposits, older 112—Qapb/Qmso—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium over landslide deposits, older
113—Qab/Qmso—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium, transgressional over landslide deposits, older 113—Qab/Qmso—Lake Bonneville-age alluvium, transgressional over landslide deposits, older
114—Qms/Qa—Landslide deposits over alluvium, undivided 114—Qms/Qa—Landslide deposits over alluvium, undivided
115—Qmc/Qadb—Landslide and colluvial deposits, undivided over Lake Bonneville alluvial-fan and deltaic deposits, undivided 115—Qmc/Qadb—Landslide and colluvial deposits, undivided over Lake Bonneville alluvial-fan and deltaic deposits, undivided
116—Ql/Tn—Lake Bonneville deposits, undivided over Norwood Formation 116—Ql/Tn—Lake Bonneville deposits, undivided over Norwood Formation
117—Qlf/Tn—Lake Bonneville fine-grained deposits over Norwood Formation 117—Qlf/Tn—Lake Bonneville fine-grained deposits over Norwood Formation
118—Qlf/Tn?—Lake Bonneville fine-grained deposits over Norwood Formation? 118—Qlf/Tn?—Lake Bonneville fine-grained deposits over Norwood Formation?
119—Qls/Tn—Lake Bonneville sand over Norwood Formation 119—Qls/Tn—Lake Bonneville sand over Norwood Formation
120—Qaoe?/Tn—Older eroded alluvium? over Norwood Formation 120—Qaoe?/Tn—Older eroded alluvium? over Norwood Formation
121—Qafoe?/Tn—Older eroded alluvial-fan deposits? over Norwood Formation 121—Qafoe?/Tn—Older eroded alluvial-fan deposits? over Norwood Formation
122—QTa/Tn—High-level alluvium over Norwood Formation 122—QTa/Tn—High-level alluvium over Norwood Formation
123—QTaf/Tn—High-level alluvial-fan deposits over Norwood Formation 123—QTaf/Tn—High-level alluvial-fan deposits over Norwood Formation
124—QTaf/Tn?—High-level alluvial-fan deposits over Norwood Formation? 124—QTaf/Tn?—High-level alluvial-fan deposits over Norwood Formation?
125—Qafy/Qap—Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Lake Bonneville-age alluvium, regressional 125—Qafy/Qap—Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Lake Bonneville-age alluvium, regressional
126—Qlf/Qdlg—Lake Bonneville fine-grained deposits over Lake Bonneville deltaic and lacustrine deposits, undivided 126—Qlf/Qdlg—Lake Bonneville fine-grained deposits over Lake Bonneville deltaic and lacustrine deposits, undivided
127—Tcg—Unnamed Tertiary conglomeratic rocks 127—Tcg—Unnamed Tertiary conglomeratic rocks
128—Tn—Norwood Formation 128—Tn—Norwood Formation
129—Tn?—Norwood Formation? 129—Tn?—Norwood Formation?
130—Tw—Wasatch Formation 130—Tw—Wasatch Formation
131—Tw?—Wasatch Formation? 131—Tw?—Wasatch Formation?
132—KXc—Chloritic gneiss, cataclasite, mylonite, and phyllonite 132—KXc—Chloritic gneiss, cataclasite, mylonite, and phyllonite
133—KXc?—Chloritic gneiss, cataclasite, mylonite, and phyllonite? 133—KXc?—Chloritic gneiss, cataclasite, mylonite, and phyllonite?
134—Xfc?—Farmington Canyon Complex, undivided? 134—Xfc?—Farmington Canyon Complex, undivided?
135—Xfcm—Farmington Canyon Complex, Migmatitic gneiss 135—Xfcm—Farmington Canyon Complex, Migmatitic gneiss
136—Xfcgs—Farmington Canyon Complex, Gneiss and schist 136—Xfcgs—Farmington Canyon Complex, Gneiss and schist
137—Xfcgs?—Farmington Canyon Complex, Gneiss and schist? 137—Xfcgs?—Farmington Canyon Complex, Gneiss and schist?
138—Xfcp—Farmington Canyon Complex, Pegmatite 138—Xfcp—Farmington Canyon Complex, Pegmatite
139—Xfcp?—Farmington Canyon Complex, Pegmatite? 139—Xfcp?—Farmington Canyon Complex, Pegmatite?
140—water—water 140—water—water
VernalNW_Samples (8)
VernalNW_OilGasWells (7)
Dry Hole Dry Hole
Gas Well Gas Well
Test Well Test Well
Unknown Unknown
VernalNW_GeologicSymbols (6)
Bedding, horizontal, map digitized Bedding, horizontal, map digitized
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point)
<all other values> <all other values>
VernalNW__GeologicUnits_leaders (5)
VernalNW_CrossSectionLines (4)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
<all other values> <all other values>
VernalNW_GeologicStructureLines (3)
Fold, monocline, well located Fold, monocline, well located
Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located
VernalNW_GeologicLines (2)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Contact, gradational, approximately located Contact, gradational, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Geologic Units (1)
Jc Jc
KJcm KJcm
Kd Kd
Kf Kf
Kmr Kmr
Kms Kms
Kmv Kmv
Qa Qa
Qac Qac
Qaf Qaf
Qal1 Qal1
Qal2 Qal2
Qap Qap
Qap1 Qap1
Qap2 Qap2
Qap3 Qap3
Qap4 Qap4
Qc Qc
Qcg Qcg
Qh Qh
Qhm Qhm
Qms Qms
Tb Tb
Tdb Tdb
Tdd Tdd
Tdl Tdl
Tds Tds
TickvilleSpring_GeologicUnits_leaders (3254)
TickvilleSpring_CrossSectionLines (3239)
TickvilleSpring_GeologicLines (3248)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, queried Contact, queried
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, beach ridge, well located Crest, beach ridge, well located
Dike, igneous, well located Dike, igneous, well located
Fault, geophysical Fault, geophysical
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, approximately located, queried Fault, normal, approximately located, queried
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, concealed Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, concealed
Fault, thrust, approximately located Fault, thrust, approximately located
Fault, thrust, approximately located, queried Fault, thrust, approximately located, queried
Fault, thrust, concealed Fault, thrust, concealed
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located
Shoreline, Provo level, well located Shoreline, Provo level, well located
TickvilleSpring_GeologicStructureLines (3249)
Fold, anticline, overturned, approximately located Fold, anticline, overturned, approximately located
Fold, anticline, overturned, concealed Fold, anticline, overturned, concealed
Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, anticline, upright, well located Fold, anticline, upright, well located
Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, concealed
TickvilleSpring_GeologicSymbols (3250)
Bedding, horizontal, field measured Bedding, horizontal, field measured
Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured
Bedding, inclined, approximate, map digitized, source-B Bedding, inclined, approximate, map digitized, source-B
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B
Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-C Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-C
Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point)
Bedding, overturned, field measured Bedding, overturned, field measured
Bedding, overturned, map digitized, source-C Bedding, overturned, map digitized, source-C
Bedding, vertical, field measured Bedding, vertical, field measured
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral
Fold, anticline, overturned Fold, anticline, overturned
Fold, anticline, upright Fold, anticline, upright
Fold, plunge arrow Fold, plunge arrow
Fold, syncline, upright Fold, syncline, upright
Foliation, inclined, field measured Foliation, inclined, field measured
Foliation, inclined, map digitized, source-D Foliation, inclined, map digitized, source-D
Foliation, vertical, field measured Foliation, vertical, field measured
Foliation, vertical, map digitized, source-D Foliation, vertical, map digitized, source-D
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Locality Locality
Mine or quarry Mine or quarry
Prospect Prospect
Sample, option 5 Sample, option 5
Spring Spring
Geologic Units (3256)
<Null>_ls_Limestone marker bed in the Bingham Mine Formation <Null>_ls_Limestone marker bed in the Bingham Mine Formation
1_Qal1_Modern stream deposits 1_Qal1_Modern stream deposits
2_Qaly_Young alluvial deposits 2_Qaly_Young alluvial deposits
3_Qat1_Stream-terrace deposits (level 1) 3_Qat1_Stream-terrace deposits (level 1)
3_Qat2_Stream-terrace deposits (level 2) 3_Qat2_Stream-terrace deposits (level 2)
4_Qaf1_Modern alluvial-fan deposits 4_Qaf1_Modern alluvial-fan deposits
5_Qafb_Level 2 alluvial-fan deposits 5_Qafb_Level 2 alluvial-fan deposits
6_Qafy_Young alluvial-fan deposits 6_Qafy_Young alluvial-fan deposits
7_Qafo_Older alluvial-fan deposits 7_Qafo_Older alluvial-fan deposits
8_Qap2_Pediment-mantle alluvium 8_Qap2_Pediment-mantle alluvium
9_Qf_Artificial fill 9_Qf_Artificial fill
10_Qc_Colluvial deposits 10_Qc_Colluvial deposits
11_Qlgp_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Provo (regressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle 11_Qlgp_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Provo (regressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle
12_Qlsp_Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Provo (regressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle 12_Qlsp_Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Provo (regressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle
13_Qlgb_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle 13_Qlgb_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle
14_Qlsb_Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle 14_Qlsb_Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle
15_Qmsh_Historical landslide deposit 15_Qmsh_Historical landslide deposit
16_Qmsy_Younger landslide deposits 16_Qmsy_Younger landslide deposits
17_Qmso?_Older landslide deposit 17_Qmso?_Older landslide deposit
18_Qmfh_Debris-flow deposit 18_Qmfh_Debris-flow deposit
19_Qmt_Talus deposits 19_Qmt_Talus deposits
20_Qac_Alluvial and colluvial deposits 20_Qac_Alluvial and colluvial deposits
21_Qaco_Older alluvial and colluvial deposits 21_Qaco_Older alluvial and colluvial deposits
22_Qmtc_Talus and colluvial deposits 22_Qmtc_Talus and colluvial deposits
23_Qlag_Lacustrine and alluvial coarse-grained deposits 23_Qlag_Lacustrine and alluvial coarse-grained deposits
24_Qlu/Qafb_Undifferentiated deposits of the Bonneville lake cycle over level-2 alluvial-fan deposits 24_Qlu/Qafb_Undifferentiated deposits of the Bonneville lake cycle over level-2 alluvial-fan deposits
25_Qlgb/Qafo_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle over older alluvial-fan deposits 25_Qlgb/Qafo_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle over older alluvial-fan deposits
26_Qlgb/Tvby_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle over Tertiary block and ash flow tuff 26_Qlgb/Tvby_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle over Tertiary block and ash flow tuff
27_QTaf_Oldest alluvial-fan deposits 27_QTaf_Oldest alluvial-fan deposits
28_Tvbs_Volcanic breccia of South Mountain 28_Tvbs_Volcanic breccia of South Mountain
29_Tvfs_Lava flows of South Mountain 29_Tvfs_Lava flows of South Mountain
30_Tvfy_Younger lava flows 30_Tvfy_Younger lava flows
31_Tvby_Younger block and ash-flow tuffs 31_Tvby_Younger block and ash-flow tuffs
32_Trf_Rhyolite lava flows of Tickville Gulch 32_Trf_Rhyolite lava flows of Tickville Gulch
33_Trb_Rhyolite flow breccia of Tickville Gulch 33_Trb_Rhyolite flow breccia of Tickville Gulch
34_Tvfa_Basaltic andesite lava flow 34_Tvfa_Basaltic andesite lava flow
35_Tir_Rhyolite plugs 35_Tir_Rhyolite plugs
36_Tid_Dacite dikes 36_Tid_Dacite dikes
37_Tia_Andesite plug 37_Tia_Andesite plug
38_Tisp_Rhyolite plug of Shaggy Peak 38_Tisp_Rhyolite plug of Shaggy Peak
39_Tism_Andesite plug of Step Mountain 39_Tism_Andesite plug of Step Mountain
40_Til_Dacite plug of Lark 40_Til_Dacite plug of Lark
41_Tvfo_Nepheline minette and shoshonite lava flows 41_Tvfo_Nepheline minette and shoshonite lava flows
42_Ts_Lacustrine strata of Dry Canyon 42_Ts_Lacustrine strata of Dry Canyon
43_Tvfou_Older lava flows, undivided 43_Tvfou_Older lava flows, undivided
44_Tvbo_Older block and ash-flow tuffs 44_Tvbo_Older block and ash-flow tuffs
45_Tibc_Sills of Butterfield Canyon 45_Tibc_Sills of Butterfield Canyon
46_TKc_Conglomerate 46_TKc_Conglomerate
47_IPou_Bingham Mine and Butterfield Peaks Formations, undivided 47_IPou_Bingham Mine and Butterfield Peaks Formations, undivided
48_IPobm_Bingham Mine Formation 48_IPobm_Bingham Mine Formation
49_IPobp_Butterfield Peaks Formation 49_IPobp_Butterfield Peaks Formation
50_IPMowc_West Canyon Limestone 50_IPMowc_West Canyon Limestone
51_Mgbu_Great Blue Limestone, Upper limestone member 51_Mgbu_Great Blue Limestone, Upper limestone member
52_Mgbs_Great Blue Limestone, Long Trail Shale Member 52_Mgbs_Great Blue Limestone, Long Trail Shale Member
53_Mgbl_Great Blue Limestone, Lower limestone member 53_Mgbl_Great Blue Limestone, Lower limestone member
54_Mh_Humbug Formation 54_Mh_Humbug Formation
55_Md_Deseret Limestone 55_Md_Deseret Limestone
Lyman_GeologicUnits_leaders (3236)
Leader line Leader line
Lyman_CrossSectionLines (3224)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Lyman_GeologicLines (3231)
<all other values> <all other values>
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Boundary, water, perennial Boundary, water, perennial
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Dike, clastic, well located Dike, clastic, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Lyman_GeologicSymbols (3232)
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, map digitized Bedding, inclined, map digitized
Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point)
Dike, clastic, well located Dike, clastic, well located
Drill hole, abandoned Drill hole, abandoned
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Joint, vertical Joint, vertical
Sample, tephrochronology Sample, tephrochronology
Geologic Units (3233)
1_Qh_Artificial fill 1_Qh_Artificial fill
2_Qal1_Modern stream alluvium 2_Qal1_Modern stream alluvium
3_Qat3_Stream-terrace alluvium, level 3 3_Qat3_Stream-terrace alluvium, level 3
4_Qat5_Stream-terrace alluvium, level 5 4_Qat5_Stream-terrace alluvium, level 5
5_Qaly_Young stream alluvium 5_Qaly_Young stream alluvium
6_Qalo_Old stream alluvium 6_Qalo_Old stream alluvium
7_Qao_Old alluvial deposits 7_Qao_Old alluvial deposits
8_Qaf1_Young fan alluvium 8_Qaf1_Young fan alluvium
9_Qaf2_Middle fan alluvium 9_Qaf2_Middle fan alluvium
10_Qafy_Young and middle fan alluvium, undivided 10_Qafy_Young and middle fan alluvium, undivided
11_Qafo_Old fan alluvium 11_Qafo_Old fan alluvium
12_Qaf_Fan alluvium 12_Qaf_Fan alluvium
13_Qc_Colluvium 13_Qc_Colluvium
14_Qms_Landslides 14_Qms_Landslides
15_Qms?_Landslides? 15_Qms?_Landslides?
16_Qmsh_Landslides 16_Qmsh_Landslides
17_Qmsv_Landslide of Rabbit Valley 17_Qmsv_Landslide of Rabbit Valley
18_Qmsv(Je)_Landslide of Rabbit Valley (Entrada Sandstone component) 18_Qmsv(Je)_Landslide of Rabbit Valley (Entrada Sandstone component)
19_Qmsv(Jcw)_Landslide of Rabbit Valley (Winsor Member of Carmel Formation component) 19_Qmsv(Jcw)_Landslide of Rabbit Valley (Winsor Member of Carmel Formation component)
20_Qmsv(ls)_Landslide of Rabbit Valley (limestone component) 20_Qmsv(ls)_Landslide of Rabbit Valley (limestone component)
21_Qmt_Talus 21_Qmt_Talus
22_Qac_Alluvium and colluvium 22_Qac_Alluvium and colluvium
23_Qaco_Older alluvium and colluvium 23_Qaco_Older alluvium and colluvium
24_Qafc_Fan alluvium and colluvium 24_Qafc_Fan alluvium and colluvium
25_Qmc_Landslides and colluvium 25_Qmc_Landslides and colluvium
26_Qmtc_Talus and colluvium 26_Qmtc_Talus and colluvium
27_QTms(Tsdb)_Older landslide deposits of Tertiary sedimentary strata, Dipping Vat Formation, and Three Creeks Tuff Member of Bullion Canyon Volcanics 27_QTms(Tsdb)_Older landslide deposits of Tertiary sedimentary strata, Dipping Vat Formation, and Three Creeks Tuff Member of Bullion Canyon Volcanics
28_Tsr_Sevier River Formation 28_Tsr_Sevier River Formation
31_To_Osiris Tuff 31_To_Osiris Tuff
32_Tdan_Antimony Tuff Member of Mount Dutton Formation 32_Tdan_Antimony Tuff Member of Mount Dutton Formation
33_Tsp_Volcanic rocks of Signal Peak 33_Tsp_Volcanic rocks of Signal Peak
35_Tmm_Volcanic rocks of Mill Meadow Reservoir 35_Tmm_Volcanic rocks of Mill Meadow Reservoir
36_Tmm?_Volcanic rocks of Mill Meadow Reservoir? 36_Tmm?_Volcanic rocks of Mill Meadow Reservoir?
40_Je_Entrada Sandstone 40_Je_Entrada Sandstone
41_Jc_Carmel Formation, undivided 41_Jc_Carmel Formation, undivided
42_Jcw_Winsor Member of Carmel Formation 42_Jcw_Winsor Member of Carmel Formation
43_Jcwb_Banded subunit of the Winsor Member of Carmel Formation 43_Jcwb_Banded subunit of the Winsor Member of Carmel Formation
44_Jcwg_Gypsiferous subunit of the Winsor Member of Carmel Formation 44_Jcwg_Gypsiferous subunit of the Winsor Member of Carmel Formation
45_Jcp_Paria River Member of Carmel Formation 45_Jcp_Paria River Member of Carmel Formation
46_Jcl_Crystal Creek and Co-op Creek Limestone Members of Carmel Formation, undivided 46_Jcl_Crystal Creek and Co-op Creek Limestone Members of Carmel Formation, undivided
49_Jtm_Manganese Wash Member of Temple Cap Formation 49_Jtm_Manganese Wash Member of Temple Cap Formation
50_Jn_Navajo Sandstone 50_Jn_Navajo Sandstone
55_water_water 55_water_water
Bicknell_GeologicSymbols (3217)
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point)
Bedding, vertical, approximate, field measured Bedding, vertical, approximate, field measured
Drill hole, oil and gas well, abandoned Drill hole, oil and gas well, abandoned
Fault, bar and ball Fault, bar and ball
Fold, monocline Fold, monocline
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Joint, vertical Joint, vertical
Mine or quarry, abandoned Mine or quarry, abandoned
Sample Sample
Sample, geochemical Sample, geochemical
Spring Spring
Trench, paleoseismic Trench, paleoseismic
Bicknell_CrossSectionLines (3207)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Cross section, B-B' Cross section, B-B'
Bicknell_GeologicLines (3215)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Dike, mafic, well located Dike, mafic, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, reverse, concealed Fault, reverse, concealed
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Landslide longitudinal compressional ridge Landslide longitudinal compressional ridge
Lineament Lineament
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Bicknell_GeologicStructureLines (3216)
Fold, monocline, approximately located Fold, monocline, approximately located
Fold, monocline, concealed Fold, monocline, concealed
Bicknell_GeologicUnits_leaders (3221)
Leader line Leader line
Geologic Units (3218)
1_Qal1_Modern stream alluvium 1_Qal1_Modern stream alluvium
2_Qat2_Stream-terrace alluvium, level 2 2_Qat2_Stream-terrace alluvium, level 2
3_Qat4_Stream-terrace alluvium, level 4 3_Qat4_Stream-terrace alluvium, level 4
4_Qat6_Stream-terrace alluvium, level 6 4_Qat6_Stream-terrace alluvium, level 6
5_Qaly_Young stream alluvium 5_Qaly_Young stream alluvium
6_Qalo_Old stream alluvium 6_Qalo_Old stream alluvium
7_Qaf1_Young fan alluvium 7_Qaf1_Young fan alluvium
8_Qaf2_Middle fan alluvium 8_Qaf2_Middle fan alluvium
9_Qafy_Young and middle fan alluvium, undivided 9_Qafy_Young and middle fan alluvium, undivided
10_Qafo_Old fan alluvium 10_Qafo_Old fan alluvium
11_Qaf_Fan alluvium 11_Qaf_Fan alluvium
12_Qafb_Older fan alluvium 12_Qafb_Older fan alluvium
13_Qc_Colluvium 13_Qc_Colluvium
14_Qc/Tsp_Colluvium over volcanic rocks of Signal Peak 14_Qc/Tsp_Colluvium over volcanic rocks of Signal Peak
15_Qes_Eolian sand deposits 15_Qes_Eolian sand deposits
16_Qms_Landslides 16_Qms_Landslides
17_Qms?_Landslides? 17_Qms?_Landslides?
18_Qmso_Older landslides 18_Qmso_Older landslides
19_Qmt_Talus 19_Qmt_Talus
20_Qac_Alluvium and colluvium 20_Qac_Alluvium and colluvium
21_Qaco_Older alluvium and colluvium 21_Qaco_Older alluvium and colluvium
22_Qae_Alluvium and eolian sand 22_Qae_Alluvium and eolian sand
23_Qaeo_Older alluvium and eolian sand 23_Qaeo_Older alluvium and eolian sand
24_Qea_Eolian sand and alluvium 24_Qea_Eolian sand and alluvium
25_Qmtc_Talus and colluvium 25_Qmtc_Talus and colluvium
26_Qmtco_Older talus and colluvium 26_Qmtco_Older talus and colluvium
27_QTms/Tsdb_Older landslide deposits of Tertiary sedimentary strata, Dipping Vat Formation, and Three Creeks Tuff Member of Bullion Canyon Volcanics 27_QTms/Tsdb_Older landslide deposits of Tertiary sedimentary strata, Dipping Vat Formation, and Three Creeks Tuff Member of Bullion Canyon Volcanics
28_QTms/Jc_Older landslide deposits over Carmel Formation 28_QTms/Jc_Older landslide deposits over Carmel Formation
29_Tben_Basaltic lava flows of Elsies Nipple 29_Tben_Basaltic lava flows of Elsies Nipple
30_Tsr_Sevier River Formation 30_Tsr_Sevier River Formation
31_Tsrb_Basaltic lava flows in Sevier River Formation 31_Tsrb_Basaltic lava flows in Sevier River Formation
32_To_Osiris Tuff 32_To_Osiris Tuff
33_Tos_Sandstone and conglomerate associated with Osiris Tuff 33_Tos_Sandstone and conglomerate associated with Osiris Tuff
34_Tdan_Antimony Tuff Member of Mount Dutton Formation 34_Tdan_Antimony Tuff Member of Mount Dutton Formation
35_Tsp_Volcanic rocks of Signal Peak 35_Tsp_Volcanic rocks of Signal Peak
36_Tbu_Bullion Canyon Volcanics, undivided 36_Tbu_Bullion Canyon Volcanics, undivided
37_Tdv_Dipping Vat Formation 37_Tdv_Dipping Vat Formation
38_Ts_Tertiary sedimentary strata 38_Ts_Tertiary sedimentary strata
39_Je_Entrada Sandstone 39_Je_Entrada Sandstone
40_Jc_Carmel Formation, undivided 40_Jc_Carmel Formation, undivided
41_Jcw_Carmel Formation, Winsor Member 41_Jcw_Carmel Formation, Winsor Member
42_Jcwb_Carmel Formation, Winsor Member, banded subunit 42_Jcwb_Carmel Formation, Winsor Member, banded subunit
43_Jcwg_Carmel Formation, Winsor Member, gypsiferous subunit 43_Jcwg_Carmel Formation, Winsor Member, gypsiferous subunit
44_Jcp_Carmel Formation, Paria River Member 44_Jcp_Carmel Formation, Paria River Member
45_Jcl_Carmel Formation, Crystal Creek and Co-op Creek Limestone Members, undivided 45_Jcl_Carmel Formation, Crystal Creek and Co-op Creek Limestone Members, undivided
46_Jcx_Carmel Formation, Crystal Creek Member 46_Jcx_Carmel Formation, Crystal Creek Member
47_Jcc_Carmel Formation, Co-op Creek Limestone Member 47_Jcc_Carmel Formation, Co-op Creek Limestone Member
48_Jn_Navajo Sandstone 48_Jn_Navajo Sandstone
49_Jk_Kayenta Formation 49_Jk_Kayenta Formation
50_Jtm_Temple Cap Formation, Manganese Wash Member 50_Jtm_Temple Cap Formation, Manganese Wash Member
51_JTRw_Wingate Sandstone 51_JTRw_Wingate Sandstone
52_TRc_Chinle Formation, undivided 52_TRc_Chinle Formation, undivided
53_TRcu_Chinle Formation, upper slope former (Owl Rock Member and upper part of Petrified Forest Member) 53_TRcu_Chinle Formation, upper slope former (Owl Rock Member and upper part of Petrified Forest Member)
54_TRcl_Chinle Formation, lower slope former (lower Petrified Forest Member and Mossback Member) 54_TRcl_Chinle Formation, lower slope former (lower Petrified Forest Member and Mossback Member)
55_TRcm_Chinle Formation, Monitor Butte Member 55_TRcm_Chinle Formation, Monitor Butte Member
56_TRcs_Chinle Formation, Shinarump Member 56_TRcs_Chinle Formation, Shinarump Member
57_TRmm_Moenkopi Formation, undivided 57_TRmm_Moenkopi Formation, undivided
AllensRanch_leaders (3204)
Rule_1 Rule_1
AllensRanch_CrossSectionLines (3188)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Cross section, B-B' Cross section, B-B'
Cross section, C-C' Cross section, C-C'
AllensRanch_Geochemistry (3189)
Rule_1 Rule_1
AllensRanch_GeologicStructureLines (3199)
Fold, anticline, overturned, concealed Fold, anticline, overturned, concealed
Fold, anticline, overturned, well located Fold, anticline, overturned, well located
Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, anticline, upright, well located Fold, anticline, upright, well located
Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed
Fold, syncline, overturned, well located Fold, syncline, overturned, well located
Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, well located Fold, syncline, upright, well located
AllensRanch_GeologicLines (3198)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, beach ridge, well located Crest, beach ridge, well located
Fault, attenuation, concealed Fault, attenuation, concealed
Fault, geophysical, gravity Fault, geophysical, gravity
Fault, geophysical, gravity, queried Fault, geophysical, gravity, queried
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, approximately located Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, approximately located
Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed
Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located
Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, approximately located Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, approximately located
Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, concealed Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, concealed
Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, well located Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, well located
Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, approximately located Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, approximately located
Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, concealed Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, concealed
Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, well located Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral, well located
Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, approximately located Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, approximately located
Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, concealed Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, concealed
Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, well located Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral, well located
Fault, thrust, concealed Fault, thrust, concealed
Fault, thrust, well located Fault, thrust, well located
Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, concealed Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, concealed
Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, well located Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, well located
Fault, unknown, approximately located Fault, unknown, approximately located
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, concealed, queried Fault, unknown, concealed, queried
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located
Shoreline, transgressional, approximately located Shoreline, transgressional, approximately located
AllensRanch_GeologicSymbols (3200)
Sample, palynology Sample, palynology
Fold, anticline, overturned Fold, anticline, overturned
Sample, fossil Sample, fossil
Spring Spring
Drill hole, water well Drill hole, water well
Adit Adit
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B
Bedding, overturned, field measured Bedding, overturned, field measured
Bedding, overturned, map digitized, source-B Bedding, overturned, map digitized, source-B
Bedding, vertical, field measured Bedding, vertical, field measured
Bedding, vertical, map digitized, source-B Bedding, vertical, map digitized, source-B
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral
Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral
Fold, anticline, upright Fold, anticline, upright
Fold, syncline, overturned Fold, syncline, overturned
Fold, syncline, upright Fold, syncline, upright
Foliation, inclined, field measured Foliation, inclined, field measured
Foliation, inclined, map digitized, source-B Foliation, inclined, map digitized, source-B
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Prospect Prospect
Shaft Shaft
Geologic Units (3201)
1—Qaly—Young stream deposits, undivided 1—Qaly—Young stream deposits, undivided
2—Qaf1—Level-1 alluvial-fan deposits 2—Qaf1—Level-1 alluvial-fan deposits
3—Qaf2—Level-2 alluvial-fan deposits 3—Qaf2—Level-2 alluvial-fan deposits
4—Qafy—Younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided 4—Qafy—Younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided
5—Qafp—Alluvial-fan deposits, related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 5—Qafp—Alluvial-fan deposits, related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
6—Qafb—Alluvial-fan deposits, related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 6—Qafb—Alluvial-fan deposits, related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
7—Qafo—Older alluvial-fan deposits, pre-Lake Bonneville 7—Qafo—Older alluvial-fan deposits, pre-Lake Bonneville
8—Qc—Colluvial deposits 8—Qc—Colluvial deposits
9—Qh—Fill and disturbed land 9—Qh—Fill and disturbed land
10—Qls—Lacustrine sand and silt related to Lake Bonneville and Cedar Valley Lake 10—Qls—Lacustrine sand and silt related to Lake Bonneville and Cedar Valley Lake
11—Qlsp—Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 11—Qlsp—Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
12—Qlgb—Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 12—Qlgb—Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
13—Qlsb—Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 13—Qlsb—Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
14—Qs—Spring deposit 14—Qs—Spring deposit
15—Qac—Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided 15—Qac—Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided
16—Qlay—Lacustrine and younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided 16—Qlay—Lacustrine and younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided
17—Qla—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided 17—Qla—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided
18—Qlsb/QTaf—Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over older alluvial-fan deposits 18—Qlsb/QTaf—Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over older alluvial-fan deposits
19—Qlgb/Tpc—Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Pinyon Creek Conglomerate 19—Qlgb/Tpc—Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Pinyon Creek Conglomerate
20—Qlsb/Tpc—Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Pinyon Creek Conglomerate 20—Qlsb/Tpc—Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Pinyon Creek Conglomerate
21—Qlgb/Mgb—Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Great Blue Limestone, undifferentiated 21—Qlgb/Mgb—Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Great Blue Limestone, undifferentiated
22—QTaf—Oldest alluvial fan deposits 22—QTaf—Oldest alluvial fan deposits
23—Tj—Jasperoid 23—Tj—Jasperoid
24—Tb—Mosida Basalt 24—Tb—Mosida Basalt
25—Tpc—Pinyon Creek Conglomerate 25—Tpc—Pinyon Creek Conglomerate
26—Tpcb—Pinyon Creek Conglomerate, breccia member 26—Tpcb—Pinyon Creek Conglomerate, breccia member
27—Tlsl—Laguna Springs Volcanic Group, lava member 27—Tlsl—Laguna Springs Volcanic Group, lava member
28—Tlsa—Laguna Springs Volcanic Group, tuff member 28—Tlsa—Laguna Springs Volcanic Group, tuff member
29—Tsw—Soldiers Pass Formation, White Knoll Member 29—Tsw—Soldiers Pass Formation, White Knoll Member
30—Tstp—Soldiers Pass Formation, Tuff of Twelvemile Pass member 30—Tstp—Soldiers Pass Formation, Tuff of Twelvemile Pass member
31—Tsc—Soldiers Pass Formation, Chimney Rock Pass Tuff Member 31—Tsc—Soldiers Pass Formation, Chimney Rock Pass Tuff Member
32—Tlr—Latite Ridge Latite 32—Tlr—Latite Ridge Latite
33—Tpr—Packard Quartz Latite, tuff of Rattlesnake Pass member 33—Tpr—Packard Quartz Latite, tuff of Rattlesnake Pass member
34—Tptd—Pachard Quartz Latite, tuff of Tintic Davis Canyon member 34—Tptd—Pachard Quartz Latite, tuff of Tintic Davis Canyon member
35—Tplt—Packard Quartz Latite, lava flow and tuff member 35—Tplt—Packard Quartz Latite, lava flow and tuff member
36—IPobp—Oquirrh Group, Butterfield Peaks Formation 36—IPobp—Oquirrh Group, Butterfield Peaks Formation
38—Mgb—Great Blue Limestone, undivided 38—Mgb—Great Blue Limestone, undivided
39—Mgbk—Great Blue Limestone, Poker Knoll Limestone Member 39—Mgbk—Great Blue Limestone, Poker Knoll Limestone Member
40—Mgbc—Great Blue Limestone, Chiulos Member 40—Mgbc—Great Blue Limestone, Chiulos Member
41—Mgbp—Great Blue Limestone, Paymaster Member 41—Mgbp—Great Blue Limestone, Paymaster Member
42—Mgbt—Great Blue Limestone, Topliff Limestone Member 42—Mgbt—Great Blue Limestone, Topliff Limestone Member
43—Mh—Humbug Formation 43—Mh—Humbug Formation
44—Md—Deseret Limestone 44—Md—Deseret Limestone
45—Mg—Gardison Limestone 45—Mg—Gardison Limestone
46—Mg?—Gardison Limestone 46—Mg?—Gardison Limestone
47—MDf—Fitchville Formation 47—MDf—Fitchville Formation
48—Dp—Pinyon Peak Limestone 48—Dp—Pinyon Peak Limestone
49—Dv—Victoria Formation 49—Dv—Victoria Formation
50—DOb—Bluebell Dolomite 50—DOb—Bluebell Dolomite
51—Ofh—Fish Haven Dolomite 51—Ofh—Fish Haven Dolomite
52—Oo—Opohonga Limestone 52—Oo—Opohonga Limestone
53—Ca—Ajax Dolomite, undivided 53—Ca—Ajax Dolomite, undivided
54—Cau—Ajax Dolomite, upper member 54—Cau—Ajax Dolomite, upper member
55—Cae—Ajax Dolomite, Emerald Member 55—Cae—Ajax Dolomite, Emerald Member
56—Cal—Ajax Dolomite, lower member 56—Cal—Ajax Dolomite, lower member
57—Co—Opex Formation 57—Co—Opex Formation
58—Cc—Cole Canyon Dolomite 58—Cc—Cole Canyon Dolomite
SugarHouse_CrossSectionLines (3163)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Cross section, B-B' Cross section, B-B'
Cross section, C-C' Cross section, C-C'
SugarHouse_GeologicUnits_overlay_1_leaders (3184)
Leader line Leader line
SugarHouse_GeologicUnits_leaders (3180)
Leader line Leader line
SugarHouse_GeologicSymbols (3176)
Adit Adit
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B
Bedding, overturned, field measured Bedding, overturned, field measured
Bedding, overturned, map digitized, source-B Bedding, overturned, map digitized, source-B
Bedding, vertical, map digitized, source-B Bedding, vertical, map digitized, source-B
Cleavage, inclined Cleavage, inclined
Drill hole, water well Drill hole, water well
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Fault, dip Fault, dip
Fold, anticline, overturned Fold, anticline, overturned
Fold, anticline, upright Fold, anticline, upright
Fold, syncline, overturned Fold, syncline, overturned
Fold, syncline, upright Fold, syncline, upright
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Mine or quarry Mine or quarry
Prospect Prospect
Sample, geochemical Sample, geochemical
Shaft Shaft
Spring Spring
SugarHouse_GeologicStructureLines (3175)
Fold, anticline, overturned, well located Fold, anticline, overturned, well located
Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, anticline, upright, well located Fold, anticline, upright, well located
Fold, syncline, overturned, well located Fold, syncline, overturned, well located
Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located
Fold, syncline, upright, well located Fold, syncline, upright, well located
SugarHouse_GeologicLines (3174)
Bed, marker A, well located Bed, marker A, well located
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Boundary, water, perennial Boundary, water, perennial
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, approximately located, queried Contact, approximately located, queried
Contact, concealed Contact, concealed
Contact, scratch, approximately located Contact, scratch, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest moraine, asymmetrical Crest moraine, asymmetrical
Crest moraine, symmetry unknown Crest moraine, symmetry unknown
Extent, pit or quarry, well located Extent, pit or quarry, well located
Fault, detachment, approximately located Fault, detachment, approximately located
Fault, detachment, concealed Fault, detachment, concealed
Fault, detachment, well located Fault, detachment, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, approximately located, queried Fault, normal, approximately located, queried
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, thrust, approximately located Fault, thrust, approximately located
Fault, thrust, concealed Fault, thrust, concealed
Fault, thrust, well located Fault, thrust, well located
Fault, unknown, approximately located Fault, unknown, approximately located
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, concealed, queried Fault, unknown, concealed, queried
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Fold, unknown, concealed, queried Fold, unknown, concealed, queried
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Scarp, terrace, approximately located Scarp, terrace, approximately located
Scarp, terrace, concealed Scarp, terrace, concealed
Scarp, terrace, well located Scarp, terrace, well located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located
Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located
Shoreline, Provo level, concealed Shoreline, Provo level, concealed
Shoreline, Provo level, well located Shoreline, Provo level, well located
Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located
Shoreline, regressional, approximately located Shoreline, regressional, approximately located
Shoreline, regressional, concealed Shoreline, regressional, concealed
Shoreline, regressional, well located Shoreline, regressional, well located
Shoreline, transgressional, approximately located Shoreline, transgressional, approximately located
Shoreline, transgressional, well located Shoreline, transgressional, well located
SugarHouse_GeologicUnits_overlay_1 (3181)
41_Qafy/Jtc_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Twin Creek Limestone 41_Qafy/Jtc_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Twin Creek Limestone
42_Qafy/JTRn_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Nugget Sandstone 42_Qafy/JTRn_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Nugget Sandstone
43_Qafy/TRa_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Ankareh Formation 43_Qafy/TRa_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Ankareh Formation
44_Qafy/TRt_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Thaynes Formation 44_Qafy/TRt_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Thaynes Formation
45_Qafp/TRa_Alluvial-fan deposits, related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation 45_Qafp/TRa_Alluvial-fan deposits, related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation
46_Qldp/Jtc_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Springs Formation, undivided 46_Qldp/Jtc_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Springs Formation, undivided
47_Qldp/JTRn_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Nugget Sandstone 47_Qldp/JTRn_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Nugget Sandstone
48_Qldp/TRa_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation 48_Qldp/TRa_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation
49_Qldp/TRt_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Thaynes Formation 49_Qldp/TRt_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Thaynes Formation
50_Qlgb/Jtc_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Springs Formation, undivided 50_Qlgb/Jtc_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Springs Formation, undivided
51_Qlgb/JTRn_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Nugget Sandstone 51_Qlgb/JTRn_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Nugget Sandstone
52_Qlgb/TRa_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation 52_Qlgb/TRa_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation
53_Qlgb/TRt_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Thaynes Formation 53_Qlgb/TRt_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Thaynes Formation
54_Qlsb/Jtc_Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Springs Formation, undivided 54_Qlsb/Jtc_Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Springs Formation, undivided
55_Qlsb/JTRn_Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Nugget Sandstone 55_Qlsb/JTRn_Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Nugget Sandstone
56_Qlsb/TRa_Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation 56_Qlsb/TRa_Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation
57_Qac/Jtc_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided, over Twin Creek Limestone 57_Qac/Jtc_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided, over Twin Creek Limestone
58_Qac/JTRn_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided, over Nugget Sandstone 58_Qac/JTRn_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided, over Nugget Sandstone
59_Qac/TRa_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided, over Ankareh Formation 59_Qac/TRa_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided, over Ankareh Formation
SugarHouse_GeologicUnits_overlay_2 (3185)
Areas disturbed by sand and gravel operations Areas disturbed by sand and gravel operations
Geologic Units (3177)
1_Qal1_Level-1 stream and floodplain deposits 1_Qal1_Level-1 stream and floodplain deposits
2_Qal2_Level-2 stream alluvium deposits 2_Qal2_Level-2 stream alluvium deposits
3_Qaly_Young stream alluvium deposits, undivided 3_Qaly_Young stream alluvium deposits, undivided
4_Qat_Stream-terrace deposits 4_Qat_Stream-terrace deposits
5_Qaf1_Level-1 alluvial-fan deposits 5_Qaf1_Level-1 alluvial-fan deposits
6_Qaf2_Level-2 alluvial-fan deposits 6_Qaf2_Level-2 alluvial-fan deposits
7_Qafy_Younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided 7_Qafy_Younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided
8_Qafp_Alluvial-fan deposits, related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 8_Qafp_Alluvial-fan deposits, related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
9_Qafb_Alluvial-fan deposits, related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 9_Qafb_Alluvial-fan deposits, related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
10_Qaf4_Level-4 alluvial-fan deposits, pre-Bonneville lake cycle 10_Qaf4_Level-4 alluvial-fan deposits, pre-Bonneville lake cycle
11_Qaf5_Level-5 alluvial-fan deposits, pre-Little Valley and/or Pokes Point lake cycles 11_Qaf5_Level-5 alluvial-fan deposits, pre-Little Valley and/or Pokes Point lake cycles
12_Qafo_Older alluvial-fan deposits, undivided 12_Qafo_Older alluvial-fan deposits, undivided
13_Qc_Colluvial deposits 13_Qc_Colluvial deposits
14_Qg_Glacial deposits, undivided 14_Qg_Glacial deposits, undivided
15_Qgp_Glacial deposits of Pinedale age 15_Qgp_Glacial deposits of Pinedale age
16_Qgmp_Glacial moraines of Pinedale age 16_Qgmp_Glacial moraines of Pinedale age
17_Qh_Fill and disturbed land 17_Qh_Fill and disturbed land
18_Qlf_Lacustrine silt and clay, undivided 18_Qlf_Lacustrine silt and clay, undivided
19_Qldp_Deltaic deposits, related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 19_Qldp_Deltaic deposits, related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
20_Qlgp_Lacustrine gravel and sand, related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 20_Qlgp_Lacustrine gravel and sand, related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
21_Qlsp_Lacustrine sand and silt, related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 21_Qlsp_Lacustrine sand and silt, related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
22_Qlfp_Lacustrine silt and clay, related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 22_Qlfp_Lacustrine silt and clay, related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
23_Qldb_Deltaic deposits, undivided, related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 23_Qldb_Deltaic deposits, undivided, related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
24_Qldbg_Deltaic gravel and sand, related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 24_Qldbg_Deltaic gravel and sand, related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
25_Qlgb_Lacustrine gravel and sand, related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 25_Qlgb_Lacustrine gravel and sand, related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
26_Qlsb_Lacustrine sand and silt, related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 26_Qlsb_Lacustrine sand and silt, related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
27_Qlb_Transgressive-phase deposits, undivided 27_Qlb_Transgressive-phase deposits, undivided
28_Qmdf_Debris-flow deposits 28_Qmdf_Debris-flow deposits
29_Qmef_Earth-flow deposits 29_Qmef_Earth-flow deposits
30_Qmsh_Historical landslide deposits 30_Qmsh_Historical landslide deposits
31_Qms_Landslide deposits 31_Qms_Landslide deposits
32_Qms?_Landslide deposits 32_Qms?_Landslide deposits
33_Qmso_Older landslide deposits 33_Qmso_Older landslide deposits
34_Qml?_Lateral spread deposits? 34_Qml?_Lateral spread deposits?
35_Qmt_Talus deposits 35_Qmt_Talus deposits
36_Qac_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided 36_Qac_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided
37_Qct_Colluvial and talus deposits, undivided 37_Qct_Colluvial and talus deposits, undivided
38_Qla_Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided 38_Qla_Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided
39_Qlam_Lacustrine and alluvial and marsh deposits, undivided 39_Qlam_Lacustrine and alluvial and marsh deposits, undivided
40_Qmc_Mass movement and colluvial deposits, undivided 40_Qmc_Mass movement and colluvial deposits, undivided
41_Qafy/Jtc_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Twin Creek Limestone 41_Qafy/Jtc_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Twin Creek Limestone
42_Qafy/JTRn_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Nugget Sandstone 42_Qafy/JTRn_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Nugget Sandstone
43_Qafy/TRa_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Ankareh Formation 43_Qafy/TRa_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Ankareh Formation
44_Qafy/TRt_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Thaynes Formation 44_Qafy/TRt_Younger alluvial-fan deposits over Thaynes Formation
45_Qafp/TRa_Alluvial-fan deposits, related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation 45_Qafp/TRa_Alluvial-fan deposits, related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation
46_Qldp/Jtc_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Springs Formation, undivided 46_Qldp/Jtc_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Springs Formation, undivided
47_Qldp/JTRn_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Nugget Sandstone 47_Qldp/JTRn_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Nugget Sandstone
48_Qldp/TRa_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation 48_Qldp/TRa_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation
49_Qldp/TRt_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Thaynes Formation 49_Qldp/TRt_Deltaic deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Thaynes Formation
50_Qlgb/Jtc_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Springs Formation, undivided 50_Qlgb/Jtc_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Springs Formation, undivided
51_Qlgb/JTRn_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Nugget Sandstone 51_Qlgb/JTRn_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Nugget Sandstone
52_Qlgb/TRa_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation 52_Qlgb/TRa_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation
53_Qlgb/TRt_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Thaynes Formation 53_Qlgb/TRt_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Thaynes Formation
54_Qlsb/Jtc_Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Springs Formation, undivided 54_Qlsb/Jtc_Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Springs Formation, undivided
55_Qlsb/JTRn_Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Nugget Sandstone 55_Qlsb/JTRn_Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Nugget Sandstone
56_Qlsb/TRa_Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation 56_Qlsb/TRa_Lacustrine sand and silt deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Ankareh Formation
57_Qac/Jtc_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided, over Twin Creek Limestone 57_Qac/Jtc_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided, over Twin Creek Limestone
58_Qac/JTRn_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided, over Nugget Sandstone 58_Qac/JTRn_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided, over Nugget Sandstone
59_Qac/TRa_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided, over Ankareh Formation 59_Qac/TRa_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided, over Ankareh Formation
60_Tld_Lamprophyric dikes and sill 60_Tld_Lamprophyric dikes and sill
61_Tsd_Silicic dikes 61_Tsd_Silicic dikes
62_Tind_Intermediate dikes and sills 62_Tind_Intermediate dikes and sills
63_Jtgc_Twin Creek Limestone, Giraffe Creek Member 63_Jtgc_Twin Creek Limestone, Giraffe Creek Member
64_Jtl_Twin Creek Limestone, Leeds Creek Member 64_Jtl_Twin Creek Limestone, Leeds Creek Member
65_Jtw_Twin Creek Limestone, Watton Canyon Member 65_Jtw_Twin Creek Limestone, Watton Canyon Member
66_Jtb_Twin Creek Limestone, Boundary Ridge Member 66_Jtb_Twin Creek Limestone, Boundary Ridge Member
67_Jtr_Twin Creek Limestone, Rich Member 67_Jtr_Twin Creek Limestone, Rich Member
68_Jts_Twin Creek Limestone, Sliderock Member 68_Jts_Twin Creek Limestone, Sliderock Member
69_Jtc_Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Springs Formation, undivided 69_Jtc_Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Springs Formation, undivided
70_Jtsg_Sliderock Member of Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Spring Formation, undivided 70_Jtsg_Sliderock Member of Twin Creek Limestone and Gypsum Spring Formation, undivided
71_Jgs_Gypsum Spring Formation 71_Jgs_Gypsum Spring Formation
72_JTRn_Nugget Sandstone 72_JTRn_Nugget Sandstone
74_TRau_Ankareh Formation, upper member 74_TRau_Ankareh Formation, upper member
75_TRag_Ankareh Formation, Gartra Grit Member 75_TRag_Ankareh Formation, Gartra Grit Member
76_TRam_Ankareh Formation, Mahogany Member 76_TRam_Ankareh Formation, Mahogany Member
77_TRt_Thaynes Formation 77_TRt_Thaynes Formation
79_TRw_Woodside Shale 79_TRw_Woodside Shale
80_Pp_Park City and Phosphoria Formations 80_Pp_Park City and Phosphoria Formations
81_PPw_Weber Sandstone 81_PPw_Weber Sandstone
82_Prv_Round Valley Limestone 82_Prv_Round Valley Limestone
83_Mdo_Doughnut Formation 83_Mdo_Doughnut Formation
84_Mh_Humbug Formation 84_Mh_Humbug Formation
85_Md_Deseret Limestone 85_Md_Deseret Limestone
86_Mg_Gardison Limestone 86_Mg_Gardison Limestone
87_MDf_Fitchville Formation 87_MDf_Fitchville Formation
88_Cm_Maxfield Limestone 88_Cm_Maxfield Limestone
89_Co_Ophir Formation 89_Co_Ophir Formation
90_Ct_Tintic Quartzite 90_Ct_Tintic Quartzite
91_Zm_Mutual Formation 91_Zm_Mutual Formation
92_Zbcq_Big Cottonwood Formation, quartzite 92_Zbcq_Big Cottonwood Formation, quartzite
93_Zbcs_Big Cottonwood Formation, shale and siltsone 93_Zbcs_Big Cottonwood Formation, shale and siltsone
95_Water_<Null> 95_Water_<Null>
GoshenPass_GeologicSymbols (3128)
Sample, geochemical Sample, geochemical
Drill hole, water well Drill hole, water well
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Fold, anticline, upright Fold, anticline, upright
Fold, syncline, upright Fold, syncline, upright
GoshenPass_CrossSectionLines (3141)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
GoshenPass_GeologicLines (3130)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, scratch, approximately located Contact, scratch, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, beach ridge, well located Crest, beach ridge, well located
Fault, geophysical, gravity Fault, geophysical, gravity
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, approximately located, queried Fault, normal, approximately located, queried
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located
Shoreline, transgressional, approximately located Shoreline, transgressional, approximately located
Shoreline, undetermined, approximately located Shoreline, undetermined, approximately located
Surface edge, geomorphic, undefined, well located Surface edge, geomorphic, undefined, well located
GoshenPass_GeologicStructureLines (3129)
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, anticline, upright, well located Fold, anticline, upright, well located
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, concealed
GoshenPass_GeologicUnits_leaders (3124)
Leader line Leader line
GeologicUnits (3127)
1_Qaly_Young stream deposits, undivided 1_Qaly_Young stream deposits, undivided
2_Qafy_Younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided 2_Qafy_Younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided
3_Qaf3_Alluvial-fan deposits related to the transgressive and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 3_Qaf3_Alluvial-fan deposits related to the transgressive and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
4_Qafo_Older alluvial-fan deposits, pre-Lake Bonneville 4_Qafo_Older alluvial-fan deposits, pre-Lake Bonneville
5_Qc_Colluvial deposits 5_Qc_Colluvial deposits
6_Qe_Eolian deposits, undivided 6_Qe_Eolian deposits, undivided
7_Qed_Eolian dune deposits 7_Qed_Eolian dune deposits
8_Qh_Fill and disturbed land 8_Qh_Fill and disturbed land
9_Qlg_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to Lake Bonneville and Cedar Valley Lake 9_Qlg_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to Lake Bonneville and Cedar Valley Lake
10_Qls_Lacustrine sand and silt related to Lake Bonneville and Cedar Valley Lake 10_Qls_Lacustrine sand and silt related to Lake Bonneville and Cedar Valley Lake
11_Qlf_Lacustrine fine-grained deposits related to Lake Bonneville and Cedar Valley Lake 11_Qlf_Lacustrine fine-grained deposits related to Lake Bonneville and Cedar Valley Lake
11a, Ql, Lacustrine deposits, undifferentiated related to Lake Bonneville and Cedar Valley Lake 11a, Ql, Lacustrine deposits, undifferentiated related to Lake Bonneville and Cedar Valley Lake
12_Qlgb_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 12_Qlgb_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
13_Qlsb_Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 13_Qlsb_Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
14_Qac_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided 14_Qac_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided
15_Qam_Alluvial mud-flat and marsh deposits, undivided 15_Qam_Alluvial mud-flat and marsh deposits, undivided
16_Qla_Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided 16_Qla_Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided
17_Qlam_Lacustrine, alluvial, and marsh deposits, undivided 17_Qlam_Lacustrine, alluvial, and marsh deposits, undivided
18_Qlay_Lacustrine and younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided 18_Qlay_Lacustrine and younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided
19_Qe/Ql_Eolian deposits over lacustrine deposits related to Lake Bonneville and Cedar Valley Lake 19_Qe/Ql_Eolian deposits over lacustrine deposits related to Lake Bonneville and Cedar Valley Lake
20_Ql/Tb_Lacustrine deposits, undifferentiated over Mosida Basalt 20_Ql/Tb_Lacustrine deposits, undifferentiated over Mosida Basalt
21_Ql/Tsw_Lacustrine deposits, undifferentiated over Soldiers Pass Formation, White Knoll Member 21_Ql/Tsw_Lacustrine deposits, undifferentiated over Soldiers Pass Formation, White Knoll Member
22_Ql/Tv_Lacustrine deposits, undifferentiated over Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary rocks, undifferentiated 22_Ql/Tv_Lacustrine deposits, undifferentiated over Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary rocks, undifferentiated
23_Ql/Qafo_Lacustrine deposits, undifferentiated over older alluvial-fan deposits, pre-Lake Bonneville 23_Ql/Qafo_Lacustrine deposits, undifferentiated over older alluvial-fan deposits, pre-Lake Bonneville
24_Ql/Mgbp_Lacustrine deposits, undifferentiated over Great Blue Limestone, Paymaster Member 24_Ql/Mgbp_Lacustrine deposits, undifferentiated over Great Blue Limestone, Paymaster Member
25_Qlgb/Mgb_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Great Blue Limestone, undifferentiated 25_Qlgb/Mgb_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville over Great Blue Limestone, undifferentiated
26_Tb_Mosida Basalt 26_Tb_Mosida Basalt
27_Tsb_Soldiers Pass Formation, breccia member 27_Tsb_Soldiers Pass Formation, breccia member
28_Tsw_Soldiers Pass Formation, White Knoll Member 28_Tsw_Soldiers Pass Formation, White Knoll Member
29_Tsa_Soldiers Pass Formation, andesite member 29_Tsa_Soldiers Pass Formation, andesite member
31_IPobp_Oquirrh Group, Butterfield Peaks Formation 31_IPobp_Oquirrh Group, Butterfield Peaks Formation
32_IPobp?_Oquirrh Group, Butterfield Peaks Formation 32_IPobp?_Oquirrh Group, Butterfield Peaks Formation
33_Mgb_Great Blue Limestone, undivided 33_Mgb_Great Blue Limestone, undivided
34_Mgbp_Great Blue Limestone, Paymaster Member 34_Mgbp_Great Blue Limestone, Paymaster Member
35_Mgbt_Great Blue Limestone, Topliff Member 35_Mgbt_Great Blue Limestone, Topliff Member
36_Mh_Humbug Formation 36_Mh_Humbug Formation
37_Md_Deseret Limestone 37_Md_Deseret Limestone
SwallowCanyon_GeologicSymbols (3092)
Bedding, inclined, map digitized Bedding, inclined, map digitized
Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point)
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Fold, anticline, upright Fold, anticline, upright
Fold, syncline, upright Fold, syncline, upright
Sample Sample
Station, paleocurrent Station, paleocurrent
SwallowCanyon_CrossSectionLines (3101)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
SwallowCanyon_GeologicLines (3094)
Boundary, water, perennial Boundary, water, perennial
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, concealed Contact, concealed
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Facies change Facies change
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, approximately located, queried Fault, normal, approximately located, queried
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, unknown, approximately located Fault, unknown, approximately located
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Joint, well located Joint, well located
SwallowCanyon_GeologicStructureLines (3093)
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, concealed
GeologicUnits (3091)
1_Qal_Alluvium 1_Qal_Alluvium
2_Qatg1_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 1 2_Qatg1_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 1
3_Qatg2_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 2 3_Qatg2_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 2
4_Qatg3y_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 3, younger 4_Qatg3y_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 3, younger
5_Qatg3_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 3, older 5_Qatg3_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 3, older
6_Qatg4_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 4 6_Qatg4_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 4
7_Qatg5y_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 5, younger 7_Qatg5y_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 5, younger
8_Qatg5_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 5, older 8_Qatg5_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 5, older
9_Qatg7_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 7 9_Qatg7_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 7
10_Qatg9_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 9 10_Qatg9_Green River gravelly alluvium, level 9
11_Qapg1_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 1 11_Qapg1_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 1
12_Qapg2_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 2 12_Qapg2_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 2
13_Qapg3_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 3 13_Qapg3_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 3
14_Qapg4_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 4 14_Qapg4_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 4
15_Qapg5_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 5 15_Qapg5_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 5
16_Qapg6_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 6 16_Qapg6_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 6
17_Qapg7_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 7 17_Qapg7_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 7
18_Qapg8_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 8 18_Qapg8_Piedmont-tributary gravelly alluvium, level 8
19_Qc_Colluvium 19_Qc_Colluvium
20_Qes_Eolian deposits 20_Qes_Eolian deposits
21_Qms_Landslide deposits 21_Qms_Landslide deposits
22_Qmt_Talus 22_Qmt_Talus
23_Qac_Mixed alluvium and colluvium 23_Qac_Mixed alluvium and colluvium
24_Qaes_Mixed alluvium and eolian deposits 24_Qaes_Mixed alluvium and eolian deposits
25_Qal/Qapg1_Stacked river and stream alluvium on piedmont alluvium 25_Qal/Qapg1_Stacked river and stream alluvium on piedmont alluvium
26_Qapg3/4_Stacked piedmont alluvium, level 3 on 4 26_Qapg3/4_Stacked piedmont alluvium, level 3 on 4
27_Qapg5/6_Stacked piedmont alluvium, level 5 on 6 27_Qapg5/6_Stacked piedmont alluvium, level 5 on 6
28_Tbp_Browns Park Formation 28_Tbp_Browns Park Formation
29_Tb_Bishop Conglomerate 29_Tb_Bishop Conglomerate
30_Zuct_Uinta Mountain Group, formation of Crouse Canyon, thickly bedded to massive facies 30_Zuct_Uinta Mountain Group, formation of Crouse Canyon, thickly bedded to massive facies
31_Zucl_Uinta Mountain Group, formation of Crouse Canyon, low-angle and trough cross-beds facies 31_Zucl_Uinta Mountain Group, formation of Crouse Canyon, low-angle and trough cross-beds facies
32_Zuof_Uinta Mountain Group, formation of Outlaw Trail 32_Zuof_Uinta Mountain Group, formation of Outlaw Trail
33_Zudt_Uinta Mountain Group, formation of Diamond Breaks, thickly bedded to massive facies 33_Zudt_Uinta Mountain Group, formation of Diamond Breaks, thickly bedded to massive facies
34_Zudl_Uinta Mountain Group, formation of Diamond Breaks, low-angle to trough cross-bedded facies 34_Zudl_Uinta Mountain Group, formation of Diamond Breaks, low-angle to trough cross-bedded facies
35_Zudi_Uinta Mountain Group, formation of Diamond Breaks, interbedded facies 35_Zudi_Uinta Mountain Group, formation of Diamond Breaks, interbedded facies
36_water_Green River 36_water_Green River
AngelCove_PopupLabels (3026)
MapName_GeologicUnits_leaders (3005)
Leader line Leader line
SaltLakeCitySouth_CrossSectionLines (2595)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
SaltLakeCitySouth_GeologicSymbols (3003)
<all other values> <all other values>
Drill hole, water well Drill hole, water well
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Gravel pit Gravel pit
SaltLakeCitySouth_GeologicLines (3004)
<all other values> <all other values>
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Boundary, water, perennial Boundary, water, perennial
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, concealed Contact, concealed
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, beach ridge, well located Crest, beach ridge, well located
Extent, pit or quarry, well located Extent, pit or quarry, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, approximately located, queried Fault, normal, approximately located, queried
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Scarp, terrace, approximately located Scarp, terrace, approximately located
Scarp, terrace, well located Scarp, terrace, well located
Shoreline, Stansbury level, approximately located Shoreline, Stansbury level, approximately located
Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located
Shoreline, regressional, approximately located Shoreline, regressional, approximately located
Shoreline, regressional, concealed Shoreline, regressional, concealed
Shoreline, regressional, well located Shoreline, regressional, well located
Shoreline, undetermined, concealed Shoreline, undetermined, concealed
Trench, paleoseismic, well located Trench, paleoseismic, well located
GeologicUnits (3006)
<Null>_water_water <Null>_water_water
1_Qal1_Active floodplain and stream deposits 1_Qal1_Active floodplain and stream deposits
2_Qal2_Level-2 floodplain and stream deposits 2_Qal2_Level-2 floodplain and stream deposits
3_Qaly_Young floodplain and stream deposits, undivided 3_Qaly_Young floodplain and stream deposits, undivided
4_Qalg_Stream deposits related to Gilbert-episode lake and/or Great Salt Lake 4_Qalg_Stream deposits related to Gilbert-episode lake and/or Great Salt Lake
5_Qaf2_Level-2 alluvial-fan deposits 5_Qaf2_Level-2 alluvial-fan deposits
6_Qafy_Younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided 6_Qafy_Younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided
7_Qh_Fill and disturbed land 7_Qh_Fill and disturbed land
8_Qhr_Remediated land 8_Qhr_Remediated land
9_Qly_Young lacustrine deposits 9_Qly_Young lacustrine deposits
10_Qlsg_Lacustrine sand and silt related to Gilbert-episode lake 10_Qlsg_Lacustrine sand and silt related to Gilbert-episode lake
11_Qlf_Lacustrine silt and clay related to Lake Bonneville 11_Qlf_Lacustrine silt and clay related to Lake Bonneville
12_Qls_Lacustrine sand and silt related to Lake Bonneville 12_Qls_Lacustrine sand and silt related to Lake Bonneville
13_Qlg_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to Lake Bonneville 13_Qlg_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to Lake Bonneville
14_Qlb_Transgressive-phase deposits of Lake Bonneville, undivided 14_Qlb_Transgressive-phase deposits of Lake Bonneville, undivided
15_Qms_Landslide deposits 15_Qms_Landslide deposits
16_Qalh_Historical alluvial deposits and artificial levees, undivided 16_Qalh_Historical alluvial deposits and artificial levees, undivided
17_Qam_Alluvial and marsh deposits, undivided 17_Qam_Alluvial and marsh deposits, undivided
18_Qla_Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided 18_Qla_Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided
19_Qlam_Lacustrine and alluvial and marsh deposits, undivided 19_Qlam_Lacustrine and alluvial and marsh deposits, undivided
20_Qldy_Young lacustrine and deltaic deposits 20_Qldy_Young lacustrine and deltaic deposits
Gooseberry_CrossSectionLines (2580)
Gooseberry_GeologicUnits_leaders (2581)
Gooseberry_GeologicSymbols (2582)
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Drill hole, gas well Drill hole, gas well
Fault, ball & bar Fault, ball & bar
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Mine or quarry Mine or quarry
Sample 3 Sample 3
Gooseberry_GeologicLines (2583)
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Scarp, undefined, approximately located Scarp, undefined, approximately located
Scarp, undefined, well located Scarp, undefined, well located
Geologic Units (2584)
Qago Qago
Qac Qac
Qacl Qacl
Qal Qal
Qacf Qacf
Tac Tac
Qafo Qafo
Qmsh Qmsh
Qatc Qatc
Qmcs Qmcs
Qhd Qhd
Tjv Tjv
Kb Kb
Kc1 Kc1
Kc2 Kc2
Kc3 Kc3
Kpr Kpr
Qaf Qaf
Qcv Qcv
Qmr Qmr
Qms Qms
Qmt Qmt
Tc Tc
Tch Tch
Tf Tf
Tgl Tgl
Tgu Tgu
Tkn Tkn
AntelopeIslandSouth_GeologicUnits_leaders (2510)
Leader line Leader line
AntelopeIslandSouth_CrossSectionLines (2511)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Cross section, B-B' Cross section, B-B'
AntelopeIslandSouth_ShearZones (2512)
shear zone shear zone
AntelopeIslandSouth_GeologicSymbols (2513)
Cleavage, inclined Cleavage, inclined
Cleavage, vertical Cleavage, vertical
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Fault, geophysical, seismic, Holocene Fault, geophysical, seismic, Holocene
Fault, geophysical, seismic, Pre-Holocene Fault, geophysical, seismic, Pre-Holocene
Fault, geophysical, seismic, main, Post-Holocene Fault, geophysical, seismic, main, Post-Holocene
Fault, unknown, concealed, queried Fault, unknown, concealed, queried
Foliation, inclined, field measured Foliation, inclined, field measured
Foliation, vertical, field measured Foliation, vertical, field measured
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Sample 2 Sample 2
Sample 3 Sample 3
Spring Spring
AntelopeIslandSouth_GeologicLines (2514)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Boundary, water, perennial Boundary, water, perennial
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, beach ridge, well located Crest, beach ridge, well located
Extent, pit or quarry, well located Extent, pit or quarry, well located
Fault, geophysical, seismic, Holocene Fault, geophysical, seismic, Holocene
Fault, geophysical, seismic, Pre-Holocene Fault, geophysical, seismic, Pre-Holocene
Fault, geophysical, seismic, main, Post-Holocene Fault, geophysical, seismic, main, Post-Holocene
Fault, unknown, concealed, queried Fault, unknown, concealed, queried
Lineament Lineament
Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located
Shoreline, Gilbert level, approximately located Shoreline, Gilbert level, approximately located
Shoreline, Great Salt Lake highstand, well located Shoreline, Great Salt Lake highstand, well located
Shoreline, Holocene, other, well located Shoreline, Holocene, other, well located
Shoreline, Provo level, well located Shoreline, Provo level, well located
Shoreline, Stansbury level, approximately located Shoreline, Stansbury level, approximately located
Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located
Surface edge, geomorphic, undefined, well located Surface edge, geomorphic, undefined, well located
Vein, mineralized, well located Vein, mineralized, well located
Geologic Units (2515)
1, Qal1, Modern stream deposits 1, Qal1, Modern stream deposits
2, Qafy, Younger alluvial-fan deposits 2, Qafy, Younger alluvial-fan deposits
3, Qdy, Younger deltaic deposits 3, Qdy, Younger deltaic deposits
4, Qh, Fill and disturbed land 4, Qh, Fill and disturbed land
5, Qht, Tailings 5, Qht, Tailings
6, Qlb, Lacustrine boulders 6, Qlb, Lacustrine boulders
7, Qlg, Lacustrine gravel and sand 7, Qlg, Lacustrine gravel and sand
8, Qlgy, Young lacustrine gravel and sand 8, Qlgy, Young lacustrine gravel and sand
9, Qlgb, Lacustrine gravel and sand related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 9, Qlgb, Lacustrine gravel and sand related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
10, Qll, Lagoon-fill deposits 10, Qll, Lagoon-fill deposits
11, Qlos, Lacustrine oolitic sand deposits 11, Qlos, Lacustrine oolitic sand deposits
12, Qlpm, Lacustrine and playa mud deposits 12, Qlpm, Lacustrine and playa mud deposits
13, Qlmy, Young lacustrine mud deposits 13, Qlmy, Young lacustrine mud deposits
14, Qlmk, Lacustrine mud and microbial carbonates 14, Qlmk, Lacustrine mud and microbial carbonates
15, Qsm, Spring and marsh deposits 15, Qsm, Spring and marsh deposits
16, Qldy, Young lacustrine and deltaic deposits 16, Qldy, Young lacustrine and deltaic deposits
17, Qh/Tsl, Human disturbance over Salt Lake Formation, undivided 17, Qh/Tsl, Human disturbance over Salt Lake Formation, undivided
18, KXa, Farmington Canyon Complex, altered and deformed rocks 18, KXa, Farmington Canyon Complex, altered and deformed rocks
19, Xfcp, Farmington Canyon Complex, granite and pegmatite 19, Xfcp, Farmington Canyon Complex, granite and pegmatite
20, Xfcb, Farmington Canyon Complex, banded gneiss 20, Xfcb, Farmington Canyon Complex, banded gneiss
21, Xfcu, Farmington Canyon Complex, metamorphosed ultramafic rock 21, Xfcu, Farmington Canyon Complex, metamorphosed ultramafic rock
22, Xfcq, Farmington Canyon Complex, quartz-rich gneiss 22, Xfcq, Farmington Canyon Complex, quartz-rich gneiss
23, Xfcl, Farmington Canyon Complex, layered gneiss 23, Xfcl, Farmington Canyon Complex, layered gneiss
24, water, <Null> 24, water, <Null>
BaileysLake_GeologicUnits_leaders (2491)
Leader line Leader line
BaileysLake_CrossSectionLines (2492)
Cross section, B-B' Cross section, B-B'
BaileysLake_DNROilGasWells (2493)
Oil and Gas Wells Oil and Gas Wells
BaileysLake_GeologicSymbols (2494)
Drill hole, injection well Drill hole, injection well
Drill hole, water well Drill hole, water well
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Fault, geophysical, gravity Fault, geophysical, gravity
Fault, normal, approximately located, queried
Fault, normal, approximately located, queried
Fault, thrust, concealed, queried Fault, thrust, concealed, queried
Fault, unknown, concealed, queried
Fault, unknown, concealed, queried
Spring Spring
BaileysLake_GeologicLines (2495)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Boundary, water, perennial Boundary, water, perennial
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, concealed Contact, concealed
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, beach ridge, well located Crest, beach ridge, well located
Fault, geophysical, gravity Fault, geophysical, gravity
Fault, geophysical, seismic Fault, geophysical, seismic
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, concealed, queried Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, concealed, queried
Fault, unknown, concealed, queried Fault, unknown, concealed, queried
Shoreline, Great Salt Lake highstand, well located Shoreline, Great Salt Lake highstand, well located
Shoreline, Holocene highstand, well located Shoreline, Holocene highstand, well located
Shoreline, Holocene, other, well located Shoreline, Holocene, other, well located
Surface edge, geomorphic, undefined, well located Surface edge, geomorphic, undefined, well located
Trench, paleoseismic, well located Trench, paleoseismic, well located
Geologic Units (2496)
1, Qal1, Modern stream deposits 1, Qal1, Modern stream deposits
2, Qaly, Young stream deposits, undivided 2, Qaly, Young stream deposits, undivided
3, Qalg, Stream deposits related to Gilbert-episode lake and/or Great Salt Lake 3, Qalg, Stream deposits related to Gilbert-episode lake and/or Great Salt Lake
4, Qat, Stream terrace deposits 4, Qat, Stream terrace deposits
5, Qdy, Younger deltaic deposits 5, Qdy, Younger deltaic deposits
6, Qdd, Deltaic distributary channel-fill deposits 6, Qdd, Deltaic distributary channel-fill deposits
7, Qdf, Deltaic-fan deposits 7, Qdf, Deltaic-fan deposits
8, Qdg, Deltaic deposits related to Gilbert-episode lake and/or Great Salt Lake 8, Qdg, Deltaic deposits related to Gilbert-episode lake and/or Great Salt Lake
9, Qh, Fill and disturbed land 9, Qh, Fill and disturbed land
10, Qht, Tailings 10, Qht, Tailings
11, Qlos, Lacustrine oolitic sand deposits 11, Qlos, Lacustrine oolitic sand deposits
12, Qlpm, Lacustrine and playa mud deposits 12, Qlpm, Lacustrine and playa mud deposits
13, Qlmy, Young lacustrine mud deposits 13, Qlmy, Young lacustrine mud deposits
14, Qly, Young lacustrine deposits 14, Qly, Young lacustrine deposits
15, Qsm, Spring and marsh deposits 15, Qsm, Spring and marsh deposits
16, Qldy, Young lacustrine and deltaic deposits 16, Qldy, Young lacustrine and deltaic deposits
17, Qsm/Qaly, Spring and marsh deposits over young stream deposits, undivided 17, Qsm/Qaly, Spring and marsh deposits over young stream deposits, undivided
18, water, <Null> 18, water, <Null>
SaltairNE_GeologicUnits_leaders (2471)
Leader line Leader line
SaltairNE_CrossSectionLines (2474)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
SaltairNE_GeologicSymbols (2475)
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Fault, thrust, concealed Fault, thrust, concealed
Fault, geophysical, seismic Fault, geophysical, seismic
SaltairNE_GeologicLines (2476)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Boundary, water, perennial Boundary, water, perennial
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Fault, geophysical, seismic Fault, geophysical, seismic
Fault, thrust, type1, concealed Fault, thrust, type1, concealed
Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, concealed, queried Fault, thrust, with later normal offset, concealed, queried
Geologic Units (2477)
1, Qh, Fill and disturbed land 1, Qh, Fill and disturbed land
2, Qlos, Lacustrine oolitic sand deposits 2, Qlos, Lacustrine oolitic sand deposits
3, Qlpm, Lacustrine and playa mud deposits 3, Qlpm, Lacustrine and playa mud deposits
4, Qlmy, Young lacustrine mud deposits 4, Qlmy, Young lacustrine mud deposits
5, Qsm, Spring and marsh deposits 5, Qsm, Spring and marsh deposits
6, water, water 6, water, water
ChemSamples (2447)
<all other values> <all other values>
Burrville_CrossSectionLines (2431)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Burrville_GeologicSymbols (2432)
Bedding, inclined, map digitized Bedding, inclined, map digitized
Foliation, inclined, map digitized Foliation, inclined, map digitized
Foliation, vertical, map digitized Foliation, vertical, map digitized
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Joint, inclined Joint, inclined
Lineation, bearing & plunge Lineation, bearing & plunge
<all other values> <all other values>
Burrville_GeologicStructureLines (2433)
<all other values> <all other values>
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, anticline, upright, well located Fold, anticline, upright, well located
Burrville_GeologicLines (2434)
<all other values> <all other values>
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Extent, pit or quarry, well located Extent, pit or quarry, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, approximately located, queried Fault, normal, approximately located, queried
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Shoreline, undetermined, well located Shoreline, undetermined, well located
Geologic Units (2435)
<all other values> <all other values>
Rule_2 Rule_2
Qac Qac
Qaf Qaf
Qaf1 Qaf1
Qaf2 Qaf2
Qaf3 Qaf3
Qafm Qafm
Qafo Qafo
Qafp Qafp
Qafy Qafy
Qal1 Qal1
Qao Qao
Qc Qc
Qgmb Qgmb
Qgmp Qgmp
Qgmpb Qgmpb
Qgr Qgr
Qh Qh
Qhd Qhd
Qhl Qhl
Ql Ql
Qla Qla
Qms Qms
Qmsc Qmsc
Qmt Qmt
Tac Tac
Tbcc Tbcc
Tbfl Tbfl
Tbkm Tbkm
Tbu Tbu
Tjv Tjv
To To
Tsrb Tsrb
Tsv Tsv
water water
LakeMountain_CrossSectionLines (2416)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
LakeMountain_GeologicLines (2410)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Boundary, water Boundary, water
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, unkown, approximately located Fault, unkown, approximately located
Scarp, landslide, approximately located Scarp, landslide, approximately located
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
LakeMountain_GeologicStructureLines (2409)
Fold, monocline, approximately located Fold, monocline, approximately located
Fold, monocline, concealed Fold, monocline, concealed
LakeMountain_GeologicSymbols (2408)
Sample Sample
Dry hole Dry hole
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Geologic Units (2407)
1_Qhf_Farm-related disturbance 1_Qhf_Farm-related disturbance
2_Qal_Stream alluvium 2_Qal_Stream alluvium
3_Qa2_Level 2 alluvium 3_Qa2_Level 2 alluvium
4_Qa3_Level 3 alluvium 4_Qa3_Level 3 alluvium
5_Qa4_Level 4 alluvium 5_Qa4_Level 4 alluvium
6_Qaf_Alluvial-fan deposits 6_Qaf_Alluvial-fan deposits
7_Qaf2_Older alluvial-fan deposits 7_Qaf2_Older alluvial-fan deposits
8_Qap2_Level 2 piedmont alluvium 8_Qap2_Level 2 piedmont alluvium
9_Qap3_Level 3 piedmont alluvium 9_Qap3_Level 3 piedmont alluvium
10_Qap4_Level 4 piedmont alluvium 10_Qap4_Level 4 piedmont alluvium
11_Qags_Glacial outwash of Smiths Fork Age 11_Qags_Glacial outwash of Smiths Fork Age
12_Qc_Colluvium 12_Qc_Colluvium
13_Qcs_Colluvium, sand rich 13_Qcs_Colluvium, sand rich
14_Qgs_Smiths Fork till 14_Qgs_Smiths Fork till
15_Qms_Landslides and slumps 15_Qms_Landslides and slumps
16_Qac_Mixed alluvium and colluvium 16_Qac_Mixed alluvium and colluvium
17_Qacs_Mixed alluvium and colluvium, sand rich 17_Qacs_Mixed alluvium and colluvium, sand rich
18_Tb_Bishop Conglomerate 18_Tb_Bishop Conglomerate
19_Tdb_Duchesne River Formation, Brennan Basin Member 19_Tdb_Duchesne River Formation, Brennan Basin Member
20_Kmv_Mesaverde Group 20_Kmv_Mesaverde Group
21_Km_Mancos Shale 21_Km_Mancos Shale
22_Kf_Frontier Formation 22_Kf_Frontier Formation
23_Kmo_Mowry Shale 23_Kmo_Mowry Shale
24_Kd_Dakota Formation 24_Kd_Dakota Formation
25_Kc_Cedar Mountain Formation 25_Kc_Cedar Mountain Formation
26_KJcm_Cedar Mountain and Morrison Formations, undivided 26_KJcm_Cedar Mountain and Morrison Formations, undivided
27_Jm_Morrison Formation 27_Jm_Morrison Formation
28_Jsr_Stump Formation, Redwater Member 28_Jsr_Stump Formation, Redwater Member
29_Jsc_Stump Formation, Curtis Member 29_Jsc_Stump Formation, Curtis Member
30_Je_Entrada Sandstone 30_Je_Entrada Sandstone
31_Jc_Carmel Formation 31_Jc_Carmel Formation
32_JTRn_Nugget Sandstone 32_JTRn_Nugget Sandstone
33_TRb_Formation of Bell Springs 33_TRb_Formation of Bell Springs
34_TRcu_Chinle Formation, Upper member 34_TRcu_Chinle Formation, Upper member
35_TRcg_Chinle Formation, Gartra Member 35_TRcg_Chinle Formation, Gartra Member
36_TRm_Moenkopi Formation 36_TRm_Moenkopi Formation
37_Pp_Park City Formation, Franson Member 37_Pp_Park City Formation, Franson Member
38_PIPw_Weber Sandstone 38_PIPw_Weber Sandstone
39_IPm_Morgan Formation 39_IPm_Morgan Formation
40_IPrv_Round Valley Limestone 40_IPrv_Round Valley Limestone
41_Mdh_Doughnut Shale and Humbug Formation, undivided 41_Mdh_Doughnut Shale and Humbug Formation, undivided
42_Mm_Madison Limestone 42_Mm_Madison Limestone
43_Zr_Red Pine Shale 43_Zr_Red Pine Shale
44_water 44_water
Geologic Units (2382)
Geologic Units (2383)
Geologic Units (2378)
M278DM_Willard_CrossSectionLines (2335)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Cross section, B-B' Cross section, B-B'
M278DM_Willard_GeologicUnits_leaders (2330)
M278DM_Willard_GeologicSymbols (2331)
Adit Adit
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B
Bedding, overturned, map digitized, source-B Bedding, overturned, map digitized, source-B
Bedding, vertical, map digitized, source-B Bedding, vertical, map digitized, source-B
Cleavage, inclined Cleavage, inclined
Drill hole, dry hole Drill hole, dry hole
Drill hole, water well Drill hole, water well
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Fault, dip Fault, dip
Fault, dip, map digitized, source-B Fault, dip, map digitized, source-B
Fold, minor inclined, map digitized, source-B Fold, minor inclined, map digitized, source-B
Fold, syncline, overturned Fold, syncline, overturned
Fold, syncline, upright Fold, syncline, upright
Foliation, inclined, field measured Foliation, inclined, field measured
Foliation, inclined, map digitized, source-B Foliation, inclined, map digitized, source-B
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Lineation, bearing and plunge Lineation, bearing and plunge
Lineation, bearing and plunge, map digitized, source-B Lineation, bearing and plunge, map digitized, source-B
Mine or quarry Mine or quarry
Prospect Prospect
Sample 2 Sample 2
Spring Spring
M278DM_Willard_GeologicLines (2332)
Bed, marker A, well located Bed, marker A, well located
Bed, marker B, well located Bed, marker B, well located
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Boundary, water, perennial Boundary, water, perennial
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, concealed Contact, concealed
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, beach ridge, well located Crest, beach ridge, well located
Extent, pit or quarry, well located Extent, pit or quarry, well located
Fault, attenuation, approximately located, queried Fault, attenuation, approximately located, queried
Fault, attenuation, exposed Fault, attenuation, exposed
Fault, geophysical, gravity Fault, geophysical, gravity
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, thrust, concealed Fault, thrust, concealed
Fault, thrust, well located Fault, thrust, well located
Fault, thrust, option 2, concealed Fault, thrust, option 2, concealed
Fault, unknown, approximately located Fault, unknown, approximately located
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed
Fold, syncline, overturned, well located Fold, syncline, overturned, well located
Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, concealed
Measured section line Measured section line
Scarp, landslide, approximately located Scarp, landslide, approximately located
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located
Shoreline, Gilbert level, approximately located Shoreline, Gilbert level, approximately located
Shoreline, Great Salt Lake highstand, well located Shoreline, Great Salt Lake highstand, well located
Shoreline, Holocene highstand, well located Shoreline, Holocene highstand, well located
Shoreline, Holocene, other, well located Shoreline, Holocene, other, well located
Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located
Shoreline, Provo level, well located Shoreline, Provo level, well located
Shoreline, regressional, well located Shoreline, regressional, well located
Shoreline, transgressional, well located Shoreline, transgressional, well located
Trench, paleoseismic, well located Trench, paleoseismic, well located
Vein, mineralized, approximately located Vein, mineralized, approximately located
Vein, mineralized, well located Vein, mineralized, well located
Geologic Units (2334)
1_Qal1_Modern stream deposits 1_Qal1_Modern stream deposits
2_Qat_Stream terrace deposits 2_Qat_Stream terrace deposits
4_Qaf1_Modern alluvial-fan deposits 4_Qaf1_Modern alluvial-fan deposits
5_Qafy_Younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided 5_Qafy_Younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided
6_Qafp_Alluvial-fan deposits related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 6_Qafp_Alluvial-fan deposits related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
7_Qafp?_Alluvial-fan deposits related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 7_Qafp?_Alluvial-fan deposits related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
8_Qafb_Alluvial-fan deposits related to transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 8_Qafb_Alluvial-fan deposits related to transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
9_Qdh_Historical deltaic deposits 9_Qdh_Historical deltaic deposits
10_Qdy_Deltaic deposits 10_Qdy_Deltaic deposits
11_Qh_Fill and disturbed land 11_Qh_Fill and disturbed land
12_Qlf_Lacustrine fine-grained deposits 12_Qlf_Lacustrine fine-grained deposits
13_Qlg_Lacustrine gravel and sand 13_Qlg_Lacustrine gravel and sand
14_Qlgp_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 14_Qlgp_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
15_Qlgb_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 15_Qlgb_Lacustrine gravel and sand related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
16_Qmf1_Debris-flow deposits 16_Qmf1_Debris-flow deposits
17_Qmf2_Older debris-flow deposits 17_Qmf2_Older debris-flow deposits
18_Qms_Landslide deposits 18_Qms_Landslide deposits
19_Qms(Cu)_Landslide with identifiable bedrock fragments 19_Qms(Cu)_Landslide with identifiable bedrock fragments
20_Qms(Zp)_Landslide with identifiable bedrock fragments 20_Qms(Zp)_Landslide with identifiable bedrock fragments
22_Qms(Zpd)_Landslide with identifiable bedrock fragments 22_Qms(Zpd)_Landslide with identifiable bedrock fragments
23_Qms(Zpsg)_Landslide with identifiable bedrock fragments 23_Qms(Zpsg)_Landslide with identifiable bedrock fragments
24_Qms(YXfu)_Landslide with identifiable bedrock fragments 24_Qms(YXfu)_Landslide with identifiable bedrock fragments
25_Qmsb(Zp)_Landslide bedrock blocks 25_Qmsb(Zp)_Landslide bedrock blocks
26_Qmsb(Zpd)_Landslide bedrock blocks 26_Qmsb(Zpd)_Landslide bedrock blocks
28_Qmsb(YXfvq)_Landslide bedrock blocks 28_Qmsb(YXfvq)_Landslide bedrock blocks
29_Qmsb(YXfdi)_Landslide bedrock blocks 29_Qmsb(YXfdi)_Landslide bedrock blocks
30_Qmsb(YXfqs)_Landslide bedrock blocks 30_Qmsb(YXfqs)_Landslide bedrock blocks
31_Qmsb(YXfg)_Landslide bedrock blocks 31_Qmsb(YXfg)_Landslide bedrock blocks
32_Qmt_Talus deposits 32_Qmt_Talus deposits
33_Qmso(Zcc)_Older landslide, with identifiable bedrock fragments and blocks 33_Qmso(Zcc)_Older landslide, with identifiable bedrock fragments and blocks
34_Qmso(Zpc)_Older landslide, with identifiable bedrock fragments and blocks 34_Qmso(Zpc)_Older landslide, with identifiable bedrock fragments and blocks
35_Qmso(Zkc)_Older landslide, with identifiable bedrock fragments and blocks 35_Qmso(Zkc)_Older landslide, with identifiable bedrock fragments and blocks
36_Qsm_Spring and marsh deposits 36_Qsm_Spring and marsh deposits
37_Qad_Fan-delta deposits 37_Qad_Fan-delta deposits
38_Qadg_Deltaic and alluvial gravel deposits 38_Qadg_Deltaic and alluvial gravel deposits
39_Qac_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided 39_Qac_Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided
40_Qla_Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided 40_Qla_Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided
41_Qlam_Lacustrine, alluvial, mud-flat, and marsh deposits, undivided 41_Qlam_Lacustrine, alluvial, mud-flat, and marsh deposits, undivided
42_Qmc_Landslide and colluvium deposits, undivided 42_Qmc_Landslide and colluvium deposits, undivided
43_Qlgp/Qms_Lacustrine gravel and sand (regressive phase) over landslide deposits 43_Qlgp/Qms_Lacustrine gravel and sand (regressive phase) over landslide deposits
44_Qlgp/Zpc_Lacustrine gravel and sand (regressive phase) over bedrock 44_Qlgp/Zpc_Lacustrine gravel and sand (regressive phase) over bedrock
45_Qlgp/Zkc_Lacustrine gravel and sand (regressive phase) over bedrock 45_Qlgp/Zkc_Lacustrine gravel and sand (regressive phase) over bedrock
46_Qlgp/YXfg_Lacustrine gravel and sand (regressive phase) over bedrock 46_Qlgp/YXfg_Lacustrine gravel and sand (regressive phase) over bedrock
47_Qlgp/Xfc_Lacustrine gravel and sand (regressive phase) over bedrock 47_Qlgp/Xfc_Lacustrine gravel and sand (regressive phase) over bedrock
48_Qlgb/Qms_Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase) over landslide deposits 48_Qlgb/Qms_Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase) over landslide deposits
49_Qlgb/Zkc_Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase) over bedrock 49_Qlgb/Zkc_Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase) over bedrock
50_Qlgb/Zpd_Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase) over bedrock 50_Qlgb/Zpd_Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase) over bedrock
51_Qlgb/YXfg_Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase) over bedrock 51_Qlgb/YXfg_Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase) over bedrock
52_Qlgb/Xfc_Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase) over bedrock 52_Qlgb/Xfc_Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase) over bedrock
53_Qct/Xfc_Colluvium and talus over Farmington Canyon Complex 53_Qct/Xfc_Colluvium and talus over Farmington Canyon Complex
54_Zcc_Caddy Canyon Quartzite 54_Zcc_Caddy Canyon Quartzite
56_Zkc_Kelley Canyon Formation 56_Zkc_Kelley Canyon Formation
57_Zmc_Maple Canyon Formation 57_Zmc_Maple Canyon Formation
59_Zp_Perry Canyon Formation, undivided 59_Zp_Perry Canyon Formation, undivided
60_Zpg_Graywacke member of the Perry Canyon Formation 60_Zpg_Graywacke member of the Perry Canyon Formation
61_Zpc_Carbonate marker unit of the Perry Canyon Formation 61_Zpc_Carbonate marker unit of the Perry Canyon Formation
62_Zpd_Diamictite member of the Perry Canyon Formation 62_Zpd_Diamictite member of the Perry Canyon Formation
63_Zpsg_Greenstone and slate members, undivided, of the Perry Canyon Formation 63_Zpsg_Greenstone and slate members, undivided, of the Perry Canyon Formation
64_YXfu_Facer Formation, undivided 64_YXfu_Facer Formation, undivided
66_YXfs_Facer Formation, schist and phyllite 66_YXfs_Facer Formation, schist and phyllite
71_YXfg_Facer Formation, gneiss 71_YXfg_Facer Formation, gneiss
72_Cm_Maxfield Limestone 72_Cm_Maxfield Limestone
73_Co_Ophir Formation 73_Co_Ophir Formation
73_YXfq_Facer Formation, quartzite 73_YXfq_Facer Formation, quartzite
74_Ct_Tintic Quartzite 74_Ct_Tintic Quartzite
76_Xfcp_Farmington Canyon Complex, pegmatite 76_Xfcp_Farmington Canyon Complex, pegmatite
77_Xfca_Farmington Canyon Complex, amphibolite 77_Xfca_Farmington Canyon Complex, amphibolite
78_Xfcg_Farmington Canyon Complex, granitic gneiss 78_Xfcg_Farmington Canyon Complex, granitic gneiss
79_water_Bear River National Migratory Bird Refuge 79_water_Bear River National Migratory Bird Refuge
79_water_Willard Bay Reservoir 79_water_Willard Bay Reservoir
Farmington_CrossSectionLines (2303)
Farmington_GeologicUnits_leaders (2315)
Rule_1 Rule_1
Farmington_GeologicSymbols (2314)
Drill hole, abandoned Drill hole, abandoned
Drill hole, water well Drill hole, water well
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Farmington_GeologicLines (2313)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Boundary, water, perennial Boundary, water, perennial
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, concealed Contact, concealed
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Depression Depression
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Hummock or hill Hummock or hill
Scarp, landslide, concealed Scarp, landslide, concealed
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located
Shoreline, Gilbert level, well located Shoreline, Gilbert level, well located
Shoreline, Holocene intermediate, well located Shoreline, Holocene intermediate, well located
Shoreline, Provo level, well located Shoreline, Provo level, well located
Shoreline, intermediate regressional, well located Shoreline, intermediate regressional, well located
Geologic Units (2316)
1, Qal1, Younger stream alluvium 1, Qal1, Younger stream alluvium
2, Qal2, Older stream alluvium 2, Qal2, Older stream alluvium
3, Qalp, Stream alluvium related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 3, Qalp, Stream alluvium related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
4, Qaf1, Younger alluvial-fan deposits 4, Qaf1, Younger alluvial-fan deposits
5, Qaf2, Older alluvial-fan deposits 5, Qaf2, Older alluvial-fan deposits
6, Qafp, Alluvial-fan deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 6, Qafp, Alluvial-fan deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
7, Qfd, Fill and disturbed land 7, Qfd, Fill and disturbed land
8, Qc, Colluvium 8, Qc, Colluvium
9, Qsm, Wetland and marsh deposits 9, Qsm, Wetland and marsh deposits
10, Qmf1, Debris-flow deposits 10, Qmf1, Debris-flow deposits
11, Qmf2, Older debris-flow deposits 11, Qmf2, Older debris-flow deposits
12, Qml2, Liquefaction-induced landslide deposits 12, Qml2, Liquefaction-induced landslide deposits
13, Qml3, Older liquefaction-induced landslide deposits 13, Qml3, Older liquefaction-induced landslide deposits
14, Qms1, Landslide deposits 14, Qms1, Landslide deposits
15, Qms2, Older landslide deposits 15, Qms2, Older landslide deposits
16, Qli, Lacustrine silt and clay deposits 16, Qli, Lacustrine silt and clay deposits
17, Qlf, Lacustrine fine-grained deposits 17, Qlf, Lacustrine fine-grained deposits
18, Qlsp, Lacustrine sand-bearing deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 18, Qlsp, Lacustrine sand-bearing deposits related to the Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
19, Qlsbp, Lacustrine sand-bearing deposits related to transgressive and regressive phases of Lake Bonneville 19, Qlsbp, Lacustrine sand-bearing deposits related to transgressive and regressive phases of Lake Bonneville
20, Qlgbp, Lacustrine gravel-bearing deposits related to transgressive and regressive phases of Lake Bonneville 20, Qlgbp, Lacustrine gravel-bearing deposits related to transgressive and regressive phases of Lake Bonneville
21, Qlgb, Lacustrine gravel-bearing deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 21, Qlgb, Lacustrine gravel-bearing deposits related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
22, Qas, Mixed alluvial and marsh deposits 22, Qas, Mixed alluvial and marsh deposits
23, Q, Quaternary unconsolidated basin fill 23, Q, Quaternary unconsolidated basin fill
24, Qb, Quaternary basin fill 24, Qb, Quaternary basin fill
25, Tb, Tertiary basin fill 25, Tb, Tertiary basin fill
26, Xfcg, Farmington Canyon Complex quartz-rich gneiss 26, Xfcg, Farmington Canyon Complex quartz-rich gneiss
27, Xfcm, Farmington Canyon Complex pegmatitic gneiss 27, Xfcm, Farmington Canyon Complex pegmatitic gneiss
28, Xfc, Farmington Canyon Complex, undifferentiated 28, Xfc, Farmington Canyon Complex, undifferentiated
29, water 29, water
OFR683DM_DraperQuad_CrossSectionLines (2256)
<all other values> <all other values>
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
OFR683DM_DraperQuad_GeologicSymbols (2257)
Adit Adit
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B Bedding, inclined, map digitized, source-B
Bedding, overturned, field measured Bedding, overturned, field measured
Bedding, overturned, map digitized, source-B Bedding, overturned, map digitized, source-B
Bedding, vertical, field measured Bedding, vertical, field measured
Bedding, vertical, map digitized, source-B Bedding, vertical, map digitized, source-B
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Foliation, inclined, field measured Foliation, inclined, field measured
Foliation, inclined, map digitized, source-B Foliation, inclined, map digitized, source-B
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Mine or quarry Mine or quarry
Prospect Prospect
Sample 4 Sample 4
Shaft Shaft
Spring Spring
OFR683DM_DraperQuad_GeologicLines (2258)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Boundary, water, perennial Boundary, water, perennial
Cirque, headwall, well located Cirque, headwall, well located
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, scratch, approximately located Contact, scratch, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, arete, well located Crest, arete, well located
Crest, beach ridge, well located Crest, beach ridge, well located
Crest, moraine, option 2, asymmetrical Crest, moraine, option 2, asymmetrical
Crest, moraine, option 2, symmetrical Crest, moraine, option 2, symmetrical
Crest, moraine, option 2, symmetry unknown Crest, moraine, option 2, symmetry unknown
Fault, detachment, approximately located Fault, detachment, approximately located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, thrust, approximately located Fault, thrust, approximately located
Fault, thrust, approximately located, queried Fault, thrust, approximately located, queried
Fault, thrust, well located Fault, thrust, well located
Fault, unknown, approximately located Fault, unknown, approximately located
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Joint, well located Joint, well located
Scarp, landslide, concealed Scarp, landslide, concealed
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Scarp, undefined, well located Scarp, undefined, well located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located
Shoreline, Provo level, well located Shoreline, Provo level, well located
Shoreline, regressional, approximately located Shoreline, regressional, approximately located
Shoreline, regressional, well located Shoreline, regressional, well located
Shoreline, transgressional, well located Shoreline, transgressional, well located
Trench, paleoseismic, well located Trench, paleoseismic, well located
Geologic Units (2259)
1, Qa, Alluvial deposits 1, Qa, Alluvial deposits
2, Qal1, Level-1 stream and floodplain deposits 2, Qal1, Level-1 stream and floodplain deposits
3, Qal2, Level-2 stream deposits 3, Qal2, Level-2 stream deposits
4, Qaly, Young stream deposits, undivided 4, Qaly, Young stream deposits, undivided
5, Qalp, Stream deposits, related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 5, Qalp, Stream deposits, related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
6, Qat, Stream-terrace deposits 6, Qat, Stream-terrace deposits
7, Qat1, Stream-terrace deposits, level-1 7, Qat1, Stream-terrace deposits, level-1
8, Qat2, Stream-terrace deposits, level-2 8, Qat2, Stream-terrace deposits, level-2
9, Qat3, Stream-terrace deposits, level-3 9, Qat3, Stream-terrace deposits, level-3
10, Qat4, Stream-terrace deposits, level-4 10, Qat4, Stream-terrace deposits, level-4
11, Qat5, Stream-terrace deposits, level-5 11, Qat5, Stream-terrace deposits, level-5
12, Qat6, Stream-terrace deposits, level-6 12, Qat6, Stream-terrace deposits, level-6
13, Qat7, Stream-terrace deposits, level-7 13, Qat7, Stream-terrace deposits, level-7
14, Qat8, Stream-terrace deposits, level-8 14, Qat8, Stream-terrace deposits, level-8
15, Qat9, Stream-terrace deposits, level-9 15, Qat9, Stream-terrace deposits, level-9
16, Qat10, Stream-terrace deposits, level-10 16, Qat10, Stream-terrace deposits, level-10
17, Qat11, Stream-terrace deposits, level-11 17, Qat11, Stream-terrace deposits, level-11
18, Qat12, Stream-terrace deposits, level-12 18, Qat12, Stream-terrace deposits, level-12
19, Qat13, Stream-terrace deposits, level-13 19, Qat13, Stream-terrace deposits, level-13
20, Qat14, Stream-terrace deposits, level-14 20, Qat14, Stream-terrace deposits, level-14
21, Qat15, Stream-terrace deposits, level-15 21, Qat15, Stream-terrace deposits, level-15
22, Qat16, Stream-terrace deposits, level-16 22, Qat16, Stream-terrace deposits, level-16
23, Qat17, Stream-terrace deposits, level-17 23, Qat17, Stream-terrace deposits, level-17
24, Qatp, Stream-terrace deposits, related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 24, Qatp, Stream-terrace deposits, related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
25, Qaf1, Level-1 alluvial-fan deposits 25, Qaf1, Level-1 alluvial-fan deposits
26, Qaf2, Level-2 alluvial-fan deposits 26, Qaf2, Level-2 alluvial-fan deposits
27, Qafy, Younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided 27, Qafy, Younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided
28, Qafp, Alluvial-fan deposits, related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 28, Qafp, Alluvial-fan deposits, related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
29, Qafb, Alluvial-fan deposits, related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 29, Qafb, Alluvial-fan deposits, related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
30, Qafo, Older alluvial-fan deposits, undivided 30, Qafo, Older alluvial-fan deposits, undivided
31, Qaf4, Level-4 alluvial-fan deposits, pre-Bonneville lake cycle 31, Qaf4, Level-4 alluvial-fan deposits, pre-Bonneville lake cycle
32, Qaf5, Level-5 alluvial-fan deposits, pre-Little Valley and/or Pokes Point lake cycles 32, Qaf5, Level-5 alluvial-fan deposits, pre-Little Valley and/or Pokes Point lake cycles
33, Qc, Colluvial deposits 33, Qc, Colluvial deposits
34, Qg, Glacial deposits, undivided 34, Qg, Glacial deposits, undivided
35, Qgmy, Young glacial moraines, undivided 35, Qgmy, Young glacial moraines, undivided
36, Qgbc, Glacial deposits of Bells Canyon age 36, Qgbc, Glacial deposits of Bells Canyon age
37, Qgmbc, Glacial moraines of Bells Canyon age 37, Qgmbc, Glacial moraines of Bells Canyon age
38, Qgabc, Glacial outwash of Bells Canyon age 38, Qgabc, Glacial outwash of Bells Canyon age
39, Qgdc, Glacial deposits of Dry Creek age 39, Qgdc, Glacial deposits of Dry Creek age
40, Qgmdc, Glacial moraines of Dry Creek age 40, Qgmdc, Glacial moraines of Dry Creek age
41, Qh, Fill and disturbed land 41, Qh, Fill and disturbed land
42, Qldp, Deltaic deposits related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 42, Qldp, Deltaic deposits related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
43, Qlgp, Lacustrine gravel and sand related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 43, Qlgp, Lacustrine gravel and sand related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
44, Qlsp, Lacustrine sand and silt related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 44, Qlsp, Lacustrine sand and silt related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
45, Qlfp, Lacustrine silt and clay related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 45, Qlfp, Lacustrine silt and clay related to Provo shoreline and regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
46, Qldb, Deltaic deposits, undivided, related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 46, Qldb, Deltaic deposits, undivided, related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
47, Qldbg, Deltaic gravel and sand related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 47, Qldbg, Deltaic gravel and sand related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
48, Qldbs, Deltaic sand and silt related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 48, Qldbs, Deltaic sand and silt related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
49, Qlgb, Lacustrine gravel and sand related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 49, Qlgb, Lacustrine gravel and sand related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
50, Qlsb, Lacustrine sand and silt related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 50, Qlsb, Lacustrine sand and silt related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
51, Qlfb, Lacustrine silt and clay related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 51, Qlfb, Lacustrine silt and clay related to Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
52, Qes, Eolian sand 52, Qes, Eolian sand
53, Qmefy, Younger earth-flow deposits 53, Qmefy, Younger earth-flow deposits
54, Qmefp, Lake Bonneville-age earth-flow deposits 54, Qmefp, Lake Bonneville-age earth-flow deposits
55, Qmdf1, Younger Holocene debris-flow deposits 55, Qmdf1, Younger Holocene debris-flow deposits
56, Qmdf2, Older Holocene debris-flow deposits 56, Qmdf2, Older Holocene debris-flow deposits
57, Qms, Landslide deposits 57, Qms, Landslide deposits
58, Qmt, Talus deposits 58, Qmt, Talus deposits
59, Qac, Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided 59, Qac, Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided
60, Qct, Colluvial and talus deposits, undivided 60, Qct, Colluvial and talus deposits, undivided
61, Qla, Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided 61, Qla, Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided
62, Qle, Lacustrine and eolian deposits, undivided 62, Qle, Lacustrine and eolian deposits, undivided
63, Qmc, Mass movement and colluvial deposits, undivided 63, Qmc, Mass movement and colluvial deposits, undivided
64, Qes/Qldbs, Eolian sand over sandy deltaic deposits (related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville) 64, Qes/Qldbs, Eolian sand over sandy deltaic deposits (related to the Bonneville shoreline and transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville)
65, Qg/Tlc, Glacial deposits, undivided over Little Cottonwood stock 65, Qg/Tlc, Glacial deposits, undivided over Little Cottonwood stock
66, Tld, Lamprophyric dikes 66, Tld, Lamprophyric dikes
67, Tgd, Granitic dikes 67, Tgd, Granitic dikes
68, Tind, Intermediate dike 68, Tind, Intermediate dike
69, Tlc, Little Cottonwood stock 69, Tlc, Little Cottonwood stock
70, Tdi, Diorite 70, Tdi, Diorite
71, Ml?, Limestone 71, Ml?, Limestone
72, Zbc, Big Cottonwood Formation, undivided 72, Zbc, Big Cottonwood Formation, undivided
73, Zbcq, Big Cottonwood Formation, orthoquartzite and quartzite 73, Zbcq, Big Cottonwood Formation, orthoquartzite and quartzite
74, Zbcs, Big Cottonwood Formation, shale and siltstone 74, Zbcs, Big Cottonwood Formation, shale and siltstone
75, ZYlw, Little Willow Formation 75, ZYlw, Little Willow Formation
76, ZYlwa, Little Willow Formation, amphibolite and chlorite schist 76, ZYlwa, Little Willow Formation, amphibolite and chlorite schist
77, Water, <Null> 77, Water, <Null>
M216DM_Magna_GeologicUnits_leaders (2240)
Rule_1 Rule_1
M216DM_Magna_GeologicSymbols (2235)
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point) Bedding, inclined, photogrammetric (3-point)
Bedding, overturned Bedding, overturned
Bedding, vertical, field measured Bedding, vertical, field measured
Spot elevation Spot elevation
Fault, ball & bar Fault, ball & bar
Fault, thrust, approximately located, queried Fault, thrust, approximately located, queried
Fold, anticline, upright Fold, anticline, upright
Fold, plunge arrow Fold, plunge arrow
Fold, syncline, overturned Fold, syncline, overturned
Fold, syncline, upright Fold, syncline, upright
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Shoreline, Bonneville, constructional, well locatedc Shoreline, Bonneville, constructional, well locatedc
Shoreline, Bonneville, erosional, well located Shoreline, Bonneville, erosional, well located
Shoreline, Gilbert level, well located Shoreline, Gilbert level, well located
Shoreline, Holocene highstand, well located Shoreline, Holocene highstand, well located
Shoreline, Provo, erosional, well located Shoreline, Provo, erosional, well located
Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located
Shoreline, regressional, well located Shoreline, regressional, well located
Spring Spring
M216DM_Magna_GeologicStructureLines (2239)
Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located
Fold, anticline, upright, well located Fold, anticline, upright, well located
Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed
Fold, syncline, overturned, well located Fold, syncline, overturned, well located
Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located
Fold, syncline, upright, well located Fold, syncline, upright, well located
M216DM_Magna_CrossSectionLines (2238)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
M216DM_Magna_GeologicLines (2236)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, beach ridge, well located Crest, beach ridge, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, thrust, type1, approximately located Fault, thrust, type1, approximately located
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Shoreline, Bonneville, constructional, well located Shoreline, Bonneville, constructional, well located
Shoreline, Bonneville, erosional, well located Shoreline, Bonneville, erosional, well located
Shoreline, Gilbert level, well located Shoreline, Gilbert level, well located
Shoreline, Holocene highstand, well located Shoreline, Holocene highstand, well located
Shoreline, Provo, erosional, well located Shoreline, Provo, erosional, well located
Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located
Shoreline, regressional, well located Shoreline, regressional, well located
Geologic Units (2237)
1, Qaly, Young alluvial deposits 1, Qaly, Young alluvial deposits
2, Qalb, Alluvial deposits Bonneville phase 2, Qalb, Alluvial deposits Bonneville phase
3, Qat2, Stream-terrace deposits 3, Qat2, Stream-terrace deposits
4, Qaf1, Modern alluvial-fan deposits 4, Qaf1, Modern alluvial-fan deposits
5, Qafy, Young alluvial-fan deposits 5, Qafy, Young alluvial-fan deposits
6, Qafp, Alluvial-fan deposits Provo phase 6, Qafp, Alluvial-fan deposits Provo phase
7, Qafb, Alluvial-fan deposits Bonneville phase 7, Qafb, Alluvial-fan deposits Bonneville phase
8, Qafo, Older alluvial-fan deposits 8, Qafo, Older alluvial-fan deposits
9, Qap2, Pediment-mantle alluvium 9, Qap2, Pediment-mantle alluvium
10, Qf, Artificial fill 10, Qf, Artificial fill
11, Qfd, Disturbed land 11, Qfd, Disturbed land
12, Qft, Tailings 12, Qft, Tailings
13, Qc, Colluvial deposits 13, Qc, Colluvial deposits
14, Qlmy, Lacustrine mud 14, Qlmy, Lacustrine mud
15, Qly, Young lacustrine deposits 15, Qly, Young lacustrine deposits
16, Qldy, Young deltaic deposits 16, Qldy, Young deltaic deposits
17, Qlgp, Lacustrine gravel and sand Provo phase 17, Qlgp, Lacustrine gravel and sand Provo phase
18, Qlsp, Lacustrine sand and silt Provo phase 18, Qlsp, Lacustrine sand and silt Provo phase
19, Qlgb, Lacustrine gravel and sand Bonneville phase 19, Qlgb, Lacustrine gravel and sand Bonneville phase
20, Qlsb, Lacustrine sand and silt Bonneville phase 20, Qlsb, Lacustrine sand and silt Bonneville phase
21, Qldb, Deltaic deposits Bonneville phase 21, Qldb, Deltaic deposits Bonneville phase
22, Qlgbp, Lacustrine gravel and sand Bonneville undivided 22, Qlgbp, Lacustrine gravel and sand Bonneville undivided
23, Qlsbp, Lacustrine sand and silt Bonneville undivided 23, Qlsbp, Lacustrine sand and silt Bonneville undivided
24, Qlmbp, Lacustrine silt and clay Bonneville undivided 24, Qlmbp, Lacustrine silt and clay Bonneville undivided
25, Qll, Lagoon-fill deposits 25, Qll, Lagoon-fill deposits
26, Qmsy, Younger landslide deposits 26, Qmsy, Younger landslide deposits
27, Qmt, Talus deposits 27, Qmt, Talus deposits
28, Qac, Alluvial and colluvial deposits 28, Qac, Alluvial and colluvial deposits
29, Qlay, Young lacustrine and alluvial deposits 29, Qlay, Young lacustrine and alluvial deposits
30, Qlgb/Qafo, Lacustrine gravel and sand Bonneville over Qafo 30, Qlgb/Qafo, Lacustrine gravel and sand Bonneville over Qafo
31, Qlgb/QTaf, Lacustrine gravel and sand Bonneville over QTaf 31, Qlgb/QTaf, Lacustrine gravel and sand Bonneville over QTaf
32, Qlgb/Ppc, Lacustrine gravel and sand Bonneville over Ppc 32, Qlgb/Ppc, Lacustrine gravel and sand Bonneville over Ppc
33, Qlgb/PIPok, Lacustrine gravel and sand Bonneville over PIPok 33, Qlgb/PIPok, Lacustrine gravel and sand Bonneville over PIPok
34, QTaf, Oldest alluvial-fan deposits 34, QTaf, Oldest alluvial-fan deposits
35, Tsl, Jordan Narrows unit of Salt Lake Formation 35, Tsl, Jordan Narrows unit of Salt Lake Formation
36, TKc?, Conglomerate 36, TKc?, Conglomerate
37, Ppc, Park City and Phosphoria Formations undivided 37, Ppc, Park City and Phosphoria Formations undivided
38, PIPpk, Park City and Kessler Canyon Formations undivided 38, PIPpk, Park City and Kessler Canyon Formations undivided
39, PIPok, Kessler Canyon Formation 39, PIPok, Kessler Canyon Formation
OFR682dm_TroutCreekSE_GeologicUnits_leaders (2213)
Rule_1 Rule_1
OFR682dm_TroutCreekSE_CrossSectionLines (2196)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Cross section, B-B' Cross section, B-B'
Cross section, C-C' Cross section, C-C'
Cross section, D-D' Cross section, D-D'
Cross section, E-E' Cross section, E-E'
OFR682dm_TroutCreekSE_GeologicSymbols (2209)
Bedding, horizontal, field measured Bedding, horizontal, field measured
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, overturned, field measured Bedding, overturned, field measured
Bedding, vertical, field measured Bedding, vertical, field measured
Drill hole, dry hole Drill hole, dry hole
Fault, ball and bar Fault, ball and bar
Spring Spring
OFR682dm_TroutCreekSE_GeologicStructureLines (2208)
Fold, anticline, overturned, concealed Fold, anticline, overturned, concealed
Fold, anticline, overturned, well located Fold, anticline, overturned, well located
Fold, anticline, synformal, concealed Fold, anticline, synformal, concealed
Fold, anticline, synformal, well located Fold, anticline, synformal, well located
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, anticline, upright, well located Fold, anticline, upright, well located
Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed Fold, syncline, overturned, concealed
Fold, syncline, overturned, well located Fold, syncline, overturned, well located
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, well located Fold, syncline, upright, well located
Fold, unknown, well located Fold, unknown, well located
OFR682dm_TroutCreekSE_GeologicLines (2207)
Bed, marker A, concealed Bed, marker A, concealed
Bed, marker A, well located Bed, marker A, well located
Bed, marker B, concealed Bed, marker B, concealed
Bed, marker B, well located Bed, marker B, well located
Bed, marker D, concealed Bed, marker D, concealed
Bed, marker D, well located Bed, marker D, well located
Boundary, map Boundary, map
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Fault, detachment,approximately located Fault, detachment,approximately located
Fault, detachment, concealed Fault, detachment, concealed
Fault, detachment, well located Fault, detachment, well located
Fault, unknown, approximately located Fault, unknown, approximately located
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Fault, thrust, approximately located Fault, thrust, approximately located
Fault, thrust, concealed Fault, thrust, concealed
Fault, thrust, well located Fault, thrust, well located
Fault, unknown, approximately located Fault, unknown, approximately located
Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Bed, marker U, well located Bed, marker U, well located
Geologic Units (2210)
<all other values> <all other values>
1, Qr, Unconsolidated material of diverse origin 1, Qr, Unconsolidated material of diverse origin
2, Tc, Conglomerate 2, Tc, Conglomerate
3, Pg, Park City Group, Gerster Formation 3, Pg, Park City Group, Gerster Formation
4, Pp, Park City Group, Plympton Formation 4, Pp, Park City Group, Plympton Formation
5, Pk, Park City Group, Kaibab Limestone 5, Pk, Park City Group, Kaibab Limestone
6, Pa, Arcturus formation 6, Pa, Arcturus formation
7, PIPMe, Ely limestone of Hose and Repenning (1959) 7, PIPMe, Ely limestone of Hose and Repenning (1959)
8, MD, Chainman and Pilot shales- undivided 8, MD, Chainman and Pilot shales- undivided
9, Dg, Guilmette formation 9, Dg, Guilmette formation
10, Dsi, Simonson dolomite 10, Dsi, Simonson dolomite
11, Ds, Sevy dolomite 11, Ds, Sevy dolomite
Copperton_GeologicUnits_leaders (2186)
Rule_1 Rule_1
Copperton_GeologicSymbols (2187)
Bedding, overturned, field measured Bedding, overturned, field measured
Fault, ball & bar Fault, ball & bar
Fold, anticline, overturned Fold, anticline, overturned
Foliation, inclined, field measured Foliation, inclined, field measured
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Sample Sample
Arrow Arrow
Bedding, approximate, field measured Bedding, approximate, field measured
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Contact, queried Contact, queried
Fold, plunge arrow Fold, plunge arrow
Foliation, vertical, field measured Foliation, vertical, field measured
Bedding, overturned, map digitized, source-B Bedding, overturned, map digitized, source-B
Drill hole, water well Drill hole, water well
Copperton_GeologicLines (2188)
Bed, marker A, well located Bed, marker A, well located
Boundary, map Boundary, map
Boundary, water, perennial Boundary, water, perennial
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, queried Contact, queried
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, beach ridge, well located Crest, beach ridge, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, thrust, approximately located Fault, thrust, approximately located
Fault, thrust, concealed Fault, thrust, concealed
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located
Shoreline, Bonneville, trangressional, well located Shoreline, Bonneville, trangressional, well located
Shoreline, Provo level, well located Shoreline, Provo level, well located
Shoreline, Provo, regressional, well located Shoreline, Provo, regressional, well located
Vein, mineralized, approximately located Vein, mineralized, approximately located
Copperton_CrossSectionLines (2189)
Cross-section, A-A' Cross-section, A-A'
Cross-section, B-B' Cross-section, B-B'
Copperton_USMinAdits (2190)
Rule_1 Rule_1
Copperton_GeologicStructureLines (2191)
Rule_1 Rule_1
Copperton_BinghamMineFeatures (2192)
Bingham tunnel Bingham tunnel
Conveyor tunnel Conveyor tunnel
Geologic Units (2193)
1,Qal1,Modern stream deposits 1,Qal1,Modern stream deposits
2,Qat1,Stream-terrace deposits 2,Qat1,Stream-terrace deposits
3,Qat2,Stream-terrace deposits 3,Qat2,Stream-terrace deposits
4,Qaly,Young alluvial deposits 4,Qaly,Young alluvial deposits
5,Qalb,Alluvial deposits related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle 5,Qalb,Alluvial deposits related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle
6,Qaf1,Modern alluvial-fan deposits 6,Qaf1,Modern alluvial-fan deposits
7,Qafy,Young alluvial-fan deposits 7,Qafy,Young alluvial-fan deposits
8,Qafb,Alluvial-fan deposits related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle 8,Qafb,Alluvial-fan deposits related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle
9,Qafo,Older alluvial-fan deposits 9,Qafo,Older alluvial-fan deposits
10,Qap1,Pediment-mantle alluvium 10,Qap1,Pediment-mantle alluvium
11,Qap2,Pediment-mantle alluvium 11,Qap2,Pediment-mantle alluvium
12,Qf,Artificial fill 12,Qf,Artificial fill
13,Qfd,Disturbed land 13,Qfd,Disturbed land
14,Qfl,Landfill 14,Qfl,Landfill
15,Qfm,Mine Dumps 15,Qfm,Mine Dumps
16,Qfo,Ore leach piles 16,Qfo,Ore leach piles
17,Qc,Colluvial deposits 17,Qc,Colluvial deposits
18,Qlgp,Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Provo (regressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle 18,Qlgp,Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Provo (regressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle
19,Qlsp,Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Provo (regressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle 19,Qlsp,Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Provo (regressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle
20,Qlgb,Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake c* 20,Qlgb,Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake c*
21,Qlsb,Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cyc* 21,Qlsb,Lacustrine sand and silt related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cyc*
22,Qlmb,Lacustrine silt and clay related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cyc* 22,Qlmb,Lacustrine silt and clay related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cyc*
23,Qldb,Deltaic deposits related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle 23,Qldb,Deltaic deposits related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake cycle
24,Qlgbp,Lacustrine gravel and sand of the Bonneville lake cycle - undivided 24,Qlgbp,Lacustrine gravel and sand of the Bonneville lake cycle - undivided
25,Qlmbp,Lacustrine silt and clay of the Bonneville lake cycle - undivided 25,Qlmbp,Lacustrine silt and clay of the Bonneville lake cycle - undivided
26,Qll,Lagoon-fill deposits 26,Qll,Lagoon-fill deposits
27,Qmsh,Historical landslide deposits 27,Qmsh,Historical landslide deposits
28,Qmsy,Younger landslide deposits 28,Qmsy,Younger landslide deposits
30,Qac,Alluvial and colluvial deposits 30,Qac,Alluvial and colluvial deposits
31,Qaco,Older alluvial and colluvial deposits 31,Qaco,Older alluvial and colluvial deposits
32,Qmtc,Talus and colluvial deposits 32,Qmtc,Talus and colluvial deposits
33,Qc/Tvfou,Colluvial deposits over older lava flows - undivided 33,Qc/Tvfou,Colluvial deposits over older lava flows - undivided
34,Qc/IPobp,Colluvial deposits over the Butterfield Peaks Formation 34,Qc/IPobp,Colluvial deposits over the Butterfield Peaks Formation
35,Qlgb/Qafo,Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase over older alluvial-fan * 35,Qlgb/Qafo,Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase over older alluvial-fan *
36,Qlgb/QTaf,Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake c* 36,Qlgb/QTaf,Lacustrine gravel and sand related to the Bonneville (transgressive) phase of the Bonneville lake c*
37,QTaf,Oldest alluvial-fan deposits 37,QTaf,Oldest alluvial-fan deposits
38,Tsl,Jordan Narrows unit 38,Tsl,Jordan Narrows unit
39,Tisp,Rhyolite plug of Shaggy Peak 39,Tisp,Rhyolite plug of Shaggy Peak
40,Tvbo,Older block and ash flow tuff 40,Tvbo,Older block and ash flow tuff
41,Tvfou,Older lava flows - undivided 41,Tvfou,Older lava flows - undivided
42,Tiu,Undifferentiated sills and dikes 42,Tiu,Undifferentiated sills and dikes
43,Til,Dacite plug of Lark 43,Til,Dacite plug of Lark
44,Tibc,Sills of Butterfield Canyon 44,Tibc,Sills of Butterfield Canyon
46,TKc,Conglomerate 46,TKc,Conglomerate
47,PIPok,Kessler Canyon Formation 47,PIPok,Kessler Canyon Formation
48,Pkdc,Kirkman Limestone and Diamond Creek Sandstone - undivided 48,Pkdc,Kirkman Limestone and Diamond Creek Sandstone - undivided
49,Pfp,Freeman Peak Formation 49,Pfp,Freeman Peak Formation
50,Pcp,Curry Peak Formation 50,Pcp,Curry Peak Formation
51,Ipobmj,Jordan Limestone 51,Ipobmj,Jordan Limestone
52,IPobp,Butterfield Peaks Formation 52,IPobp,Butterfield Peaks Formation
53,ls,Marker beds 53,ls,Marker beds
54,IPbmc,Clipper member of Bingham Mine Formation 54,IPbmc,Clipper member of Bingham Mine Formation
54,Tc,Conglomerate 54,Tc,Conglomerate
54,Tva,Andesite 54,Tva,Andesite
54,Tvlb,Latite breccia 54,Tvlb,Latite breccia
54,lst,Limestone marker bed of Butterfield Peaks Formation 54,lst,Limestone marker bed of Butterfield Peaks Formation
54,Tvb,Latite breccia with interbedded tuff - sand - and gravel 54,Tvb,Latite breccia with interbedded tuff - sand - and gravel
54,IPbp,Butterfield Peaks Formation 54,IPbp,Butterfield Peaks Formation
54,Qal,Undifferentiated alluvial deposits 54,Qal,Undifferentiated alluvial deposits
54,Tvhl,Hornblende latite porphyryl 54,Tvhl,Hornblende latite porphyryl
54,Tilp,Latite porphyry (sill or dike) 54,Tilp,Latite porphyry (sill or dike)
54,?,Commercial Limestone 54,?,Commercial Limestone
54,Tvlp,Latite 54,Tvlp,Latite
54,Lake,Oquirrh Lake 54,Lake,Oquirrh Lake
Qmsh Qmsh
LeppyPeakArea_GeologicSymbols (2216)
Arrow, filled Arrow, filled
Arrow, open Arrow, open
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Fold, minor anticline, bearing_plunge Fold, minor anticline, bearing_plunge
Fold, minor syncline, bearing_plunge Fold, minor syncline, bearing_plunge
Foliation, inclined, field measured Foliation, inclined, field measured
LeppyPeakArea_GeologicCrossSectionLines (2165)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Cross section, B-B' Cross section, B-B'
Cross section, C-C' Cross section, C-C'
LeppyPeakArea_GeologicLines (2166)
<all other values> <all other values>
Bed, marker A, approximately located Bed, marker A, approximately located
Bed, marker A, well located Bed, marker A, well located
Boundary, map Boundary, map
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Fault, low-angle normal, approximately located Fault, low-angle normal, approximately located
Fault, low-angle normal, concealed Fault, low-angle normal, concealed
Fault, low-angle normal, well located Fault, low-angle normal, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, unknown, approximately located Fault, unknown, approximately located
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Geologic Units (2167)
1—Qal—Alluvium 1—Qal—Alluvium
2—Qes—Eolian sand 2—Qes—Eolian sand
3—Qp—Playa deposits 3—Qp—Playa deposits
4—Qaf1—Younger alluvial fan deposits 4—Qaf1—Younger alluvial fan deposits
5—Qmc—Colluvium and talus 5—Qmc—Colluvium and talus
6—Qlg—Lacustrine gravel 6—Qlg—Lacustrine gravel
7—Qla—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided 7—Qla—Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided
8—Qaf2—Older alluvial fan deposits 8—Qaf2—Older alluvial fan deposits
9—Tap—Andesite porphyry 9—Tap—Andesite porphyry
10—Tap?—Andesite porphyry? 10—Tap?—Andesite porphyry?
11—Ts—Sedimentary rocks 11—Ts—Sedimentary rocks
12—Trpu—Upper rhyolite porphyry 12—Trpu—Upper rhyolite porphyry
13—Trpl—Lower rhyolite porphyry 13—Trpl—Lower rhyolite porphyry
14—Tgd—Granodiorite 14—Tgd—Granodiorite
15—Td—Diabase 15—Td—Diabase
16—bx—Silicified breccia 16—bx—Silicified breccia
17—Pp—Pequop Formation of Bissell (1964) 17—Pp—Pequop Formation of Bissell (1964)
18—Pp?—Pequop Formation of Bissell (1964) (?) 18—Pp?—Pequop Formation of Bissell (1964) (?)
19—PIPfs—Ferguson Mountain and Strathearn Formations, undivided 19—PIPfs—Ferguson Mountain and Strathearn Formations, undivided
20—IPe—Ely Group of Bissell (1964) 20—IPe—Ely Group of Bissell (1964)
21—IPe?—Ely Group of Bissell (1964) (?) 21—IPe?—Ely Group of Bissell (1964) (?)
22—Mcd—Chainman Shale and Diamond Peak Formation, undivided 22—Mcd—Chainman Shale and Diamond Peak Formation, undivided
23—Mj—Joana Limestone 23—Mj—Joana Limestone
24—MDp—Pilot Shale 24—MDp—Pilot Shale
25—Dg—Guilmette Formation 25—Dg—Guilmette Formation
26—Ds—Simonson Dolomite 26—Ds—Simonson Dolomite
GraniteMtn_GeologicUnitLeaders (2159)
Rule_1 Rule_1
GraniteMtn_GeologicSymbols (2153)
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, overturned Bedding, overturned
Fold, minor, anticline Fold, minor, anticline
Fold, minor, syncline Fold, minor, syncline
GraniteMtn_CrossSectionLines (2155)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Cross section, B-B' Cross section, B-B'
Cross section, C-C' Cross section, C-C'
Cross section, D-D' Cross section, D-D'
GraniteMtn_StructureLines (2156)
Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located Fold, anticline, upright, approximately located
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, anticline, upright, well located Fold, anticline, upright, well located
Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, well located Fold, syncline, upright, well located
GraniteMtn_GeologicLines (2158)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Fault, unknown, approximately located Fault, unknown, approximately located
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Fault, thrust, approximately located Fault, thrust, approximately located
Fault, thrust, concealed Fault, thrust, concealed
Fault, thrust, well located Fault, thrust, well located
Fault, unknown, approximately located Fault, unknown, approximately located
Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried Fault, unknown, approximately located, queried
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Fault, detachment, well located Fault, detachment, well located
Fault, detachment, approximately located Fault, detachment, approximately located
Fault, detachment, concealed Fault, detachment, concealed
Contact, concealed Contact, concealed
Geologic Units (2157)
1, Qr, Unconsolidated material of diverse origin 1, Qr, Unconsolidated material of diverse origin
2, Tc, Conglomerate 2, Tc, Conglomerate
3, Tt, Tuff 3, Tt, Tuff
4, Tw, Welded ash-flow tuff 4, Tw, Welded ash-flow tuff
5, TRt, Thaynes formation 5, TRt, Thaynes formation
6, Pg, Gerster formation 6, Pg, Gerster formation
7, Pp, Plympton formation 7, Pp, Plympton formation
8, Pk, Kaibab limestone 8, Pk, Kaibab limestone
9, Pa, Arcturus formation 9, Pa, Arcturus formation
10, PIPMe, Ely limestone of Hose and Repenning (1959) 10, PIPMe, Ely limestone of Hose and Repenning (1959)
11, MD, Chainman and Pilot shales - undivided 11, MD, Chainman and Pilot shales - undivided
12, Dg, Guilmette formation 12, Dg, Guilmette formation
GraybackHills_GeologicSymbols (2121)
Bedding, horizontal, field measured Bedding, horizontal, field measured
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, overturned, field measured Bedding, overturned, field measured
Bedding, vertical, field measured Bedding, vertical, field measured
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Sample Sample
GraybackHills_CrossSectionLines (2120)
<all other values> <all other values>
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
GraybackHills_GeologicLines (2119)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Extent, pit or quarry, well located Extent, pit or quarry, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Shoreline, Gilbert level, approximately located Shoreline, Gilbert level, approximately located
Shoreline, Gilbert level, well located Shoreline, Gilbert level, well located
Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located
GraybackHills_GeologicStructureLines (2118)
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, anticline, upright, well located Fold, anticline, upright, well located
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, well located Fold, syncline, upright, well located
Geologic Units (2117)
1, Qf, Artificial-fill deposits 1, Qf, Artificial-fill deposits
2, Qes, Silica-dune deposits 2, Qes, Silica-dune deposits
3, Qeg, Gypsum-dune deposits 3, Qeg, Gypsum-dune deposits
4, Qal, Alluvial-channel and -floodplain deposits 4, Qal, Alluvial-channel and -floodplain deposits
5, Qaf, Alluvial-fan deposits 5, Qaf, Alluvial-fan deposits
6, Qpm, Playa-mud deposits 6, Qpm, Playa-mud deposits
7, Qls, Lacustrine sand 7, Qls, Lacustrine sand
8, Qlm, Lacustrine marl 8, Qlm, Lacustrine marl
9, Qll, Lacustrine lagoon deposits 9, Qll, Lacustrine lagoon deposits
10, Qlg, Lacustrine gravel 10, Qlg, Lacustrine gravel
11, Qlg/Tt, Lacustrine gravel overlying trachyandesite lava 11, Qlg/Tt, Lacustrine gravel overlying trachyandesite lava
13, Qlf, Lacustrine fine-grained deposits 13, Qlf, Lacustrine fine-grained deposits
14, Qlc, Lacustrine clay 14, Qlc, Lacustrine clay
15, Qla, Undifferentiated lacustrine and alluvial deposits 15, Qla, Undifferentiated lacustrine and alluvial deposits
16, Tt, Trachyandesite lava flows 16, Tt, Trachyandesite lava flows
17, Tsd, Volcaniclastic rocks 17, Tsd, Volcaniclastic rocks
18, TRtu, Upper Thaynes Formation 18, TRtu, Upper Thaynes Formation
19, TRtu?, Upper Thaynes Formation? 19, TRtu?, Upper Thaynes Formation?
20, TRtl, Lower Thaynes Formation 20, TRtl, Lower Thaynes Formation
21, TRd, Dinwoody Formation 21, TRd, Dinwoody Formation
22, Pge, Gerster Formation 22, Pge, Gerster Formation
23, Pm, Murdock Mountain Formation 23, Pm, Murdock Mountain Formation
24, Pg?, Grandeur? Formation 24, Pg?, Grandeur? Formation
SantaClara_CrossSection (1989)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
SantaClara_GeologicUnits_leaders (1990)
SantaClara_GeologicSymbols_points (1991)
Arch Arch
Arrow, filled Arrow, filled
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Fault, ball & bar Fault, ball & bar
Fold, anticline, upright Fold, anticline, upright
Fold, syncline, upright Fold, syncline, upright
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Joint, inclined Joint, inclined
Joint, vertical Joint, vertical
Mine or quarry Mine or quarry
Sample Sample
Sample 2 Sample 2
Sample 3 Sample 3
Spring Spring
Volcanic cone, cinder Volcanic cone, cinder
SantaClara_StructureLines (1992)
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, anticline, upright, well located Fold, anticline, upright, well located
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, well located Fold, syncline, upright, well located
SantaClara_GeologicLines (1993)
Boundary, map Boundary, map
Boundary, water Boundary, water
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Dike, mafic, well located Dike, mafic, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Joint, well located Joint, well located
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Geologic Units (1994)
Jkm Jkm
Jks Jks
Jmw Jmw
Jn Jn
Qab Qab
Qabo Qabo
Qac Qac
Qacg Qacg
Qae Qae
Qaeo Qaeo
Qag Qag
Qal1 Qal1
Qap3 Qap3
Qap4 Qap4
Qap6 Qap6
Qapy Qapy
Qas Qas
Qat2 Qat2
Qat3 Qat3
Qat4 Qat4
Qat5 Qat5
Qat6 Qat6
Qat7 Qat7
Qat8 Qat8
Qbb Qbb
Qbcb Qbcb
Qbdv Qbdv
Qbgd Qbgd
Qbl Qbl
Qbs Qbs
Qbsc Qbsc
Qc Qc
Qea Qea
Qeca Qeca
Qed Qed
Qes Qes
Qf Qf
Qms Qms
Qms(TRcs) Qms(TRcs)
Qmsh Qmsh
Qmso Qmso
Qmt Qmt
Qst Qst
TRcp TRcp
TRcs TRcs
TRmm TRmm
TRms TRms
TRmu TRmu
Water Water
MountPowell_CrossSectionLines (1961)
MountPowell_GeologicUnits_leaders (1945)
MountPowell_GeologicSymbols (1962)
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Fault, ball & bar Fault, ball & bar
Fold, anticline, upright Fold, anticline, upright
MountPowell_GeologicLines (1950)
Boundary, map Boundary, map
Boundary, water, perennial Boundary, water, perennial
Cirque, headwall, well located Cirque, headwall, well located
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, moraine, type1, symmetry unknown Crest, moraine, type1, symmetry unknown
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, reverse, approximately located Fault, reverse, approximately located
Fault, reverse, concealed Fault, reverse, concealed
Fault, reverse, well located Fault, reverse, well located
MountPowell_GeologicStructureLines (1949)
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, anticline, upright, well located Fold, anticline, upright, well located
Geologic Units (1948)
Qg Qg
Qgr Qgr
Qgs Qgs
Qgu Qgu
Ql Ql
Qmt Qmt
Zuci Zuci
Zucl Zucl
Zucm Zucm
Zucu Zucu
Zud Zud
Zuh Zuh
Zuma Zuma
water water
AntelopeIsland_CrossSectionLinesEraseIntersection (2523)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Cross section, B-B' Cross section, B-B'
Cross section, C-C' Cross section, C-C'
Cross section, D-D' Cross section, D-D'
AntelopeIsland_GeologicSymbolsEraseIntersection (2519)
Adit Adit
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Cleavage, inclined Cleavage, inclined
Cleavage, vertical Cleavage, vertical
Drill hole, abandoned Drill hole, abandoned
Drill hole, water well Drill hole, water well
Foliation, inclined, field measured Foliation, inclined, field measured
Foliation, vertical, field measured Foliation, vertical, field measured
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Mine or quarry Mine or quarry
Prospect Prospect
Sample 3 Sample 3
Shaft Shaft
AntelopeIsland_GeologicLinesEraseIntersection (2520)
Boundary, map Boundary, map
Boundary, water, perennial Boundary, water, perennial
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, concealed Contact, concealed
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Extent, pit or quarry, well located Extent, pit or quarry, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, thrust, concealed Fault, thrust, concealed
Fault, thrust, well located Fault, thrust, well located
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, concealed, queried Fault, unknown, concealed, queried
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Scarp, landslide, approximately located Scarp, landslide, approximately located
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located
Shoreline, Gilbert level, approximately located Shoreline, Gilbert level, approximately located
Shoreline, Gilbert level, well located Shoreline, Gilbert level, well located
Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located
Shoreline, Provo level, well located Shoreline, Provo level, well located
Shoreline, Stansbury level, approximately located Shoreline, Stansbury level, approximately located
Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located
Vein, mineralized, concealed Vein, mineralized, concealed
Vein, mineralized, well located Vein, mineralized, well located
AntelopeIsland_ShearZonesEraseIntersection (2521)
shz1 shz1
shz2 shz2
shz3 shz3
shz4 shz4
shz5 shz5
shz6 shz6
shz7 shz7
Geologic Units (2522)
1_Qf_Artificial fill 1_Qf_Artificial fill
2_Qfd_Disturbed ground 2_Qfd_Disturbed ground
3_Qsm_Marsh deposits associated with springs 3_Qsm_Marsh deposits associated with springs
4_Qal_Stream-channel alluvial deposits 4_Qal_Stream-channel alluvial deposits
5_Qaf_Alluvial-fan deposits 5_Qaf_Alluvial-fan deposits
6_Qeo_Oolitic wind-blown sand deposits 6_Qeo_Oolitic wind-blown sand deposits
7_Qes_Siliceous wind-blown sand deposits 7_Qes_Siliceous wind-blown sand deposits
8_Qms_Landslide deposits 8_Qms_Landslide deposits
9_Qc_Colluvial deposits 9_Qc_Colluvial deposits
10_Qlo_Lacustrine oolitic sand deposits 10_Qlo_Lacustrine oolitic sand deposits
11_Qll_Lacustrine lagoonal deposits 11_Qll_Lacustrine lagoonal deposits
12_Qlg_Lacustrine sand and gravel deposits 12_Qlg_Lacustrine sand and gravel deposits
13_Qlb_Lacustrine boulder deposits 13_Qlb_Lacustrine boulder deposits
14_Qlt_Lacustrine tufa and calcium carbonate-cemented gravel deposits 14_Qlt_Lacustrine tufa and calcium carbonate-cemented gravel deposits
15_Qlf_Lacustrine sand, silt, and clay deposits 15_Qlf_Lacustrine sand, silt, and clay deposits
16_Tsl_Salt Lake Formation 16_Tsl_Salt Lake Formation
17_Tuu_Upper member of conglomeratic unit 17_Tuu_Upper member of conglomeratic unit
18_Tul_Lower member of conglomeratic unit 18_Tul_Lower member of conglomeratic unit
19_Kq_Quartz veins 19_Kq_Quartz veins
20_XWfg_Chloritized and hematized gneiss, mylonite, and phyllonite 20_XWfg_Chloritized and hematized gneiss, mylonite, and phyllonite
21_XWfs_Silicified cataclastic gneiss 21_XWfs_Silicified cataclastic gneiss
22_Ct_Tintic Quartzite 22_Ct_Tintic Quartzite
23_Zks_Slate member of the Kelley Canyon Formation 23_Zks_Slate member of the Kelley Canyon Formation
24_Zkd_Dolomite member of the Kelley Canyon Formation 24_Zkd_Dolomite member of the Kelley Canyon Formation
25_Zmf_Mineral Fork Formation 25_Zmf_Mineral Fork Formation
26_XWfp_Farmington Canyon Complex, pegmatitic granite 26_XWfp_Farmington Canyon Complex, pegmatitic granite
27_XWfc_Farmington Canyon Complex, coarse-grained granite 27_XWfc_Farmington Canyon Complex, coarse-grained granite
28_XWfr_Farmington Canyon Complex, red granitic gneiss 28_XWfr_Farmington Canyon Complex, red granitic gneiss
29_XWfm_Farmington Canyon Complex, migmatitic granitic gneiss 29_XWfm_Farmington Canyon Complex, migmatitic granitic gneiss
30_XWfa_Farmington Canyon Complex, amphibolite and gneiss 30_XWfa_Farmington Canyon Complex, amphibolite and gneiss
31_XWfb_Farmington Canyon Complex, mixed gneiss, amphibolite, granite, and schist 31_XWfb_Farmington Canyon Complex, mixed gneiss, amphibolite, granite, and schist
32_XWfl_Farmington Canyon Complex, layered gneiss 32_XWfl_Farmington Canyon Complex, layered gneiss
33_XWfq_Farmington Canyon Complex, quartz-plagioclase gneiss 33_XWfq_Farmington Canyon Complex, quartz-plagioclase gneiss
34_XWfh_Farmington Canyon Complex, mixed amphibolite, gneiss, and granite 34_XWfh_Farmington Canyon Complex, mixed amphibolite, gneiss, and granite
35_water_Great Salt Lake 35_water_Great Salt Lake
ptsympts descriptor (1884)
foldsympts point (1885)
foldsymarcs arc (1886)
foldsymarcs polygon (1887)
ptsympts point dip labels (1888)
ptsympts point (1889)
ptsymarcs arc (1890)
black black
red red
<all other values> <all other values>
ptsymarcs polygon (1891)
1 1
lnsympts point (1892)
lnsymarcs arc (1893)
lnsymarcs polygon (1894)
1 1
cross section (1895)
fold axes (1896)
approximately located approximately located
concealed concealed
well located well located
geology arc (1897)
contact well located contact well located
contact approximately located contact approximately located
Highest Bonneville Shoreline Highest Bonneville Shoreline
Other Bonneville Shoreline Other Bonneville Shoreline
Highest Provo Shoreline Highest Provo Shoreline
Other Provo Shoreline Other Provo Shoreline
fault contact normal well located fault contact normal well located
fault normal well located fault normal well located
fault normal concealed fault normal concealed
fault normal queried approximately located fault normal queried approximately located
fault contact normal queried approximately located fault contact normal queried approximately located
fault normal queried concealed fault normal queried concealed
fault thrust approximately located fault thrust approximately located
fault thrust concealed fault thrust concealed
fault geophysical very approximately located fault geophysical very approximately located
fault contact geophysical very approximately located fault contact geophysical very approximately located
offshore bar crest Lake Bonneville well located offshore bar crest Lake Bonneville well located
scarp river terrace well located scarp river terrace well located
headscarp landslide well located headscarp landslide well located
map boundary map boundary
Geologic Units (1898)
Qal1 Qal1
Qat2 Qat2
Qat3 Qat3
Qat4 Qat4
Qat5 Qat5
Qat6 Qat6
Qat7 Qat7
Qaly Qaly
Qalo Qalo
Qaf1 Qaf1
Qaf2 Qaf2
Qaf3 Qaf3
Qafy Qafy
Qafo Qafo
Qf Qf
Qfm Qfm
Qfl Qfl
Qfd Qfd
Qc Qc
Qco Qco
Qlgp Qlgp
Qlgbp Qlgbp
Qlgb Qlgb
Qlsbp Qlsbp
Qlsp Qlsp
Qlsb Qlsb
Qlmb Qlmb
Qlmp Qlmp
Qlmbp Qlmbp
Qlu Qlu
Qll Qll
Qmsh Qmsh
Qmsy Qmsy
Qmt Qmt
Qac Qac
Qesc Qesc
Qlay Qlay
Qlao Qlao
Qlag Qlag
Qmtc Qmtc
Qlsb/Qafo Qlsb/Qafo
Qlgb/Qafo Qlgb/Qafo
Qlsp/Qafo Qlsp/Qafo
Qlu/Qafo Qlu/Qafo
Qlgb/IPobm? Qlgb/IPobm?
Qlgb/Tvy Qlgb/Tvy
Qlsb/Tvy Qlsb/Tvy
Qlgp/Tvy Qlgp/Tvy
Qlu/Tvy Qlu/Tvy
Qlgb/Tvby Qlgb/Tvby
Qlsp/Mgb Qlsp/Mgb
Qlag/Mmc Qlag/Mmc
Qlag/Mgb Qlag/Mgb
QTst QTst
Taf Taf
Tid Tid
Tslc Tslc
Tslj Tslj
Tvy Tvy
Tvby Tvby
Tvfy Tvfy
IPobm IPobm
IPobm? IPobm?
IPobm ? IPobm ?
IPobp IPobp
IPMowc IPMowc
Mmc Mmc
Mgb Mgb
Water Water
Map Labels (1869)
Leaders (1870)
fold point (1871)
fold polygon (1872)
Bar and ball point (1873)
Bar and ball arc (1874)
Bar and ball polygon (1875)
1 1
Point data point (1876)
Point data arc (1877)
adit, black adit, black
bedding, black bedding, black
bedding, red bedding, red
foliation, black foliation, black
gravel pit, black gravel pit, black
oil well, black oil well, black
prospect, black prospect, black
quarry, black quarry, black
sample locality, black sample locality, black
spring, black spring, black
point data polygon (1878)
0 0
1 1
Cross Section Line (1879)
Fold Axis (1880)
Geology Arcs (1881)
contact, , well located contact, , well located
contact, , approximately located contact, , approximately located
fault, normal, well located fault, normal, well located
fault, normal, approximately located fault, normal, approximately located
fault, normal, concealed fault, normal, concealed
fault, thrust, approximately located fault, thrust, approximately located
fault, geophysical, very approximately located fault, geophysical, very approximately located
headscarp, landslide, well located headscarp, landslide, well located
scarp, erosional, well located scarp, erosional, well located
moraine, glacial, well located moraine, glacial, well located
beachbars, Bonneville, well located beachbars, Bonneville, well located
shoreline, bonneville, well located shoreline, bonneville, well located
shoreline, provo, well located shoreline, provo, well located
shoreline, bonneville, approximately located shoreline, bonneville, approximately located
shoreline, provo, approximately located shoreline, provo, approximately located
shoreline/contact, bonneville, well located shoreline/contact, bonneville, well located
shoreline/contact, provo, well located shoreline/contact, provo, well located
shoreline/contact, provo, approximately located shoreline/contact, provo, approximately located
map boundary, , map boundary, ,
map boundary, extended east, map boundary, extended east,
Geologic Units (1882)
Qal1 Qal1
Qat2 Qat2
Qat3 Qat3
Qaly Qaly
Qalo Qalo
Qalp Qalp
Qalpo Qalpo
Qalb Qalb
Qaf1 Qaf1
Qaf2 Qaf2
Qaf3 Qaf3
Qafy Qafy
Qafp Qafp
Qafb Qafb
Qlgb/Qafo Qlgb/Qafo
Qlgb/IPobm? Qlgb/IPobm?
Qafo Qafo
Qf Qf
Qfl Qfl
Qfd Qfd
Qc Qc
Qgob Qgob
Qgtb Qgtb
Qgod Qgod
Qgtd Qgtd
Qlgp Qlgp
Qlgb Qlgb
Qlsp Qlsp
Qlsb Qlsb
Qlmp Qlmp
Qlmb Qlmb
Qldp Qldp
Qldb Qldb
Qmf Qmf
Qmsh Qmsh
Qmsy Qmsy
Qmsy? Qmsy?
Qmso Qmso
Qmso? Qmso?
Qmt Qmt
Qac Qac
Qaco Qaco
Qatc Qatc
Qmtc Qmtc
Qmtco Qmtco
Qlay Qlay
Qlag Qlag
Qlsb/Qafo Qlsb/Qafo
Qc/Qmso Qc/Qmso
Taf Taf
Tipd Tipd
Ti Ti
Tia1 Tia1
Tia2 Tia2
Tv Tv
Tv? Tv?
IPobm? IPobm?
IPobm ? IPobm ?
Mdo Mdo
Mgb Mgb
Mh Mh
Md Md
Mg Mg
Mg? Mg?
Cm Cm
Co Co
Ct Ct
Zm Zm
Zmf Zmf
opalite opalite
quartzitebrecci quartzitebrecci
Kanab_UnitLeaders (1845)
Kanab_CrossSection (1846)
Kanab_MapSymbols (1847)
Adit Adit
Bedding, Horizontal, Field Measured Bedding, Horizontal, Field Measured
Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured
Drillhole, Abandoned Drillhole, Abandoned
Drillhole, Dry Hole Drillhole, Dry Hole
Fault, Ball & Bar Fault, Ball & Bar
Gravel Pit Gravel Pit
Joint, Vertical Joint, Vertical
Quarry Quarry
Sample Sample
Spring Spring
Kanab_StructureLines (1848)
Structure Contour, Datum 1 Structure Contour, Datum 1
Structure Contour, Datum 1, Projected Above Ground Structure Contour, Datum 1, Projected Above Ground
Structure Contour, Datum 2 Structure Contour, Datum 2
Structure Contour, Datum 2, Projected Above Ground Structure Contour, Datum 2, Projected Above Ground
Kanab_GeologicLines (1849)
Contact, Well Located Contact, Well Located
Normal Fault, Approximately Located Normal Fault, Approximately Located
Normal Fault, Concealed Normal Fault, Concealed
Normal Fault, Well Located Normal Fault, Well Located
Quadrangle Boundary Quadrangle Boundary
Geologic Units (1850)
Jkm Jkm
Jks Jks
Jkt Jkt
Jmw Jmw
Jn Jn
Jnl Jnl
Qac Qac
Qaco Qaco
Qae Qae
Qafc Qafc
Qal1 Qal1
Qape Qape
Qat2 Qat2
Qat3 Qat3
Qat4 Qat4
Qes Qes
Qf Qf
Qmt Qmt
Qmto Qmto
TRcp TRcp
TRcs TRcs
TRmu TRmu
ThompsonPoint_LeaderLines (1828)
ThompsonPoint_MapSymbols (1829)
Adit Adit
Bedding, Horizontal, Field Measured Bedding, Horizontal, Field Measured
Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured
Drillhole, Abandoned Drillhole, Abandoned
Drillhole, Dry Hole Drillhole, Dry Hole
Fault, Ball & Bar Fault, Ball & Bar
Gravel Pit Gravel Pit
Joint, Vertical Joint, Vertical
Quarry Quarry
Sample Sample
Spring Spring
ThompsonPoint_CrossSection (1830)
ThompsonPoint_StructureLines (1831)
Structure Contour, Datum 2 Structure Contour, Datum 2
Structure Contour, Datum 2, Projected Above Ground Structure Contour, Datum 2, Projected Above Ground
ThompsonPoint_MapBoundary (1832)
ThompsonPoint_GeologicLines (1833)
Contact, Well Located Contact, Well Located
Normal Fault, Approximately Located Normal Fault, Approximately Located
Normal Fault, Concealed Normal Fault, Concealed
Normal Fault, Well Located Normal Fault, Well Located
Map boundary Map boundary
Geologic Units (1834)
Qal1 Qal1
Qf Qf
Qes Qes
Qeo Qeo
Qmt Qmt
Qac Qac
Qae Qae
Qape Qape
Jn Jn
Jkt Jkt
Jnl Jnl
Jkm Jkm
Jks Jks
Jmw Jmw
TRcp TRcp
TRcs TRcs
TRmu TRmu
TRms TRms
WhiteHills_LeaderLines (1812)
WhiteHills_MapSymbols (1813)
Adit Adit
Bedding, Inclined, Map Digitized Bedding, Inclined, Map Digitized
Fault, Ball & Bar Fault, Ball & Bar
Fold, Syncline, Upright Fold, Syncline, Upright
Gravel Pit Gravel Pit
Mine Or Quarry Mine Or Quarry
Sinkhole Sinkhole
Spring Spring
WhiteHills_CrossSection (1814)
Rule_1 Rule_1
WhiteHills_StructureLines (1815)
Syncline, Upright, Concealed Syncline, Upright, Concealed
Syncline, Upright, Well Located Syncline, Upright, Well Located
WhiteHills_GeologicLines (1816)
Contact, Well Located Contact, Well Located
Normal Fault, Approximately Located Normal Fault, Approximately Located
Normal Fault, Concealed Normal Fault, Concealed
Normal Fault, Well Located Normal Fault, Well Located
Quadrangle Boundary Quadrangle Boundary
Geologic Units (1817)
Qal1 Qal1
Qat2 Qat2
Qat3 Qat3
Qat4 Qat4
Qat5 Qat5
Qat6 Qat6
Qat7 Qat7
Qato Qato
Qao Qao
Qc Qc
Qmt Qmt
Qmso Qmso
Qac Qac
Qae Qae
Qaeo Qaeo
Qacg Qacg
Qbs Qbs
Jmw Jmw
JTrmd JTrmd
TRcp TRcp
TRcs TRcs
TRmu TRmu
TRms TRms
TRmm TRmm
TRmv TRmv
TRml TRml
TRmt TRmt
TRmr TRmr
Pkh Pkh
Pkf Pkf
Ptw Ptw
Ptbs Ptbs
Pts Pts
Pq Pq
HenrieKnolls_LeaderLines (1786)
HenrieKnolls_MapSymbols (1788)
Adit Adit
Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured
Bedding, Photogrammetric (3-Point) Bedding, Photogrammetric (3-Point)
Fault, Ball & Bar Fault, Ball & Bar
Gravel Pit Gravel Pit
Locality Locality
Mine Or Quarry Mine Or Quarry
Sinkhole Sinkhole
Spring Spring
Volcanic Cone, Spatter Volcanic Cone, Spatter
HenrieKnolls_CrossSections (1787)
HenrieKnolls_GeologicLines (1785)
Quadrangle Boundary Quadrangle Boundary
Contact, Well Located Contact, Well Located
Contact, Approximately Located Contact, Approximately Located
Scarp, Well Located Scarp, Well Located
Lineament, Well Located Lineament, Well Located
Normal Fault, Well Located Normal Fault, Well Located
Normal Fault, Approximately Located Normal Fault, Approximately Located
Normal Fault, Concealed Normal Fault, Concealed
Geologic Units (1789)
Qal1 Qal1
Qat2 Qat2
Qat3 Qat3
Qat4 Qat4
Qaly Qaly
Qalo Qalo
Qam Qam
Qaf1 Qaf1
Qaf2 Qaf2
Qafo Qafo
Qf Qf
Qc Qc
Qms Qms
Qms? Qms?
Qmt Qmt
Qac Qac
Qaco Qaco
Qafc Qafc
Qca Qca
Qae Qae
Qea Qea
Qaec Qaec
Qla Qla
Qac/Qbdc Qac/Qbdc
Qc/Qbhk Qc/Qbhk
Qalo/Qbdc Qalo/Qbdc
Qalo/Qbsk Qalo/Qbsk
Qaco/Qbhk Qaco/Qbhk
Qat4/Qbhk Qat4/Qbhk
Qc/Tbh Qc/Tbh
Qc/Tcwu Qc/Tcwu
Qbnl Qbnl
Qbrd Qbrd
Qbrdc Qbrdc
Qbhk Qbhk
Qbhkc Qbhkc
Qbsk Qbsk
Qbskc Qbskc
Qbdc Qbdc
Qbbk Qbbk
Tbhm Tbhm
Ta Ta
Tbh Tbh
Tcwu Tcwu
Tcwml Tcwml
Tcr Tcr
PlainCity_LeaderLines (1771)
PlainCity_MapSymbols (1774)
Paleoseismic Trench Paleoseismic Trench
Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured
Drill Hole, Water Well Drill Hole, Water Well
Fault, Ball & Bar Fault, Ball & Bar
Fold, Anticline, Upright Fold, Anticline, Upright
Fold, Plunge Arrow Fold, Plunge Arrow
Fold, Syncline, Upright Fold, Syncline, Upright
Foliation, Inclined 1 Foliation, Inclined 1
Gravel Pit Gravel Pit
Mine Or Quarry Mine Or Quarry
Spring Spring
PlainCity_StructureLines (1772)
Anticline, Upright, Concealed Anticline, Upright, Concealed
Anticline, Upright, Well Located Anticline, Upright, Well Located
Syncline, Upright, Approximately Located Syncline, Upright, Approximately Located
Syncline, Upright, Concealed Syncline, Upright, Concealed
Syncline, Upright, Well Located Syncline, Upright, Well Located
PlainCity_CrossSections (1773)
PlainCity_GeologicLines (1775)
Contact, Well Located Contact, Well Located
Contact, Approximately Located Contact, Approximately Located
Normal Fault, Well Located Normal Fault, Well Located
Normal Fault, Approximately Located Normal Fault, Approximately Located
Normal Fault, Concealed Normal Fault, Concealed
Thrust Fault, Type1, Approximately Located Thrust Fault, Type1, Approximately Located
Thrust Fault, Type1, Concealed Thrust Fault, Type1, Concealed
Scarp, Well Located Scarp, Well Located
Bonneville Shoreline, Well Located Bonneville Shoreline, Well Located
Bonneville Shoreline, Approximately Located Bonneville Shoreline, Approximately Located
Provo Shoreline, Well Located Provo Shoreline, Well Located
Provo Shoreline, Approximately Located Provo Shoreline, Approximately Located
Gilbert Shoreline, Well Located Gilbert Shoreline, Well Located
Transgressional Shoreline, Well Located Transgressional Shoreline, Well Located
Transgressional Shoreline, Approximately Located Transgressional Shoreline, Approximately Located
Regressional Shoreline, Well Located Regressional Shoreline, Well Located
Water Boundary Water Boundary
Regressional Shoreline, Approximately Located Regressional Shoreline, Approximately Located
Beach Ridge Crest, Well Located Beach Ridge Crest, Well Located
Quadrangle Boundary Quadrangle Boundary
Geologic Units (1776)
Qlf Qlf
Qls3 Qls3
Qlg3 Qlg3
Qll4 Qll4
Qls4 Qls4
Qlg4 Qlg4
Qd2 Qd2
Qal1 Qal1
Qal2 Qal2
Qaf1 Qaf1
Qaf2 Qaf2
Qaf3 Qaf3
Qafy Qafy
QTaf QTaf
Qml Qml
Qc Qc
Qsm Qsm
Qfd Qfd
Qla Qla
Qlam Qlam
Qmtc/Xfcg Qmtc/Xfcg
Cm Cm
Co Co
Ct Ct
Xfcg Xfcg
Water Water
Short_Canyon_MapSymbols (1752)
Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured
Fold, Anticline, Upright Fold, Anticline, Upright
Fold, Plunge, Arrow Fold, Plunge, Arrow
Fold, Syncline, Upright Fold, Syncline, Upright
Prospect Prospect
Fault, Ball & Bar Fault, Ball & Bar
Short_Canyon_StructureLines (1753)
anticline, upright, well located anticline, upright, well located
anticline, upright, approximatley located anticline, upright, approximatley located
syncline, upright, well located syncline, upright, well located
Structure Contour, base of Kd, approximate Structure Contour, base of Kd, approximate
Structure Contour, base of Kd Structure Contour, base of Kd
Structure Contour, base of Kd, projected above ground surface Structure Contour, base of Kd, projected above ground surface
Short_Canyon_LeaderLines (1754)
Short_Canyon_CrossSections (1755)
Short_Canyon_GeologicLines (1756)
Contact, Approximately Located Contact, Approximately Located
Contact, Well Located Contact, Well Located
Map Boundary Map Boundary
Normal Fault, Approximately Located Normal Fault, Approximately Located
Normal Fault, Well Located Normal Fault, Well Located
water water
Geologic Units (1757)
Qal Qal
Qam Qam
Qaf Qaf
Qap Qap
Qms Qms
Qmtc Qmtc
Qea Qea
Kmb Kmb
Kmf Kmf
Kmt Kmt
Kd Kd
Kcm Kcm
Kcs Kcs
Kcr Kcr
Kcb Kcb
Jmbp Jmbp
Jmbb Jmbb
Jms Jms
Jmt Jmt
Js Js
Jcu Jcu
Jcl Jcl
Jeu Jeu
Jem Jem
Jel Jel
Jcw Jcw
Water Water
YellowjacketCyn_UnitLeaders (1724)
YellowjacketCyn_MapSymbols (1733)
Adit Adit
Bedding, Horizontal, Field Measured Bedding, Horizontal, Field Measured
Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured
Drillhole, Abandoned Drillhole, Abandoned
Fault, Ball & Bar Fault, Ball & Bar
Gravel Pit Gravel Pit
Joint, Vertical Joint, Vertical
Quarry Quarry
Spring Spring
YellowjacketCyn_CrossSection (1734)
YellowjacketCyn_StructureLines (1735)
Structure Contour, Datum 1 Structure Contour, Datum 1
Structure Contour, Datum 1, Projected Above Ground Structure Contour, Datum 1, Projected Above Ground
Structure Contour, Datum 2 Structure Contour, Datum 2
Structure Contour, Datum 2, Projected Above Ground Structure Contour, Datum 2, Projected Above Ground
YellowjacketCyn_GeologicLines (1736)
Contact, Well Located Contact, Well Located
Normal Fault, Approximately Located Normal Fault, Approximately Located
Normal Fault, Concealed Normal Fault, Concealed
Normal Fault, Well Located Normal Fault, Well Located
Map boundary Map boundary
YellowjacketCyn_MapBoundary (1737)
Geologic Units (1738)
Qag Qag
Qf Qf
Qes Qes
Qess Qess
Qedc Qedc
Qedp Qedp
Qedpm Qedpm
Qeds Qeds
Qedt Qedt
Qmt Qmt
Qac Qac
Qaco Qaco
Qae Qae
Qea Qea
Qafc Qafc
Qape Qape
Jcc Jcc
Jt Jt
Jn Jn
Jkt Jkt
Jnl Jnl
Jkm Jkm
Jks Jks
Jmw Jmw
TRcp TRcp
Ophir_StructureLines (1715)
Anticline, Upright, Well Located Anticline, Upright, Well Located
Anticline, Upright, Concealed Anticline, Upright, Concealed
Syncline, Upright, Well Located Syncline, Upright, Well Located
Syncline, Upright, Approximately Located Syncline, Upright, Approximately Located
Syncline, Upright, Concealed Syncline, Upright, Concealed
Ophir_GeologicUnits_leaders (1716)
Ophir_GeologicSymbols_points (1717)
Adit Adit
Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured
Bedding, Inclined, Map Digitized, Source-B Bedding, Inclined, Map Digitized, Source-B
Bedding, Inclined, Map Digitized, Source-C Bedding, Inclined, Map Digitized, Source-C
Drill Hole, Water Well Drill Hole, Water Well
Fault, Ball & Bar Fault, Ball & Bar
Fold, Anticline, Upright Fold, Anticline, Upright
Fold, Plunge Arrow Fold, Plunge Arrow
Fold, Syncline, Upright Fold, Syncline, Upright
Gravel Pit Gravel Pit
Mine Or Quarry Mine Or Quarry
Prospect Prospect
Sample 2 Sample 2
Shaft Shaft
Trench Trench
<all other values> <all other values>
Ophir_GeologicLines (1718)
Trangressional Shoreline, Well Located Trangressional Shoreline, Well Located
Trangressional Shoreline, Approximately Located Trangressional Shoreline, Approximately Located
Contact, Well Located Contact, Well Located
Contact, Approximately Located Contact, Approximately Located
Crest, Beach Ridge, Well Located Crest, Beach Ridge, Well Located
Fault, Unknown, Approximately Located Fault, Unknown, Approximately Located
Fault, Normal, Well Located Fault, Normal, Well Located
Fault, Normal, Approximately Located Fault, Normal, Approximately Located
Fault, Normal, Concealed Fault, Normal, Concealed
Fault, Thrust Type 1, Concealed Fault, Thrust Type 1, Concealed
Dike, Mafic, Well Located Dike, Mafic, Well Located
Dike, Silicic, Well Located Dike, Silicic, Well Located
Bonneville Shoreline, Well Located Bonneville Shoreline, Well Located
Bonneville Shoreline, Approximately Located Bonneville Shoreline, Approximately Located
Bonneville Shoreline, Concealed Bonneville Shoreline, Concealed
Quadrangle Boundary Quadrangle Boundary
Ophir_CrossSection (1719)
Geologic Units (1720)
Cb Cb
Ch Ch
Cly Cly
Cop Cop
Ct Ct
MDfp MDfp
Md Md
Mg Mg
Mgb Mgb
Mgbl Mgbl
Mgblt Mgblt
Mgbu Mgbu
Mh Mh
QTaf QTaf
Qac Qac
Qaf1 Qaf1
Qaf2 Qaf2
Qaf3 Qaf3
Qafh Qafh
Qafo Qafo
Qafo? Qafo?
Qafy Qafy
Qal1 Qal1
Qaly Qaly
Qat Qat
Qat1 Qat1
Qat2 Qat2
Qat3 Qat3
Qat4 Qat4
Qc/Mgb Qc/Mgb
Qdm Qdm
Qei Qei
Qfd Qfd
Qla Qla
Qla? Qla?
Qlao Qlao
Qlay Qlay
Qlf Qlf
Qlgb Qlgb
Qllb Qllb
Qlsb Qlsb
Qmtc Qmtc
Qsm Qsm
Tre Tre
Tsl Tsl
Tsl? Tsl?
Tro Tro
KlondikeBluffs_GeologicSymbols_points (1696)
Arch Arch
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Drill hole, abandoned Drill hole, abandoned
Fault, ball & bar Fault, ball & bar
Joint, vertical Joint, vertical
KlondkieBluffs_CrossSection (1697)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
KlondkieBluffs_GeologicUnits_leaders (1698)
Leader lines Leader lines
KlondikeBluffs_MapBoundary (1699)
KlondikeBluffs_NationParkBoundary (1700)
KlondikeBluffs_GeologicLine (1701)
Boundary, map Boundary, map
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Scarp, undefined, well located Scarp, undefined, well located
<all other values> <all other values>
Geologic Units (1702)
Qa Qa
Qa1 Qa1
Qa2 Qa2
Qa3 Qa3
Qat Qat
Qap Qap
Qaf Qaf
Qafb Qafb
Qag Qag
Qes Qes
Qea Qea
Qeag Qeag
Qer Qer
Qmt Qmt
Qms Qms
Kmb Kmb
Kmj Kmj
Kmju Kmju
Kmjl Kmjl
Kmt Kmt
Kd Kd
Kcmr Kcmr
Kcmp Kcmp
Kcmy Kcmy
Jmb Jmb
Jms Jms
Jmt Jmt
Jsmt Jsmt
Js Js
Jctm Jctm
Jes Jes
Jcd Jcd
Jn Jn
Jnl Jnl
Jk Jk
J^w J^w
^c ^c
^cu ^cu
^cl ^cl
^m ^m
*h *h
*p *p
water water
MollieHogans_GeologicSymbols_points (1683)
Arch Arch
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Fault, ball & bar Fault, ball & bar
Fold, syncline, upright Fold, syncline, upright
Joint, vertical Joint, vertical
MollieHogans_GeologicLines (1684)
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
MollieHogans_GeologicUnits__leader (1685)
Leader lines Leader lines
MollieHogans_MapBoundary (1686)
MollieHogans_StructureLines (1687)
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, well located Fold, syncline, upright, well located
MollieHogans_NationParkBoundary (1688)
MollieHogans_CrossSection (1689)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
Geologic Units (1690)
Qa Qa
Qa1 Qa1
Qa2 Qa2
Qa3 Qa3
Qat Qat
Qap Qap
Qaf Qaf
Qafb Qafb
Qag Qag
Qes Qes
Qea Qea
Qeag Qeag
Qer Qer
Qmt Qmt
Qms Qms
Kmb Kmb
Kmj Kmj
Kmjl Kmjl
Kmt Kmt
Kd Kd
Kcmr Kcmr
Kcmp Kcmp
Kcmy Kcmy
Jmb Jmb
Jms Jms
Jmt Jmt
Jsmt Jsmt
Js Js
Jctm Jctm
Jes Jes
Jcd Jcd
Jn Jn
Jnl Jnl
Jk Jk
J^w J^w
^c ^c
^cu ^cu
^cl ^cl
^m ^m
*h *h
*p *p
water water
TheWindowsSection_GeologicSymbols_points (1670)
Arch Arch
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Drill hole, abandoned Drill hole, abandoned
Fault, ball & bar Fault, ball & bar
Fold, anticline, upright Fold, anticline, upright
Fold, plunge arrow Fold, plunge arrow
Fold, syncline, upright Fold, syncline, upright
Joint, vertical Joint, vertical
<all other values> <all other values>
TheWindowsSection_CrossSect_Rep (1671)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
TheWindowsSection_GeologicUnits_leaders (1672)
Layer8 Layer8
<all other values> <all other values>
TheWindowsSection_GeologicLines_Rep (1673)
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Bed, marker A, well located Bed, marker A, well located
TheWindowsSection_MapBoundary (1674)
TheWindowsSection_StructureLines_Rep (1675)
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, anticline, upright, well located Fold, anticline, upright, well located
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, well located Fold, syncline, upright, well located
TheWindowsSection_NationalParkBoundary (1676)
Geologic Units (1677)
Qa Qa
Qa1 Qa1
Qa2 Qa2
Qa3 Qa3
Qat Qat
Qap Qap
Qaf Qaf
Qafb Qafb
Qag Qag
Qes Qes
Qea Qea
Qeag Qeag
Qer Qer
Qmt Qmt
Qms Qms
Kmb Kmb
Kmj Kmj
Kmt Kmt
Kd Kd
Kcmr Kcmr
Kcmp Kcmp
Kcmy Kcmy
Jmb Jmb
Jms Jms
Jmt Jmt
Jsmt Jsmt
Js Js
Jctm Jctm
Jes Jes
Jcd Jcd
Jn Jn
Jnl Jnl
Jk Jk
J^w J^w
^c ^c
^cu ^cu
^cl ^cl
^m ^m
*h *h
*p *p
water water
JohnsonLakes_GeologicSymbols_points (1659)
Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured Bedding, Inclined, Field Measured
Fault, Ball & Bar Fault, Ball & Bar
Gravel Pit Gravel Pit
Joint, Vertical 1 Joint, Vertical 1
Mine Or Quarry Mine Or Quarry
Spring Spring
<all other values> <all other values>
JohnsonLakes_GeologicUnits_leaders (1662)
JohnsonLakes_CrossSection (1660)
JohnsonLakes_GeologicLines (1661)
Contact, Well Located Contact, Well Located
Marker Bed A, Well Located Marker Bed A, Well Located
Marker Bed B, Well Located Marker Bed B, Well Located
Normal Fault, Approximately Located Normal Fault, Approximately Located
Normal Fault, Concealed Normal Fault, Concealed
Normal Fault, Well Located Normal Fault, Well Located
Quadrangle Boundary Quadrangle Boundary
Water Boundary Water Boundary
JohnsonLakes_StructureLines (1663)
<all other values> <all other values>
Structure Contour, Datum 1 Structure Contour, Datum 1
Structure Contour, Datum 1, Projected Above Ground Structure Contour, Datum 1, Projected Above Ground
Geologic Units (1664)
TRmm TRmm
Jkm Jkm
Jks Jks
Jkt Jkt
Jmw Jmw
Jn Jn
Jnl Jnl
Qac Qac
Qae Qae
Qafe Qafe
Qal1 Qal1
Qape Qape
Qes Qes
Qf Qf
Qmt Qmt
TRcu TRcu
TRcs TRcs
TRms TRms
TRmu TRmu
water water
GeorgeMtn_GeologicSymbols_points (1642)
Bedding, approximate, map digitized Bedding, approximate, map digitized
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Fault, ball & bar Fault, ball & bar
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Mine or quarry Mine or quarry
Sample 2 Sample 2
Sinkhole Sinkhole
Spring Spring
<all other values> <all other values>
GeorgeMtn_GeologicUnits_leaders (1643)
GeorgeMtn_CrossSection (1644)
GeorgeMtn_GeologicLines (1645)
Contact, Approximately Located Contact, Approximately Located
Contact, Well Located Contact, Well Located
Marker Bed, Approximately Located Marker Bed, Approximately Located
Marker Bed, Well Located Marker Bed, Well Located
Normal Fault, Approximately Located Normal Fault, Approximately Located
Fault, Normal, Approximately Located, queried Fault, Normal, Approximately Located, queried
Fault, Normal, Concealed Fault, Normal, Concealed
Fault, Normal, Concealed, queried Fault, Normal, Concealed, queried
Normal Fault, Well Located Normal Fault, Well Located
Quadrangle Boundary Quadrangle Boundary
Scarp, Landslide, Well Located Scarp, Landslide, Well Located
GeorgeMtn_MapBoundary (1646)
Geologic Units (1647)
Kkl Kkl
Ksd Ksd
Ksj Ksj
Kw Kw
Kwcs Kwcs
Qac Qac
Qacf Qacf
Qacfo Qacfo
Qaco Qaco
Qaf1 Qaf1
Qaf2 Qaf2
Qafo Qafo
Qafo2 Qafo2
Qafy Qafy
Qal1 Qal1
Qaly Qaly
Qat2 Qat2
Qat3 Qat3
Qat4 Qat4
Qat5 Qat5
Qath Qath
Qbhk Qbhk
Qc Qc
Qf Qf
Qms Qms
Qms? Qms?
Qmt Qmt
Qmtc Qmtc
Qst Qst
Taf Taf
Tbm Tbm
Tcp Tcp
Tcwl Tcwl
Tcwm Tcwm
Tcwu Tcwu
Tlbh Tlbh
BrianHead_GeologicSymbols_points (1626)
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Drill hole, water well Drill hole, water well
Fault, ball & bar Fault, ball & bar
Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral Fault, strike-slip, left-lateral
Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral Fault, strike-slip, right-lateral
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Locality Locality
Sinkhole Sinkhole
Volcanic cone, cinder Volcanic cone, cinder
<all other values> <all other values>
BrianHead_GeologicUnits_leaders (1627)
BrianHead_CrossSection (1628)
BrianHead_GeologicLines (1629)
Bed, Kgc, well located Bed, Kgc, well located
Bed, Ksd, well located Bed, Ksd, well located
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, moraine, type1, symmetrical Crest, moraine, type1, symmetrical
Cross section Cross section
Fault, gravity slide, approximately located Fault, gravity slide, approximately located
Fault, gravity slide, concealed Fault, gravity slide, concealed
Fault, gravity slide, well located Fault, gravity slide, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, approximately located, queried Fault, normal, approximately located, queried
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, approximately located Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, approximately located
Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, concealed
Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located Fault, oblique-slip, left-lateral, well located
Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, approximately located Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, approximately located
Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, concealed Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, concealed
Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, well located Fault, oblique-slip, right-lateral, well located
<all other values> <all other values>
Geologic Units (1630)
Kgc Kgc
Km Km
Ksd Ksd
Ksj Ksj
Kw Kw
Kwcs Kwcs
Kwu Kwu
Qac Qac
Qacf Qacf
Qacfo Qacfo
Qaf Qaf
Qafy Qafy
Qal Qal
Qam Qam
Qat2 Qat2
Qat4 Qat4
Qbhp1 Qbhp1
Qbhp2 Qbhp2
Qbhpc Qbhpc
Qblf Qblf
Qblfc Qblfc
Qbrd Qbrd
Qc Qc
Qc/Tbh Qc/Tbh
Qc/Tbhv Qc/Tbhv
Qes Qes
Qgop Qgop
Qgtou Qgtou
Qgtp Qgtp
Qgtu Qgtu
Qms Qms
Qms(Tbh) Qms(Tbh)
Qms(Ti) Qms(Ti)
Qms? Qms?
Qmsh Qmsh
Qmt Qmt
Qmtc Qmtc
Tbh Tbh
Tbh? Tbh?
Tbsp Tbsp
Tcp Tcp
Tcw Tcw
Tcwl Tcwl
Tcwm Tcwm
Tcwt Tcwt
Tcwu Tcwu
Td Td
Ti Ti
Tm Tm
Tm(Tbh) Tm(Tbh)
Tm(Ti) Tm(Ti)
Tm(Tnw) Tm(Tnw)
Tmd Tmd
Tnw Tnw
Tqcb Tqcb
Tql Tql
Water Water
SaintJohn_GeologicSymbols_points (1610)
<all other values> <all other values>
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Drill hole, water well Drill hole, water well
Fault, ball & bar Fault, ball & bar
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Spring Spring
SaintJohn_GeologicUnits_leaders (1611)
SaintJohn_CrossSection (1612)
SaintJohn_GeologicLines (1613)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Boundary, water Boundary, water
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, beach ridge, well located Crest, beach ridge, well located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Lineament Lineament
Shoreline, undetermined, approximately located Shoreline, undetermined, approximately located
Shoreline, undetermined, well located Shoreline, undetermined, well located
<all other values> <all other values>
Geologic Units (1614)
IPobp? IPobp?
QTaf QTaf
Qaf1 Qaf1
Qaf2 Qaf2
Qaf3 Qaf3
Qafo Qafo
Qafy Qafy
Qaly Qaly
Qat Qat
Qh Qh
Qlao Qlao
Qlay Qlay
Qlf Qlf
Qlgb Qlgb
Qlgsh Qlgsh
Qllsh Qllsh
Qlmb Qlmb
Qlsb Qlsb
Qsm Qsm
Tsl? Tsl?
Water Water
Faust_GeologicSymbols_points (1593)
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, overturned Bedding, overturned
Drill hole, water well Drill hole, water well
Fault, ball & bar Fault, ball & bar
Fold, anticline, overturned Fold, anticline, overturned
Fold, anticline, upright Fold, anticline, upright
Fold, plunge arrow Fold, plunge arrow
Fold, syncline, upright Fold, syncline, upright
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Mine or quarry Mine or quarry
Prospect Prospect
Sample 4 Sample 4
Sample 5 Sample 5
Sample, fossil Sample, fossil
Faust_CrossSection (1594)
Faust_GeologicUnits_leaders (1596)
Faust_GeologicLines (1595)
<all other values> <all other values>
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Boundary, water Boundary, water
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, beach ridge, well located Crest, beach ridge, well located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, unknown, approximately located Fault, unknown, approximately located
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fault, unknown, well located Fault, unknown, well located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located
Shoreline, transgressional, well located Shoreline, transgressional, well located
Shoreline, undetermined, well located Shoreline, undetermined, well located
Faust_StructureLines (1597)
Fold, anticline, overturned, approximately located Fold, anticline, overturned, approximately located
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, anticline, upright, well located Fold, anticline, upright, well located
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, well located Fold, syncline, upright, well located
Geologic Units (1598)
IPobm IPobm
IPobp IPobp
QTaf QTaf
Qac Qac
Qaf1 Qaf1
Qaf2 Qaf2
Qaf3 Qaf3
Qafo Qafo
Qafy Qafy
Qal1 Qal1
Qaly Qaly
Qc/IPo Qc/IPo
Qes Qes
Qh Qh
Qlao Qlao
Qlay Qlay
Qlgb Qlgb
Qllb Qllb
Qlmb Qlmb
Qlsb Qlsb
Qsm Qsm
Tsl Tsl
water water
VernonNE_GeologicSymbols_points (1576)
<all other values> <all other values>
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Drill hole, dry hole Drill hole, dry hole
Drill hole, water well Drill hole, water well
Fault, ball & bar Fault, ball & bar
Fold, anticline, upright Fold, anticline, upright
Fold, syncline, upright Fold, syncline, upright
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Prospect Prospect
Sample 5 Sample 5
VernonNE_MapBoundary (1577)
VernonNE_CrossSection (1578)
VernonNE_GeologicLines (1579)
<all other values> <all other values>
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, beach ridge, well located Crest, beach ridge, well located
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fold, anticline, synformal, concealed Fold, anticline, synformal, concealed
Fold, anticline, synformal, well located Fold, anticline, synformal, well located
Fold, syncline, antiformal, concealed Fold, syncline, antiformal, concealed
Fold, syncline, antiformal, well located Fold, syncline, antiformal, well located
Shoreline, undetermined, well located Shoreline, undetermined, well located
VernonNE_GeologicUnits_leaders (1580)
Geologic Units (1581)
Qaf1 Qaf1
Qaf2 Qaf2
Qaf3 Qaf3
Qafo Qafo
Qafy Qafy
Qaly Qaly
Qes Qes
Qh Qh
Qlao Qlao
Qlay Qlay
Qlgb Qlgb
Qlgb/Tsl Qlgb/Tsl
Qlmb Qlmb
Qpm Qpm
Tsl Tsl
PanguitchLake_GeologicSymbols_points (1560)
Bedding, inclined, approximate, map digitized Bedding, inclined, approximate, map digitized
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Fault, ball & bar Fault, ball & bar
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Mine or quarry Mine or quarry
Sample 2 Sample 2
Sample 3 Sample 3
Sample 4 Sample 4
Sinkhole Sinkhole
Spring Spring
Volcanic cone, cinder Volcanic cone, cinder
PangutichLake_GeologicUnits_leaders (1561)
PanguitchLake_CrossSection (1562)
PanguitchLake_GeologicLines (1563)
Boundary, map Boundary, map
Boundary, water Boundary, water
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Crest, moraine, type1, symmetrical Crest, moraine, type1, symmetrical
Dike, mafic, well located Dike, mafic, well located
Fault, gravity slide, concealed Fault, gravity slide, concealed
Fault, gravity slide, well located Fault, gravity slide, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, thrust, type1, concealed Fault, thrust, type1, concealed
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Geologic Units (1564)
QTbx QTbx
Qac Qac
Qacf Qacf
Qacfo Qacfo
Qaco Qaco
Qaf1 Qaf1
Qaf2 Qaf2
Qafy Qafy
Qal1 Qal1
Qalo Qalo
Qaly Qaly
Qam Qam
Qao Qao
Qat2 Qat2
Qat3 Qat3
Qat4 Qat4
Qat5 Qat5
Qbck Qbck
Qbdv Qbdv
Qbhp1 Qbhp1
Qbhp2 Qbhp2
Qblf Qblf
Qbmk1 Qbmk1
Qbmk2 Qbmk2
Qbmk3 Qbmk3
Qbmkc Qbmkc
Qbpl1 Qbpl1
Qbpl2 Qbpl2
Qbpl3 Qbpl3
Qbrd Qbrd
Qc Qc
Qc/Tbh Qc/Tbh
Qca Qca
Qf Qf
Qfd Qfd
Qgtou Qgtou
Qgtu Qgtu
Qh Qh
Qhd Qhd
Qla Qla
Qlao Qlao
Qlao/Qbmk3 Qlao/Qbmk3
Qms Qms
Qms? Qms?
Qmsh Qmsh
Qmt Qmt
Qmtc Qmtc
Qr Qr
Tbbm Tbbm
Tbbm? Tbbm?
Tbbmc Tbbmc
Tbh Tbh
Tbhm Tbhm
Tcp Tcp
Tcw Tcw
Tcwl Tcwl
Tcwm Tcwm
Tcwml Tcwml
Tcwt Tcwt
Tcwu Tcwu
Ti Ti
Ti? Ti?
Tm Tm
Tm(Tbh) Tm(Tbh)
Tm(Tdbv) Tm(Tdbv)
Tm(Tdm) Tm(Tdm)
Tm(Ti) Tm(Ti)
Tm(Tnw) Tm(Tnw)
Tql Tql
Water Water
HaycockMtn_GeologicSymbols_points (1544)
Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured Bedding, inclined, approximate, field measured
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Fault, ball & bar Fault, ball & bar
Sample 2 Sample 2
Sample 3 Sample 3
Sample 4 Sample 4
Spring Spring
Volcanic cone, cinder Volcanic cone, cinder
HaycockMtn_GeologicUnits_leaders (1547)
HaycockMtn_CrossSection (1545)
HaycockMtn_GeologicLines (1546)
<all other values> <all other values>
Bed, marker A, approximately located Bed, marker A, approximately located
Bed, marker A, well located Bed, marker A, well located
Boundary, map Boundary, map
Boundary, water Boundary, water
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Fault, gravity slide, concealed Fault, gravity slide, concealed
Fault, gravity slide, well located Fault, gravity slide, well located
Fault, megabreccia, approximately located Fault, megabreccia, approximately located
Fault, megabreccia, concealed Fault, megabreccia, concealed
Fault, megabreccia, well located Fault, megabreccia, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, approximately located, queried Fault, normal, approximately located, queried
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, thrust, type1, concealed Fault, thrust, type1, concealed
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Geologic Units (1548)
QTap QTap
QTbx QTbx
Qac Qac
Qacf Qacf
Qacfo Qacfo
Qaco Qaco
Qaf1 Qaf1
Qaf2 Qaf2
Qafo Qafo
Qafy Qafy
Qal1 Qal1
Qalo Qalo
Qaly Qaly
Qat2 Qat2
Qat3 Qat3
Qbck Qbck
Qbckc Qbckc
Qblhc Qblhc
Qbmk2 Qbmk2
Qbpl3 Qbpl3
Qbtp Qbtp
Qc Qc
Qca Qca
Qms Qms
Qmt Qmt
Qmtc Qmtc
Ta Ta
Taf Taf
Tbbm Tbbm
Tbh Tbh
Tcp Tcp
Tcwl Tcwl
Tcwm Tcwm
Tcwt Tcwt
Tcwu Tcwu
Tlbh Tlbh
Tm Tm
Tm(Ta) Tm(Ta)
Tm(Tbh) Tm(Tbh)
Tm(Tbvf) Tm(Tbvf)
Tm(Tbvs) Tm(Tbvs)
Tm(Tbvt) Tm(Tbvt)
Tm(Td) Tm(Td)
Tm(Tdbv) Tm(Tdbv)
Tm(Thm) Tm(Thm)
Tm(Ti) Tm(Ti)
Tm(Tnw) Tm(Tnw)
Thm Thm
Thma Thma
Goshen_CrossSectionLines (1517)
Goshen_GeologicUnits_leaders (1529)
Goshen_GeologicSymbols (1526)
Adit Adit
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Bedding, overturned, field measured Bedding, overturned, field measured
Drill hole, water well Drill hole, water well
Fault, ball & bar Fault, ball & bar
Fold, anticline, overturned Fold, anticline, overturned
Fold, syncline, upright Fold, syncline, upright
Foliation, inclined, field measured Foliation, inclined, field measured
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Spring Spring
Goshen_Samples (1527)
Goshen_GeologicLines (1528)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Boundary, water, perennial Boundary, water, perennial
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Fault, geophysical, gravity Fault, geophysical, gravity
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, approximately located, queried Fault, normal, approximately located, queried
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, unknown, approximately located Fault, unknown, approximately located
Fault, unknown, concealed Fault, unknown, concealed
Fold, anticline, overturned, concealed Fold, anticline, overturned, concealed
Fold, anticline, overturned, well located Fold, anticline, overturned, well located
Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, concealed
Scarp, landslide, well located Scarp, landslide, well located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located Shoreline, Bonneville level, approximately located
Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located Shoreline, Bonneville level, well located
Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located Shoreline, Provo level, approximately located
Shoreline, Provo level, well located Shoreline, Provo level, well located
Shoreline, regressional, approximately located Shoreline, regressional, approximately located
Shoreline, regressional, well located Shoreline, regressional, well located
Shoreline, transgressional, well located Shoreline, transgressional, well located
Surface edge, geomorphic, undefined, well located Surface edge, geomorphic, undefined, well located
Geologic Units (1532)
1|Qal1|Level-1 stream alluvium deposits 1|Qal1|Level-1 stream alluvium deposits
2|Qal2|Level-2 stream alluvium deposits 2|Qal2|Level-2 stream alluvium deposits
3|Qaly|Young stream alluvium deposits, undivided 3|Qaly|Young stream alluvium deposits, undivided
4|Qay|Alluvial flood plain, alluvial fan, and channel deposits 4|Qay|Alluvial flood plain, alluvial fan, and channel deposits
5|Qaf1|Level-1 alluvial-fan deposits 5|Qaf1|Level-1 alluvial-fan deposits
6|Qaf2|Level-2 alluvial-fan deposits 6|Qaf2|Level-2 alluvial-fan deposits
7|Qafy|Younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided 7|Qafy|Younger alluvial-fan deposits, undivided
8|Qafd|Distal alluvial-fan deposits 8|Qafd|Distal alluvial-fan deposits
9|Qafb|Alluvial-fan deposits, transgressive (Bonneville) phase of Lake Bonneville 9|Qafb|Alluvial-fan deposits, transgressive (Bonneville) phase of Lake Bonneville
10|Qd|Deltaic deposits 10|Qd|Deltaic deposits
11|Qh|Fill and disturbed land 11|Qh|Fill and disturbed land
12|Qhm|Mine waste disposal ponds 12|Qhm|Mine waste disposal ponds
13|Qlsy|Younger lacustrine sand and silt 13|Qlsy|Younger lacustrine sand and silt
14|Qlmy|Younger lacustrine silt and clay 14|Qlmy|Younger lacustrine silt and clay
15|Qlm|Lacustrine silt and clay, undivided Lake Bonneville 15|Qlm|Lacustrine silt and clay, undivided Lake Bonneville
16|Qlgp|Lacustrine gravel and sand, regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 16|Qlgp|Lacustrine gravel and sand, regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
17|Qlsp|Lacustrine sand and silt, regressive phase of Lake Bonneville 17|Qlsp|Lacustrine sand and silt, regressive phase of Lake Bonneville
18|Qlgb|Lacustrine gravel and sand, transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 18|Qlgb|Lacustrine gravel and sand, transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
19|Qlsb|Lacustrine sand and silt, transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville 19|Qlsb|Lacustrine sand and silt, transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville
20|Qes|Eolian sand and silt deposits 20|Qes|Eolian sand and silt deposits
21|Qms|Landslide deposits 21|Qms|Landslide deposits
22|Qmt|Talus deposits 22|Qmt|Talus deposits
23|Qsm|Spring and marsh deposits 23|Qsm|Spring and marsh deposits
24|Qac|Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided 24|Qac|Alluvial and colluvial deposits, undivided
25|Qla|Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided 25|Qla|Lacustrine and alluvial deposits, undivided
27|Qlgb/Tpc|Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville) over Pinyon Creek Conglomerate 27|Qlgb/Tpc|Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville) over Pinyon Creek Conglomerate
28|Qlgb/Tvc|Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville) over volcanic conglomerate 28|Qlgb/Tvc|Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville) over volcanic conglomerate
29|Qlgb/Pz|Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville) over Paleozoic bedrock 29|Qlgb/Pz|Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville) over Paleozoic bedrock
30|Qlgb/Cac|Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville) over Upper-Middle Cambrian bedr* 30|Qlgb/Cac|Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville) over Upper-Middle Cambrian bedr*
31|Qlgb/Ct|Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville) over Tintic Quartzite 31|Qlgb/Ct|Lacustrine gravel and sand (transgressive phase of Lake Bonneville) over Tintic Quartzite
32|Tj|Jasperoid 32|Tj|Jasperoid
34|Tvd|Volcanic rocks of Goshen Canyon, andesite dikes member 34|Tvd|Volcanic rocks of Goshen Canyon, andesite dikes member
35|Tvc|Volcanic rocks of Goshen Canyon, volcanic conglomerate member 35|Tvc|Volcanic rocks of Goshen Canyon, volcanic conglomerate member
36|Tvp|Volcanic rocks of Goshen Canyon, pyroxene latite member 36|Tvp|Volcanic rocks of Goshen Canyon, pyroxene latite member
37|Tvh|Volcanic rocks of Goshen Canyon, hornblende latite member 37|Tvh|Volcanic rocks of Goshen Canyon, hornblende latite member
38|Tvs|Volcanic rocks of Goshen Canyon, shoshonite lava member 38|Tvs|Volcanic rocks of Goshen Canyon, shoshonite lava member
39|Tpb|Packard Quartz Latite, lava flow breccia member 39|Tpb|Packard Quartz Latite, lava flow breccia member
40|Ts|Tertiary strata 40|Ts|Tertiary strata
41|Pz|Paleozoic strata, undivided 41|Pz|Paleozoic strata, undivided
42|Mh|Humbug Formation 42|Mh|Humbug Formation
43|Md|Deseret Limestone 43|Md|Deseret Limestone
44|Mg|Gardison Limestone 44|Mg|Gardison Limestone
45|MDf|Fitchville Formation 45|MDf|Fitchville Formation
47|Dp|Pinyon Peak Limestone 47|Dp|Pinyon Peak Limestone
48|Dv|Victoria Formation 48|Dv|Victoria Formation
49|DObf|Bluebell Dolomite and Fish Haven Dolomite, undivided 49|DObf|Bluebell Dolomite and Fish Haven Dolomite, undivided
50|Oo|Opohonga Limestone 50|Oo|Opohonga Limestone
52|Ca|Ajax Dolomite 52|Ca|Ajax Dolomite
53|Coc|Opex Formation and Cole Canyon Dolomite, undivided 53|Coc|Opex Formation and Cole Canyon Dolomite, undivided
55|Cc|Cole Canyon Dolomite 55|Cc|Cole Canyon Dolomite
56|Ct|Tintic Quartzite 56|Ct|Tintic Quartzite
57|water|water 57|water|water
Ephraim_GeologicUnits_leaders (1513)
leader lines leader lines
Ephraim_GeologicSymbols (1510)
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Fault, ball & bar Fault, ball & bar
Fold, monocline Fold, monocline
Fold, syncline, upright Fold, syncline, upright
Gravel pit Gravel pit
Ephraim_GeologicStructureLines (1511)
Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located Fold, syncline, upright, approximately located
Fold, syncline, upright, concealed Fold, syncline, upright, concealed
Fold, syncline, upright, well located Fold, syncline, upright, well located
Ephraim_CrossSectionLines (1512)
Ephraim_GeologicLines (1514)
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Geologic Units (1515)
<all other values> <all other values>
1_Qal_Floodplain alluvium 1_Qal_Floodplain alluvium
2_Qac_Alluvium and colluvium 2_Qac_Alluvium and colluvium
3_Qafy_Younger alluvial-fan deposit 3_Qafy_Younger alluvial-fan deposit
4_Qafo_Older alluvial-fan deposit 4_Qafo_Older alluvial-fan deposit
5_Qabc_Bouldery channel deposits 5_Qabc_Bouldery channel deposits
6_Qmsh_Historical landslide and slumps 6_Qmsh_Historical landslide and slumps
7_Qms_Landslides and slumps 7_Qms_Landslides and slumps
8_Qms(g)_Landslide block of coherent Green River Formation 8_Qms(g)_Landslide block of coherent Green River Formation
9_Qms(c)_Landslide block of coherent Colton Formation 9_Qms(c)_Landslide block of coherent Colton Formation
10_Qms(f)_Landslide block of coherent Flagstaff Formation 10_Qms(f)_Landslide block of coherent Flagstaff Formation
11_Qms(nh)_Landslide block of coherent North Horn Formation 11_Qms(nh)_Landslide block of coherent North Horn Formation
13_Qmsc_Landslide colluvium 13_Qmsc_Landslide colluvium
14_Qmt_Talus 14_Qmt_Talus
15_Tch_Crazy Hollow Formation 15_Tch_Crazy Hollow Formation
16_Tg_Green River Formation 16_Tg_Green River Formation
17_Tgu_Upper member of Green River Formation 17_Tgu_Upper member of Green River Formation
18_Tgl_Lower member of Green River Formation 18_Tgl_Lower member of Green River Formation
19_Tc_Colton Formation 19_Tc_Colton Formation
20_Tcg_Green beds of Colton Formation 20_Tcg_Green beds of Colton Formation
21_Tf_Flagstaff Formation 21_Tf_Flagstaff Formation
22_TKnh_North Horn Formation 22_TKnh_North Horn Formation
HogupBar_GeologicUnits_leaders (1497)
HogupBar_GeologicFeatureSymbols_Points (1495)
Gravel Pit Gravel Pit
Location Location
Sample Sample
Well Well
<all other values> <all other values>
HogupBar_GeologicLines (1496)
<all other values> <all other values>
Boundary, quadrangle Boundary, quadrangle
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Desicration crack Desicration crack
Shoreline, Bonneville, constructional, well located Shoreline, Bonneville, constructional, well located
Shoreline, Bonneville, erosional, well located Shoreline, Bonneville, erosional, well located
Shoreline, Gilbert level, approximately located Shoreline, Gilbert level, approximately located
Shoreline, Provo, constructional, approximately located Shoreline, Provo, constructional, approximately located
Shoreline, Provo, constructional, well located Shoreline, Provo, constructional, well located
Shoreline, Provo, erosional, concealed Shoreline, Provo, erosional, concealed
Shoreline, Provo, erosional, well located Shoreline, Provo, erosional, well located
Shoreline, Stansbury level, approximately located Shoreline, Stansbury level, approximately located
Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located Shoreline, Stansbury level, well located
Shoreline, regressional, approximately located Shoreline, regressional, approximately located
Shoreline, regressional, well located Shoreline, regressional, well located
Geologic Units (1498)
Qac Qac
Qafo Qafo
Qafy Qafy
Qal Qal
Qam Qam
Qam/Qlm Qam/Qlm
Qes Qes
Qhf Qhf
Qla Qla
Qla/Qafo Qla/Qafo
Qla/rx Qla/rx
Qlg Qlg
Qlg/Qlm Qlg/Qlm
Qlg/rx Qlg/rx
Qlm Qlm
Qlm/Qlg Qlm/Qlg
Qls Qls
Qls/Qlm Qls/Qlm
Qpm Qpm
Tb Tb
rx rx
KingsPeak_GeologicUnits_leaders (1478)
Leader line Leader line
KingsPeak_CrossSections (1479)
Cross section, A-A' Cross section, A-A'
KingsPeak_GeologicSymbols_points (1480)
Bedding, inclined, field measured Bedding, inclined, field measured
Fault, ball & bar Fault, ball & bar
Fold, anticline, upright Fold, anticline, upright
Fold, syncline, upright Fold, syncline, upright
KingsPeak_StructureLines (1481)
Fold, anticline, upright, concealed Fold, anticline, upright, concealed
Fold, anticline, upright, well located Fold, anticline, upright, well located
Fold, syncline, upright, well located Fold, syncline, upright, well located
KingsPeak_GeologicLines (1482)
Boundary, map Boundary, map
Cirque, headwall, well located Cirque, headwall, well located
Contact, approximately located Contact, approximately located
Contact, well located Contact, well located
Dike, type1, unknown, approximately located Dike, type1, unknown, approximately located
Dike, type1, unknown, well located Dike, type1, unknown, well located
Fault, normal, approximately located Fault, normal, approximately located
Fault, normal, concealed Fault, normal, concealed
Fault, normal, concealed, queried Fault, normal, concealed, queried
Fault, normal, well located Fault, normal, well located
Fault, reverse, approximately located Fault, reverse, approximately located
Fault, reverse, concealed Fault, reverse, concealed
Geologic Units (1483)
1_Ql_Lacustrine deposits 1_Ql_Lacustrine deposits
2_Qmt_Talus 2_Qmt_Talus
3_Qgr_Rock glacier 3_Qgr_Rock glacier
4_Qg_Glacial till 4_Qg_Glacial till
5_Qgs_Smiths Fork till 5_Qgs_Smiths Fork till
6_QTr_Residual deposits 6_QTr_Residual deposits
7_Zuh_Formation of Hades Pass 7_Zuh_Formation of Hades Pass
8_Zuma_Mount Agassiz Formation 8_Zuma_Mount Agassiz Formation
9_Zud_Dead Horse Pass Formation 9_Zud_Dead Horse Pass Formation
10_Zucml_Red Castle Formation, middle and lower members undivided 10_Zucml_Red Castle Formation, middle and lower members undivided
11_Zucu_Upper member of Red Castle Formation 11_Zucu_Upper member of Red Castle Formation
12_Zucm_Middle member of Red Castle Formation 12_Zucm_Middle member of Red Castle Formation
13_Zucl_Lower member of Red Castle Formation 13_Zucl_Lower member of Red Castle Formation
wcage_igneous (1445)
wcage_misc (1446)
Fossil sample location and number Fossil sample location and number
Tephrochronology sample location and number Tephrochronology sample location and number
<all other values> <all other values>
wcatd_pt (1449)
Inclined Inclined
Horizontal Horizontal
Inclined Inclined
Vertical Vertical
Flow lineation Flow lineation
Inclined Inclined
Vertical Vertical
wcDNROilGasWells (1452)
wcgeochem (1455)
wcpsol (1456)
wcvent (1457)
wcWaterWells (1460)
wcsec_arc (1465)
wcshr (1466)
wcgln_arc (1467)
Concealed syncline - Arrow indicates direction of plunge Concealed syncline - Arrow indicates direction of plunge
topographic lineament topographic lineament
vegetation lineament vegetation lineament
<all other values> <all other values>
wcvolcanic (1468)
flow direction flow direction
wcglg_arc (1471)
Contact - Dashed where approximately located Contact - Dashed where approximately located
Concealed normal fault - Inferred from geophysical data (G) or other indirect methods; bar and ball on downthrown side; shown as dashed line with arrows on cross section Concealed normal fault - Inferred from geophysical data (G) or other indirect methods; bar and ball on downthrown side; shown as dashed line with arrows on cross section
contact, approx contact, approx
map boundary map boundary
Geologic Units (1472)
Pos Pos
Qae Qae
Qafy Qafy
Qal Qal
Qam Qam
Qb Qb
Qb? Qb?
Qed Qed
Qla Qla
Qlf Qlf
Qlf/Qlg Qlf/Qlg
Qlg Qlg
Qlg/Pos Qlg/Pos
Qlg/Tb? Qlg/Tb?
Qlgs Qlgs
Qlgs/Ts Qlgs/Ts
Qlm Qlm
Qls Qls
Qrw Qrw
Tb Tb
Tb? Tb?
Tdw Tdw
Ts Ts