CentralMineralMountains_Boundary (1721)
CentralMineralMountains_CrossSectionLines (1720)
CentralMineralMountains_GeologicUnits_leaders (1700)
CentralMineralMountains_GeologicSymbols (1708)
| Fumerole |
| Drill hole, geothermal well |
| Drill hole, thermal gradient |
| Adit |
| Arrow |
| Bedding, inclined, map digitized |
| Bedding, overturned, map digitized |
| Bedding, vertical, map digitized |
| Fault, dip |
| Foliation, inclined, map digitized |
| Foliation, vertical, map digitized |
| Gravel pit |
| Joint, inclined |
| Joint, vertical |
| Mine or quarry |
| Prospect |
| Shaft |
CentralMineralMountains_GeologicLines (1709)
| Boundary, map |
| Contact, approximately located |
| Contact, concealed |
| Contact, well located |
| Fault, normal, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, concealed |
| Fault, normal, intruded by microdiorite dike, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, mapped from linear features, approximately located |
| Fault, normal, mapped from linear features, concealed |
| Fault, normal, well located |
| Fault, thrust, type1, approximately located |
| Fault, thrust, type1, well located |
| Fault, unknown, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, concealed |
| Fault, unknown, intruded by microdiorite dike, well located |
| Fault, unknown, mapped from linear features, approximately located |
| Fault, unknown, well located |
| Scarp, landslide, approximately located |
CentralMineralMountains_AlterationAreas (1722)
| Albitized rock and other altered areas |
| Breccia zones |
Geologic Units (1703)
| 1_Qls_Landslide |
| 2_Qs_Opaline and chalcedonic sinter |
| 3_Qcal_Silica-cemented alluvium |
| 4_Qh_Hematite-cemented alluvium |
| 5_Qm_Manganese oxide-cemented alluvium |
| 6_Qal_Alluvium |
| 7_Qb_Basalt |
| 8_Qrd_Rhyolite domes |
| 9_Qra_Pyroclastics |
| 10_Qrf_Rhyolite flows |
| 11_Tlf_Lava flows |
| 12_Tpr_Porphyritc rhyolite dikes |
| 13_Trd_Rhyolite dikes |
| 14_Tds_Diabase dikes |
| 15_Tmd_Microdiorite dikes |
| 16_Tgr_Granite dikes |
| 17_Tgr?_Granite dikes? |
| 18_Tg_Granite |
| 19_Ts_Syenite |
| 20_Tbg_Biotite granite |
| 21_Ti_Porphyritic quartz monzonite |
| 22_Tqm_Quartz monzonite |
| 23_Tdb_Diorite breccia |
| 24_Td_Diorite |
| 25_Tv_Porphyritic andesite flow |
| 26_hd_Hornblende granodiorite |
| 27_gd_Biotite granodiorite |
| 28_hgn_Hornblende gneiss |
| 29_qtzt_Quartzite |
| 30_phl_Phyllite |
| 31_dol_Dolomite |
| 32_ls_Limestone |
| 33_dm_Dolomitic marble |
| 34_mbl_Marble |
| 35_Mrd_Redwall Limestone, dolomitic unit |
| 36_Mrls_Redwall Limestone |
| 37_Cmb_Marble |
| 38_Xs_Sillimanite schist |
| 39_Xq_Quartzite |
| 40_Xbg_Banded gneiss |
Figures_Bnd (1610)
| figure border |
Geologic-Label Leaders (1611)
| fault |
| general |
| geounit |
| scarp pt |
| trench |
Geologic Symbols, lines (1618)
| arrow |
| barball |
| geomorphic surface |
| spring |
| trench |
Geologic Symbols, polygones (1619)
| barball |
| geomorphic surface |
| hollow barball |
Geologic Lines (1621)
| contact well located |
| contact approximately located |
| geomorphic contact |
| fault normal well located |
| fault normal approximately located |
| fault normal queried approximately located |
| fault normal concealed |
| fault thrust well located |
| fault thrust approximately located |
| fault thrust concealed |
| shoreline Bonneville |
| shoreline other transgressive phase |
| shoreline Provo |
| shoreline other regressive phase |
| shoreline Gilbert |
| shoreline undesignated Bonneville lake cycle |
| topographic crest lacustrine bar or spit well located |
| topographic escarpment well located |
| topographic escarpment contact approximately located |
| landslide escarpment well located |
| paleostream channel approximately located |
| map boundary well located |
Geologic Units (1622)
| ly |
| laly |
| al1 |
| aly |
| af1 |
| afy |
| es |
| cd1 |
| chs |
| clsp |
| cls |
| ca |
| f |
| al2 |
| af2 |
| cd2 |
| lpd |
| lpg |
| lpm |
| lbpg |
| lbps |
| lbpm |
| lbg |
| lbm |
| alp |
| afb |
| gbco |
| gbct |
| af4 |
| afo |
| gdco |
| gdct |
| af5 |
| Tn |
| Tp |
| Ti |
| Mz |
| Pz |
| pC |
Edge of Triassic Paleochannel (1519)
Map Symbols (1520)
| adit |
| bedding, inclined |
| bedding, inclined, approximate |
| fault, bar&ball |
| fault, vertical displacement |
| fault, vertical, vertical displacement |
| fold, anticline |
| fold, anticline, asymmetrical |
| fold, monocline, anticlinal bend |
| fold, plunge arrow |
| fold, syncline |
| joint, inclined |
| joint, vertical |
| mine or quarry |
| prospect |
| sedimentary-structure trend |
| vein, vertical displacement |
Fold Axes (1521)
| anticline, upright, asymmetrical, approximately located |
| anticline, upright, asymmetrical, concealed |
| anticline, upright, asymmetrical, well located |
| anticline, upright, well located |
| monocline, antiformal bend, approximately located |
| monocline, antiformal bend, well located |
| syncline, upright, approximately located |
| syncline, upright, well located |
Cross-Section Lines (1522)
Glen Canyon NRA Boundary (1523)
Structure Contours (1524)
| structural contour, base of Navajo Sandstone |
| structural contour, projected, base of Navajo Sandstone |
Geologic Lines (1525)
| contact, approximately located |
| contact, concealed |
| contact, well located |
| fault, normal, approximately located |
| fault, normal, approximately located, queried |
| fault, normal, concealed |
| fault, normal, well located |
| fault, reverse, well located |
| fault, unknown, approximately located |
| fault, unknown, approximately located, queried |
| fault, unknown, concealed |
| fault, unknown, concealed, queried |
| fault, unknown, well located |
| joint, approximately located |
| joint, well located |
| map boundary, well located |
| vein, mineralized, approximately located |
| vein, mineralized, well located |
| water boundary |
Geologic Units (1526)
| Colorado River |
| Qes |
| Qal1 |
| Qea |
| Qmt |
| Qms |
| Qaeo |
| Qat |
| Jc |
| Jcj |
| b |
| Jp |
| Jn |
| Jk |
| Jks |
| JTRmd |
| TRcop |
| TRcmn |
| TRcs |
| TRmu |
| TRml |
| Pk |
| Pt |
| Pco |
| Phe |
CMD Sample Locations (1499)
Unit Leader Lines (1500)
Feature Leader Lines (1501)
Glacial Features (1502)
| Ice-marginal channel |
| Cirque headwall |
| Moraine crest |
| Hidden |
Lakes (1503)
| 1 |
Glacial Contacts (1504)
| Contact |
| Contact, approximately located |
Map Boundary (1505)
Geologic Units (1506)
| Qal, Stream alluvium |
| Qaf, Alluvial-fan deposits |
| Qms, Slides, slumps, and flows |
| Qmt, Talus deposits |
| Qgr, Rock glacier deposits |
| Ql, Lacustrine deposits |
| Qg/rx, Thin galcial till over bedrock |
| Qgs, Smiths Fork till |
| Qgas, Smiths Fork outwash |
| Qgb, Blacks Fork till |
| Qgab, Blacks Fork outwash |
| Qgu, Pre-Smiths Fork till, undivided |
| Qgau, Pre-Smiths Fork outwash, undivided |
| Qgo, Pre-Blacks Fork till |
| Qgao, Pre-Blacks Fork outwash |
| rx, Bedrock |
| water, water |